--- /dev/null
+Shader version: 450
+invocations = -1
+max_vertices = 4
+input primitive = triangles
+output primitive = line_strip
+0:? Sequence
+0:12 Function Definition: @main(u1[3];struct-S-f1-f1-u1-u1-i11; (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Parameters:
+0:12 'VertexID' (in 3-element array of uint)
+0:12 'OutputStream' (out structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:? Sequence
+0:14 Branch: Return with expression
+0:14 's' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Definition: main( (temp void)
+0:12 Function Parameters:
+0:? Sequence
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp 3-element array of uint)
+0:? 'VertexID' (temp 3-element array of uint)
+0:? 'VertexID' (layout(location=0 ) in 3-element array of uint)
+0:12 Sequence
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Call: @main(u1[3];struct-S-f1-f1-u1-u1-i11; (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:? 'VertexID' (temp 3-element array of uint)
+0:? 'OutputStream' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_clip0' (out float ClipDistance)
+0:12 clip0: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_cull0' (out float CullDistance)
+0:12 cull0: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 1 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp uint)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_vpai' (out uint ViewportIndex)
+0:12 vpai: direct index for structure (temp uint)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 2 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp uint)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_rtai' (out uint Layer)
+0:12 rtai: direct index for structure (temp uint)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 3 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp int)
+0:12 ii: direct index for structure (temp int)
+0:12 '@entryPointOutput' (layout(location=0 ) out structure{temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0 (const int)
+0:12 ii: direct index for structure (temp int)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 4 (const int)
+0:? Linker Objects
+0:? '@entryPointOutput' (layout(location=0 ) out structure{temp int ii})
+0:? 'VertexID' (layout(location=0 ) in 3-element array of uint)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_vpai' (out uint ViewportIndex)
+Linked geometry stage:
+Shader version: 450
+invocations = 1
+max_vertices = 4
+input primitive = triangles
+output primitive = line_strip
+0:? Sequence
+0:12 Function Definition: @main(u1[3];struct-S-f1-f1-u1-u1-i11; (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Parameters:
+0:12 'VertexID' (in 3-element array of uint)
+0:12 'OutputStream' (out structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:? Sequence
+0:14 Branch: Return with expression
+0:14 's' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Definition: main( (temp void)
+0:12 Function Parameters:
+0:? Sequence
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp 3-element array of uint)
+0:? 'VertexID' (temp 3-element array of uint)
+0:? 'VertexID' (layout(location=0 ) in 3-element array of uint)
+0:12 Sequence
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Call: @main(u1[3];struct-S-f1-f1-u1-u1-i11; (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:? 'VertexID' (temp 3-element array of uint)
+0:? 'OutputStream' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_clip0' (out float ClipDistance)
+0:12 clip0: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_cull0' (out float CullDistance)
+0:12 cull0: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 1 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp uint)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_vpai' (out uint ViewportIndex)
