# Implementation files for all ORC architectures.
# x86-64 specific assembly files will go here.
- macho_tlv.x86-64.s
return Error::success();
-struct TLVDescriptor {
- void *(*Thunk)(TLVDescriptor *) = nullptr;
- unsigned long Key = 0;
- unsigned long DataAddress = 0;
class MachOPlatformRuntimeState {
struct AtExitEntry {
int registerAtExit(void (*F)(void *), void *Arg, void *DSOHandle);
void runAtExits(void *DSOHandle);
- /// Returns the base address of the section containing ThreadData.
- Expected<std::pair<const char *, size_t>>
- getThreadDataSectionFor(const char *ThreadData);
PerJITDylibState *getJITDylibStateByHeaderAddr(void *DSOHandle);
PerJITDylibState *getJITDylibStateByName(string_view Path);
PerJITDylibState &getOrCreateJITDylibState(MachOJITDylibInitializers &MOJDIs);
- Error registerThreadDataSection(span<const char> ThreadDataSec);
Expected<ExecutorAddress> lookupSymbolInJITDylib(void *DSOHandle,
string_view Symbol);
std::recursive_mutex JDStatesMutex;
std::unordered_map<void *, PerJITDylibState> JDStates;
std::unordered_map<std::string, void *> JDNameToHeader;
- std::mutex ThreadDataSectionsMutex;
- std::map<const char *, size_t> ThreadDataSections;
MachOPlatformRuntimeState *MachOPlatformRuntimeState::MOPS = nullptr;
walkEHFrameSection(POSR.EHFrameSection.toSpan<const char>(),
- if (POSR.ThreadDataSection.StartAddress) {
- if (auto Err = registerThreadDataSection(
- POSR.ThreadDataSection.toSpan<const char>()))
- return Err;
- }
return Error::success();
-Expected<std::pair<const char *, size_t>>
-MachOPlatformRuntimeState::getThreadDataSectionFor(const char *ThreadData) {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(ThreadDataSectionsMutex);
- auto I = ThreadDataSections.upper_bound(ThreadData);
- // Check that we have a valid entry covering this address.
- if (I == ThreadDataSections.begin())
- return make_error<StringError>("No thread local data section for key");
- I = std::prev(I);
- if (ThreadData >= I->first + I->second)
- return make_error<StringError>("No thread local data section for key");
- return *I;
MachOPlatformRuntimeState::PerJITDylibState *
MachOPlatformRuntimeState::getJITDylibStateByHeaderAddr(void *DSOHandle) {
auto I = JDStates.find(DSOHandle);
return JDS;
-Error MachOPlatformRuntimeState::registerThreadDataSection(
- span<const char> ThreadDataSection) {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(ThreadDataSectionsMutex);
- auto I = ThreadDataSections.upper_bound(ThreadDataSection.data());
- if (I != ThreadDataSections.begin()) {
- auto J = std::prev(I);
- if (J->first + J->second > ThreadDataSection.data())
- return make_error<StringError>("Overlapping __thread_data sections");
- }
- ThreadDataSections.insert(
- I, std::make_pair(ThreadDataSection.data(), ThreadDataSection.size()));
- return Error::success();
MachOPlatformRuntimeState::lookupSymbolInJITDylib(void *DSOHandle,
string_view Sym) {
return Error::success();
-class MachOPlatformRuntimeTLVManager {
- void *getInstance(const char *ThreadData);
- std::unordered_map<const char *, char *> Instances;
- std::unordered_map<const char *, std::unique_ptr<char[]>> AllocatedSections;
-void *MachOPlatformRuntimeTLVManager::getInstance(const char *ThreadData) {
- auto I = Instances.find(ThreadData);
- if (I != Instances.end())
- return I->second;
