* First pass to get an installer build integrated into runtime.yml with minimal changes to the installer jobs.
Fix paths to jobs.
Fix typos
Add platform to parameter lists.
Pass platform to all jobs.
Cleanup variable usages.
Don't pass buildConfig down to installer jobs. They use matrix strategy instead.
Fix variable usage in windows build.
Fix windows platform names.
Add missing platform parameter for Windows_NT_arm
Update last condition re parameters.dockerImage.
Rename dockerImage parameter to productBuildDockerImage to be more explicit.
Use pool and container parameters from platform-matrix in installer build.
Pass rootfs dir via crossrootfsDir to bash-build.yml.
Fix passing down container in runtime-installer pipeline.
Remove unused Linux_x64_raw config.
* Add support for clang 9 to corehost build.
* Skip tests on Linux_musl_arm64
* runtime.yml installer build with live artifacts
Includes refactoring the runtime legs to avoid duplicating artifact
transfer logic and preserve the runtime standalone build.
* Fix installer overrides: accept live CI artifacts
* Use clone-checkout-bundle-step.yml everywhere
* Try using isOfficialBuild var from template expr
* Switch from $[] to $() to fix clone template
$[] becomes empty string when a variable is undefined. $() sticks around literally if the variable doesn't exist, messing up the command. Unfortunately $[] doesn't seem to work in this context so we must use $() and define the variable as empty string.
--- /dev/null
+- checkout: none
+ clean: true
+- download: current
+ artifact: Checkout_bundle
+ displayName: Download Checkout.bundle
+- script: |
+ $(setScriptToEchoAndFailOnNonZero)
+ git clone $(Pipeline.Workspace)/Checkout_bundle/Checkout.bundle .
+ git remote set-url origin $(Build.Repository.Uri)
+ displayName: Clone the repository from Checkout.bundle
managedTestBuildOsGroup: OSX
${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters.jobParameters }}
+# WebAssembly
- ${{ if containsValue(parameters.platforms, 'WebAssembly_wasm') }}:
- template: xplat-setup.yml
--- /dev/null
+- name: isOfficialBuild
+ value: ${{ and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notIn(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}
value: '\'
- name: _msbuildCommand
value: powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile eng\common\msbuild.ps1 -warnaserror:0 -ci
+ - name: setScriptToEchoAndFailOnNonZero
+ value: ''
- ${{ if ne(parameters.osGroup, 'Windows_NT') }}:
- name: archiveExtension
value: '/'
- name: _msbuildCommand
value: ./eng/common/msbuild.sh --warnaserror false --ci
+ # Set the bash script to display each command, and stop if any command exits nonzero.
+ - name: setScriptToEchoAndFailOnNonZero
+ value: 'set -xe'
- ${{ if ne(parameters.jobParameters.crossrootfsDir, '') }}:
# This is only required for cross builds.
- name: ROOTFS_DIR
osGroup: ${{ parameters.osGroup }}
osSubgroup: ${{ parameters.osSubgroup }}
archType: ${{ parameters.archType }}
+ platform: ${{ parameters.platform }}
${{ if ne(parameters.container, '') }}:
${{ if eq(parameters.container.registry, 'mcr') }}:
${{ if ne(parameters.helixQueuesTemplate, '') }}:
jobTemplate: ${{ parameters.jobTemplate }}
jobParameters: ${{ parameters.jobParameters }}
- platform: ${{ parameters.platform }}
- ${{insert}}: ${{ variable }}
- - checkout: none
- clean: true
- - download: current
- artifact: Checkout_bundle
- displayName: Download Checkout.bundle
- - script: |
- git clone $(Pipeline.Workspace)/Checkout_bundle/Checkout.bundle .
- git remote set-url origin $(Build.Repository.Uri)
- displayName: Clone the repository from Checkout.bundle
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/common/clone-checkout-bundle-step.yml
- ${{ parameters.steps }}
name: $(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r)
- - name: TeamName
- value: dotnet-core-acquisition
- # Skip Running CI tests
- - name: SkipTests
- value: false
- # Set Official Build Id
- - name: OfficialBuildId
- value: $(Build.BuildNumber)
- # Set the target blob feed for package publish during official and validation builds.
- - name: _DotNetArtifactsCategory
- value: .NETCore
- - name: _DotNetValidationArtifactsCategory
- value: .NETCoreValidation
- # Produce test-signed build for PR and Public builds
- - ${{ if or(eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- - name: SignType
- value: test
- # Set up non-PR build from internal project
- - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- - name: SignType
- value: $[ coalesce(variables.OfficialSignType, 'real') ]
- # Values for SDLValidationParameters
- - group: core-setup-sdl-validation
- - name: pipelinesPath
- value: /eng/pipelines/installer
- - name: buildScriptFileName
- value: installer
-- stage: Build
- jobs:
- # -------- Build Bash legs (Linux and FreeBSD) --------
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/bash-build.yml
- parameters:
- crossBuild: true
- name: Linux_Arm
- dockerImage: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet-buildtools/prereqs:ubuntu-16.04-cross-14.04-23cacb0-20190923200213
- additionalRunArgs: -e ROOTFS_DIR=/crossrootfs/arm
- portableBuild: true
- skipTests: true
- targetArchitecture: arm
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/bash-build.yml
- parameters:
- crossBuild: true
- name: Linux_Arm64
- dockerImage: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet-buildtools/prereqs:ubuntu-16.04-cross-arm64-cfdd435-20190923200213
- additionalRunArgs: -e ROOTFS_DIR=/crossrootfs/arm64
- portableBuild: true
- skipTests: true
- targetArchitecture: arm64
- # # Tizen build only for PR build
- # - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}:
- # - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/bash-build.yml
- # parameters:
- # additionalMSBuildArgs: /p:OverridePackageSource=https:%2F%2Ftizen.myget.org/F/dotnet-core/api/v3/index.json /p:OutputRid=tizen.5.0.0-armel
- # additionalRunArgs: -e ROOTFS_DIR=/crossrootfs/armel.tizen.build
- # crossBuild: true
- # name: Linux_ArmRel_Tizen
- # disableCrossgen: true
- # dockerImage: tizendotnet/dotnet-buildtools-prereqs:ubuntu-16.04-cross-e435274-20180426002255-tizen-rootfs-5.0m1
- # portableBuild: false
- # skipTests: true
- # targetArchitecture: armel
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/bash-build.yml
- parameters:
- additionalMSBuildArgs: /p:OutputRid=linux-musl-arm64
- crossBuild: true
- name: Linux_Arm64_Alpine37
- dockerImage: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet-buildtools/prereqs:ubuntu-16.04-cross-arm64-alpine-406629a-20190923200213
- additionalRunArgs: -e ROOTFS_DIR=/crossrootfs/arm64
- portableBuild: false
- skipTests: true
- targetArchitecture: arm64
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/bash-build.yml
- parameters:
- additionalMSBuildArgs: /p:OutputRid=linux-musl-x64
- name: Linux_x64_Alpine39
- dockerImage: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet-buildtools/prereqs:alpine-3.9-WithNode-0fc54a3-20190918214015
- portableBuild: false
- targetArchitecture: x64
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/bash-build.yml
- parameters:
- name: Linux_x64_glibc
- dockerImage: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet-buildtools/prereqs:centos-7-50f0d02-20190918214028
- packageDistroList:
- - image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet-buildtools/prereqs:ubuntu-14.04-debpkg-e5cf912-20175003025046
- imageRid: ubuntu.14.04
- rids: []
- - image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet-buildtools/prereqs:rhel-7-rpmpkg-c982313-20174116044113
- imageRid: rhel.7
- rids:
- - centos.7
- - fedora.27
- - opensuse.42
- - oraclelinux.7
- - sles.12
- portableBuild: true
- targetArchitecture: x64
- # -------- Build OSX (macOS) leg --------
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/osx-build.yml
- parameters:
- name: OSX
- # -------- Build Windows legs --------
- # Windows Arm
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/windows-build.yml
- parameters:
- name: Windows_Arm
- skipTests: true
- targetArchitecture: arm
- # Windows Arm64
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/windows-build.yml
- parameters:
- name: Windows_Arm64
- skipTests: true
- targetArchitecture: arm64
- # Windows x64
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/windows-build.yml
- parameters:
- name: Windows_x64
- publishRidAgnosticPackages: true
- targetArchitecture: x64
- # Windows x86
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/windows-build.yml
- parameters:
- name: Windows_x86
- targetArchitecture: x86
-- ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- - stage: PrepareForPublish
- displayName: Prepare for Publish
- dependsOn: Build
- jobs:
- # Prep artifacts: sign them and upload pipeline artifacts expected by stages-based publishing.
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/jobs/prepare-signed-artifacts.yml
- parameters:
- PublishRidAgnosticPackagesFromJobName: Windows_x64
- # Publish to Build Asset Registry in order to generate the ReleaseConfigs artifact.
- - template: /eng/common/templates/job/publish-build-assets.yml
- parameters:
- publishUsingPipelines: true
- dependsOn: PrepareSignedArtifacts
- pool:
- name: NetCoreInternal-Pool
- queue: buildpool.windows.10.amd64.vs2017
- - template: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}/stages/publish.yml
- parameters:
- pipelinesPath: ${{ variables['pipelinesPath'] }}
- # Publish channel configuration. The publish template wraps Arcade publishing and adds some
- # extras that aren't implemented in Arcade yet.
- #
- # - dependsOn: <ID of the Arcade stage that finalization should run after>
- # channel:
- # name: <Name of this channel, for logging and readability>
- # bar: <Name of the Arcade variable that contains the ID of this channel in BAR>
- # storage: <Name of the Latest channel to publish to in dotnetcli blob storage>
- dependsOnPublishStages:
- - dependsOn: NetCore_Release30_Publish
- channel:
- name: .NET Core 3 Release
- bar: PublicRelease_30_Channel_Id
- storage: release/3.0-preview9
- public: true
- - dependsOn: NetCore_30_Internal_Servicing_Publishing
- channel:
- name: .NET Core 3 Internal Servicing
- bar: InternalServicing_30_Channel_Id
- storage: internal/release/3.0
- public: false
- - dependsOn: NetCore_Dev31_Publish
- channel:
- name: .NET Core 3.1 Dev
- bar: PublicDevRelease_31_Channel_Id
- storage: release/3.1
- public: true
- - dependsOn: NetCore_Release31_Publish
- channel:
- name: .NET Core 3.1 Release
- bar: PublicRelease_31_Channel_Id
- storage: release/3.1-preview1
- public: true
- - dependsOn: NetCore_Dev5_Publish
- channel:
- name: .NET Core 5 Dev
- bar: NetCore_5_Dev_Channel_Id
- storage: master
- public: true
- - dependsOn: PVR_Publish
- channel:
- name: .NET Tools - Validation
- bar: NetCore_Tools_Validation_Channel_Id
- storage: dev/validation
- public: true
+# Checkout repository
+- template: /eng/pipelines/common/checkout-job.yml
+# Build and Test
+- template: /eng/pipelines/installer/installer-matrix.yml
+ parameters:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ debug:
+ _BuildConfig: Debug
+ release:
+ _BuildConfig: Release
--- /dev/null
+ # Allow entry points to skip certain platforms. Note: only implemented for platforms that are
+ # known to sometimes need skipping. (Adds boilerplate.)