+0:12 vpai: direct index for structure (temp uint)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 2 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp uint)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_rtai' (out uint Layer)
+0:12 rtai: direct index for structure (temp uint)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 3 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp int)
+0:12 ii: direct index for structure (temp int)
+0:12 '@entryPointOutput' (layout(location=0 ) out structure{temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0 (const int)
+0:12 ii: direct index for structure (temp int)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip0, temp float cull0, temp uint vpai, temp uint rtai, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 4 (const int)
+0:? Linker Objects
+0:? '@entryPointOutput' (layout(location=0 ) out structure{temp int ii})
+0:? 'VertexID' (layout(location=0 ) in 3-element array of uint)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_vpai' (out uint ViewportIndex)
+// Module Version 10000
+// Generated by (magic number): 80001
+// Id's are bound by 62
+ Capability Geometry
+ Capability ClipDistance
+ Capability CullDistance
+ Capability MultiViewport
+ 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+ MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+ EntryPoint Geometry 4 "main" 25 34 39 44 49 55
+ ExecutionMode 4 Triangles
+ ExecutionMode 4 Invocations 1
+ ExecutionMode 4 OutputLineStrip
+ ExecutionMode 4 OutputVertices 4
+ Name 4 "main"
+ Name 12 "S"
+ MemberName 12(S) 0 "clip0"
+ MemberName 12(S) 1 "cull0"
+ MemberName 12(S) 2 "vpai"
+ MemberName 12(S) 3 "rtai"
+ MemberName 12(S) 4 "ii"
+ Name 17 "@main(u1[3];struct-S-f1-f1-u1-u1-i11;"
+ Name 15 "VertexID"
+ Name 16 "OutputStream"
+ Name 19 "s"
+ Name 23 "VertexID"
+ Name 25 "VertexID"
+ Name 27 "flattenTemp"
+ Name 28 "OutputStream"
+ Name 29 "param"
+ Name 31 "param"
+ Name 34 "@entryPointOutput_clip0"
+ Name 39 "@entryPointOutput_cull0"
+ Name 44 "@entryPointOutput_vpai"
+ Name 49 "@entryPointOutput_rtai"
+ Name 53 "S"
+ MemberName 53(S) 0 "ii"
+ Name 55 "@entryPointOutput"
+ Decorate 25(VertexID) Location 0
+ Decorate 34(@entryPointOutput_clip0) BuiltIn ClipDistance
+ Decorate 39(@entryPointOutput_cull0) BuiltIn CullDistance
+ Decorate 44(@entryPointOutput_vpai) BuiltIn ViewportIndex
+ Decorate 49(@entryPointOutput_rtai) BuiltIn Layer
+ Decorate 55(@entryPointOutput) Location 0
+ 2: TypeVoid
+ 3: TypeFunction 2
+ 6: TypeInt 32 0
+ 7: 6(int) Constant 3
+ 8: TypeArray 6(int) 7
+ 9: TypePointer Function 8
+ 10: TypeFloat 32
+ 11: TypeInt 32 1
+ 12(S): TypeStruct 10(float) 10(float) 6(int) 6(int) 11(int)
+ 13: TypePointer Function 12(S)
+ 14: TypeFunction 12(S) 9(ptr) 13(ptr)
+ 24: TypePointer Input 8
+ 25(VertexID): 24(ptr) Variable Input
+ 33: TypePointer Output 10(float)
+34(@entryPointOutput_clip0): 33(ptr) Variable Output
+ 35: 11(int) Constant 0
+ 36: TypePointer Function 10(float)
+39(@entryPointOutput_cull0): 33(ptr) Variable Output
+ 40: 11(int) Constant 1
+ 43: TypePointer Output 6(int)
+44(@entryPointOutput_vpai): 43(ptr) Variable Output
+ 45: 11(int) Constant 2
+ 46: TypePointer Function 6(int)
+49(@entryPointOutput_rtai): 43(ptr) Variable Output
+ 50: 11(int) Constant 3
+ 53(S): TypeStruct 11(int)
+ 54: TypePointer Output 53(S)
+55(@entryPointOutput): 54(ptr) Variable Output
+ 56: 11(int) Constant 4
+ 57: TypePointer Function 11(int)
+ 60: TypePointer Output 11(int)
+ 4(main): 2 Function None 3
+ 5: Label
+ 23(VertexID): 9(ptr) Variable Function
+ 27(flattenTemp): 13(ptr) Variable Function
+28(OutputStream): 13(ptr) Variable Function