- auto TDS =
- MachOPlatformRuntimeState::get().getThreadDataSectionFor(ThreadData);
- if (!TDS) {
- __orc_rt_log_error(toString(TDS.takeError()).c_str());
- return nullptr;
- }
- auto &Allocated = AllocatedSections[TDS->first];
- if (!Allocated) {
- Allocated = std::make_unique<char[]>(TDS->second);
- memcpy(Allocated.get(), TDS->first, TDS->second);
- }
- size_t ThreadDataDelta = ThreadData - TDS->first;
- assert(ThreadDataDelta <= TDS->second && "ThreadData outside section bounds");
- char *Instance = Allocated.get() + ThreadDataDelta;
- Instances[ThreadData] = Instance;
- return Instance;
-void destroyMachOTLVMgr(void *MachOTLVMgr) {
- delete static_cast<MachOPlatformRuntimeTLVManager *>(MachOTLVMgr);
} // end anonymous namespace
-// TLV support
-ORC_RT_INTERFACE void *__orc_rt_macho_tlv_get_addr_impl(TLVDescriptor *D) {
- auto *TLVMgr = static_cast<MachOPlatformRuntimeTLVManager *>(
- pthread_getspecific(D->Key));
- if (!TLVMgr) {
- TLVMgr = new MachOPlatformRuntimeTLVManager();
- if (pthread_setspecific(D->Key, TLVMgr)) {
- __orc_rt_log_error("Call to pthread_setspecific failed");
- return nullptr;
- }
- }
- return TLVMgr->getInstance(
- reinterpret_cast<char *>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(D->DataAddress)));
-ORC_RT_INTERFACE __orc_rt_CWrapperFunctionResult
-__orc_rt_macho_create_pthread_key(char *ArgData, size_t ArgSize) {
- return WrapperFunction<uint64_t(void)>::handle(
- ArgData, ArgSize,
- []() {
- pthread_key_t Key;
- if (int Err = pthread_key_create(&Key, destroyMachOTLVMgr)) {
- __orc_rt_log_error("Call to pthread_key_create failed");
- return ~uint64_t(0);
- }
- return static_cast<uint64_t>(Key);
- })
- .release();
// cxa_atexit support
struct MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister {
ExecutorAddressRange EHFrameSection;
- ExecutorAddressRange ThreadDataSection;
struct MachOJITDylibInitializers {
} // end namespace macho
-using SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister =
- SPSTuple<SPSExecutorAddressRange, SPSExecutorAddressRange>;
+using SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister = SPSTuple<SPSExecutorAddressRange>;
template <>
class SPSSerializationTraits<SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister,
static size_t size(const macho::MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister &MOPOSR) {
return SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister::AsArgList::size(
- MOPOSR.EHFrameSection, MOPOSR.ThreadDataSection);
+ MOPOSR.EHFrameSection);
static bool serialize(SPSOutputBuffer &OB,
const macho::MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister &MOPOSR) {
return SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister::AsArgList::serialize(
- OB, MOPOSR.EHFrameSection, MOPOSR.ThreadDataSection);
+ OB, MOPOSR.EHFrameSection);
static bool deserialize(SPSInputBuffer &IB,
macho::MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister &MOPOSR) {
return SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister::AsArgList::deserialize(
- IB, MOPOSR.EHFrameSection, MOPOSR.ThreadDataSection);
+ IB, MOPOSR.EHFrameSection);
+++ /dev/null
-//===-- orc_rt_macho_tlv.x86-64.s -------------------------------*- ASM -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-// This file is a part of the ORC runtime support library.