+ skipPlatforms: []
+- template: /eng/pipelines/common/platform-matrix.yml
+ parameters:
+ jobTemplate: /eng/pipelines/installer/jobs/windows-build.yml
+ platforms:
+ - Windows_NT_arm
+ - Windows_NT_arm64
+ jobParameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
+ skipTests: true
+- template: /eng/pipelines/common/platform-matrix.yml
+ parameters:
+ jobTemplate: /eng/pipelines/installer/jobs/windows-build.yml
+ platforms:
+ - Windows_NT_x86
+ jobParameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
+- template: /eng/pipelines/common/platform-matrix.yml
+ parameters:
+ jobTemplate: /eng/pipelines/installer/jobs/windows-build.yml
+ platforms:
+ - Windows_NT_x64
+ jobParameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
+ publicRidAgnosticPackages: true
+- template: /eng/pipelines/common/platform-matrix.yml
+ parameters:
+ jobTemplate: /eng/pipelines/installer/jobs/bash-build.yml
+ platforms:
+ - Linux_arm
+ - ${{ if not(containsValue(parameters.skipPlatforms, 'Linux_arm64')) }}:
+ - Linux_arm64
+ jobParameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
+ portableBuild: true
+ skipTests: true
+ crossBuild: true
+- template: /eng/pipelines/common/platform-matrix.yml
+ parameters:
+ jobTemplate: /eng/pipelines/installer/jobs/bash-build.yml
+ platforms:
+ - ${{ if not(containsValue(parameters.skipPlatforms, 'Linux_musl_x64')) }}:
+ - Linux_musl_x64
+ jobParameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
+ additionalMSBuildArgs: /p:OutputRid=linux-musl-x64
+ portableBuild: false
+- template: /eng/pipelines/common/platform-matrix.yml
+ parameters:
+ jobTemplate: /eng/pipelines/installer/jobs/bash-build.yml
+ platforms:
+ - ${{ if not(containsValue(parameters.skipPlatforms, 'Linux_musl_arm64')) }}:
+ - Linux_musl_arm64
+ jobParameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
+ additionalMSBuildArgs: /p:OutputRid=linux-musl-arm64
+ portableBuild: false
+ crossBuild: true
+ skipTests: true
+- template: /eng/pipelines/common/platform-matrix.yml
+ parameters:
+ jobTemplate: /eng/pipelines/installer/jobs/osx-build.yml
+ platforms:
+ - OSX_x64
+ jobParameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
+- template: /eng/pipelines/common/platform-matrix.yml
+ parameters:
+ jobTemplate: /eng/pipelines/installer/jobs/bash-build.yml
+ platforms:
+ - Linux_x64
+ jobParameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
+ name: Linux_x64_glibc
+ packageDistroList:
+ - image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet-buildtools/prereqs:ubuntu-14.04-debpkg-e5cf912-20175003025046
+ imageRid: ubuntu.14.04
+ rids: []
+ - image: mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet-buildtools/prereqs:rhel-7-rpmpkg-c982313-20174116044113
+ imageRid: rhel.7
+ rids:
+ - centos.7
+ - fedora.27
+ - opensuse.42
+ - oraclelinux.7
+ - sles.12
+ portableBuild: true
--- /dev/null
+ buildConfig: ''
+ osGroup: ''
+ archType: ''
+ osSubgroup: ''
+ timeoutInMinutes: 120
+ condition: true
+ container: ''
+ prepareSteps: []
+ buildSteps: []
+ dependsOn: []
+ variables: []
+ buildVariables: {}
+ name: ''
+ displayName: ''
+ pool: ''
+ workspace:
+ clean: all
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ release:
+ _BuildConfig: Release
+ buildCommandSourcesDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/'
+ liveCoreClrBuildConfig: ''
+ liveLibrariesBuildConfig: ''
+- job: ${{ format('installer_{0}', coalesce(parameters.name, parameters.platform)) }}
+ displayName: ${{ format('Installer Build and Test {0}', coalesce(parameters.name, parameters.platform)) }}
+ condition: and(succeeded(), ${{ parameters.condition }})
+ pool: ${{ parameters.pool }}
+ strategy: ${{ parameters.strategy }}
+ timeoutInMinutes: ${{ parameters.timeoutInMinutes }}
+ ${{ if ne(parameters.workspace, '') }}:
+ workspace: ${{ parameters.workspace }}
+ variables:
+ - ${{ parameters.variables }}
+ - ${{ each variable in parameters.buildVariables }}:
+ - name: ${{ variable.key }}
+ value: ${{ variable.value }}
+ # Produce test-signed build for PR and Public builds
+ - ${{ if or(eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
+ - name: SignType
+ value: test
+ # Set up non-PR build from internal project
+ - ${{ if eq(variables.isOfficialBuild, true) }}:
+ - name: SignType
+ value: $[ coalesce(variables.OfficialSignType, 'real') ]
+ - name: LiveOverridePathArgs
+ value: >-
+ $(CoreCLROverridePathArg)
+ $(CoreFXOverridePathArg)
+ - name: CoreCLROverridePathArg
+ value: ''
+ - name: CoreFXOverridePathArg
+ value: ''
+ - name: CoreClrDownloadPath
+ value: ''
+ - name: LibrariesDownloadPath
+ value: ''
+ - ${{ if ne(parameters.liveCoreClrBuildConfig, '') }}:
+ - name: liveCoreClrLegName
+ value: ${{ format('{0}{1}_{2}_{3}',
+ parameters.osGroup,
+ parameters.osSubgroup,
+ parameters.archType,
+ parameters.liveCoreClrBuildConfig) }}
+ - name: CoreClrDownloadPath
+ value: 'artifacts/transport/coreclr'
+ - name: CoreCLROverridePathArg
+ value: /p:CoreCLROverridePath=${{ parameters.buildCommandSourcesDirectory }}$(CoreClrDownloadPath)
+ - name: CoreClrArtifactName
+ value: CoreCLRProduct_$(liveCoreClrLegName)
+ - ${{ if ne(parameters.liveLibrariesBuildConfig, '') }}:
+ - name: liveLibrariesLegName
+ value: ${{ format('{0}{1}_{2}_{3}',
+ parameters.osGroup,
+ parameters.osSubgroup,
+ parameters.archType,
+ parameters.liveLibrariesBuildConfig) }}
+ - name: LibrariesDownloadPath
+ value: 'artifacts/transport/libraries'
+ - name: CoreFXOverridePathArg
+ value: /p:CoreFXOverridePath=${{ parameters.buildCommandSourcesDirectory }}$(LibrariesDownloadPath)
+ - name: LibrariesArtifactName
+ value: libraries_bin_$(liveLibrariesLegName)
+ dependsOn:
+ - checkout
+ - ${{ parameters.dependsOn }}
+ - ${{ if ne(parameters.liveCoreClrBuildConfig, '') }}:
+ - coreclr_product_build_${{ format('{0}{1}_{2}_{3}',
+ parameters.osGroup,
+ parameters.osSubgroup,
+ parameters.archType,
+ parameters.liveCoreClrBuildConfig) }}
+ - ${{ if ne(parameters.liveLibrariesBuildConfig, '') }}:
+ - libraries_build_netcoreapp_${{ format('{0}{1}_{2}_{3}',
+ parameters.osGroup,
+ parameters.osSubgroup,
+ parameters.archType,
+ parameters.liveLibrariesBuildConfig) }}
+ steps:
+ - ${{ parameters.prepareSteps }}
+ - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
+ - task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
+ - ${{ if eq(parameters.osGroup, 'Windows_NT') }}:
+ # NuGet's http cache lasts 30 minutes. If we're on a static machine, this may interfere with
+ # auto-update PRs by preventing the CI build from fetching the new version. Delete the cache.