+ 29(param): 9(ptr) Variable Function
+ 31(param): 13(ptr) Variable Function
+ 26: 8 Load 25(VertexID)
+ Store 23(VertexID) 26
+ 30: 8 Load 23(VertexID)
+ Store 29(param) 30
+ 32: 12(S) FunctionCall 17(@main(u1[3];struct-S-f1-f1-u1-u1-i11;) 29(param) 31(param)
+ Store 27(flattenTemp) 32
+ 37: 36(ptr) AccessChain 27(flattenTemp) 35
+ 38: 10(float) Load 37
+ Store 34(@entryPointOutput_clip0) 38
+ 41: 36(ptr) AccessChain 27(flattenTemp) 40
+ 42: 10(float) Load 41
+ Store 39(@entryPointOutput_cull0) 42
+ 47: 46(ptr) AccessChain 27(flattenTemp) 45
+ 48: 6(int) Load 47
+ Store 44(@entryPointOutput_vpai) 48
+ 51: 46(ptr) AccessChain 27(flattenTemp) 50
+ 52: 6(int) Load 51
+ Store 49(@entryPointOutput_rtai) 52
+ 58: 57(ptr) AccessChain 27(flattenTemp) 56
+ 59: 11(int) Load 58
+ 61: 60(ptr) AccessChain 55(@entryPointOutput) 35
+ Store 61 59
+ Return
+ FunctionEnd
+17(@main(u1[3];struct-S-f1-f1-u1-u1-i11;): 12(S) Function None 14
+ 15(VertexID): 9(ptr) FunctionParameter
+16(OutputStream): 13(ptr) FunctionParameter
+ 18: Label
+ 19(s): 13(ptr) Variable Function
+ 20: 12(S) Load 19(s)
+ ReturnValue 20
+ FunctionEnd
--- /dev/null
+Shader version: 450
+0:? Sequence
+0:12 Function Definition: @main(struct-S-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-i11; (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Parameters:
+0:12 'ins' (in structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:? Sequence
+0:14 Branch: Return with expression
+0:14 's' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Definition: main( (temp void)
+0:12 Function Parameters:
+0:? Sequence
+0:12 Sequence
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 clip: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0 (const int)
+0:? 'clip' (layout(location=0 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 clip0: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 1 (const int)
+0:? 'clip0' (layout(location=1 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 clip7: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 2 (const int)
+0:? 'clip7' (layout(location=2 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 cull: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 3 (const int)
+0:? 'cull' (layout(location=3 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 cull2: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 4 (const int)
+0:? 'cull2' (layout(location=4 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 cull5: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 5 (const int)
+0:? 'cull5' (layout(location=5 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp int)
+0:12 ii: direct index for structure (temp int)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 6 (const int)
+0:? 'ii' (in int InstanceIndex)
+0:12 Sequence
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Call: @main(struct-S-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-i11; (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_clip7' (out float ClipDistance)
+0:12 clip: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_clip7' (out float ClipDistance)
+0:12 clip0: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 1 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_clip7' (out float ClipDistance)
+0:12 clip7: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 2 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_cull5' (out float CullDistance)
+0:12 cull: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 3 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_cull5' (out float CullDistance)
+0:12 cull2: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 4 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_cull5' (out float CullDistance)