- .text
- // returns address of TLV in %rax, all other registers preserved
- .globl ___orc_rt_macho_tlv_get_addr
- pushq %rbp
- movq %rsp, %rbp
- movq %rbx, -8(%rbp)
- movq %rcx, -16(%rbp)
- movq %rdx, -24(%rbp)
- movq %rsi, -32(%rbp)
- movq %rdi, -40(%rbp)
- movq %r8, -48(%rbp)
- movq %r9, -56(%rbp)
- movq %r10, -64(%rbp)
- movq %r11, -72(%rbp)
- movq %r12, -80(%rbp)
- movq %r13, -88(%rbp)
- movq %r14, -96(%rbp)
- movq %r15, -104(%rbp)
- movdqa %xmm0, -128(%rbp)
- movdqa %xmm1, -144(%rbp)
- movdqa %xmm2, -160(%rbp)
- movdqa %xmm3, -176(%rbp)
- movdqa %xmm4, -192(%rbp)
- movdqa %xmm5, -208(%rbp)
- movdqa %xmm6, -224(%rbp)
- movdqa %xmm7, -240(%rbp)
- call ___orc_rt_macho_tlv_get_addr_impl
- movq -8(%rbp), %rbx
- movq -16(%rbp), %rcx
- movq -24(%rbp), %rdx
- movq -32(%rbp), %rsi
- movq -40(%rbp), %rdi
- movq -48(%rbp), %r8
- movq -56(%rbp), %r9
- movq -64(%rbp), %r10
- movq -72(%rbp), %r11
- movq -80(%rbp), %r12
- movq -88(%rbp), %r13
- movq -96(%rbp), %r14
- movq -104(%rbp), %r15
- movdqa -128(%rbp), %xmm0
- movdqa -144(%rbp), %xmm1
- movdqa -160(%rbp), %xmm2
- movdqa -176(%rbp), %xmm3
- movdqa -192(%rbp), %xmm4
- movdqa -208(%rbp), %xmm5
- movdqa -224(%rbp), %xmm6
- movdqa -240(%rbp), %xmm7
- popq %rbp
- ret
+++ /dev/null
-// RUN: %clang -c -o %t %s
-// RUN: %llvm_jitlink %t
-// Test that basic MachO TLVs work by adding together TLVs with values
-// 0, 1, and -1, and returning the result (0 for success). This setup
-// tests both zero-initialized (__thread_bss) and non-zero-initialized
-// (__thread_data) secitons.
- .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
- .build_version macos, 11, 0
- .globl _main
- .p2align 4, 0x90
- pushq %rax
- movq _x@TLVP(%rip), %rdi
- callq *(%rdi)
- movq %rax, %rcx
- movq _y@TLVP(%rip), %rdi
- callq *(%rdi)
- movl (%rax), %edx
- addl (%rcx), %edx
- movq _z@TLVP(%rip), %rdi
- callq *(%rdi)
- addl (%rax), %edx
- movl %edx, %eax
- popq %rcx
- retq
-.tbss _x$tlv$init, 4, 2
- .section __DATA,__thread_vars,thread_local_variables
- .globl _x
- .quad __tlv_bootstrap
- .quad 0
- .quad _x$tlv$init
- .section __DATA,__thread_data,thread_local_regular
- .p2align 2
- .long 4294967295
- .section __DATA,__thread_vars,thread_local_variables
- .globl _y
- .quad __tlv_bootstrap
- .quad 0
- .quad _y$tlv$init
- .section __DATA,__thread_data,thread_local_regular
- .p2align 2
- .long 1
- .section __DATA,__thread_vars,thread_local_variables
- .globl _z
- .quad __tlv_bootstrap
- .quad 0
- .quad _z$tlv$init
struct MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister {
ExecutorAddressRange EHFrameSection;
- ExecutorAddressRange ThreadDataSection;
struct MachOJITDylibInitializers {
void addMachOHeaderSupportPasses(MaterializationResponsibility &MR,
jitlink::PassConfiguration &Config);
- void addEHAndTLVSupportPasses(MaterializationResponsibility &MR,
- jitlink::PassConfiguration &Config);
+ void addEHSupportPasses(MaterializationResponsibility &MR,
+ jitlink::PassConfiguration &Config);
Error preserveInitSections(jitlink::LinkGraph &G,
MaterializationResponsibility &MR);
Error registerInitSections(jitlink::LinkGraph &G, JITDylib &JD);
- Error fixTLVSectionsAndEdges(jitlink::LinkGraph &G, JITDylib &JD);
std::mutex PluginMutex;
MachOPlatform &MP;
InitSymbolDepMap InitSymbolDeps;
Error registerPerObjectSections(const MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister &POSR);
- Expected<uint64_t> createPThreadKey();
ExecutionSession &ES;
ObjectLinkingLayer &ObjLinkingLayer;
ExecutorProcessControl &EPC;
ExecutorAddress orc_rt_macho_platform_bootstrap;
ExecutorAddress orc_rt_macho_platform_shutdown;
ExecutorAddress orc_rt_macho_register_object_sections;
- ExecutorAddress orc_rt_macho_create_pthread_key;
DenseMap<JITDylib *, SymbolLookupSet> RegisteredInitSymbols;
std::vector<MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister> BootstrapPOSRs;
DenseMap<JITTargetAddress, JITDylib *> HeaderAddrToJITDylib;
- DenseMap<JITDylib *, uint64_t> JITDylibToPThreadKey;