+ - powershell: Remove-Item -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore "$env:LocalAppData\NuGet\v3-cache"
+ displayName: Clear NuGet http cache (if exists)
+ - task: MicroBuildSigningPlugin@2
+ displayName: Install MicroBuild plugin for Signing
+ inputs:
+ signType: $(SignType)
+ zipSources: false
+ feedSource: https://dnceng.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/MicroBuildToolset/nuget/v3/index.json
+ continueOnError: false
+ condition: and(succeeded(), in(variables['SignType'], 'real', 'test'))
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/common/clone-checkout-bundle-step.yml
+ - ${{ if ne(parameters.liveCoreClrBuildConfig, '') }}:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/common/download-artifact-step.yml
+ parameters:
+ unpackFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/$(CoreClrDownloadPath)
+ artifactFileName: '$(CoreClrArtifactName)$(archiveExtension)'
+ artifactName: '$(CoreClrArtifactName)'
+ displayName: 'CoreCLR artifacts'
+ - ${{ if ne(parameters.liveLibrariesBuildConfig, '') }}:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/common/download-artifact-step.yml
+ parameters:
+ unpackFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/$(LibrariesDownloadPath)
+ artifactFileName: '$(LibrariesArtifactName)$(archiveExtension)'
+ artifactName: '$(LibrariesArtifactName)'
+ displayName: 'Libraries artifacts'
+ - ${{ parameters.buildSteps }}
+ - template: steps/upload-job-artifacts.yml
+ parameters:
+ name: ${{ coalesce(parameters.name, parameters.platform) }}
+ skipTests: ${{ parameters.skipTests }}
+ - ${{ if ne(parameters.osGroup, 'Windows_NT') }}:
+ - script: set -x && df -h
+ displayName: Check remaining storage space
+ condition: always()
+ continueOnError: true
+ # Force clean up machine in case any docker images are left behind
+ - ${{ if ne(parameters.container, '') }}:
+ - script: docker system prune -af && df -h
+ displayName: Run Docker clean up
+ condition: succeededOrFailed()
+ platform: ''
+ dependsOn: []
additionalMSBuildArgs: ''
additionalRunArgs: ''
crossBuild: false
disableCrossgen: false
- displayName: null
- dockerImage: null
+ container: ''
packageDistroList: null
- skipTests: $(SkipTests)
- strategy:
- matrix:
- debug:
- _BuildConfig: Debug
- release:
- _BuildConfig: Release
- targetArchitecture: x64
+ skipTests: false
+ archType: x64
timeoutInMinutes: 120
+ pool: ''
+ crossrootfsDir: ''
- - job: ${{ parameters.name }}
- displayName: ${{ parameters.name }}
- timeoutInMinutes: ${{ parameters.timeoutInMinutes }}
- pool:
- ${{ if and(eq(parameters.name, 'FreeBSD_x64'), ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public')) }}:
- name: dnceng-freebsd-internal
- ${{ if ne(parameters.name, 'FreeBSD_x64') }}:
- ${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
- name: NetCorePublic-Pool
- queue: buildpool.ubuntu.1604.amd64.open
- ${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
- name: NetCoreInternal-Pool
- queue: buildpool.ubuntu.1604.amd64
- strategy: ${{ parameters.strategy }}
- variables:
+- template: base-job.yml
+ parameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
+ # Do not attempt to clean workspace: the agent might not be able to remove the files because
+ # they may be owned by "root" due to the way this job uses Docker. This job does its own cleanup
+ # as a prepare step.
+ workspace: ''
+ # This job runs within several Docker containers, so Build.SourcesDirectory is not accurate.
+ buildCommandSourcesDirectory: '/root/runtime/'
+ buildVariables:
# Preserve the NuGet authentication env vars into the Docker container.
# The 'NuGetAuthenticate' build step may have set these.
PreserveNuGetAuthDockerArgs: >-
- ${{ if ne(parameters.name, 'FreeBSD_x64')}}:
+ ${{ if ne(parameters.container, '') }}:
RunArguments: >-
docker run --privileged --rm
-v "$(Build.SourcesDirectory):/root/runtime"
- ${{ parameters.additionalRunArgs }}
- ${{ parameters.dockerImage }}
+ -e ROOTFS_DIR=${{ parameters.crossrootfsDir }}
+ ${{ parameters.container }}
${{ if eq(parameters.name, 'FreeBSD_x64')}}:
RunArguments: export DotNetBootstrapCliTarPath=/dotnet-sdk-freebsd-x64.tar &&
MSBuildScript: /root/runtime/eng/install-nuget-credprovider-then-msbuild.sh
${{ if not(and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest'))) }}:
- BuildScript: ./$(buildScriptFileName).sh
+ BuildScript: ./installer.sh
MSBuildScript: /root/runtime/eng/common/msbuild.sh
CommonMSBuildArgs: >-
- /p:OfficialBuildId=$(OfficialBuildId)
- /p:TargetArchitecture=${{ parameters.targetArchitecture }}
+ /p:OfficialBuildId=$(Build.BuildNumber)
+ /p:TargetArchitecture=${{ parameters.archType }}
# Don't put additionalMSBuildArgs as the last line. It may or may not have extra args. If the
# parameter is empty, AzDO replaces it with empty space without chomping the extra newline.
/p:DisableCrossgen=${{ parameters.disableCrossgen }}
/p:PortableBuild=${{ parameters.portableBuild }}
/p:SkipTests=${{ parameters.skipTests }}
+ $(LiveOverridePathArgs)
${{ parameters.additionalMSBuildArgs }}
installersSubsetArg: --subset Installers
- steps:
- - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- - task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
- # Builds don't set user ID, so files might be owned by root and unable to be cleaned up by AzDO.
- # Clean up the build dirs ourselves in another Docker container to avoid failures.
- # Using hosted agents is tracked by https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/issues/4997
- - script: |
- set -x
- docker run --rm \
- -v "$(Agent.BuildDirectory):/root/build" \
- -w /root/build \
- ${{ parameters.dockerImage }} \
- bash -c '
- rm -v -rf a b
- cd s
- git clean -xdf'
- displayName: Clean up old artifacts owned by root
+ prepareSteps:
+ - ${{ if ne(parameters.container, '') }}:
+ # Builds don't set user ID, so files might be owned by root and unable to be cleaned up by AzDO.
+ # Clean up the build dirs ourselves in another Docker container to avoid failures.
+ # Using hosted agents is tracked by https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/issues/4997
+ - script: |
+ set -x
+ docker run --rm \
+ -v "$(Agent.BuildDirectory):/root/build" \
+ -w /root/build \
+ ${{ parameters.container }} \
+ bash -c '
+ rm -v -rf a b s'
+ mkdir "$(Agent.BuildDirectory)/s"
+ displayName: Clean up old artifacts owned by root
+ buildSteps:
# Build binary and nuget packages
- script: |
distroRid: ${{ rid }}
image: ${{ packageBuild.image }}
- outputRidArg: /p:OutputRid=${{ rid }}-${{ parameters.targetArchitecture }}
+ outputRidArg: /p:OutputRid=${{ rid }}-${{ parameters.archType }}
packageStepDescription: Runtime Deps installers
packagingArgs: /p:BuildDistroIndependentInstallers=false
subsetArg: $(installersSubsetArg)
- # Files may be owned by root because builds don't set user ID. The next AzDO step runs 'find' in
- # the source tree, which fails due to permissions in the 'NetCore*-Int-Pool' queues. This step
- # prevents the failure by using chown to clean up our source tree.
