Remove the Visual Studio project files <>
Mon, 2 May 2011 13:43:13 +0000 (13:43 +0000) <>
Mon, 2 May 2011 13:43:13 +0000 (13:43 +0000)


Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00

36 files changed:
tools/visual_studio/arm.vsprops [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/common.vsprops [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/d8.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/d8_arm.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/d8_x64.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/d8js2c.cmd [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/debug.vsprops [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/ia32.vsprops [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/js2c.cmd [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/release.vsprops [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8.sln [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_arm.sln [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_arm.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_base.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_base_arm.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_base_x64.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_cctest.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_cctest_arm.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_cctest_x64.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_mksnapshot.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_mksnapshot_x64.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_process_sample.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_process_sample_arm.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_process_sample_x64.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_shell_sample.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_shell_sample_arm.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_shell_sample_x64.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_snapshot.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_snapshot_cc.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_snapshot_cc_x64.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_snapshot_x64.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_x64.sln [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/v8_x64.vcproj [deleted file]
tools/visual_studio/x64.vsprops [deleted file]

index c46aa3711a1db197aa433692c17367247c5a4d94..b199e181fcdc7b777defa2232ce50ddc35c70ff3 100644 (file)
@@ -1,70 +1,12 @@
-This directory contains Microsoft Visual Studio project files for including v8
-in a Visual Studio/Visual C++ Express solution. All these project files have
-been created for use with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. They can however also
-be used in both Visual Studio 2008 and Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. When
-using the project files in the 2008 editions minor upgrades to the files will
-be performed by Visual Studio.
-Base V8 library containing all the V8 code but no JavaScript library code.
-V8 library containing all the V8 and JavaScript library code embedded as source
-which is compiled as V8 is running.
-Executable v8_mksnapshot.exe for building a heap snapshot from a running V8.
-Uses v8_mksnapshot.exe to generate, which is used in
-V8 library containing all the V8 and JavaScript library code embedded as a heap
-snapshot instead of source to be compiled as V8 is running. Using this library
-provides significantly faster startup time than v8.vcproj.
-The property sheets common.vsprops, debug.vsprops and release.vsprops contains
-most of the configuration options and are inhireted by the project files
-described above. The location of the output directory used are defined in
-With regard to Platform SDK version V8 has no specific requriments and builds
-with either what is supplied with Visual Studio 2005 or the latest Platform SDK
-from Microsoft.
-When adding these projects to a solution the following dependencies needs to be
-in place:
-  v8.vcproj depends on v8_base.vcproj
-  v8_mksnapshot.vcproj depends on v8.vcproj
-  v8_snapshot_cc.vcproj depends on v8_mksnapshot.vcproj
-  v8_snapshot.vcproj depends on v8_snapshot_cc.vcproj and v8_base.vcproj
-A project which uses V8 should then depend on v8_snapshot.vcproj.
-If V8 without snapshot if preferred only v8_base.vcproj and v8.vcproj are
-required and a project which uses V8 should depend on v8.vcproj.
-Two sample project files are available as well. These are v8_shell_sample.vcproj
-for building the sample in samples\ and v8_process_sample.vcproj for
-building the sample in samples\ Add either of these (or both) to a
-solution with v8_base, v8, v8_mksnapshot and v8_snapshot set up as described
-solution with v8_base, v8, v8_mksnapshot and v8_snapshot set up as described
-above and have them depend on v8_snapshot.
-Finally a sample Visual Studio solution file for is provided. This solution file
-includes the two sample projects together with the V8 projects and with the
-dependencies configured as described above.
-Python requirements
-When using the Microsoft Visual Studio project files Python version 2.4 or later
-is required. Make sure that python.exe is on the path before running Visual
-Studio. The use of Python is in the command script js2c.cmd which is used in the
-Custom Build Step for v8natives.js in the v8.vcproj project.
+The Microsoft Visual Studio project files for including V8 in a Visual
+Studio/Visual C++ Express solution has been retired. If a Visual
+Studio project/solution is needed there is the option of using GYP to
+generate these. Please look in the build directory in the root of the
+V8 project. It contains the required infrastructure and a README.txt
+file explaining how to get started.
+Generating Visual Studio projects using GYP is how the Chromium
+project integrated V8 into the Windows build.
