+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/text-controls/autofill-container.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/controls/text-controls/autofill-container-impl.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-AutofillContainer AutofillContainer::New( const std::string& name )
- return Internal::AutofillContainer::New( name );
-AutofillContainer::AutofillContainer( const AutofillContainer& handle )
-: BaseHandle(handle)
-AutofillContainer& AutofillContainer::operator=( const AutofillContainer& handle )
- BaseHandle::operator=(handle);
- return *this;
-AutofillContainer AutofillContainer::DownCast( BaseHandle handle )
- return AutofillContainer( dynamic_cast<Internal::AutofillContainer*>( handle.GetObjectPtr() ) );
-void AutofillContainer::AddAutofillItem( Control control, Property::Index propertyIndex, const std::string& id, const std::string& label, Dali::AutofillItem::Hint hint, bool isSensitive )
- GetImpl(*this).AddAutofillItem( control, propertyIndex, id, label, hint, isSensitive );
-void AutofillContainer::RemoveAutofillItem( Control control )
- GetImpl(*this).RemoveAutofillItem( control );
-void AutofillContainer::SetFocusedControl( Toolkit::Control focused )
- GetImpl(*this).SetFocusedControl( focused );
-Toolkit::Control AutofillContainer::GetFocusedControl()
- return GetImpl(*this).GetFocusedControl();
-void AutofillContainer::SaveAutofillData()
- GetImpl(*this).SaveAutofillData();
-void AutofillContainer::RequestFillData()
- GetImpl(*this).RequestFillData();
-const std::string& AutofillContainer::GetAutofillServiceName() const
- return GetImpl(*this).GetAutofillServiceName();
-const std::string& AutofillContainer::GetAutofillServiceMessage() const
- return GetImpl(*this).GetAutofillServiceMessage();
-const std::string& AutofillContainer::GetAutofillServiceImagePath() const
- return GetImpl(*this).GetAutofillServiceImagePath();
-unsigned int AutofillContainer::GetListCount()
- return GetImpl(*this).GetListCount();
-const std::string& AutofillContainer::GetListItem( unsigned int index ) const
- return GetImpl(*this).GetListItem( index );
-void AutofillContainer::SetSelectedItem( const std::string& selected )
- GetImpl(*this).SetSelectedItem( selected );
-AutofillContainer::AutofillContainer( Internal::AutofillContainer* implementation )
-: BaseHandle(implementation)
-AutofillContainer::AuthenticationSignalType& AutofillContainer::AutofillServiceShownSignal()
- return GetImpl(*this).AutofillServiceShownSignal();
-AutofillContainer::ListShownSignalType& AutofillContainer::AutofillListShownSignal()
- return GetImpl(*this).AutofillListShownSignal();
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/autofill-item.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/public-api/controls/control.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-namespace Internal DALI_INTERNAL
-class AutofillContainer;
- * @brief AutofillContainer controls several text input boxes (Dali::Toolkit::TextField and Dali::Toolkit::TextEditor).
- *
- * It can make these editors a group of text boxes.
- */
-class DALI_TOOLKIT_API AutofillContainer : public BaseHandle
- // TODO : Need to update parameter and return value according to each Signal
- typedef Signal< void (AutofillContainer&) > AuthenticationSignalType; ///< Authentication Signal Type
- typedef Signal< void (Control&) > ListShownSignalType; ///< List Shown Signal Type
- /**
- * @brief Creates the AutofillContainer.
- *
- * @param[in] name The AutofillContainer name
- * @return A handle to the AutofillContainer
- */
- static AutofillContainer New( const std::string& name );
- /**
- * @brief Creates an empty handle.
- */
- AutofillContainer();
- /**
- * @brief Copy constructor.
- *
- * @param[in] handle The handle to copy from
- */
- AutofillContainer( const AutofillContainer& handle );
- /**
- * @brief Assignment operator.
- *
- * @param[in] handle The handle to copy from
- * @return A reference to this
- */
- AutofillContainer& operator=( const AutofillContainer& handle );
- /**
- * @brief Destructor.
- *
- * This is non-virtual since derived Handle types must not contain data or virtual methods.
- */
- ~AutofillContainer();
- /**
- * @brief Downcasts a handle to AutofillContainer.
- *
- * If the BaseHandle points is a AutofillContainer, the downcast returns a valid handle.
- * If not, the returned handle is left empty.