namespace shared {
-using SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister =
- SPSTuple<SPSExecutorAddressRange, SPSExecutorAddressRange>;
+using SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister = SPSTuple<SPSExecutorAddressRange>;
template <>
class SPSSerializationTraits<SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister,
static size_t size(const MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister &MOPOSR) {
return SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister::AsArgList::size(
- MOPOSR.EHFrameSection, MOPOSR.ThreadDataSection);
+ MOPOSR.EHFrameSection);
static bool serialize(SPSOutputBuffer &OB,
const MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister &MOPOSR) {
return SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister::AsArgList::serialize(
- OB, MOPOSR.EHFrameSection, MOPOSR.ThreadDataSection);
+ OB, MOPOSR.EHFrameSection);
static bool deserialize(SPSInputBuffer &IB,
MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister &MOPOSR) {
return SPSMachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister::AsArgList::deserialize(
- IB, MOPOSR.EHFrameSection, MOPOSR.ThreadDataSection);
+ IB, MOPOSR.EHFrameSection);
Addend = *(const little32_t *)FixupContent - 4;
Kind = x86_64::RequestGOTAndTransformToDelta32;
- case MachOPCRel32TLV:
- if (auto TargetSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(RI.r_symbolnum))
- TargetSymbol = TargetSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
- else
- return TargetSymbolOrErr.takeError();
- Addend = *(const little32_t *)FixupContent;
- Kind = x86_64::RequestTLVPAndTransformToPCRel32TLVPLoadRelaxable;
- break;
case MachOPointer32:
if (auto TargetSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(RI.r_symbolnum))
TargetSymbol = TargetSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
assert(TargetSymbol && "No target symbol from parsePairRelocation?");
+ case MachOPCRel32TLV:
+ return make_error<JITLinkError>(
+ "MachO TLV relocations not yet supported");
StringRef EHFrameSectionName = "__TEXT,__eh_frame";
StringRef ModInitFuncSectionName = "__DATA,__mod_init_func";
-StringRef ThreadBSSSectionName = "__DATA,__thread_bss";
-StringRef ThreadDataSectionName = "__DATA,__thread_data";
-StringRef ThreadVarsSectionName = "__DATA,__thread_vars";
StringRef InitSectionNames[] = {ModInitFuncSectionName};
{"___orc_rt_macho_platform_bootstrap", &orc_rt_macho_platform_bootstrap},
{"___orc_rt_macho_platform_shutdown", &orc_rt_macho_platform_shutdown},
- &orc_rt_macho_register_object_sections},
- {"___orc_rt_macho_create_pthread_key", &orc_rt_macho_create_pthread_key}};
+ &orc_rt_macho_register_object_sections}};
SymbolLookupSet RuntimeSymbols;
std::vector<std::pair<SymbolStringPtr, ExecutorAddress *>> AddrsToRecord;
return ErrResult;
-Expected<uint64_t> MachOPlatform::createPThreadKey() {
- if (!orc_rt_macho_create_pthread_key)
- return make_error<StringError>(
- "Attempting to create pthread key in target, but runtime support has "
- "not been loaded yet",
- inconvertibleErrorCode());
- uint64_t Result = 0;
- if (auto Err = EPC.runSPSWrapper<uint64_t(void)>(
- orc_rt_macho_create_pthread_key.getValue(), Result))
- return std::move(Err);
- return Result;
void MachOPlatform::MachOPlatformPlugin::modifyPassConfig(
MaterializationResponsibility &MR, jitlink::LinkGraph &LG,
jitlink::PassConfiguration &Config) {
if (MR.getInitializerSymbol())
addInitializerSupportPasses(MR, Config);
- // Add passes for eh-frame and TLV support.
- addEHAndTLVSupportPasses(MR, Config);
+ // Add passes for eh-frame support.
+ addEHSupportPasses(MR, Config);
-void MachOPlatform::MachOPlatformPlugin::addEHAndTLVSupportPasses(
+void MachOPlatform::MachOPlatformPlugin::addEHSupportPasses(
MaterializationResponsibility &MR, jitlink::PassConfiguration &Config) {
- // Insert TLV lowering at the start of the PostPrunePasses, since we want
- // it to run before GOT/PLT lowering.