- - script: |
- set -x
- docker run --rm \
- -v "$(Agent.BuildDirectory):/root/build" \
- -w /root/build \
- ${{ parameters.dockerImage }} \
- bash -c "chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) *"
- displayName: Update file ownership from root to build agent account
- continueOnError: true
- condition: succeededOrFailed()
- - template: steps/upload-job-artifacts.yml
- parameters:
- name: ${{ parameters.name }}
- - script: df -h
- displayName: Check space (df -h)
- condition: always()
- continueOnError: true
- # Force clean up machine in case any docker images are left behind
- - ${{ if ne(parameters.name, 'FreeBSD_x64')}}:
- - script: docker system prune -af && df -h
- displayName: Run Docker clean up
+ - ${{ if ne(parameters.container, '') }}:
+ # Files may be owned by root because builds don't set user ID. Later build steps run 'find' in
+ # the source tree, which fails due to permissions in the 'NetCore*-Int-Pool' queues. This step
+ # prevents the failure by using chown to clean up our source tree.
+ - script: |
+ set -x
+ docker run --rm \
+ -v "$(Agent.BuildDirectory):/root/build" \
+ -w /root/build \
+ ${{ parameters.container }} \
+ bash -c "chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) *"
+ displayName: Update file ownership from root to build agent account
+ continueOnError: true
condition: succeededOrFailed()
name: ''
+ platform: ''
+ pool: ''
-- job: ${{ parameters.name }}
- pool:
- ${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
- name: Hosted macOS
- ${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
- name: Hosted Mac internal
- strategy:
- matrix:
- debug:
- _BuildConfig: Debug
- release:
- _BuildConfig: Release
- workspace:
- clean: all
- variables:
- CommonMSBuildArgs: >-
- /p:Configuration=$(_BuildConfig)
- /p:PortableBuild=true
- steps:
+- template: base-job.yml
+ parameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
- - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- - task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
+ buildVariables:
+ CommonMSBuildArgs: >-
+ /p:Configuration=$(_BuildConfig)
+ /p:PortableBuild=true
- - script: >-
- $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/$(buildScriptFileName).sh --restore --build --ci --test
- /p:OfficialBuildId=$(OfficialBuildId)
- /p:StripSymbols=true
- $(CommonMSBuildArgs)
- displayName: Build
- condition: succeeded()
+ buildSteps:
- - template: steps/upload-job-artifacts.yml
- parameters:
- name: ${{ parameters.name }}
+ - script: >-
+ $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/installer.sh --restore --build --ci --test
+ /p:OfficialBuildId=$(Build.BuildNumber)
+ /p:StripSymbols=true
+ $(LiveOverridePathArgs)
+ $(CommonMSBuildArgs)
+ displayName: Build
+ condition: succeeded()
- - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
+ - ${{ if eq(variables.isOfficialBuild, true) }}:
- task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
- task: MicroBuildSigningPlugin@2
- - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
+ - ${{ if eq(variables.isOfficialBuild, true) }}:
- task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
- task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0
name: ''
+ skipTests: false
# Upload build outputs as build artifacts only if internal and not PR, to save storage space.
-- ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
+- ${{ if eq(variables.isOfficialBuild, true) }}:
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Prepare job-specific Artifacts subdirectory
artifactType: container
condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables._BuildConfig, 'Release'))
-# Always upload test outputs and build logs.
-- task: PublishTestResults@2
- displayName: Publish Test Results
- inputs:
- testResultsFormat: 'xUnit'
- testResultsFiles: '*.xml'
- searchFolder: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/TestResults/$(_BuildConfig)'
- mergeTestResults: true
- testRunTitle: ${{ parameters.name }}-$(_BuildConfig)
- continueOnError: true
- condition: always()
+- ${{ if eq(parameters.skipTests, false) }}:
+ - task: PublishTestResults@2
+ displayName: Publish Test Results
+ inputs:
+ testResultsFormat: 'xUnit'
+ testResultsFiles: '*.xml'
+ searchFolder: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/TestResults/$(_BuildConfig)'
+ mergeTestResults: true
+ testRunTitle: Installer-${{ parameters.name }}-$(_BuildConfig)
+ continueOnError: true
+ condition: always()
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Prepare BuildLogs staging directory
displayName: Publish BuildLogs
PathtoPublish: '$(Build.StagingDirectory)/BuildLogs'
- ArtifactName: Logs-${{ parameters.name }}-$(_BuildConfig)
+ ArtifactName: Installer-Logs-${{ parameters.name }}-$(_BuildConfig)
continueOnError: true
condition: succeededOrFailed()
additionalMSBuildArguments: ''
- displayName: ''
publishRidAgnosticPackages: false
- skipTests: $(SkipTests)
- targetArchitecture: null
+ skipTests: false
+ archType: null
timeoutInMinutes: 120
+ platform: ''
+ pool: ''
- - job: ${{ parameters.name }}
- displayName: ${{ parameters.name }}
- timeoutInMinutes: ${{ parameters.timeoutInMinutes }}
- pool:
- # Use a hosted pool when possible.
- ${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
- name: NetCorePublic-Pool
- queue: buildpool.windows.10.amd64.vs2019.open
- ${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
- name: NetCoreInternal-Pool
- queue: buildpool.windows.10.amd64.vs2019
- strategy:
- matrix:
- debug:
- _BuildConfig: Debug
- release:
- _BuildConfig: Release
- workspace:
- clean: all
- variables:
+- template: base-job.yml
+ parameters:
+ ${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters }}
+ buildVariables:
CommonMSBuildArgs: >-
- /p:OfficialBuildId=$(OfficialBuildId)
- /p:TargetArchitecture=${{ parameters.targetArchitecture }}
+ /p:OfficialBuildId=$(Build.BuildNumber)
+ /p:TargetArchitecture=${{ parameters.archType }}
/p:SkipTests=${{ parameters.skipTests }}
MsbuildSigningArguments: >-
- TargetArchitecture: ${{ parameters.targetArchitecture }}
- steps:
- - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- - task: NuGetAuthenticate@0
+ TargetArchitecture: ${{ parameters.archType }}
- - task: MicroBuildSigningPlugin@2
- displayName: Install MicroBuild plugin for Signing
- inputs:
- signType: $(SignType)
- zipSources: false
- feedSource: https://dnceng.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/MicroBuildToolset/nuget/v3/index.json
- continueOnError: false
- condition: and(succeeded(), in(variables['SignType'], 'real', 'test'))
- # NuGet's http cache lasts 30 minutes. If we're on a static machine, this may interfere with
- # auto-update PRs by preventing the CI build from fetching the new version. Delete the cache.