- *
- * @param[in] handle Handle to an object
- * @return Handle to a AutofillContainer or an empty handle
- */
- static AutofillContainer DownCast( BaseHandle handle );
- /**
- * @brief Adds Control and AutofillItem information to Autofill Container.
- *
- * @param[in] control The control to be added to Autofill Container
- * @param[in] propertyIndex The Property to be filled automatically of each Control
- * @param[in] id A unique ID that does not always change on each launching
- * @param[in] label An auxiliary means to guess heuristically what data is
- * @param[in] hint The Hint - id (username), name, password, phone, credit card number, organization, and so on
- * @param[in] isSensitive Whether this information is a sensitive data or not
- */
- void AddAutofillItem( Control control, Property::Index propertyIndex, const std::string& id, const std::string& label, Dali::AutofillItem::Hint hint, bool isSensitive );
- /**
- * @brief Removes Control and its AutofillItem information to Autofill Container.
- *
- * @param[in] control The control to be removed
- */
- void RemoveAutofillItem( Control control );
- /**
- * @brief Sets that a control is focused.
- *
- * @param focused The focused control
- */
- void SetFocusedControl( Toolkit::Control focused );
- /**
- * @brief Gets the focused control.
- *
- * @return The focused control
- */
- Toolkit::Control GetFocusedControl();
- /**
- * @brief Stores autofill data.
- */
- void SaveAutofillData();
- /**
- * @brief Sends a request for filling the data.
- */
- void RequestFillData();
- /**
- * @brief Gets the Autofill Service Name.
- *
- * @return Autofill Service Name
- */
- const std::string& GetAutofillServiceName() const;
- /**
- * @brief Gets the Autofill Service Message.
- *
- * @return Autofill Service Message
- */
- const std::string& GetAutofillServiceMessage() const;
- /**
- * @brief Gets the Autofill Service Image Path.
- *
- * @return Autofill Service Image Path
- */
- const std::string& GetAutofillServiceImagePath() const;
- /**
- * @brief Gets the number of list items. (The presentation text of Autofill)
- *
- * @return The number of list items
- */
- unsigned int GetListCount();
- /**
- * @brief Gets the list item of the index.
- *
- * @param[in] index The index for the list
- * @return The list item of the index
- */
- const std::string& GetListItem( unsigned int index ) const;
- /**
- * @brief Sets the selected item to fill out.
- *
- * @param[in] selected The selected item
- */
- void SetSelectedItem( const std::string& selected );
- // Signals
- /**
- * @brief AutofillServiceShownSignal
- *
- * @return The signal containing the received data
- */
- AuthenticationSignalType& AutofillServiceShownSignal();
- /**
- * @brief AutofillListShownSignal
- *
- * @return The signal containing the received data
- */
- ListShownSignalType& AutofillListShownSignal();
-public: // Not intended for application developers
- /**
- * @brief Creates a handle using the Toolkit::Internal implementation.
- *
- * @param[in] implementation The Control implementation
- */
- DALI_INTERNAL AutofillContainer( Internal::AutofillContainer* implementation );
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali
- ${devel_api_src_dir}/controls/text-controls/autofill-container.cpp
SET( devel_api_text_controls_header_files
- ${devel_api_src_dir}/controls/text-controls/autofill-container.h
const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_14( typeRegistration, "downFocusableActorId", Toolkit::DevelControl::Property::DOWN_FOCUSABLE_ACTOR_ID, Property::INTEGER, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
const PropertyRegistration Control::Impl::PROPERTY_15( typeRegistration, "shadow", Toolkit::DevelControl::Property::SHADOW, Property::MAP, &Control::Impl::SetProperty, &Control::Impl::GetProperty );
Control::Impl::Impl( Control& controlImpl )
: mControlImpl( controlImpl ),
mState( Toolkit::DevelControl::NORMAL ),
mTooltip( NULL ),
- mAutofillItem(),
- mAutofillContainer(),
mFlags( Control::ControlBehaviour( CONTROL_BEHAVIOUR_DEFAULT ) ),
mIsKeyboardNavigationSupported( false ),
mIsKeyboardFocusGroup( false ),
- mNeedToEmitResourceReady(false),
- mIsAutofillEnabled( false )
+ mNeedToEmitResourceReady(false)
mIdleCallback = nullptr;
-void Control::Impl::SetAutofillEnabled( bool autofillEnabled )
- mIsAutofillEnabled = autofillEnabled;
-bool Control::Impl::IsAutofillEnabled()
- return mIsAutofillEnabled;
-void Control::Impl::SetAutofillItemHandle( Dali::AutofillItem item )
- mAutofillItem = item;
-Dali::AutofillItem Control::Impl::GetAutofillItemHandle()
- return mAutofillItem;
-void Control::Impl::SetAutofillContainer( Toolkit::AutofillContainer container )
- mAutofillContainer = container;
-Toolkit::AutofillContainer Control::Impl::GetAutofillContainer()
- return mAutofillContainer;
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace Toolkit
#include <dali/public-api/object/type-registry.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/control-devel.h>
-#include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/autofill-item.h>
-#include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/autofill-manager.h>
#include <string>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/visuals/visual-event-observer.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/public-api/controls/control-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/text-controls/autofill-container.h>
#include <dali/devel-api/common/owner-container.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/visual-factory/visual-base.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/controls/tooltip/tooltip.h>
* @brief Clear the shadow.
