--- /dev/null
+//===------- DebuggerSupportPlugin.cpp - Utils for debugger support -------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/DebuggerSupportPlugin.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
+#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.h"
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "orc"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace llvm::jitlink;
+using namespace llvm::orc;
+static const char *SynthDebugSectionName = "__jitlink_synth_debug_object";
+namespace {
+struct MachO64LE {
+ using UIntPtr = uint64_t;
+ using Header = MachO::mach_header_64;
+ using SegmentLC = MachO::segment_command_64;
+ using Section = MachO::section_64;
+ using NList = MachO::nlist_64;
+ static constexpr support::endianness Endianness = support::little;
+ static constexpr const uint32_t Magic = MachO::MH_MAGIC_64;
+ static constexpr const uint32_t SegmentCmd = MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64;
+class MachODebugObjectSynthesizerBase
+ : public GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin::DebugSectionSynthesizer {
+ static bool isDebugSection(Section &Sec) {
+ return Sec.getName().startswith("__DWARF,");
+ }
+ MachODebugObjectSynthesizerBase(LinkGraph &G, ExecutorAddr RegisterActionAddr)
+ : G(G), RegisterActionAddr(RegisterActionAddr) {}
+ virtual ~MachODebugObjectSynthesizerBase() {}
+ Error preserveDebugSections() {
+ if (G.findSectionByName(SynthDebugSectionName)) {
+ dbgs() << "MachODebugObjectSynthesizer skipping graph " << G.getName()
+ << " which contains an unexpected existing "
+ << SynthDebugSectionName << " section.\n";
+ });
+ return Error::success();
+ }
+ dbgs() << "MachODebugObjectSynthesizer visiting graph " << G.getName()
+ << "\n";
+ });
+ for (auto &Sec : G.sections()) {
+ if (!isDebugSection(Sec))
+ continue;
+ // Preserve blocks in this debug section by marking one existing symbol
+ // live for each block, and introducing a new live, anonymous symbol for
+ // each currently unreferenced block.
+ dbgs() << " Preserving debug section " << Sec.getName() << "\n";
+ });
+ SmallSet<Block *, 8> PreservedBlocks;
+ for (auto *Sym : Sec.symbols()) {
+ bool NewPreservedBlock =
+ PreservedBlocks.insert(&Sym->getBlock()).second;
+ if (NewPreservedBlock)
+ Sym->setLive(true);
+ }
+ for (auto *B : Sec.blocks())
+ if (!PreservedBlocks.count(B))
+ G.addAnonymousSymbol(*B, 0, 0, false, true);
+ }
+ return Error::success();
+ }
+ LinkGraph &G;
+ ExecutorAddr RegisterActionAddr;
+template <typename MachOTraits>
+class MachODebugObjectSynthesizer : public MachODebugObjectSynthesizerBase {
+ class MachOStructWriter {
+ public:
+ MachOStructWriter(MutableArrayRef<char> Buffer) : Buffer(Buffer) {}
+ size_t getOffset() const { return Offset; }
+ template <typename MachOStruct> void write(MachOStruct S) {
+ assert(Offset + sizeof(S) <= Buffer.size() &&
+ "Container block overflow while constructing debug MachO");
+ if (MachOTraits::Endianness != support::endian::system_endianness())
+ MachO::swapStruct(S);
+ memcpy(Buffer.data() + Offset, &S, sizeof(S));
+ Offset += sizeof(S);
+ }
+ private:
+ MutableArrayRef<char> Buffer;
+ size_t Offset = 0;
+ };
+ using MachODebugObjectSynthesizerBase::MachODebugObjectSynthesizerBase;
+ Error startSynthesis() override {
+ dbgs() << "Creating " << SynthDebugSectionName << " for " << G.getName()
+ << "\n";
+ });
+ auto &SDOSec = G.createSection(SynthDebugSectionName, MemProt::Read);
+ struct DebugSectionInfo {
+ Section *Sec = nullptr;
+ StringRef SegName;
+ StringRef SecName;
+ JITTargetAddress Alignment = 0;
+ JITTargetAddress StartAddr = 0;
+ uint64_t Size = 0;
+ };
+ SmallVector<DebugSectionInfo, 12> DebugSecInfos;
+ size_t NumSections = 0;
+ for (auto &Sec : G.sections()) {
+ if (llvm::empty(Sec.blocks()))
+ continue;
+ ++NumSections;
+ if (isDebugSection(Sec)) {
+ size_t SepPos = Sec.getName().find(',');
+ if (SepPos > 16 || (Sec.getName().size() - (SepPos + 1) > 16)) {
+ dbgs() << "Skipping debug object synthesis for graph "
+ << G.getName()
+ << ": encountered non-standard DWARF section name \""
+ << Sec.getName() << "\"\n";
+ });
+ return Error::success();
+ }
+ DebugSecInfos.push_back({&Sec, Sec.getName().substr(0, SepPos),
+ Sec.getName().substr(SepPos + 1), 0, 0});
+ } else
+ NonDebugSections.push_back(&Sec);
+ }
+ // Create container block.