- - powershell: Remove-Item -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore "$env:LocalAppData\NuGet\v3-cache"
- displayName: Clear NuGet http cache (if exists)
+ buildSteps:
- script: >-
- $(buildScriptFileName).cmd -restore -build -ci -test
+ installer.cmd -restore -build -ci -test
+ $(LiveOverridePathArgs)
displayName: Build
- - ${{ if and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
+ - ${{ if eq(variables.isOfficialBuild, true) }}:
- task: NuGetCommand@2
displayName: Push Visual Studio NuPkgs
eq(variables['_BuildConfig'], 'Release'),
ne(variables['DisableVSPublish'], 'true'))
- - template: steps/upload-job-artifacts.yml
- parameters:
- name: ${{ parameters.name }}
timeoutInMinutes: ${{ parameters.timeoutInMinutes }}
- - checkout: none
- clean: true
- - download: current
- artifact: Checkout_bundle
- displayName: Download Checkout.bundle
- - script: |
- git clone $(Pipeline.Workspace)/Checkout_bundle/Checkout.bundle .
- git remote set-url origin $(Build.Repository.Uri)
- displayName: Clone the repository from Checkout.bundle
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/common/clone-checkout-bundle-step.yml
- ${{ if ne(parameters.liveCoreClrBuildConfig, '') }}:
- template: /eng/pipelines/common/download-artifact-step.yml
sourceFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/bin/runtime
targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/artifacts/bin/runtime
+ - task: CopyFiles@2
+ displayName: Prepare framework runtime folder to publish
+ inputs:
+ sourceFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/bin/pkg/${{ parameters.framework }}/runtime
+ targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/artifacts/bin/pkg/${{ parameters.framework }}/runtime
+ - task: CopyFiles@2
+ displayName: Prepare native folder to publish
+ inputs:
+ sourceFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/bin/native
+ targetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/artifacts/bin/native
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Prepare testhost folder to publish
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/common/variables.yml
- name: buildScriptFileName
value: libraries
- name: sourcesRoot
value: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/libraries
- name: pipelinesPath
value: /eng/pipelines/libraries
- - name: isOfficialBuild
- value: ${{ and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notIn(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}
- name: isFullMatrix
value: ${{ notIn(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}
- name: includeWindowsOuterloop
liveCoreClrBuildConfig: checked
dependsOnBuildConfiguration: Release
condition: false
+# Installer Build and Test
+- template: /eng/pipelines/installer/installer-matrix.yml
+ parameters:
+ liveCoreClrBuildConfig: checked
+ liveLibrariesBuildConfig: Release
+ skipPlatforms:
+ # Not built by CoreCLR and Libraries yet.
+ - Linux_arm64
+ - Linux_musl_x64
+ - Linux_musl_arm64
elif command -v "clang-5.0" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
export CC="$(command -v clang-5.0)"
export CXX="$(command -v clang++-5.0)"
+elif command -v "clang-9" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ export CC="$(command -v clang-9)"
+ export CXX="$(command -v clang++-9)"
elif command -v clang > /dev/null 2>&1; then
export CC="$(command -v clang)"
export CXX="$(command -v clang++)"
echo "Unable to find Clang Compiler"
- echo "Install clang-3.5 or clang3.6 or clang3.9 or clang5.0"
+ echo "Install clang-3.5 or clang3.6 or clang3.9 or clang5.0 or clang9"
exit 1
echo "Building Corehost from $DIR to $(pwd)"
set -x # turn on trace
if [ $__CrossBuild == 1 ]; then
- # clang-3.9 or clang-4.0 are default compilers for cross compilation
+ # clang-3.9 or clang-9 are default compilers for cross compilation
if [[ "$__build_arch" != "arm" && "$__build_arch" != "armel" ]]; then
if command -v "clang-3.9" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
export CC="$(command -v clang-3.9)"
export CXX="$(command -v clang++-3.9)"
+ elif command -v "clang-9" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ export CC="$(command -v clang-9)"
+ export CXX="$(command -v clang++-9)"
elif command -v "clang-4.0" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
export CC="$(command -v clang-4.0)"
elif command -v "clang-5.0" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
export CC="$(command -v clang-5.0)"
export CXX="$(command -v clang++-5.0)"
+ elif command -v "clang-9" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ export CC="$(command -v clang-9)"
+ export CXX="$(command -v clang++-9)"
- echo "Unable to find Clang 3.9 or Clang 4.0 or Clang 5.0 Compiler"
- echo "Install clang-3.9 or clang-4.0 or clang-5.0 for cross compilation"
+ echo "Unable to find Clang 3.9 or Clang 4.0 or Clang 5.0 or Clang 9 Compiler"
+ echo "Install clang-3.9 or clang-4.0 or clang-5.0 or clang-9 for cross compilation"
exit 1
export TARGET_BUILD_ARCH=$__build_arch_lowcase
<CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDirName Condition="'$(TargetArchitecture)' == 'arm' and '$(BuildArchitecture)' != 'arm' and '$(TargetsLinux)' == 'true'">x64</CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDirName>
- Condition="'$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDirName)' != ''">$([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(CoreCLROverridePath)','$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDir)','sharedFramework'))</CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDir>
+ Condition="'$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDirName)' != ''">$([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(CoreCLROverridePath)','$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDirName)','sharedFramework'))</CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDir>
<CoreCLRFiles Include="$(CoreCLRSharedFrameworkDir)*.*" />
- <CoreCLRCrossTargetFiles Condition="'$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDir)' != ''" Include="$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDir)*.*" />
+ <CoreCLRCrossTargetFiles
+ Include="$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDir)*.*"
+ Condition="'$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDir)' != ''"
+ IsNative="true" />
<CoreCLRFiles Include="$(CoreCLROverridePath)Redist/**/*.dll" />
$(CoreCLRSharedFrameworkDir)PDB/*.dwarf" />
+ <CoreCLRFiles Include="$(CoreCLROverridePath)PDB/System.Private.CoreLib.pdb" />
+ <CoreCLRSystemPrivateCoreLibNiSymbolFiles
+ Include="$(CoreCLROverridePath)PDB/System.Private.CoreLib.ni.pdb" />
- Include="$(CoreCLROverridePath)PDB/System.Private.CoreLib.pdb;$(CoreCLROverridePath)PDB/System.Private.CoreLib.ni.pdb" />
+ Include="@(CoreCLRSystemPrivateCoreLibNiSymbolFiles)"
+ Condition="Exists('%(Identity)')" />
<CoreCLRCrossTargetFiles Condition="'$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDir)' != ''"
$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDir)PDB/*.dwarf" />
- <CoreCLRFiles>
- <TargetPath>runtime/$(RuntimeIdentifier)/native</TargetPath>
- </CoreCLRFiles>
- <TargetPath>runtime/$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDirName)_$(TargetArchitecture)/native</TargetPath>
+ <TargetPath>runtimes/$(CoreCLRCrossTargetComponentDirName)_$(TargetArchitecture)/native</TargetPath>
<CoreCLRFiles Include="@(CoreCLRCrossTargetFiles)" />
- <ReferenceCopyLocalPaths Remove="@(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)" Condition="'@(CoreCLRFiles->'%(FileName)%(Extension)')' == '%(FileName)%(Extension)'"/>
+ <!--
+ Remove files we want to override from ReferenceCopyLocalPaths.