void ClearShadow();
- /**
- * @brief Sets whether the Autofill functionality is enabled.
- * @param[in] autofillEnabled Set true when Autofill should be enabled.
- */
- void SetAutofillEnabled( bool autofillEnabled );
- /**
- * @brief Check if the Autofill framework is enabled.
- * @return True if Autofill is enabled
- */
- bool IsAutofillEnabled();
- /**
- * @brief Sets AutofillItemHandle
- * @param item AutofillItem handle
- */
- void SetAutofillItemHandle( Dali::AutofillItem item );
- /**
- * @brief Gets AutofillItemHandle
- * @return AutofillItem handle
- */
- Dali::AutofillItem GetAutofillItemHandle();
- /**
- * @brief Sets AutofillContainer which this control belongs to.
- * @param[in] container
- */
- void SetAutofillContainer( Toolkit::AutofillContainer container );
- /**
- * @brief Gets AutofillContainer that the control belongs to.
- * @return AutofillContainer handle
- */
- Toolkit::AutofillContainer GetAutofillContainer();
InputMethodContext mInputMethodContext;
CallbackBase* mIdleCallback; ///< The idle callback to emit the resource ready signal.
- AutofillItem mAutofillItem;
- Toolkit::AutofillContainer mAutofillContainer;
ControlBehaviour mFlags : CONTROL_BEHAVIOUR_FLAG_COUNT; ///< Flags passed in from constructor.
bool mIsKeyboardNavigationSupported :1; ///< Stores whether keyboard navigation is supported by the control.
bool mIsKeyboardFocusGroup :1; ///< Stores whether the control is a focus group.
bool mIsEmittingResourceReadySignal :1; ///< True during ResourceReady().
bool mNeedToEmitResourceReady :1; ///< True if need to emit the resource ready signal again.
- bool mIsAutofillEnabled : 1; ///< Stroes whether the Autofill functionality is enabled.
RegisteredVisualContainer mRemoveVisuals; ///< List of visuals that are being replaced by another visual once ready
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/controls/text-controls/autofill-container-impl.h>
-#include <cstring> // for strcmp
-#include <dali/public-api/object/type-registry-helper.h>
-#include <dali/integration-api/debug.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/controls/control/control-data-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/controls/text-controls/text-field-impl.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-namespace Internal
-#if defined ( DEBUG_ENABLED )
- Debug::Filter* gLogFilter = Debug::Filter::New(Debug::NoLogging, true, "LOG_AUTOFILL_CONTAINER");
-// Type registration
-BaseHandle Create()
- return Toolkit::AutofillContainer::New( "" );
-// Setup properties, signals and actions using the type-registry.
-DALI_TYPE_REGISTRATION_BEGIN( Toolkit::AutofillContainer, Dali::BaseHandle, Create );
-DALI_SIGNAL_REGISTRATION( Toolkit, AutofillContainer, "serviceShown", SIGNAL_SERVICE_SHOWN )
-DALI_SIGNAL_REGISTRATION( Toolkit, AutofillContainer, "listShown", SIGNAL_LIST_SHOWN )
-} // namespace
-Toolkit::AutofillContainer AutofillContainer::New( const std::string& name )
- // Create the implementation, temporarily owned by this handle on stack
- Internal::AutofillContainer* impl = new AutofillContainer();
- // Pass ownership to CustomActor handle
- Toolkit::AutofillContainer handle( impl );
- impl->Initialize( name );
- return handle;
-void AutofillContainer::Initialize( const std::string& name )
- mAutofillManager = Dali::AutofillManager::Get();
- mAutofillGroup = mAutofillManager.CreateAutofillGroup( name );
- // If the authentication is needed, AuthenticationReceivedSignal would be emitted.