+0:12 cull5: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 5 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp int)
+0:12 ii: direct index for structure (temp int)
+0:12 '@entryPointOutput' (layout(location=0 ) out structure{temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0 (const int)
+0:12 ii: direct index for structure (temp int)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 6 (const int)
+0:? Linker Objects
+0:? '@entryPointOutput' (layout(location=0 ) out structure{temp int ii})
+0:? 'clip' (layout(location=0 ) in float)
+0:? 'clip0' (layout(location=1 ) in float)
+0:? 'clip7' (layout(location=2 ) in float)
+0:? 'cull' (layout(location=3 ) in float)
+0:? 'cull2' (layout(location=4 ) in float)
+0:? 'cull5' (layout(location=5 ) in float)
+0:? 'ii' (in int InstanceIndex)
+Linked vertex stage:
+Shader version: 450
+0:? Sequence
+0:12 Function Definition: @main(struct-S-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-i11; (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Parameters:
+0:12 'ins' (in structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:? Sequence
+0:14 Branch: Return with expression
+0:14 's' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Definition: main( (temp void)
+0:12 Function Parameters:
+0:? Sequence
+0:12 Sequence
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 clip: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0 (const int)
+0:? 'clip' (layout(location=0 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 clip0: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 1 (const int)
+0:? 'clip0' (layout(location=1 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 clip7: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 2 (const int)
+0:? 'clip7' (layout(location=2 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 cull: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 3 (const int)
+0:? 'cull' (layout(location=3 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 cull2: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 4 (const int)
+0:? 'cull2' (layout(location=4 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:12 cull5: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 5 (const int)
+0:? 'cull5' (layout(location=5 ) in float)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp int)
+0:12 ii: direct index for structure (temp int)
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 6 (const int)
+0:? 'ii' (in int InstanceIndex)
+0:12 Sequence
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Function Call: @main(struct-S-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-i11; (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:? 'ins' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_clip7' (out float ClipDistance)
+0:12 clip: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_clip7' (out float ClipDistance)
+0:12 clip0: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 1 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_clip7' (out float ClipDistance)
+0:12 clip7: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 2 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_cull5' (out float CullDistance)
+0:12 cull: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 3 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_cull5' (out float CullDistance)
+0:12 cull2: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 4 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp float)
+0:? '@entryPointOutput_cull5' (out float CullDistance)
+0:12 cull5: direct index for structure (temp float)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 5 (const int)
+0:12 move second child to first child (temp int)