+ Use distinct filenames: we may have a target arch file as well as cross-arch (build machine
+ arch). In that case, the typical match-up condition fails:
+ '@(CoreCLRFiles->'%(FileName)%(Extension)')' == '%(FileName)%(Extension)'
+ We get 'clrjit.dll;clrjit.dll' == 'clrjit.dll', preventing clrjit.dll from being removed.
+ Filtering CoreCLRFiles down to unique FileName+Extension items makes it work.
+ -->
+ <CoreCLRFileFileNameExtensions Include="@(CoreCLRFiles -> '%(FileName)%(Extension)')" />
+ <ReferenceCopyLocalPaths
+ Remove="@(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)"
+ Condition="'@(CoreCLRFileFileNameExtensions->Distinct())' == '%(FileName)%(Extension)'"/>
<ReferenceCopyLocalPaths Remove="@(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)" Condition="$([System.String]::Copy('%(FileName)').StartsWith('mscordaccore_'))" />
- <ReferenceCopyLocalPaths Include="@(CoreCLRFiles)" />
+ <ReferenceCopyLocalPaths Include="@(CoreCLRFiles)" NuGetPackageId="$(MicrosoftNETCoreRuntimeCoreCLRPackage)" />
<Error Condition="'@(CoreCLRFiles)' == ''" Text="The path provided to CoreCLROverridePath ($(CoreCLROverridePath)) does not contain any files." />
<Target Name="OverrideFrameworkFilesFromPackageResolve" Condition="'$(CoreFXOverridePath)' != ''" BeforeTargets="GetFilesFromPackageResolve">
<Error Condition="!Exists('$(CoreFXOverridePath)')" Text="The path provided to CoreFXOverridePath ($(CoreFXOverridePath)) does not exist." />
+ <!-- Determine Libraries OSGroup for this build. Copied from "local live-live" PR. -->
- <CoreFXSharedFrameworkPackageSpec>$(CoreFXOverridePath)/specs/$(MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppPackage).nuspec</CoreFXSharedFrameworkPackageSpec>
- <CoreFXSharedFrameworkImplementationPackageSpec Condition="'$(PackageRID)' != ''">$(CoreFXOverridePath)/specs/runtime.$(PackageRID).$(MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppPackage).nuspec</CoreFXSharedFrameworkImplementationPackageSpec>
+ <CoreCLROSGroup Condition="'$(TargetsWindows)' == 'true'">Windows_NT</CoreCLROSGroup>
+ <CoreCLROSGroup Condition="'$(TargetsLinux)' == 'true'">Linux</CoreCLROSGroup>
+ <CoreCLROSGroup Condition="'$(TargetsOSX)' == 'true'">OSX</CoreCLROSGroup>
+ <CoreCLROSGroup Condition="'$(TargetsFreeBSD)' == 'true'">FreeBSD</CoreCLROSGroup>
+ <LibrariesOSGroup>$(CoreCLROSGroup)</LibrariesOSGroup>
- <Error Condition="!Exists('$(CoreFXSharedFrameworkPackageSpec)')" Text="The nuspec for the reference $(MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppPackage) package does not exist." />
- <Message Condition="'$(CoreFXSharedFrameworkImplementationPackageSpec)' != '' And !Exists('$(CoreFXSharedFrameworkImplementationPackageSpec)')"
- Text="The nuspec for the implementation runtime.$(PackageRID).$(MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppPackage) package does not exist. Falling back to packaged CoreFX." />
- <XmlPeek
- Namespaces="<Namespace Prefix='nuget' Uri='http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2013/01/nuspec.xsd' />"
- Query="nuget:package/nuget:files/nuget:file/@src"
- XmlInputPath="$(CoreFXSharedFrameworkPackageSpec)">
- <Output TaskParameter="Result" ItemName="CoreFXReferenceItems" />
- </XmlPeek>
- <XmlPeek
- Condition="'$(CoreFXSharedFrameworkImplementationPackageSpec)' != '' And Exists($(CoreFXSharedFrameworkImplementationPackageSpec))"
- Namespaces="<Namespace Prefix='nuget' Uri='http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2013/01/nuspec.xsd' />"
- Query="nuget:package/nuget:files/nuget:file/@src"
- XmlInputPath="$(CoreFXSharedFrameworkImplementationPackageSpec)">
- <Output TaskParameter="Result" ItemName="CoreFXReferenceCopyLocalItems" />
- </XmlPeek>
- <CoreFXReferenceItems NuGetPackageId="$(MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppPackage)" />
- <CoreFXReferenceCopyLocalItems NuGetPackageId="runtime.$(PackageRID).$(MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppPackage)" />
+ <CoreFXReferenceItems
+ Include="$([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(CoreFXOverridePath)', 'bin', 'ref', 'microsoft.netcore.app', '$(Configuration)'))*"
+ NuGetPackageId="$(MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppPackage)" />
+ <CoreFXReferenceCopyLocalItems
+ Include="
+ $([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(CoreFXOverridePath)', 'bin', 'pkg', 'netcoreapp', 'runtime', '$(LibrariesOSGroup)-$(Configuration)-$(TargetArchitecture)'))*;
+ $([MSBuild]::NormalizeDirectory('$(CoreFXOverridePath)', 'bin', 'native', 'netcoreapp-$(LibrariesOSGroup)-$(Configuration)-$(TargetArchitecture)'))*"
+ NuGetPackageId="runtime.$(PackageRID).$(MicrosoftPrivateCoreFxNETCoreAppPackage)" />
+ <Error Condition="'@(CoreFXReferenceItems)' == ''" Text="The path provided to CoreFXOverridePath ($(CoreFXOverridePath)) has no CoreFXReferenceItems." />
+ <Error Condition="'@(CoreFXReferenceCopyLocalItems)' == ''" Text="The path provided to CoreFXOverridePath ($(CoreFXOverridePath)) has no CoreFXReferenceCopyLocalItems." />