- mAutofillManager.AuthenticationReceivedSignal().Connect( mSlotDelegate, &AutofillContainer::OnAutofillAuthReceived );
- // If the data to be filled is present, FillResponseReceivedSignal would be emitted.
- mAutofillManager.FillResponseReceivedSignal().Connect( mSlotDelegate, &AutofillContainer::OnDataFillReceived );
- // If the values to be filled are multiple, ListEventSignal would be emitted.
- mAutofillManager.ListEventSignal().Connect( mSlotDelegate, &AutofillContainer::OnListReceived );
-void AutofillContainer::AddAutofillItem( Dali::Toolkit::Control control, Dali::Property::Index propertyIndex, const std::string& id, const std::string& label, Dali::AutofillItem::Hint hint, bool isSensitive )
- if( control )
- {
- Dali::AutofillItem item = mAutofillManager.CreateAutofillItem( id, label, static_cast<Dali::AutofillItem::Hint>(hint), isSensitive );
- Internal::Control& controlImpl = GetImplementation( control );
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlDataImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( controlImpl );
- controlDataImpl.SetAutofillContainer( this );
- controlDataImpl.SetAutofillEnabled( true );
- controlDataImpl.SetAutofillItemHandle( item ); // TODO : This instance would be here as... std::map or pair
- mAutofillGroup.AddAutofillItem( item );
- mPropertyIndex = propertyIndex;
- // TODO : Remove the mControlItemList below and replace it.
- mControlList.push_back( std::pair< Dali::Toolkit::Control, Dali::AutofillItem >( control, item ) );
- // Push back a Control to the list
- mControlItemList.push_back( control );
- }
-void AutofillContainer::RemoveAutofillItem( Dali::Toolkit::Control control )
- if( control )
- {
- Internal::Control& controlImpl = GetImplementation( control );
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlDataImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( controlImpl );
- controlDataImpl.SetAutofillEnabled( false );
- // TODO : Put the control out the list
- }
-Dali::AutofillGroup AutofillContainer::GetAutofillGroup()
- return mAutofillGroup;
-void AutofillContainer::SetFocusedControl( Toolkit::Control focused )
- mCurrentFocused = focused;
-Toolkit::Control AutofillContainer::GetFocusedControl()
- return mCurrentFocused;
-void AutofillContainer::SaveAutofillData()
- for( std::vector<Dali::Toolkit::Control>::iterator iter = mControlItemList.begin(), endIter = mControlItemList.end(); iter != endIter; ++iter )
- {
- std::string controlValue = (*iter).GetProperty<std::string>( mPropertyIndex );
- Internal::Control& controlImpl = GetImplementation( *iter );
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlDataImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( controlImpl );
- controlDataImpl.GetAutofillItemHandle().SetSaveValue( controlValue );
- }
- // Sends request to save the current autofill data
- mAutofillGroup.SaveAutofillData();
- mAutofillManager.SaveAutofillData( mAutofillGroup );
-void AutofillContainer::RequestFillData()
- // Sends fill request to fill out the data.