+The main build system for V8 is still SCons, see the V8 wiki page
+ for details.
diff --git a/tools/visual_studio/arm.vsprops b/tools/visual_studio/arm.vsprops
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 98d0f70..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
-       ProjectType="Visual C++"
-       Version="8.00"
-       OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)Arm"
-       IntermediateDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)Arm\obj\$(ProjectName)"
-       Name="arm"
-       >
-       <Tool
-               Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
-               PreprocessorDefinitions="_USE_32BIT_TIME_T;V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM"
-               DisableSpecificWarnings="4996"
-       />
diff --git a/tools/visual_studio/common.vsprops b/tools/visual_studio/common.vsprops
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fa78cdc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
-       ProjectType="Visual C++"
-       Version="8.00"
-       Name="essential"
-       CharacterSet="1"
-       >
-       <Tool
-               Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
-               AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$(ProjectDir)\..\..\src;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources"
-               MinimalRebuild="false"
-               ExceptionHandling="0"
-               RuntimeTypeInfo="false"
-               WarningLevel="3"
-               WarnAsError="true"
-               Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="false"
-               DebugInformationFormat="3"
-               DisableSpecificWarnings="4351;4355;4800"
-               EnableFunctionLevelLinking="true"
-       />
-       <Tool
-               Name="VCLibrarianTool"
-               OutputFile="$(OutDir)\lib\$(ProjectName).lib"
-       />
-       <Tool
-               Name="VCLinkerTool"
-               GenerateDebugInformation="true"
-               MapFileName="$(OutDir)\$(TargetName).map"
-               ImportLibrary="$(OutDir)\lib\$(TargetName).lib"
-               FixedBaseAddress="1"
-               AdditionalOptions="/IGNORE:4221 /NXCOMPAT"
-       />
diff --git a/tools/visual_studio/d8.vcproj b/tools/visual_studio/d8.vcproj
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8372c67..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
-       ProjectType="Visual C++"
-       Version="8.00"
-       Name="d8"
-       ProjectGUID="{7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}"
-       RootNamespace="d8"
-       Keyword="Win32Proj"
-       >
-       <Platforms>
-               <Platform
-                       Name="Win32"
-               />
-       </Platforms>
-       <ToolFiles>
-       </ToolFiles>
-       <Configurations>
-               <Configuration
-                       Name="Debug|Win32"
-                       ConfigurationType="1"
-                       InheritedPropertySheets=".\common.vsprops;.\ia32.vsprops;.\debug.vsprops"
-                       >
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCMIDLTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCLinkerTool"
-                               AdditionalDependencies="winmm.lib Ws2_32.lib"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCALinkTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCManifestTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCBscMakeTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCFxCopTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
-                       />
-               </Configuration>
-               <Configuration
-                       Name="Release|Win32"
-                       ConfigurationType="1"
-                       InheritedPropertySheets=".\common.vsprops;.\ia32.vsprops;.\release.vsprops"
-                       >
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCMIDLTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCLinkerTool"
-                               AdditionalDependencies="winmm.lib Ws2_32.lib"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCALinkTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCManifestTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCBscMakeTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCFxCopTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
-                       />
-               </Configuration>
-       </Configurations>
-       <References>
-       </References>
-       <Files>
-               <File
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-                       >
-               </File>
-               <File
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\d8.h"
-                       >
-               </File>
-               <File
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-                       >
-               </File>
-               <File
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\d8-debug.h"
-                       >
-               </File>
-               <File
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-                       >
-               </File>
-               <File
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\d8.js"
-                       >
-                               <FileConfiguration
-                                       Name="Debug|Win32"
-                                       >
-                                       <Tool
-                                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
-                                               Description="Processing js files..."
-                                               CommandLine=".\d8js2c.cmd ..\..\src &quot;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources&quot;"
-                                                                                               Outputs="$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\"
-                                       />
-                               </FileConfiguration>
-                               <FileConfiguration
-                                       Name="Release|Win32"
-                                       >
-                                       <Tool
-                                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
-                                               Description="Processing js files..."