+0:12 ii: direct index for structure (temp int)
+0:12 '@entryPointOutput' (layout(location=0 ) out structure{temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0 (const int)
+0:12 ii: direct index for structure (temp int)
+0:12 'flattenTemp' (temp structure{temp float clip, temp float clip0, temp float clip7, temp float cull, temp float cull2, temp float cull5, temp int ii})
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 6 (const int)
+0:? Linker Objects
+0:? '@entryPointOutput' (layout(location=0 ) out structure{temp int ii})
+0:? 'clip' (layout(location=0 ) in float)
+0:? 'clip0' (layout(location=1 ) in float)
+0:? 'clip7' (layout(location=2 ) in float)
+0:? 'cull' (layout(location=3 ) in float)
+0:? 'cull2' (layout(location=4 ) in float)
+0:? 'cull5' (layout(location=5 ) in float)
+0:? 'ii' (in int InstanceIndex)
+// Module Version 10000
+// Generated by (magic number): 80001
+// Id's are bound by 77
+ Capability Shader
+ Capability ClipDistance
+ Capability CullDistance
+ 1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+ MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+ EntryPoint Vertex 4 "main" 21 26 30 34 38 42 47 56 63 72
+ Name 4 "main"
+ Name 8 "S"
+ MemberName 8(S) 0 "clip"
+ MemberName 8(S) 1 "clip0"
+ MemberName 8(S) 2 "clip7"
+ MemberName 8(S) 3 "cull"
+ MemberName 8(S) 4 "cull2"
+ MemberName 8(S) 5 "cull5"
+ MemberName 8(S) 6 "ii"
+ Name 12 "@main(struct-S-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-i11;"
+ Name 11 "ins"
+ Name 14 "s"
+ Name 18 "ins"
+ Name 21 "clip"
+ Name 26 "clip0"
+ Name 30 "clip7"
+ Name 34 "cull"
+ Name 38 "cull2"
+ Name 42 "cull5"
+ Name 47 "ii"
+ Name 51 "flattenTemp"
+ Name 52 "param"
+ Name 56 "@entryPointOutput_clip7"
+ Name 63 "@entryPointOutput_cull5"
+ Name 70 "S"
+ MemberName 70(S) 0 "ii"
+ Name 72 "@entryPointOutput"
+ Decorate 21(clip) Location 0
+ Decorate 26(clip0) Location 1
+ Decorate 30(clip7) Location 2
+ Decorate 34(cull) Location 3
+ Decorate 38(cull2) Location 4
+ Decorate 42(cull5) Location 5
+ Decorate 47(ii) BuiltIn InstanceIndex
+ Decorate 56(@entryPointOutput_clip7) BuiltIn ClipDistance
+ Decorate 63(@entryPointOutput_cull5) BuiltIn CullDistance
+ Decorate 72(@entryPointOutput) Location 0
+ 2: TypeVoid
+ 3: TypeFunction 2
+ 6: TypeFloat 32
+ 7: TypeInt 32 1
+ 8(S): TypeStruct 6(float) 6(float) 6(float) 6(float) 6(float) 6(float) 7(int)
+ 9: TypePointer Function 8(S)
+ 10: TypeFunction 8(S) 9(ptr)
+ 19: 7(int) Constant 0
+ 20: TypePointer Input 6(float)
+ 21(clip): 20(ptr) Variable Input
+ 23: TypePointer Function 6(float)
+ 25: 7(int) Constant 1
+ 26(clip0): 20(ptr) Variable Input
+ 29: 7(int) Constant 2
+ 30(clip7): 20(ptr) Variable Input
+ 33: 7(int) Constant 3
+ 34(cull): 20(ptr) Variable Input
+ 37: 7(int) Constant 4
+ 38(cull2): 20(ptr) Variable Input
+ 41: 7(int) Constant 5
+ 42(cull5): 20(ptr) Variable Input
+ 45: 7(int) Constant 6
+ 46: TypePointer Input 7(int)
+ 47(ii): 46(ptr) Variable Input
+ 49: TypePointer Function 7(int)
+ 55: TypePointer Output 6(float)
+56(@entryPointOutput_clip7): 55(ptr) Variable Output
+63(@entryPointOutput_cull5): 55(ptr) Variable Output
+ 70(S): TypeStruct 7(int)
+ 71: TypePointer Output 70(S)
+72(@entryPointOutput): 71(ptr) Variable Output
+ 75: TypePointer Output 7(int)
+ 4(main): 2 Function None 3
+ 5: Label
+ 18(ins): 9(ptr) Variable Function
+ 51(flattenTemp): 9(ptr) Variable Function
+ 52(param): 9(ptr) Variable Function
+ 22: 6(float) Load 21(clip)
+ 24: 23(ptr) AccessChain 18(ins) 19
+ Store 24 22
+ 27: 6(float) Load 26(clip0)
+ 28: 23(ptr) AccessChain 18(ins) 25
+ Store 28 27
+ 31: 6(float) Load 30(clip7)
+ 32: 23(ptr) AccessChain 18(ins) 29
+ Store 32 31
+ 35: 6(float) Load 34(cull)
+ 36: 23(ptr) AccessChain 18(ins) 33