<Target Name="OverrideCrossgenToolPaths" DependsOnTargets="GetCorePackagePaths" AfterTargets="GetCrossgenToolPaths" BeforeTargets="CreateCrossGenImages">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(CoreCLROverridePath)' != ''">
- <_crossgenPath>$(CoreCLROverridePath)/crossgen$(ApplicationFileExtension)</_crossgenPath>
+ <_crossgenPath>$([MSBuild]::NormalizePath('$(CoreCLROverridePath)', '$(_crossHostArch)', 'crossgen$(ApplicationFileExtension)'))</_crossgenPath>
- <_jitPath>$(CoreClrOverridePath)/$(_crossHostArch)/$(LibraryFilePrefix)clrjit$(LibraryFileExtension)</_jitPath>
+ <_jitPath>$([MSBuild]::NormalizePath('$(CoreCLROverridePath)', '$(_crossHostArch)', '$(LibraryFilePrefix)clrjit$(LibraryFileExtension)'))</_jitPath>
+ </Target>
+ <!-- !!!BEGIN PATCHING Sharedfx SDK target -->
+ <Target Name="GetFilesFromPackageResolve">
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <!-- RID-specific: include all runtime files. -->
+ <RidSpecificFilesToPackage Include="@(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths)">
+ <!-- ResolveNugetPackageAssets doesn't preserve the asset type (native),
+ calculate it by looking for native in the path -->
+ <IsNative Condition="$([System.String]::new('%(Identity)').ToLowerInvariant().Replace('\', '/').Contains('/native/'))">true</IsNative>
+ </RidSpecificFilesToPackage>
+ <!-- !!!BEGIN CHANGE Persist existing TargetPath. -->
+ <RidSpecificFilesToPackage Condition="'%(RidSpecificFilesToPackage.TargetPath)' == ''">
+ <!-- !!!END CHANGE -->
+ <TargetPath Condition="'%(RidSpecificFilesToPackage.IsNative)' != 'true'">runtimes/$(PackageRID)/lib/$(PackageTargetFramework)</TargetPath>
+ <TargetPath Condition="'%(RidSpecificFilesToPackage.IsNative)' == 'true'">runtimes/$(PackageRID)/native</TargetPath>
+ </RidSpecificFilesToPackage>
+ <!-- Ensure localization resource files make it to their subdirs. -->
+ <RidSpecificFilesToPackage Condition="'%(RidSpecificFilesToPackage.DestinationSubDirectory)' != ''">
+ <TargetPath>%(RidSpecificFilesToPackage.TargetPath)/%(RidSpecificFilesToPackage.DestinationSubDirectory)</TargetPath>
+ </RidSpecificFilesToPackage>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup Condition="'$(PackageTargetRuntime)' != ''">
+ <FilesToPackage Include="@(RidSpecificFilesToPackage)" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup Condition="'$(PackageTargetRuntime)' == ''">
+ <!-- Not RID-specific: include all reference files. -->
+ <FilesToPackage Include="@(Reference)">
+ <TargetPath>ref/$(PackageTargetFramework)</TargetPath>
+ </FilesToPackage>
+ <!-- include all doc files -->
+ <_docFilesToPackage Include="%(FilesToPackage.RootDir)%(FilesToPackage.Directory)**\%(FilesToPackage.FileName).xml" />
+ <FilesToPackage Include="@(_docFilesToPackage)">
+ <TargetPath>ref/$(PackageTargetFramework)/%(RecursiveDir)</TargetPath>
+ </FilesToPackage>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <!-- Add versions file with the hashes of the repos we consume -->
+ <ItemGroup Condition="'$(FrameworkPackageName)' != ''">
+ <FilesToPackage Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)\$(FrameworkPackageName).versions.txt">
+ <TargetPath></TargetPath>
+ </FilesToPackage>
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <!-- !!!END PATCHING -->
-<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
+ <Import Project="Sdk.props" Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk" />
+ <Import Project="Sdk.targets" Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk" />
<Import Project="localnetcoreapp.override.targets" />
<BuildingNETCoreAppVertical Condition="'$(BuildingNETCoreAppVertical)' == '' and ('$(_bc_TargetGroup)'=='netcoreapp' or '$(BuildAllConfigurations)' == 'true')">true</BuildingNETCoreAppVertical>
<BuildingNETFxVertical Condition="'$(BuildingNETFxVertical)' == '' and ('$(_bc_TargetGroup)'=='netfx' or '$(BuildAllConfigurations)' == 'true')">true</BuildingNETFxVertical>
+ <BinPlaceNETCoreAppPackage Condition="'$(BuildingNETCoreAppVertical)' == 'true'">true</BinPlaceNETCoreAppPackage>
<BinPlaceConfiguration Condition="'$(IsNETCoreApp)' == 'true' and '$(BuildingNETCoreAppVertical)' == 'true'" Include="netcoreapp-$(_bc_OSGroup)">
<PackageFileRefPath Condition="'$(IsNETCoreAppRef)' == 'true'">$(NETCoreAppPackageRefPath)</PackageFileRefPath>
- <RuntimePath Condition="'$(BinPlaceNETCoreAppPackage)' == 'true'">$(NETCoreAppPackageRuntimePath)\..\runtime</RuntimePath>
- <RefPath Condition="'$(BinPlaceNETCoreAppPackage)' == 'true' and '$(IsNETCoreAppRef)' == 'true'">$(RefRootPath)microsoft.netcore.app</RefPath>
+ <RuntimePath Condition="'$(BinPlaceNETCoreAppPackage)' == 'true'">$(NETCoreAppPackageRuntimePath)\..\runtime\$(_bc_OSGroup)-$(ConfigurationGroup)-$(ArchGroup)</RuntimePath>
+ <RefPath Condition="'$(BinPlaceNETCoreAppPackage)' == 'true' and '$(IsNETCoreAppRef)' == 'true'">$(RefRootPath)microsoft.netcore.app\$(ConfigurationGroup)</RefPath>
<!-- enable trimming for any runtime project that's part of the shared framework and hasn't already set ILLinkTrimAssembly -->
<SetProperties Condition="'$(BinPlaceRuntime)' == 'true' and '$(ILLinkTrimAssembly)' == ''">ILLinkTrimAssembly=true</SetProperties>