-                                               CommandLine=".\d8js2c.cmd ..\..\src &quot;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources&quot;"
-                                               Outputs="$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\"
-                                       />
-                               </FileConfiguration>
-               </File>
-               <Filter
-                       Name="generated files"
-                       >
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-               </Filter>
-       </Files>
-       <Globals>
-       </Globals>
diff --git a/tools/visual_studio/d8_arm.vcproj b/tools/visual_studio/d8_arm.vcproj
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 66adcec..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>\r
-       ProjectType="Visual C++"\r
-       Version="8.00"\r
-       Name="d8"\r
-       ProjectGUID="{7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}"\r
-       RootNamespace="d8"\r
-       Keyword="Win32Proj"\r
-       >\r
-       <Platforms>\r
-               <Platform\r
-                       Name="Win32"\r
-               />\r
-       </Platforms>\r
-       <ToolFiles>\r
-       </ToolFiles>\r
-       <Configurations>\r
-               <Configuration\r
-                       Name="Debug|Win32"\r
-                       ConfigurationType="1"\r
-                       InheritedPropertySheets=".\common.vsprops;.\arm.vsprops;.\debug.vsprops"\r
-                       >\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCMIDLTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCCLCompilerTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCLinkerTool"\r
-                               AdditionalDependencies="winmm.lib Ws2_32.lib"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCALinkTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCManifestTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCXDCMakeTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCBscMakeTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCFxCopTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCAppVerifierTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"\r
-                       />\r
-               </Configuration>\r
-               <Configuration\r
-                       Name="Release|Win32"\r
-                       ConfigurationType="1"\r
-                       InheritedPropertySheets=".\common.vsprops;.\arm.vsprops;.\release.vsprops"\r
-                       >\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCMIDLTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCCLCompilerTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCLinkerTool"\r
-                               AdditionalDependencies="winmm.lib Ws2_32.lib"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCALinkTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCManifestTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCXDCMakeTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCBscMakeTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCFxCopTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCAppVerifierTool"\r
-                       />\r
-                       <Tool\r
-                               Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"\r
-                       />\r
-               </Configuration>\r
-       </Configurations>\r
-       <References>\r
-       </References>\r
-       <Files>\r
-               <File\r
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\"\r
-                       >\r
-               </File>\r
-               <File\r
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\d8.h"\r
-                       >\r
-               </File>\r
-               <File\r
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\"\r
-                       >\r
-               </File>\r
-               <File\r
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\d8-debug.h"\r
-                       >\r
-               </File>\r
-               <File\r
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\"\r
-                       >\r
-               </File>\r
-               <File\r
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\d8.js"\r
-                       >\r
-                               <FileConfiguration\r
-                                       Name="Debug|Win32"\r
-                                       >\r
-                                       <Tool\r
-                                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"\r
-                                               Description="Processing js files..."\r
-                                               CommandLine=".\d8js2c.cmd ..\..\src &quot;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources&quot;"\r
-                                                                                               Outputs="$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\"\r
-                                       />\r
-                               </FileConfiguration>\r
-                               <FileConfiguration\r
-                                       Name="Release|Win32"\r
-                                       >\r
-                                       <Tool\r
-                                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"\r
-                                               Description="Processing js files..."\r
-                                               CommandLine=".\d8js2c.cmd ..\..\src &quot;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources&quot;"\r
-                                               Outputs="$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\"\r
-                                       />\r
-                               </FileConfiguration>\r
-               </File>\r
-               <Filter\r
-                       Name="generated files"\r
-                       >\r
-                       <File\r
-                               RelativePath="$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\"\r
-                               >\r
-                       </File>\r
-               </Filter>\r
-       </Files>\r
-       <Globals>\r
-       </Globals>\r
diff --git a/tools/visual_studio/d8_x64.vcproj b/tools/visual_studio/d8_x64.vcproj
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b534a92..0000000
+++ /dev/null
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-               {0DDBDA8B-A49F-4CC7-A1D5-5BB8297C8A3F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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-               {21E22961-22BF-4493-BD3A-868F93DA5179}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
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-               {21E22961-22BF-4493-BD3A-868F93DA5179}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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-               {2DE20FFA-6F5E-48D9-84D8-09B044A5B119}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
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-               {2DE20FFA-6F5E-48D9-84D8-09B044A5B119}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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-               {7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
-               {7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
-               {7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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-               {865575D0-37E2-405E-8CBA-5F6C485B5A26}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
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-               {97ECC711-7430-4FC4-90FD-004DA880E72A}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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-               {C0334F9A-1168-4101-9DD8-C30FB252D435}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
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-               {C0334F9A-1168-4101-9DD8-C30FB252D435}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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-Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
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-               Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
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-               {21E22961-22BF-4493-BD3A-868F93DA5179}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
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-               {EF019874-D38A-40E3-B17C-DB5923F0A79C}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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-               {7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