- mAutofillGroup.SendFillRequest();
-void AutofillContainer::SetAutofillServiceName( const std::string& serviceName )
- mAutofillServiceName = serviceName;
-const std::string& AutofillContainer::GetAutofillServiceName() const
- return mAutofillServiceName;
-void AutofillContainer::SetAutofillServiceMessage( const std::string& serviceMessage )
- mAutofillServiceMessage = serviceMessage;
-const std::string& AutofillContainer::GetAutofillServiceMessage() const
- return mAutofillServiceMessage;
-void AutofillContainer::SetAutofillServiceImagePath( const std::string& serviceImagePath )
- mAutofillServiceImagePath = serviceImagePath;
-const std::string& AutofillContainer::GetAutofillServiceImagePath() const
- return mAutofillServiceImagePath;
-unsigned int AutofillContainer::GetListCount()
- Toolkit::Control control = mCurrentFocused;
- Internal::Control& controlImpl = GetImplementation( control );
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlDataImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( controlImpl );
- return controlDataImpl.GetAutofillItemHandle().GetFillValueCount();
-const std::string& AutofillContainer::GetListItem( unsigned int index ) const
- Toolkit::Control control = mCurrentFocused;
- Internal::Control& controlImpl = GetImplementation( control );
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlDataImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( controlImpl );
- return controlDataImpl.GetAutofillItemHandle().GetPresentationText( index );
-void AutofillContainer::SetSelectedItem( const std::string& selected )
- Toolkit::Control control = mCurrentFocused;
- Internal::Control& controlImpl = GetImplementation( control );
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlDataImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( controlImpl );
- unsigned int count = controlDataImpl.GetAutofillItemHandle().GetFillValueCount();
- unsigned int index = 0;
- for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
- {
- std::string presentationText = controlDataImpl.GetAutofillItemHandle().GetPresentationText( index );
- if( 0 == strcmp( presentationText.c_str(), selected.c_str() ) )
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- for( std::vector<Dali::Toolkit::Control>::iterator iter = mControlItemList.begin(), endIter = mControlItemList.end(); iter != endIter; ++iter )
- {
- Internal::Control& controlImpl = GetImplementation( *iter );
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlDataImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( controlImpl );
- std::string fillValue = controlDataImpl.GetAutofillItemHandle().GetFillValue( index );
- (*iter).SetProperty( Toolkit::TextField::Property::TEXT, fillValue );
- }
-void AutofillContainer::OnAutofillAuthReceived()
- SetAutofillServiceName( mAutofillManager.GetAuthenticationServiceName() );
- SetAutofillServiceMessage( mAutofillManager.GetAuthenticationServiceMessage() );
- SetAutofillServiceImagePath( mAutofillManager.GetAuthenticationServiceImagePath() );
- Dali::Toolkit::AutofillContainer handle( this );
- mAuthenticationEventSignal.Emit( handle );
- DALI_LOG_ERROR(" [ Emit DALi signal to receive the auth information ] \n");
-void AutofillContainer::OnDataFillReceived( Dali::AutofillItem item )
- for( std::vector<Dali::Toolkit::Control>::iterator iter = mControlItemList.begin(), endIter = mControlItemList.end(); iter != endIter; ++iter )
- {
- Internal::Control& controlImpl = GetImplementation( *iter );
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlDataImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( controlImpl );
- if( 0 == strcmp( controlDataImpl.GetAutofillItemHandle().GetId().c_str(), item.GetId().c_str() ) )
- {
- // TODO : Is the index for fill data always 0 in this case?
- std::string itemText = controlDataImpl.GetAutofillItemHandle().GetFillValue( 0 );
- (*iter).SetProperty( Toolkit::TextField::Property::TEXT, itemText );
- }
- }
-void AutofillContainer::OnListReceived()
- mListEventSignal.Emit( mCurrentFocused );
-: mAutofillManager(),
- mAutofillGroup(),
- mControlItemList(),
- mControlList(),
- mSlotDelegate( this ),
- mPropertyIndex( Property::INVALID_INDEX ),
- mAutofillServiceName( "" ),
- mAutofillServiceMessage( "" ),
- mAutofillServiceImagePath( "" ),
- mCurrentFocused()
- mAutofillManager.AuthenticationReceivedSignal().Disconnect( mSlotDelegate, &AutofillContainer::OnAutofillAuthReceived );
- mAutofillManager.FillResponseReceivedSignal().Disconnect( mSlotDelegate, &AutofillContainer::OnDataFillReceived );
- mAutofillManager.ListEventSignal().Disconnect( mSlotDelegate, &AutofillContainer::OnListReceived );
-// Signals
-Toolkit::AutofillContainer::AuthenticationSignalType& AutofillContainer::AutofillServiceShownSignal()
- return mAuthenticationEventSignal;
-Toolkit::AutofillContainer::ListShownSignalType& AutofillContainer::AutofillListShownSignal()
- return mListEventSignal;
-bool AutofillContainer::DoConnectSignal( BaseObject* object, ConnectionTrackerInterface* tracker, const std::string& signalName, FunctorDelegate* functor )
- Dali::BaseHandle handle( object );
- bool connected( true );
- Toolkit::AutofillContainer container = Toolkit::AutofillContainer::DownCast( handle );
- if( container )
- {
- if( 0 == signalName.compare( SIGNAL_SERVICE_SHOWN ) )
- {
- container.AutofillServiceShownSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
- }
- else if( 0 == signalName.compare( SIGNAL_LIST_SHOWN ) )
- {
- container.AutofillListShownSignal().Connect( tracker, functor );
- }
- else
- {
- // signalName does not match any signal
- connected = false;
- }
- }
- return connected;
-} // namespace Internal
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
-#include <dali/public-api/object/base-object.h>
-#include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/autofill-manager.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <dali-toolkit/public-api/controls/control-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/text-controls/autofill-container.h>
-namespace Dali
-namespace Toolkit
-namespace Internal
- * @copydoc Toolkit::AutofillContainer
- */
-class AutofillContainer : public Dali::BaseObject
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::New()
- */
- static Toolkit::AutofillContainer New( const std::string& name );
- /**
- * @brief Initialize AutofillContainer
- */
- void Initialize( const std::string& name );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::AddAutofillItem()
- */
- void AddAutofillItem( Dali::Toolkit::Control control, Dali::Property::Index propertyIndex, const std::string& id, const std::string& label, Dali::AutofillItem::Hint hint, bool isSensitive );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::RemoveAutofillItem()
- */
- void RemoveAutofillItem( Dali::Toolkit::Control control );
- /**
- * @brief Gets AutofillGroup setting to AutofillContainer.