+ Store 36 35
+ 39: 6(float) Load 38(cull2)
+ 40: 23(ptr) AccessChain 18(ins) 37
+ Store 40 39
+ 43: 6(float) Load 42(cull5)
+ 44: 23(ptr) AccessChain 18(ins) 41
+ Store 44 43
+ 48: 7(int) Load 47(ii)
+ 50: 49(ptr) AccessChain 18(ins) 45
+ Store 50 48
+ 53: 8(S) Load 18(ins)
+ Store 52(param) 53
+ 54: 8(S) FunctionCall 12(@main(struct-S-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-i11;) 52(param)
+ Store 51(flattenTemp) 54
+ 57: 23(ptr) AccessChain 51(flattenTemp) 19
+ 58: 6(float) Load 57
+ Store 56(@entryPointOutput_clip7) 58
+ 59: 23(ptr) AccessChain 51(flattenTemp) 25
+ 60: 6(float) Load 59
+ Store 56(@entryPointOutput_clip7) 60
+ 61: 23(ptr) AccessChain 51(flattenTemp) 29
+ 62: 6(float) Load 61
+ Store 56(@entryPointOutput_clip7) 62
+ 64: 23(ptr) AccessChain 51(flattenTemp) 33
+ 65: 6(float) Load 64
+ Store 63(@entryPointOutput_cull5) 65
+ 66: 23(ptr) AccessChain 51(flattenTemp) 37
+ 67: 6(float) Load 66
+ Store 63(@entryPointOutput_cull5) 67
+ 68: 23(ptr) AccessChain 51(flattenTemp) 41
+ 69: 6(float) Load 68
+ Store 63(@entryPointOutput_cull5) 69
+ 73: 49(ptr) AccessChain 51(flattenTemp) 45
+ 74: 7(int) Load 73
+ 76: 75(ptr) AccessChain 72(@entryPointOutput) 19
+ Store 76 74
+ Return
+ FunctionEnd
+12(@main(struct-S-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-f1-i11;): 8(S) Function None 10
+ 11(ins): 9(ptr) FunctionParameter
+ 13: Label
+ 14(s): 9(ptr) Variable Function
+ 15: 8(S) Load 14(s)
+ ReturnValue 15
+ FunctionEnd
--- /dev/null
+struct S {
+ float clip0 : SV_ClipDistance0;
+ float cull0 : SV_CullDistance0;
+ uint vpai : SV_ViewportArrayIndex;
+ uint rtai : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;
+ int ii : SV_InstanceID;
+S main(triangle in uint VertexID[3] : VertexID,
+ inout LineStream<S> OutputStream)
+ S s;
+ return s;
--- /dev/null
+struct S {
+ float clip : SV_ClipDistance;
+ float clip0 : SV_ClipDistance0;
+ float clip7 : SV_ClipDistance7;
+ float cull : SV_CullDistance;
+ float cull2 : SV_CullDistance2;
+ float cull5 : SV_CullDistance5;
+ int ii : SV_InstanceID;
+S main(S ins)
+ S s;
+ return s;
// to one of the above.
+ EbvStencilRef,
// For the version, it uses the latest git tag followed by the number of commits.
// For the date, it uses the current date (when then script is run).
-#define GLSLANG_REVISION "Overload400-PrecQual.1887"
-#define GLSLANG_DATE "08-Mar-2017"
+#define GLSLANG_REVISION "Overload400-PrecQual.1892"
+#define GLSLANG_DATE "09-Mar-2017"
{"hlsl.max.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.precedence.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.precedence2.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
+ {"hlsl.semantic.geom", "main"},
+ {"hlsl.semantic.vert", "main"},
{"hlsl.scope.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.sin.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.struct.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
parseContext.handleRegister(registerDesc.loc, qualifier, profile.string, *registerDesc.string, subComponent, spaceDesc.string);
} else {
// semantic, in idToken.string
- parseContext.handleSemantic(idToken.loc, qualifier, *idToken.string);
+ parseContext.handleSemantic(idToken.loc, qualifier, mapSemantic(*idToken.string));
} else if (peekTokenClass(EHTokLeftAngle)) {
found = true;
// Handle seeing a "COLON semantic" at the end of a type declaration,
// by updating the type according to the semantic.
-void HlslParseContext::handleSemantic(TSourceLoc loc, TQualifier& qualifier, const TString& semantic)
- // TODO: need to know if it's an input or an output
- // The following sketches what needs to be done, but can't be right
- // without taking into account stage and input/output.