-               {7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
-               {7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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-               {EC8B7909-62AF-470D-A75D-E1D89C837142}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
-               {EC8B7909-62AF-470D-A75D-E1D89C837142}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
-               {EC8B7909-62AF-470D-A75D-E1D89C837142}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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-               {97ECC711-7430-4FC4-90FD-004DA880E72A}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
-               {97ECC711-7430-4FC4-90FD-004DA880E72A}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
-               {97ECC711-7430-4FC4-90FD-004DA880E72A}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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-               {EF019874-D38A-40E3-B17C-DB5923F0A79C} = {E131F77D-B713-48F3-B86D-097ECDCC4C3A}
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-          ExcludedFromBuild="true"
-          >
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-          />
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-          >
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-          >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-  </Globals>
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 87c178a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1238 +0,0 @@
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-      Name="Win32"
-    />
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-      >
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-        Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
-      />
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-        Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
-      />
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-        Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
-      />
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-        Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-        Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
-      />
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-      >
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-      />
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-        Name="VCFxCopTool"
-      />
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-      />
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-      <File
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-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
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-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\builtins.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\checks.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\circular-queue-inl.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\circular-queue.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\code-stubs.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\code-stubs-arm.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\code.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\codegen-arm.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\codegen-inl.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\codegen.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\compilation-cache.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\compiler.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\constants-arm.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\contexts.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\counters.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\cpu.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\cpu-profiler.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\cpu-profiler-inl.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\data-flow.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\dateparser.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\debug-agent.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\debug.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\deoptimizer.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\disassembler.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\diy-fp.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\double.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\dtoa.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\execution.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\factory.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\fast-dtoa.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\fixed-dtoa.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\flags.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\flow-graph.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\frame-element.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\frames-arm.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\frames-inl.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\frames.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\full-codegen.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\func-name-inferrer.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\global-handles.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\globals.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\handles-inl.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\heap-inl.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\heap.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
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-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\heap-profiler.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\ic-inl.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\ic.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\interceptors.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\interpreter-irregexp.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\jump-target.h"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\jump-target-inl.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\jump-target-light-inl.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\jump-target-light.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\list.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\lithium-codegen-arm.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-          Name="Release|Win32"
-          ExcludedFromBuild="true"
-          >
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-            Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
-          />
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-          />
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\shell.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\arm\simulator-arm.h"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index de921bc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1300 +0,0 @@
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-      />
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-      />
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
-      <File
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
-      </File>
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-          >
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-          />
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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-        >
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cca6eba..0000000
+++ /dev/null
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index cb9e048..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index dc3fb3a..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2d63f69..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
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index 4eb38bf..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644 (file)
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index 7c4799a..0000000
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-               Release|x64 = Release|x64
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-               {0DDBDA8B-A49F-4CC7-A1D5-5BB8297C8A3F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
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-               {0DDBDA8B-A49F-4CC7-A1D5-5BB8297C8A3F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
-               {21E22961-22BF-4493-BD3A-868F93DA5179}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
