group "Elm_Config" struct {
- value "config_version" int: 131075;
+ value "config_version" int: 131076;
value "engine" string: "";
value "vsync" uchar: 0;
value "thumbscroll_enable" uchar: 1;
value "action" string: "move";
value "params" string: "down";
+ group "Elm_Config_Binding_Key" struct {
+ value "context" int: 0;
+ value "key" string: "KP_Enter";
+ value "action" string: "activate";
+ value "params" string: "";
+ }
+ group "Elm_Config_Binding_Key" struct {
+ value "context" int: 0;
+ value "key" string: "Return";
+ value "action" string: "activate";
+ value "params" string: "";
+ }
+ group "Elm_Config_Binding_Key" struct {
+ value "context" int: 0;
+ value "key" string: "space";
+ value "action" string: "activate";
+ value "params" string: "";
+ }
group "Elm_Config_Bindings_Widget" struct {
group "Elm_Config" struct {
- value "config_version" int: 131075;
+ value "config_version" int: 131076;
value "engine" string: "";
value "vsync" uchar: 0;
value "thumbscroll_enable" uchar: 1;
value "action" string: "move";
value "params" string: "down";
+ group "Elm_Config_Binding_Key" struct {
+ value "context" int: 0;
+ value "key" string: "KP_Enter";
+ value "action" string: "activate";
+ value "params" string: "";
+ }
+ group "Elm_Config_Binding_Key" struct {
+ value "context" int: 0;
+ value "key" string: "Return";
+ value "action" string: "activate";
+ value "params" string: "";
+ }
+ group "Elm_Config_Binding_Key" struct {
+ value "context" int: 0;
+ value "key" string: "space";
+ value "action" string: "activate";
+ value "params" string: "";
+ }
group "Elm_Config_Bindings_Widget" struct {
group "Elm_Config" struct {
- value "config_version" int: 131075;
+ value "config_version" int: 131076;
value "engine" string: "";
value "vsync" uchar: 0;
value "thumbscroll_enable" uchar: 0;
value "action" string: "move";
value "params" string: "down";
+ group "Elm_Config_Binding_Key" struct {
+ value "context" int: 0;
+ value "key" string: "KP_Enter";
+ value "action" string: "activate";
+ value "params" string: "";
+ }
+ group "Elm_Config_Binding_Key" struct {
+ value "context" int: 0;
+ value "key" string: "Return";
+ value "action" string: "activate";
+ value "params" string: "";
+ }
+ group "Elm_Config_Binding_Key" struct {
+ value "context" int: 0;
+ value "key" string: "space";
+ value "action" string: "activate";
+ value "params" string: "";
+ }
group "Elm_Config_Bindings_Widget" struct {
static Eina_Bool _key_action_move(Evas_Object *obj, const char *params);
+static Eina_Bool _key_action_activate(Evas_Object *obj, const char *params);
static const Elm_Action key_actions[] = {
{"move", _key_action_move},
+ {"activate", _key_action_activate},
else return EINA_FALSE;
+static Eina_Bool
+_key_action_activate(Evas_Object *obj, const char *params EINA_UNUSED)
+ _activate(obj);
+ return EINA_TRUE;
EOLIAN static Eina_Bool
_elm_hoversel_elm_widget_event(Eo *obj, Elm_Hoversel_Data *sd, Evas_Object *src, Evas_Callback_Type type, void *event_info)
_elm_hoversel_elm_interface_atspi_widget_action_elm_actions_get(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Elm_Hoversel_Data *pd EINA_UNUSED)
static Elm_Atspi_Action atspi_actions[] = {
+ { "activate", "activate", NULL, _key_action_activate},
{ "move,up", "move", "up", _key_action_move},
{ "move,down", "move", "down", _key_action_move},
{ "move,left", "move", "left", _key_action_move},
_elm_config->transition_duration_factor = tcfg->transition_duration_factor;
+ IFCFG(0x0004)
+ Elm_Config_Bindings_Widget *wb, *twb = NULL;
+ Eina_List *l;
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(tcfg->bindings, l, wb)
+ {
+ if (wb->name && !strcmp(wb->name, "Elm_Hoversel"))
+ {
+ twb = wb;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (twb)
+ {
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(_elm_config->bindings, l, wb)
+ {
+ if (wb->name && !strcmp(wb->name, "Elm_Hoversel"))
+ {
+ // simply swap bindngs for Elm_Hoversel with system ones
+ Eina_List *tmp = wb->key_bindings;
+ wb->key_bindings = twb->key_bindings;
+ twb->key_bindings = tmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Fix user config for current ELM_CONFIG_EPOCH here.
* the users config doesn't need to be wiped - simply new values need
* to be put in