return None;
+ // If we saw an include guard in the preamble section of the main file,
+ // mark the main-file as include-guarded.
+ // This information is part of the HeaderFileInfo but is not loaded from the
+ // preamble as the file's size is part of its identity and may have changed.
+ // (The rest of HeaderFileInfo is not relevant for our purposes).
+ if (Preamble && Preamble->MainIsIncludeGuarded) {
+ const SourceManager &SM = Clang->getSourceManager();
+ const FileEntry *MainFE = SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getMainFileID());
+ Clang->getPreprocessor().getHeaderSearchInfo().MarkFileIncludeOnce(MainFE);
+ }
// Set up ClangTidy. Must happen after BeginSourceFile() so ASTContext exists.
// Clang-tidy has some limitations to ensure reasonable performance:
CanonicalIncludes takeCanonicalIncludes() { return std::move(CanonIncludes); }
+ bool isMainFileIncludeGuarded() const { return IsMainFileIncludeGuarded; }
void AfterExecute(CompilerInstance &CI) override {
- if (!ParsedCallback)
- return;
- trace::Span Tracer("Running PreambleCallback");
- ParsedCallback(CI.getASTContext(), CI.getPreprocessorPtr(), CanonIncludes);
+ if (ParsedCallback) {
+ trace::Span Tracer("Running PreambleCallback");
+ ParsedCallback(CI.getASTContext(), CI.getPreprocessorPtr(),
+ CanonIncludes);
+ }
+ const SourceManager &SM = CI.getSourceManager();
+ const FileEntry *MainFE = SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getMainFileID());
+ IsMainFileIncludeGuarded =
+ CI.getPreprocessor().getHeaderSearchInfo().isFileMultipleIncludeGuarded(
+ MainFE);
void BeforeExecute(CompilerInstance &CI) override {
IncludeStructure Includes;
CanonicalIncludes CanonIncludes;
MainFileMacros Macros;
+ bool IsMainFileIncludeGuarded = false;
std::unique_ptr<CommentHandler> IWYUHandler = nullptr;
const clang::LangOptions *LangOpts = nullptr;
const SourceManager *SourceMgr = nullptr;
// to read back. We rely on dynamic index for the comments instead.
CI.getPreprocessorOpts().WriteCommentListToPCH = false;
- CppFilePreambleCallbacks SerializedDeclsCollector(FileName, PreambleCallback);
+ CppFilePreambleCallbacks CapturedInfo(FileName, PreambleCallback);
auto VFS = Inputs.TFS->view(Inputs.CompileCommand.Directory);
llvm::SmallString<32> AbsFileName(FileName);
auto BuiltPreamble = PrecompiledPreamble::Build(
CI, ContentsBuffer.get(), Bounds, *PreambleDiagsEngine,
- std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>(), StoreInMemory,
- SerializedDeclsCollector);
+ std::make_shared<PCHContainerOperations>(), StoreInMemory, CapturedInfo);
// When building the AST for the main file, we do want the function
// bodies.
vlog("Built preamble of size {0} for file {1} version {2}",
BuiltPreamble->getSize(), FileName, Inputs.Version);
std::vector<Diag> Diags = PreambleDiagnostics.take();
- return std::make_shared<PreambleData>(
+ auto Result = std::make_shared<PreambleData>(
Inputs, std::move(*BuiltPreamble), std::move(Diags),
- SerializedDeclsCollector.takeIncludes(),
- SerializedDeclsCollector.takeMacros(), std::move(StatCache),
- SerializedDeclsCollector.takeCanonicalIncludes());
- } else {
- elog("Could not build a preamble for file {0} version {1}: {2}", FileName,
- Inputs.Version, BuiltPreamble.getError().message());
- return nullptr;
+ CapturedInfo.takeIncludes(), CapturedInfo.takeMacros(),
+ std::move(StatCache), CapturedInfo.takeCanonicalIncludes());
+ Result->MainIsIncludeGuarded = CapturedInfo.isMainFileIncludeGuarded();
+ return Result;
+ elog("Could not build a preamble for file {0} version {1}: {2}", FileName,
+ Inputs.Version, BuiltPreamble.getError().message());
+ return nullptr;
bool isPreambleCompatible(const PreambleData &Preamble,
EXPECT_FALSE(mainIsGuarded(; // FIXME: true
TU.Code = once(";");
- EXPECT_FALSE(mainIsGuarded(; // FIXME: true
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mainIsGuarded(;
TU.Code = R"cpp(
AST =;
EXPECT_THAT(*AST.getDiagnostics(), IsEmpty());
- EXPECT_FALSE(mainIsGuarded(AST)); // FIXME: true
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mainIsGuarded(AST));
TU.Code = R"cpp(
#pragma once
AST =;
ElementsAre(Diag("recursively when building a preamble")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(mainIsGuarded(AST)); // FIXME: true
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mainIsGuarded(AST));
TU.Code = R"cpp(
#ifndef GUARD
AST =;
ElementsAre(Diag("recursively when building a preamble")));
- EXPECT_FALSE(mainIsGuarded(AST)); // FIXME: true
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mainIsGuarded(AST));
TU.Code = R"cpp(
#include "self.h" // error-ok
// need to transfer it to the main file's HeaderFileInfo.
TU.Code = once(Interface);
AST =;
- // FIXME: empty
- EXPECT_THAT(*AST.getDiagnostics(),
- ElementsAre(Diag("in included file: redefinition of 'Traits'")));
+ EXPECT_THAT(*AST.getDiagnostics(), IsEmpty());
// Editing the implementation file, which is not include guarded.