-               {21E22961-22BF-4493-BD3A-868F93DA5179}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
-               {21E22961-22BF-4493-BD3A-868F93DA5179}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
-               {21E22961-22BF-4493-BD3A-868F93DA5179}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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-               {2DE20FFA-6F5E-48D9-84D8-09B044A5B119}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
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-               {2DE20FFA-6F5E-48D9-84D8-09B044A5B119}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
-               {7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
-               {7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
-               {7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
-               {7E4C7D2D-A4B9-40B9-8192-22654E626F6C}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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-               {865575D0-37E2-405E-8CBA-5F6C485B5A26}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
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-               {865575D0-37E2-405E-8CBA-5F6C485B5A26}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
-               {97ECC711-7430-4FC4-90FD-004DA880E72A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
-               {97ECC711-7430-4FC4-90FD-004DA880E72A}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
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-               {97ECC711-7430-4FC4-90FD-004DA880E72A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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-               {C0334F9A-1168-4101-9DD8-C30FB252D435}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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-               {EC8B7909-62AF-470D-A75D-E1D89C837142}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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-               {EF019874-D38A-40E3-B17C-DB5923F0A79C}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
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-               {EF019874-D38A-40E3-B17C-DB5923F0A79C}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
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-       EndGlobalSection
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-               {97ECC711-7430-4FC4-90FD-004DA880E72A} = {AD933CE2-1303-448E-89C8-60B1FDD18EC3}
-               {EF019874-D38A-40E3-B17C-DB5923F0A79C} = {E131F77D-B713-48F3-B86D-097ECDCC4C3A}
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-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCLibrarianTool"
-                               LinkLibraryDependencies="true"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCALinkTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCBscMakeTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCFxCopTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
-                       />
-               </Configuration>
-               <Configuration
-                       Name="Release|x64"
-                       ConfigurationType="4"
-                       InheritedPropertySheets=".\common.vsprops;.\x64.vsprops;.\release.vsprops"
-                       >
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCMIDLTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCLibrarianTool"
-                               LinkLibraryDependencies="true"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCALinkTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCBscMakeTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCFxCopTool"
-                       />
-                       <Tool
-                               Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
-                       />
-               </Configuration>
-       </Configurations>
-       <References>
-       </References>
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-                       Name="js"
-                       >
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\apinatives.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\array.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\date.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\debug-debugger.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\liveedit-debugger.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\math.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\messages.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\mirror-debugger.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\regexp.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\json.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\runtime.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\string.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\uri.js"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="..\..\src\v8natives.js"
-                               >
-                               <FileConfiguration
-                                       Name="Debug|x64"
-                                       >
-                                       <Tool
-                                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
-                                               Description="Processing js files..."
-                                               CommandLine=".\js2c.cmd ..\..\src &quot;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources&quot;"
-                                               AdditionalDependencies="..\..\src\;..\..\src\runtime.js;..\..\src\v8natives.js;..\..\src\array.js;..\..\src\string.js;..\..\src\uri.js;..\..\src\math.js;..\..\src\messages.js;..\..\src\apinatives.js;..\..\src\debug-debugger.js;..\..\src\mirror-debugger.js;..\..\src\liveedit-debugger.js;..\..\src\date.js;..\..\src\regexp.js;..\..\src\json.js"
-                                               Outputs="$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\"
-                                       />
-                               </FileConfiguration>
-                               <FileConfiguration
-                                       Name="Release|x64"
-                                       >
-                                       <Tool
-                                               Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
-                                               Description="Processing js files..."
-                                               CommandLine=".\js2c.cmd ..\..\src &quot;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources&quot;"
-                                               AdditionalDependencies="..\..\src\;..\..\src\runtime.js;..\..\src\v8natives.js;..\..\src\array.js;..\..\src\string.js;..\..\src\uri.js;..\..\src\math.js;..\..\src\messages.js;..\..\src\apinatives.js;..\..\src\debug-debugger.js;..\..\src\mirror-debugger.js;..\..\src\liveedit-debugger.js;..\..\src\date.js;..\..\src\regexp.js;..\..\src\json.js"
-                                               Outputs="$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\;$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\"
-                                       />
-                               </FileConfiguration>
-                       </File>
-               </Filter>
-               <Filter
-                       Name="generated files"
-                       >
-                       <File
-                               RelativePath="$(IntDir)\DerivedSources\"
-                               >
-                       </File>
-               </Filter>
-               <File
-                       RelativePath="..\..\src\"
-                       >
-               </File>
-       </Files>
-       <Globals>
-       </Globals>
diff --git a/tools/visual_studio/x64.vsprops b/tools/visual_studio/x64.vsprops
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 04d9c65..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
-       ProjectType="Visual C++"
-       Version="8.00"
-       OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)64"
-       IntermediateDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)64\obj\$(ProjectName)"
-       Name="x64"
-       >
-       <Tool
-               Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
-               PreprocessorDefinitions="V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64"
-       />
-       <Tool
-               Name="VCLinkerTool"
-                StackReserveSize="2091752"
-               TargetMachine="17"
-       />