Sometimes the CI might create paths that are bigger than the 260
character limit.
error: unable to create file subprojects/gst-integration-testsuites/testsuites/validate/h264/parse.trickmode_predicted.seek_trickmode_predicted/flow-expectations/log-parse-src-expected: Filename too long
Part-of: <>
FEDORA_TAG: '2022-03-14.0'
INDENT_TAG: '2022-03-07.1'
- WINDOWS_TAG: "2022-05-09.0"
+ WINDOWS_TAG: "2022-05-16.1"
GST_UPSTREAM_REPO: 'gstreamer/gstreamer'
FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO: 'gstreamer/gstreamer'
RUN choco install -y python3
RUN choco install -y msys2 --params '/NoPath /NoUpdate /InstallDir:C:\\msys64'
+# Remove MAX_PATH limit of 260 characters
+RUN New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\FileSystem' `
+ -Name "LongPathsEnabled" -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force
+RUN git config --system core.longpaths true
RUN c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash -lc 'pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-toolchain ninja'
# Visual Studio can't be installed with choco.
# It depends on dotnetfx v4.8.0.20190930, which requires a reboot: dotnetfx (exit code 3010)