- Config.PostPrunePasses.insert(
- Config.PostPrunePasses.begin(),
- [this, &JD = MR.getTargetJITDylib()](jitlink::LinkGraph &G) {
- return fixTLVSectionsAndEdges(G, JD);
- });
- // Add a pass to register the final addresses of the eh-frame and TLV sections
+ // Add a pass to register the final addresses of the eh-frame sections
// with the runtime.
Config.PostFixupPasses.push_back([this](jitlink::LinkGraph &G) -> Error {
MachOPerObjectSectionsToRegister POSR;
- // Get a pointer to the thread data section if there is one. It will be used
- // below.
- jitlink::Section *ThreadDataSection =
- G.findSectionByName(ThreadDataSectionName);
- // Handle thread BSS section if there is one.
- if (auto *ThreadBSSSection = G.findSectionByName(ThreadBSSSectionName)) {
- // If there's already a thread data section in this graph then merge the
- // thread BSS section content into it, otherwise just treat the thread
- // BSS section as the thread data section.
- if (ThreadDataSection)
- G.mergeSections(*ThreadDataSection, *ThreadBSSSection);
- else
- ThreadDataSection = ThreadBSSSection;
- }
- // Having merged thread BSS (if present) and thread data (if present),
- // record the resulting section range.
- if (ThreadDataSection) {
- jitlink::SectionRange R(*ThreadDataSection);
- if (!R.empty())
- POSR.ThreadDataSection = {ExecutorAddress(R.getStart()),
- ExecutorAddress(R.getEnd())};
- }
- if (POSR.EHFrameSection.StartAddress ||
- POSR.ThreadDataSection.StartAddress) {
+ if (POSR.EHFrameSection.StartAddress) {
// If we're still bootstrapping the runtime then just record this
// frame for now.
return MP.registerInitInfo(JD, InitSections);
-Error MachOPlatform::MachOPlatformPlugin::fixTLVSectionsAndEdges(
- jitlink::LinkGraph &G, JITDylib &JD) {
- // Rename external references to __tlv_bootstrap to ___orc_rt_tlv_get_addr.
- for (auto *Sym : G.external_symbols())
- if (Sym->getName() == "__tlv_bootstrap") {
- Sym->setName("___orc_rt_macho_tlv_get_addr");
- break;
- }
- // Store key in __thread_vars struct fields.
- if (auto *ThreadDataSec = G.findSectionByName(ThreadVarsSectionName)) {
- Optional<uint64_t> Key;
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(MP.PlatformMutex);
- auto I = MP.JITDylibToPThreadKey.find(&JD);
- if (I != MP.JITDylibToPThreadKey.end())
- Key = I->second;
- }
- if (!Key) {
- if (auto KeyOrErr = MP.createPThreadKey())
- Key = *KeyOrErr;
- else
- return KeyOrErr.takeError();
- }
- uint64_t PlatformKeyBits =
- support::endian::byte_swap(*Key, G.getEndianness());
- for (auto *B : ThreadDataSec->blocks()) {
- if (B->getSize() != 3 * G.getPointerSize())
- return make_error<StringError>("__thread_vars block at " +
- formatv("{0:x}", B->getAddress()) +
- " has unexpected size",
- inconvertibleErrorCode());
- auto NewBlockContent = G.allocateBuffer(B->getSize());
- llvm::copy(B->getContent(), NewBlockContent.data());
- memcpy(NewBlockContent.data() + G.getPointerSize(), &PlatformKeyBits,
- G.getPointerSize());
- B->setContent(NewBlockContent);
- }
- }
- // Transform any TLV edges into GOT edges.
- for (auto *B : G.blocks())
- for (auto &E : B->edges())
- if (E.getKind() ==
- jitlink::x86_64::RequestTLVPAndTransformToPCRel32TLVPLoadRelaxable)
- E.setKind(
- jitlink::x86_64::RequestGOTAndTransformToPCRel32GOTLoadRelaxable);
- return Error::success();
} // End namespace orc.
} // End namespace llvm.