- TString semanticUpperCase = semantic;
- std::transform(semanticUpperCase.begin(), semanticUpperCase.end(), semanticUpperCase.begin(), ::toupper);
- // in DX9, all outputs had to have a semantic associated with them, that was either consumed
- // by the system or was a specific register assignment
- // in DX10+, only semantics with the SV_ prefix have any meaning beyond decoration
- // Fxc will only accept DX9 style semantics in compat mode
- // Also, in DX10 if a SV value is present as the input of a stage, but isn't appropriate for that
- // stage, it would just be ignored as it is likely there as part of an output struct from one stage
- // to the next
- bool bParseDX9 = false;
- if (bParseDX9) {
- if (semanticUpperCase == "PSIZE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvPointSize;
- else if (semantic == "FOG")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFogFragCoord;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "DEPTH")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragDepth;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "VFACE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFace;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "VPOS")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragCoord;
- }
- // SV Position has a different meaning in vertex vs fragment
- if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_POSITION" && language != EShLangFragment)
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvPosition;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_POSITION" && language == EShLangFragment)
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragCoord;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_CLIPDISTANCE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvClipDistance;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_CULLDISTANCE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvCullDistance;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_VERTEXID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvVertexIndex;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_VIEWPORTARRAYINDEX")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvViewportIndex;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TESSFACTOR")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvTessLevelOuter;
- // Targets are defined 0-7
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 0;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET0") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 0;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET1") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 1;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET2") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 2;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET3") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 3;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET4") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 4;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET5") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 5;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET6") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 6;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_TARGET7") {
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvNone;
- // qualifier.layoutLocation = 7;
- } else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_SAMPLEINDEX")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvSampleId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_RENDERTARGETARRAYINDEX")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvLayer;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_PRIMITIVEID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvPrimitiveId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvInvocationId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_ISFRONTFACE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFace;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_INSTANCEID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvInstanceIndex;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_INSIDETESSFACTOR")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvTessLevelInner;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_GSINSTANCEID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvInvocationId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_DISPATCHTHREADID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvGlobalInvocationId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_GROUPTHREADID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvLocalInvocationId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_GROUPINDEX")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvLocalInvocationIndex;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_GROUPID")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvWorkGroupId;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_DOMAINLOCATION")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvTessCoord;
- else if (semanticUpperCase == "SV_DEPTH")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragDepth;
- else if( semanticUpperCase == "SV_COVERAGE")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvSampleMask;
- // TODO, these need to get refined to be more specific
- else if( semanticUpperCase == "SV_DEPTHGREATEREQUAL")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragDepthGreater;
- else if( semanticUpperCase == "SV_DEPTHLESSEQUAL")
- qualifier.builtIn = EbvFragDepthLesser;
- else if( semanticUpperCase == "SV_STENCILREF")
+void HlslParseContext::handleSemantic(TSourceLoc loc, TQualifier& qualifier, TBuiltInVariable builtIn)
+ // adjust for stage in/out
+ switch(builtIn) {
+ case EbvPosition:
+ if (language == EShLangFragment)
+ builtIn = EbvFragCoord;
+ break;
+ case EbvStencilRef:
error(loc, "unimplemented; need ARB_shader_stencil_export", "SV_STENCILREF", "");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ qualifier.builtIn = builtIn;
TIntermTyped* addOutputArgumentConversions(const TFunction&, TIntermOperator&);
void builtInOpCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TFunction&, TIntermOperator&);
TFunction* handleConstructorCall(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&);
- void handleSemantic(TSourceLoc, TQualifier&, const TString& semantic);
