use constant MIN_IPC_SYS_SIMPLE_VER => 0.12;
# All the Fatal/autodie modules share the same version number.
-our $VERSION = '2.03';
+our $VERSION = '2.04';
our $Debug ||= 0;
':2.01' => [qw(:default)],
':2.02' => [qw(:default)],
':2.03' => [qw(:default)],
+ ':2.04' => [qw(:default)],
$TAGS{':all'} = [ keys %TAGS ];
use autodie qw(fail_on_empty fail_on_false fail_on_undef);
diag("Sub::Identify ", exists( $INC{'Sub/'} ) ? "is" : "is not",
- " loaded");
+ " loaded") if (! $ENV{PERL_CORE});
my $hints = "autodie::hints";
isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception");
is($@->function, "File::Copy::copy", "Function should be original name");
-is($@->return, 0, "File::Copy returns zero on failure");
+SKIP: {
+ skip("File::Copy is weird on Win32 before 5.10.1", 1)
+ if ( ! PERL5101 and $^O eq "MSWin32" );
+ is($@->return, 0, "File::Copy returns zero on failure");
is($@->context, "scalar", "File::Copy called in scalar context");
# List context test.
isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception");
is($@->function, "File::Copy::copy", "Function should be original name");
-is_deeply($@->return, [0], "File::Copy returns zero on failure");
+SKIP: {
+ skip("File::Copy is weird on Win32 before 5.10.1", 1)
+ if ( ! PERL5101 and $^O eq "MSWin32" );
+ is_deeply($@->return, [0], "File::Copy returns zero on failure");
is($@->context, "list", "File::Copy called in list context");
# Tests on loaded funcs.