- *
- * @return The AutofillGroup instance
- */
- Dali::AutofillGroup GetAutofillGroup();
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::SetFocusedControl()
- */
- void SetFocusedControl( Toolkit::Control focused );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::GetFocusedControl()
- */
- Toolkit::Control GetFocusedControl();
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::SaveAutofillData()
- */
- void SaveAutofillData();
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::RequestFillData()
- */
- void RequestFillData();
- /**
- * @brief Sets the Autofill Service Name
- *
- * @param serviceName Autofill Service Name
- */
- void SetAutofillServiceName( const std::string& serviceName );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::GetAutofillServiceName()
- */
- const std::string& GetAutofillServiceName() const;
- /**
- * @brief Sets the Autofill Service Message
- *
- * @param serviceMessage Autofill Service Message
- */
- void SetAutofillServiceMessage( const std::string& serviceMessage );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::GetAutofillServiceMessage()
- */
- const std::string& GetAutofillServiceMessage() const;
- /**
- * @brief Sets the Autofill Service Image Path
- *
- * @param serviceImagePath Autofill Service Image Path
- */
- void SetAutofillServiceImagePath( const std::string& serviceImagePath );
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::GetAutofillServiceImagePath()
- */
- const std::string& GetAutofillServiceImagePath() const;
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::GetListCount()
- */
- unsigned int GetListCount();
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::GetListItem()
- */
- const std::string& GetListItem( unsigned int index ) const;
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::SetSelectedItem()
- */
- void SetSelectedItem( const std::string& selected );
- /**
- * @brief Callback when Autofill Authentication information is recieved.
- */
- void OnAutofillAuthReceived();
- /**
- * @brief Callback when Autofill Fill Response is recieved.
- * @param[in] item The callback parameter
- */
- void OnDataFillReceived( Dali::AutofillItem item );
- /**
- * @brief Callback when the values to be filled are multiple.
- */
- void OnListReceived();
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::AutofillServiceShownSignal()
- */
- Toolkit::AutofillContainer::AuthenticationSignalType& AutofillServiceShownSignal();
- /**
- * @copydoc Dali::Toollkit::AutofillContainer::AutofillListShownSignal()
- */
- Toolkit::AutofillContainer::ListShownSignalType& AutofillListShownSignal();
- /**
- * Connects a callback function with the object's signals.
- * @param[in] object The object providing the signal.
- * @param[in] tracker Used to disconnect the signal.
- * @param[in] signalName The signal to connect to.
- * @param[in] functor A newly allocated FunctorDelegate.
- * @return True if the signal was connected.
- * @post If a signal was connected, ownership of functor was passed to CallbackBase. Otherwise the caller is responsible for deleting the unused functor.
- */
- static bool DoConnectSignal( BaseObject* object, ConnectionTrackerInterface* tracker, const std::string& signalName, FunctorDelegate* functor );
-private: // Implementation
- /**
- * Construct a new AutofillContainer.