+ void handleSemantic(TSourceLoc, TQualifier&, TBuiltInVariable);
void handlePackOffset(const TSourceLoc&, TQualifier&, const glslang::TString& location,
const glslang::TString* component);
void handleRegister(const TSourceLoc&, TQualifier&, const glslang::TString* profile, const glslang::TString& desc,
#include "../glslang/MachineIndependent/ParseHelper.h"
#include "hlslScanContext.h"
#include "hlslTokens.h"
-//#include "Scan.h"
// preprocessor includes
#include "../glslang/MachineIndependent/preprocessor/PpContext.h"
// After a single process-level initialization, this is read only and thread safe
std::unordered_map<const char*, glslang::EHlslTokenClass, str_hash, str_eq>* KeywordMap = nullptr;
std::unordered_set<const char*, str_hash, str_eq>* ReservedSet = nullptr;
+std::unordered_map<const char*, glslang::TBuiltInVariable, str_hash, str_eq>* SemanticMap = nullptr;
+ SemanticMap = new std::unordered_map<const char*, glslang::TBuiltInVariable, str_hash, str_eq>;
+ // in DX9, all outputs had to have a semantic associated with them, that was either consumed
+ // by the system or was a specific register assignment
+ // in DX10+, only semantics with the SV_ prefix have any meaning beyond decoration
+ // Fxc will only accept DX9 style semantics in compat mode
+ // Also, in DX10 if a SV value is present as the input of a stage, but isn't appropriate for that
+ // stage, it would just be ignored as it is likely there as part of an output struct from one stage
+ // to the next
+ bool bParseDX9 = false;
+ if (bParseDX9) {
+ (*SemanticMap)["PSIZE"] = EbvPointSize;
+ (*SemanticMap)["FOG"] = EbvFogFragCoord;
+ (*SemanticMap)["DEPTH"] = EbvFragDepth;
+ (*SemanticMap)["VFACE"] = EbvFace;
+ (*SemanticMap)["VPOS"] = EbvFragCoord;
+ }
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_POSITION"] = EbvPosition;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE0"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE1"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE2"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE3"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE4"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE5"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE6"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE7"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE8"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE9"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE10"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CLIPDISTANCE11"] = EbvClipDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE0"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE1"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE2"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE3"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE4"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE5"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE6"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE7"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE8"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE9"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE10"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_CULLDISTANCE11"] = EbvCullDistance;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_VERTEXID"] = EbvVertexIndex;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_VIEWPORTARRAYINDEX"] = EbvViewportIndex;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_TESSFACTOR"] = EbvTessLevelOuter;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_SAMPLEINDEX"] = EbvSampleId;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_RENDERTARGETARRAYINDEX"] = EbvLayer;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_PRIMITIVEID"] = EbvPrimitiveId;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_OUTPUTCONTROLPOINTID"] = EbvInvocationId;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_ISFRONTFACE"] = EbvFace;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_INSTANCEID"] = EbvInstanceIndex;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_INSIDETESSFACTOR"] = EbvTessLevelInner;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_GSINSTANCEID"] = EbvInvocationId;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_DISPATCHTHREADID"] = EbvGlobalInvocationId;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_GROUPTHREADID"] = EbvLocalInvocationId;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_GROUPINDEX"] = EbvLocalInvocationIndex;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_GROUPID"] = EbvWorkGroupId;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_DOMAINLOCATION"] = EbvTessCoord;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_DEPTH"] = EbvFragDepth;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_COVERAGE"] = EbvSampleMask;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_DEPTHGREATEREQUAL"] = EbvFragDepthGreater;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_DEPTHLESSEQUAL"] = EbvFragDepthLesser;
+ (*SemanticMap)["SV_STENCILREF"] = EbvStencilRef;
void HlslScanContext::deleteKeywordMap()
KeywordMap = nullptr;
delete ReservedSet;
ReservedSet = nullptr;
+ delete SemanticMap;
+ SemanticMap = nullptr;
-// Wrapper for tokenizeClass()"] = to get everything inside the token.
+// Wrapper for tokenizeClass() to get everything inside the token.
void HlslScanContext::tokenize(HlslToken& token)
EHlslTokenClass tokenClass = tokenizeClass(token);
token.tokenClass = tokenClass;
+glslang::TBuiltInVariable HlslScanContext::mapSemantic(const TString& semantic)
+ TString semanticUpperCase = semantic;
+ std::transform(semanticUpperCase.begin(), semanticUpperCase.end(), semanticUpperCase.begin(), ::toupper);
+ auto it = SemanticMap->find(semanticUpperCase.c_str());
+ if (it != SemanticMap->end())
+ return it->second;
+ else
+ return glslang::EbvNone;
// Fill in token information for the next token, except for the token class.
// Returns the enum value of the token class of the next token found.
static void deleteKeywordMap();
void tokenize(HlslToken&);
+ glslang::TBuiltInVariable mapSemantic(const TString& semantic);
bool acceptTokenClass(EHlslTokenClass);
EHlslTokenClass peek() const;
bool peekTokenClass(EHlslTokenClass) const;
+ glslang::TBuiltInVariable mapSemantic(const TString& semantic) { return scanner.mapSemantic(semantic); }
HlslToken token; // the token we are currently looking at, but have not yet accepted