#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <KColorScheme>
-class FrameGraphicsItem : public QGraphicsRectItem
- FrameGraphicsItem(const QRectF& rect, const quint64 cost, const QString& function, FrameGraphicsItem* parent = nullptr)
- : QGraphicsRectItem(rect, parent)
- {
- static const QString emptyLabel = QStringLiteral("???");
- m_label = i18nc("%1: number of allocations, %2: function label",
- "%2: %1",
- cost,
- function.isEmpty() ? emptyLabel : function);
- setToolTip(m_label);
- }
+FrameGraphicsItem::FrameGraphicsItem(const QRectF& rect, const quint64 cost, const QString& function, FrameGraphicsItem* parent)
+ : QGraphicsRectItem(rect, parent)
+ static const QString emptyLabel = QStringLiteral("???");
- static const QFont font()
- {
- static const QFont font(QStringLiteral("monospace"), 10);
- return font;
- }
+ m_label = i18nc("%1: number of allocations, %2: function label",
+ "%2: %1",
+ cost,
+ function.isEmpty() ? emptyLabel : function);
+ setToolTip(m_label);
- static const QFontMetrics fontMetrics()
- {
- static const QFontMetrics metrics(font());
- return metrics;
- }
+QFont FrameGraphicsItem::font()
+ static const QFont font(QStringLiteral("monospace"), 10);
+ return font;
- static int margin()
- {
- return 5;
- }
+QFontMetrics FrameGraphicsItem::fontMetrics()
+ static const QFontMetrics metrics(font());
+ return metrics;
+int FrameGraphicsItem::margin()
+ return 5;
- int preferredWidth() const
- {
- return fontMetrics().width(m_label) + 2 * margin();
+int FrameGraphicsItem::preferredWidth() const
+ return fontMetrics().width(m_label) + 2 * margin();
+void FrameGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
+ const int width = rect().width() - 2 * margin();
+ if (width < 2) {
+ // don't try to paint tiny items
+ return;
- virtual void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget = 0)
- {
- const int width = rect().width() - 2 * margin();
- if (width < 2) {
- // don't try to paint tiny items
- return;
- }
+ QGraphicsRectItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
+ // TODO: text should always be displayed in a constant size and not zoomed
+ // TODO: items should only be scaled horizontally, not vertically
+ // TODO: items should "fit" into the view width
+ if (width < fontMetrics().averageCharWidth() * 6) {
+ // text is too wide for the current LOD, don't paint it
+ return;
+ }
- QGraphicsRectItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
+ const int height = rect().height();
- // TODO: text should always be displayed in a constant size and not zoomed
- // TODO: items should only be scaled horizontally, not vertically
- // TODO: items should "fit" into the view width
- if (width < fontMetrics().averageCharWidth() * 6) {
- // text is too wide for the current LOD, don't paint it
- return;
- }
+ const QFont oldFont = painter->font();
+ painter->setFont(font());
+ painter->drawText(margin() + rect().x(), rect().y(), width, height, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::TextSingleLine,
+ fontMetrics().elidedText(m_label, Qt::ElideRight, width));
+ painter->setFont(oldFont);
- const int height = rect().height();
+namespace {
- const QFont oldFont = painter->font();
- painter->setFont(font());
- painter->drawText(margin() + rect().x(), rect().y(), width, height, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::TextSingleLine,
- fontMetrics().elidedText(m_label, Qt::ElideRight, width));
- painter->setFont(oldFont);
+void scaleItems(FrameGraphicsItem *item, qreal scaleFactor)
+ auto rect = item->rect();
+ rect.moveLeft(rect.left() * scaleFactor);
+ rect.setWidth(rect.width() * scaleFactor);
+ item->setRect(rect);
+ foreach (auto child, item->childItems()) {
+ if (auto frameChild = dynamic_cast<FrameGraphicsItem*>(child)) {
+ scaleItems(frameChild, scaleFactor);
+ }
- QString m_label;
+struct Frame {
+ quint64 cost = 0;
+ using Stack = QMap<QString, Frame>;
+ Stack children;
-namespace {
+using Stack = Frame::Stack;
QColor color(quint64 cost, quint64 maxCost)
const qreal h = 25.;
-const qreal x_margin = 0.;
const qreal y_margin = 2.;
const qreal minRootWidth = 800.;
-// TODO: what is the right value for maxWidth here?
