- // If this type is marked by [Intrinsic] attribute, it may be specially treated by the runtime/compiler
- // Currently, only SIMD types have [Intrinsic] attribute
- //
- // We check this here, before the SystemVAmd64CheckForPass[Native]StructInRegister calls to ensure the SIMD
- // intrinsics are not enregistered incorrectly.
- if ((GetModule()->IsSystem() || GetAssembly()->IsSIMDVectorAssembly()) && IsValueClass() && bmtGenerics->HasInstantiation())
- {
- HRESULT hr = GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(bmtInternal->pType->GetTypeDefToken(),
- g_CompilerServicesIntrinsicAttribute,
- NULL);
- if (hr == S_OK)
- {
- pMT->SetIsIntrinsicType();
- }
- }
if (IsValueClass())
if (bmtFP->NumInstanceFieldBytes != totalDeclaredFieldSize || HasOverLayedField())
// We can exit early for generic types - there are just a few cases to check for.
if (bmtGenerics->HasInstantiation())
- if (pClass->HasLayout())
+ if (pMT->IsIntrinsicType() && pClass->HasLayout())
if (FAILED(GetMDImport()->GetNameOfTypeDef(GetCl(), &name, &nameSpace)))
// These types should be handled or explicitly skipped below to ensure that we don't
// miss adding required ABI support for future types.
- _ASSERTE_MSG((strcmp(name, "Vector64DebugView`1") == 0) ||
- (strcmp(name, "Vector128DebugView`1") == 0) ||
- (strcmp(name, "Vector256DebugView`1") == 0),
- "Unhandled Hardware Intrinsic Type.");
+ _ASSERTE_MSG(FALSE, "Unhandled Hardware Intrinsic Type.");
+ // If this type is marked by [Intrinsic] attribute, it may be specially treated by the runtime/compiler
+ // Currently, only SIMD types have [Intrinsic] attribute
+ //
+ // We check this here fairly early to ensure other downstream checks on these types can be slightly more efficient.
+ if ((GetModule()->IsSystem() || GetAssembly()->IsSIMDVectorAssembly()) && IsValueClass() && bmtGenerics->HasInstantiation())
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(bmtInternal->pType->GetTypeDefToken(),
+ g_CompilerServicesIntrinsicAttribute,
+ NULL);
+ if (hr == S_OK)
+ {
+ pMT->SetIsIntrinsicType();
+ }
+ }
if (GetModule()->IsSystem())
// we are in mscorlib