+ Based off ARM DDI 0487F.c (C.4.1)
Modify the patchBypass if the opcode is IP-relative, otherwise return it
The following are the instructions that are IP-relative :
. ADR and ADRP.
_ASSERTE((UINT_PTR)address == context->Pc);
- if ((opcode & 0x1F000000) == 0x10000000) //ADR & ADRP
+ if ((opcode & 0x1F000000) == 0x10000000) //ADR & ADRP (PC-Relative)
TADDR immhigh = ((opcode >> 5) & 0x007FFFF) << 2;
TADDR immlow = (opcode & 0x60000000) >> 29;
offset = immhigh | immlow; //ADR
LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate opcode: %x to ADR X%d %p\n", opcode, RegNum, offset));
else if ((opcode & 0x3B000000) == 0x18000000) //LDR Literal (General or SIMD)
- {
+ {
offset = Expand19bitoffset(opcode);
RegNum = (opcode & 0x1F);
LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate opcode: %x to LDR[SW] | PRFM X%d %p\n", opcode, RegNum, offset));
CORDbgSetInstruction((CORDB_ADDRESS_TYPE *)patchBypass, 0xd503201f); //Add Nop in buffer
- PCODE RegContents;
if ((opcode & 0x3B000000) == 0x18000000) //LDR Literal
- RegContents = (PCODE)GetMem(ip);
- if ((opcode & 0x4000000)) //LDR literal for SIMD
+ bool isSimd = ((opcode & 0x4000000) != 0); //LDR literal for SIMD
+ NEON128 SimdRegContents = { 0 };
+ short opc = (opcode >> 30);
+ LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate opcode: %x (opc: %x, isSimd: %x)\n", opcode, opc, isSimd));
+ switch (opc)
- NEON128 SimdRegContents;
- LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate opcode: %x to LDR V%d %p\n", opcode, RegNum, offset));
- short opc = (opcode >> 30);
- switch (opc)
- {
- case 0: //4byte data into St
- SimdRegContents.Low = 0xFFFFFFFF & RegContents; //zero the upper 32bit
- SimdRegContents.High = 0;
+ case 0: //load 4 bytes
+ SimdRegContents.Low = GetMem(ip, 4, /* signExtend */ false);
+ SimdRegContents.High = 0;
+ if (isSimd) //LDR St [imm]
SetSimdReg(context, RegNum, SimdRegContents);
- break;
- case 1: //8byte data into Dt
- SimdRegContents.Low = RegContents;
- SimdRegContents.High = 0;
+ else // LDR Wt [imm]
+ SetReg(context, RegNum, SimdRegContents.Low);
+ break;
+ case 1: //load 8 bytes
+ SimdRegContents.Low = GetMem(ip, 8, /* signExtend */ false);
+ SimdRegContents.High = 0;
+ if (isSimd) //LDR Dt [imm]
SetSimdReg(context, RegNum, SimdRegContents);
- break;
- case 2: //SIMD 16 byte data
+ else // LDR Xt [imm]
+ SetReg(context, RegNum, SimdRegContents.Low);
+ break;
+ case 2: //SIMD 16 byte data
+ if (isSimd) //LDR Qt [imm]
+ {
SimdRegContents = GetSimdMem(ip);
SetSimdReg(context, RegNum, SimdRegContents);
- break;
- default:
- LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate Unknown opcode: %x [LDR(litera,SIMD &FP)] \n", opcode));
- _ASSERTE(!("Arm64Walker::Simulated Unknown opcode"));
- }
- else
- {
- short opc = (opcode >> 30);
- switch (opc)
+ else //LDR St [imm] (sign extendeded)
- case 0: //4byte data into Wt
- LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate opcode: %x to LDR W%d %p\n", opcode, RegNum, offset));
- RegContents = 0xFFFFFFFF & RegContents; //zero the upper 32bits
- SetReg(context, RegNum, RegContents);
- break;
- case 1: //8byte data into Xt
- LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate opcode: %x to LDR X%d %p\n", opcode, RegNum, offset));
- SetReg(context, RegNum, RegContents);
- break;
- case 2: //LDRSW
- LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate opcode: %x to LDRSW X%d %p\n", opcode, RegNum, offset));
- RegContents = 0xFFFFFFFF & RegContents;
- if (RegContents & 0x80000000) //Sign extend the Word
- {
- RegContents = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 | RegContents;
- }
- SetReg(context, RegNum, RegContents);
- break;
- case 3:
- LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate opcode: %x as PRFM ,but do nothing \n", opcode));
- break;
- default:
- LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate Unknown opcode: %x [LDR(literal)] \n", opcode));
- _ASSERTE(!("Arm64Walker::Simulated Unknown opcode"));
+ SimdRegContents.Low = GetMem(ip, 4, /* signExtend */ true);
+ SetReg(context, RegNum, SimdRegContents.Low);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate opcode: %x as PRFM ,but do nothing \n", opcode));
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate Unknown opcode: %x [LDR(litera,SIMD &FP)] \n", opcode));
+ _ASSERTE(!("Arm64Walker::Simulated Unknown opcode"));
- }
- else
- {
- RegContents = ip;
- SetReg(context, RegNum, RegContents);
- }
+ LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate loadedMemory [Hi: %ull, lo: %ull]\n", SimdRegContents.High, SimdRegContents.Low));
- LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100000, "Arm64Walker::Simulate opcode: %x to update Reg X[V]%d, as %p \n", opcode, RegNum, GetReg(context, RegNum)));
+ }
//else Just execute the opcodes as IS
return (TADDR)(context->Fp);
-inline NEON128 GetSimdMem(PCODE ip)
+inline TADDR GetMem(PCODE address, SIZE_T size, bool signExtend)
- NEON128 mem;
+ TADDR mem;
- mem.Low = dac_cast<PCODE>(ip);
- mem.High = dac_cast<PCODE>(ip + sizeof(PCODE));
+ switch (size)
+ {
+ case 4:
+ mem = *(uint32_t*)address;
+ if (signExtend && (mem & 0x80000000))
+ mem |= 0xffffffff00000000;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ mem = *(uint64_t*)address;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
_ASSERTE(!"Memory read within jitted Code Failed, this should not happen!!!!");
return mem;
-inline TADDR GetMem(PCODE ip)
+inline NEON128 GetSimdMem(PCODE ip)
- TADDR mem;
+ NEON128 mem;
- {
- mem = dac_cast<TADDR>(ip);
- }
- {
- _ASSERTE(!"Memory read within jitted Code Failed, this should not happen!!!!");
- }
- EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions);
+ mem.Low = GetMem(ip, 8, false);
+ mem.High = GetMem(ip + 1, 8, false);
return mem;
void emitCOMStubCall (ComCallMethodDesc *pCOMMethod, PCODE target);
- static void Init();
+ static void Init();
void EmitCallManagedMethod(MethodDesc *pMD, BOOL fTailCall);
void EmitCallLabel(CodeLabel *target, BOOL fTailCall, BOOL fIndirect);
void EmitShuffleThunk(struct ShuffleEntry *pShuffleEntryArray);
void EmitComputedInstantiatingMethodStub(MethodDesc* pSharedMD, struct ShuffleEntry *pShuffleEntryArray, void* extraArg);