#if !defined(_TARGET_64BIT_)
// On 32-bit targets, indirect calls need the size of the stack args in InlinedCallFrame.m_Datum.
const unsigned numStkArgBytes = call->fgArgInfo->GetNextSlotNum() * TARGET_POINTER_SIZE;
src = comp->gtNewIconNode(numStkArgBytes, TYP_INT);
// On 64-bit targets, indirect calls may need the stub parameter value in InlinedCallFrame.m_Datum.
+ // If the stub parameter value is not needed, m_Datum will be initialized by the VM.
if (comp->info.compPublishStubParam)
src = comp->gtNewLclvNode(comp->lvaStubArgumentVar, TYP_I_IMPL);
- // else { If we don't have secret parameter, m_Datum will be initialized by VM code }
#endif // !defined(_TARGET_64BIT_)
comp->info.compCompHnd->getAddressOfPInvokeTarget(methHnd, &lookup);
- void* pIndirection;
+ void* pIndirection;
lookup.accessType = IAT_PVALUE;
lookup.addr = comp->info.compCompHnd->getAddressOfPInvokeFixup(methHnd, &pIndirection);
if (lookup.addr == nullptr)