- */
- AutofillContainer();
- /**
- * A reference counted object may only be deleted by calling Unreference()
- */
- virtual ~AutofillContainer();
- // Undefined copy constructor and assignment operators
- AutofillContainer(const AutofillContainer&);
- AutofillContainer& operator=(const AutofillContainer& rhs);
-private: // Data
- Dali::AutofillManager mAutofillManager;
- Dali::AutofillGroup mAutofillGroup;
- std::vector<Dali::Toolkit::Control> mControlItemList; ///< The List of Control adding to AutofillContainer
- //std::map<Dali::Toolkit::Control, Dali::AutofillItem> mControlList;
- std::vector< std::pair< Dali::Toolkit::Control, Dali::AutofillItem > > mControlList;
- SlotDelegate< AutofillContainer > mSlotDelegate;
- Property::Index mPropertyIndex; ///< The index of property registered by each control
- Toolkit::AutofillContainer::AuthenticationSignalType mAuthenticationEventSignal;
- Toolkit::AutofillContainer::ListShownSignalType mListEventSignal;
- std::string mAutofillServiceName;
- std::string mAutofillServiceMessage;
- std::string mAutofillServiceImagePath;
- Toolkit::Control mCurrentFocused;
-} // namespace Internal
-// Helpers for public-api forwarding methods
-inline Toolkit::Internal::AutofillContainer& GetImpl( Toolkit::AutofillContainer& autofillContainer )
- DALI_ASSERT_ALWAYS(autofillContainer);
- Dali::BaseObject& handle = autofillContainer.GetBaseObject();
- return static_cast<Toolkit::Internal::AutofillContainer&>(handle);
-inline const Toolkit::Internal::AutofillContainer& GetImpl( const Toolkit::AutofillContainer& autofillContainer )
- DALI_ASSERT_ALWAYS(autofillContainer);
- const Dali::BaseObject& handle = autofillContainer.GetBaseObject();
- return static_cast<const Toolkit::Internal::AutofillContainer&>(handle);
-} // namespace Toolkit
-} // namespace Dali
#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/focus-manager/keyinput-focus-manager.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/devel-api/controls/text-controls/text-field-devel.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/public-api/visuals/visual-properties.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/controls/control/control-data-impl.h>
-#include <dali-toolkit/internal/controls/text-controls/autofill-container-impl.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-enumerations-impl.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/rendering/text-backend.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/internal/text/text-effects-style.h>
void TextField::OnKeyInputFocusGained()
DALI_LOG_INFO( gLogFilter, Debug::Verbose, "TextField::OnKeyInputFocusGained %p\n", mController.Get() );
- if( mInputMethodContext && IsEditable() )
+ if ( mInputMethodContext && IsEditable() )
mInputMethodContext.ApplyOptions( mInputMethodOptions );
// When window gain lost focus, the inputMethodContext is deactivated. Thus when window gain focus again, the inputMethodContext must be activated.
mInputMethodContext.SetRestoreAfterFocusLost( true );
ClipboardEventNotifier notifier( ClipboardEventNotifier::Get() );
- if( notifier )
+ if ( notifier )
notifier.ContentSelectedSignal().Connect( this, &TextField::OnClipboardTextSelected );
- Toolkit::Control control = Toolkit::Control::DownCast( Self() );
- Internal::Control& controlImpl = GetImplementation( control );
- Internal::Control::Impl& controlDataImpl = Internal::Control::Impl::Get( controlImpl );
- bool enableAutofill = controlDataImpl.IsAutofillEnabled();
- if( enableAutofill )
- {
- Toolkit::AutofillContainer container = controlDataImpl.GetAutofillContainer();
- container.SetFocusedControl( control );
- Internal::AutofillContainer& containerImpl = GetImpl( container );
- Dali::AutofillGroup containerGroup = containerImpl.GetAutofillGroup();
- if( containerGroup != nullptr )
- {
- containerGroup.RequestAuthentication();
- }
- }
mController->KeyboardFocusGainEvent(); // Called in the case of no virtual keyboard to trigger this event
EmitKeyInputFocusSignal( true ); // Calls back into the Control hence done last.
#include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/clipboard-event-notifier.h>
#include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/input-method-context.h>
-#include <dali/devel-api/adaptor-framework/autofill-item.h>
#include <dali-toolkit/public-api/controls/control-impl.h>
Toolkit::Control mStencil; ///< For EXCEED_POLICY_CLIP
std::vector<Actor> mClippingDecorationActors; ///< Decoration actors which need clipping.
Dali::InputMethodOptions mInputMethodOptions;
- Dali::AutofillItem mAutofillItem;
Actor mRenderableActor;
Actor mActiveLayer;
- ${toolkit_src_dir}/controls/text-controls/autofill-container-impl.cpp