-void toGraphicsItems(const FlameGraphData::Stack& data, qreal totalCostForColor,
+void toGraphicsItems(const Stack& data, qreal totalCostForColor,
qreal parentCost, FrameGraphicsItem *parent)
auto pos = parent->rect().topLeft();
item->setBrush(color(it.value().cost, totalCostForColor));
toGraphicsItems(it.value().children, totalCostForColor, it.value().cost, item);
- x += w + x_margin;
+ x += w;
-void scaleItems(FrameGraphicsItem *item, qreal scaleFactor)
+FrameGraphicsItem* buildGraphicsItems(const Stack& stack)
- auto rect = item->rect();
- rect.moveLeft(rect.left() * scaleFactor);
- rect.setWidth(rect.width() * scaleFactor);
- item->setRect(rect);
- foreach (auto child, item->childItems()) {
- if (auto frameChild = dynamic_cast<FrameGraphicsItem*>(child)) {
- scaleItems(frameChild, scaleFactor);
+ double totalCost = 0;
+ foreach(const auto& frame, stack) {
+ totalCost += frame.cost;
+ }
+ const QPen pen(KColorScheme(QPalette::Active).foreground().color());
+ auto rootItem = new FrameGraphicsItem(QRectF(0, 0, minRootWidth, h), totalCost, i18n("total allocations"));
+ rootItem->setPen(pen);
+ toGraphicsItems(stack, totalCost, totalCost, rootItem);
+ return rootItem;
+static void buildFlameGraph(const QVector<RowData>& mergedAllocations, Stack* topStack)
+ foreach (const auto& row, mergedAllocations) {
+ if (row.children.isEmpty()) {
+ // leaf node found, bubble up the parent chain to build a top-down tree
+ auto node = &row;
+ auto stack = topStack;
+ while (node) {
+ auto& data = (*stack)[node->location.function];
+ // always use the leaf node's cost and propagate that one up the chain
+ // otherwise we'd count the cost of some nodes multiple times
+ data.cost += row.allocations;
+ stack = &data.children;
+ node = node->parent;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // recurse to find a leaf
+ buildFlameGraph(row.children, topStack);
, m_view(new QGraphicsView(this))
, m_rootItem(nullptr)
- qRegisterMetaType<FlameGraphData>();
setLayout(new QVBoxLayout);
return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
-void FlameGraph::setData(const FlameGraphData& data)
+void FlameGraph::setData(FrameGraphicsItem* rootItem)
- m_data = data;
+ m_rootItem = rootItem;
+ m_scene->addItem(rootItem);
- qDebug() << "Evaluating flame graph";
- QElapsedTimer t; t.start();
- double totalCost = 0;
- foreach(const auto& frame, data.stack) {
- totalCost += frame.cost;
- }
- const QPen pen(KColorScheme(QPalette::Active).foreground().color());
- m_rootItem = new FrameGraphicsItem(QRectF(0, 0, minRootWidth, h), totalCost, i18n("total allocations"));
- m_rootItem->setPen(pen);
- toGraphicsItems(data.stack, totalCost, totalCost, m_rootItem);
- m_scene->addItem(m_rootItem);
- qDebug() << "took me: " << t.elapsed();
+FrameGraphicsItem * FlameGraph::parseData(const QVector<RowData>& data)
+ Stack stack;
+ buildFlameGraph(data, &stack);
+ return buildGraphicsItems(stack);