// Generate length check. If the input isn't long enough to possibly match, fail quickly.
// It's rare for min required length to be 0, so we don't bother special-casing the check,
// especially since we want the "return false" code regardless.
- writer.WriteLine("// Minimum required length check");
int minRequiredLength = rm.Code.Tree.MinRequiredLength;
- string minRequiredLengthOffset = rm.Code.Tree.MinRequiredLength > 0 ? $" - {rm.Code.Tree.MinRequiredLength}" : "";
Debug.Assert(minRequiredLength >= 0);
- using (EmitBlock(writer, !rtl ?
- $"if (runtextpos <= runtextend{minRequiredLengthOffset})" :
- $"if (runtextpos{minRequiredLengthOffset} >= runtextbeg)"))
+ string clause = !rtl ?
+ minRequiredLength switch
+ {
+ 0 => "if (runtextpos <= runtextend)",
+ 1 => "if (runtextpos < runtextend)",
+ _ => $"if (runtextpos < runtextend - {minRequiredLength - 1})"
+ } :
+ minRequiredLength switch
+ {
+ 0 => "if (runtextpos >= runtextbeg)",
+ 1 => "if (runtextpos > runtextbeg)",
+ _ => $"if (runtextpos - {minRequiredLength - 1} > runtextbeg)"
+ };
+ using (EmitBlock(writer, clause))
Debug.Assert(charClassIndex == 0 || charClassIndex == 1);
+ bool hasCharClassConditions = false;
if (charClassIndex < lcc.Length)
- // if (!CharInClass(textSpan[i + charClassIndex], prefix[0], "...") ||
+ // if (CharInClass(textSpan[i + charClassIndex], prefix[0], "...") &&
// ...)
- // {
- // continue;
- // }
int start = charClassIndex;
for (; charClassIndex < lcc.Length; charClassIndex++)
if (charClassIndex == start)
- writer.Write($"if (!{charInClassExpr}");
+ writer.Write($"if ({charInClassExpr}");
- writer.WriteLine(" ||");
- writer.Write($" !{charInClassExpr}");
+ writer.WriteLine(" &&");
+ writer.Write($" {charInClassExpr}");
- using (EmitBlock(writer, null))
- {
- writer.WriteLine("continue;");
- }
- writer.WriteLine();
+ hasCharClassConditions = true;
- writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = runtextpos + i;");
- writer.WriteLine("return true;");
+ using (hasCharClassConditions ? EmitBlock(writer, null) : default)
+ {
+ writer.WriteLine("base.runtextpos = runtextpos + i;");
+ writer.WriteLine("return true;");
+ }
int minIterations = node.M;
int maxIterations = node.N;
- string originalDoneLabel = doneLabel;
- doneLabel = DefineLabel();
Span<char> setChars = stackalloc char[3]; // 3 is max we can use with IndexOfAny
int numSetChars = 0;
writer.WriteLine($", {Literal(node.Ch)});");
- using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({iterationLocal} != -1)"))
+ using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({iterationLocal} == -1)"))
- writer.WriteLine($"goto {doneLabel};");
+ writer.WriteLine(textSpanPos > 0 ?
+ $"{iterationLocal} = {textSpanLocal}.Length - {textSpanPos};" :
+ $"{iterationLocal} = {textSpanLocal}.Length;");
- writer.WriteLine(textSpanPos > 0 ?
- $"{iterationLocal} = {textSpanLocal}.Length - {textSpanPos};" :
- $"{iterationLocal} = {textSpanLocal}.Length;");
else if (node.Type == RegexNode.Setloopatomic &&
maxIterations == int.MaxValue &&
writer.WriteLine(numSetChars == 2 ?
$", {Literal(setChars[0])}, {Literal(setChars[1])});" :
$", {Literal(setChars[0])}, {Literal(setChars[1])}, {Literal(setChars[2])});");
- using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({iterationLocal} != -1)"))
+ using (EmitBlock(writer, $"if ({iterationLocal} == -1)"))
- writer.WriteLine($"goto {doneLabel};");
+ writer.WriteLine(textSpanPos > 0 ?
+ $"{iterationLocal} = {textSpanLocal}.Length - {textSpanPos};" :
+ $"{iterationLocal} = {textSpanLocal}.Length;");
- writer.WriteLine(textSpanPos > 0 ?
- $"{iterationLocal} = {textSpanLocal}.Length - {textSpanPos};" :
- $"{iterationLocal} = {textSpanLocal}.Length;");
else if (node.Type == RegexNode.Setloopatomic && maxIterations == int.MaxValue && node.Str == RegexCharClass.AnyClass)
switch (node.Type)
case RegexNode.Oneloopatomic:
- expr = ToLowerIfNeeded(hasTextInfo, options, expr, IsCaseInsensitive(node) && RegexCharClass.ParticipatesInCaseConversion(node.Ch));
- expr = $"{expr} != {Literal(node.Ch)}";
- break;
case RegexNode.Notoneloopatomic:
expr = ToLowerIfNeeded(hasTextInfo, options, expr, IsCaseInsensitive(node) && RegexCharClass.ParticipatesInCaseConversion(node.Ch));
- expr = $"{expr} == {Literal(node.Ch)}";
+ expr = $"{expr} {(node.Type == RegexNode.Oneloopatomic ? "==" : "!=")} {Literal(node.Ch)}";
case RegexNode.Setloopatomic:
expr = MatchCharacterClass(hasTextInfo, options, expr, node.Str!, IsCaseInsensitive(node));
- expr = $"!{expr}";
writer.WriteLine($"int {iterationLocal} = 0;");
- using (EmitBlock(writer, $"while (true)"))
+ string maxClause = maxIterations != int.MaxValue ? $"{iterationLocal} < {maxIterations} && " : "";
+ using (EmitBlock(writer, $"while ({maxClause}(uint){iterationLocal} < (uint){textSpanLocal}.Length && {expr})"))
EmitTimeoutCheck(writer, hasTimeout);
- string clause = "if (";
- if (maxIterations != int.MaxValue)
- {
- clause += $"{iterationLocal} >= {maxIterations} || ";
- }
- using (EmitBlock(writer, $"{clause}(uint){iterationLocal} >= (uint){textSpanLocal}.Length || {expr})"))
- {
- writer.WriteLine($"goto {doneLabel};");
- }
- // Done:
- MarkLabel(doneLabel);
- doneLabel = originalDoneLabel; // Restore the original done label
// Check to ensure we've found at least min iterations.
if (minIterations > 0)
if (!invariant && RegexCharClass.TryGetSingleRange(charClass, out char lowInclusive, out char highInclusive))
bool invert = RegexCharClass.IsNegated(charClass);
- if (lowInclusive == highInclusive)
- {
- chExpr = $"({chExpr} {(invert ? "!=" : "==")} {Literal(lowInclusive)})";
- }
- else
- {
- chExpr = $"(((uint){chExpr}) - {Literal(lowInclusive)} {(invert ? ">=" : "<")} (uint){highInclusive - lowInclusive + 1})";
- }
- return chExpr;
+ return lowInclusive == highInclusive ?
+ $"({chExpr} {(invert ? "!=" : "==")} {Literal(lowInclusive)})" :
+ $"(((uint){chExpr}) - {Literal(lowInclusive)} {(invert ? ">" : "<=")} (uint)({Literal(highInclusive)} - {Literal(lowInclusive)}))";
// Next if the character class contains nothing but a single Unicode category, we can calle char.GetUnicodeCategory and