+ size_t SectionsCmdSize =
+ sizeof(typename MachOTraits::Section) * NumSections;
+ size_t SegmentLCSize =
+ sizeof(typename MachOTraits::SegmentLC) + SectionsCmdSize;
+ size_t ContainerBlockSize =
+ sizeof(typename MachOTraits::Header) + SegmentLCSize;
+ auto ContainerBlockContent = G.allocateBuffer(ContainerBlockSize);
+ MachOContainerBlock =
+ &G.createMutableContentBlock(SDOSec, ContainerBlockContent, 0, 8, 0);
+ // Copy debug section blocks and symbols.
+ JITTargetAddress NextBlockAddr = MachOContainerBlock->getSize();
+ for (auto &SI : DebugSecInfos) {
+ assert(!llvm::empty(SI.Sec->blocks()) && "Empty debug info section?");
+ // Update addresses in debug section.
+ dbgs() << " Appending " << SI.Sec->getName() << " ("
+ << SI.Sec->blocks_size() << " block(s)) at "
+ << formatv("{0:x8}", NextBlockAddr) << "\n";
+ });
+ for (auto *B : SI.Sec->blocks()) {
+ NextBlockAddr = alignToBlock(NextBlockAddr, *B);
+ B->setAddress(NextBlockAddr);
+ NextBlockAddr += B->getSize();
+ }
+ auto &FirstBlock = **SI.Sec->blocks().begin();
+ if (FirstBlock.getAlignmentOffset() != 0)
+ return make_error<StringError>(
+ "First block in " + SI.Sec->getName() +
+ " section has non-zero alignment offset",
+ inconvertibleErrorCode());
+ if (FirstBlock.getAlignment() > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
+ return make_error<StringError>("First block in " + SI.Sec->getName() +
+ " has alignment >4Gb",
+ inconvertibleErrorCode());
+ SI.Alignment = FirstBlock.getAlignment();
+ SI.StartAddr = FirstBlock.getAddress();
+ SI.Size = NextBlockAddr - SI.StartAddr;
+ G.mergeSections(SDOSec, *SI.Sec);
+ SI.Sec = nullptr;
+ }
+ size_t DebugSectionsSize = NextBlockAddr - MachOContainerBlock->getSize();
+ // Write MachO header and debug section load commands.
+ MachOStructWriter Writer(MachOContainerBlock->getAlreadyMutableContent());
+ typename MachOTraits::Header Hdr;
+ memset(&Hdr, 0, sizeof(Hdr));
+ Hdr.magic = MachOTraits::Magic;
+ switch (G.getTargetTriple().getArch()) {
+ case Triple::x86_64:
+ Hdr.cputype = MachO::CPU_TYPE_X86_64;
+ Hdr.cpusubtype = MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL;
+ break;
+ case Triple::aarch64:
+ Hdr.cputype = MachO::CPU_TYPE_ARM64;
+ Hdr.cpusubtype = MachO::CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64_ALL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ llvm_unreachable("Unsupported architecture");
+ }
+ Hdr.filetype = MachO::MH_OBJECT;
+ Hdr.ncmds = 1;
+ Hdr.sizeofcmds = SegmentLCSize;
+ Hdr.flags = 0;
+ Writer.write(Hdr);
+ typename MachOTraits::SegmentLC SegLC;
+ memset(&SegLC, 0, sizeof(SegLC));
+ SegLC.cmd = MachOTraits::SegmentCmd;
+ SegLC.cmdsize = SegmentLCSize;
+ SegLC.vmaddr = ContainerBlockSize;
+ SegLC.vmsize = DebugSectionsSize;
+ SegLC.fileoff = ContainerBlockSize;
+ SegLC.filesize = DebugSectionsSize;
+ SegLC.maxprot =
+ SegLC.initprot =
+ SegLC.nsects = NumSections;
+ SegLC.flags = 0;
+ Writer.write(SegLC);
+ StringSet<> ExistingLongNames;
+ for (auto &SI : DebugSecInfos) {
+ typename MachOTraits::Section Sec;
+ memset(&Sec, 0, sizeof(Sec));
+ memcpy(Sec.sectname, SI.SecName.data(), SI.SecName.size());
+ memcpy(Sec.segname, SI.SegName.data(), SI.SegName.size());
+ Sec.addr = SI.StartAddr;
+ Sec.size = SI.Size;
+ Sec.offset = SI.StartAddr;
+ Sec.align = SI.Alignment;
+ Sec.reloff = 0;
+ Sec.nreloc = 0;
+ Sec.flags = MachO::S_ATTR_DEBUG;
+ Writer.write(Sec);
+ }
+ // Set MachOContainerBlock to indicate success to
+ // completeSynthesisAndRegister.
+ NonDebugSectionsStart = Writer.getOffset();
+ return Error::success();
+ }
+ Error completeSynthesisAndRegister() override {
+ if (!MachOContainerBlock) {
+ dbgs() << "Not writing MachO debug object header for " << G.getName()
+ << " since createDebugSection failed\n";
+ });
+ return Error::success();
+ }
+ dbgs() << "Writing MachO debug object header for " << G.getName() << "\n";
+ });
+ MachOStructWriter Writer(
+ MachOContainerBlock->getAlreadyMutableContent().drop_front(
+ NonDebugSectionsStart));
+ unsigned LongSectionNameIdx = 0;
+ for (auto *Sec : NonDebugSections) {
+ size_t SepPos = Sec->getName().find(',');
+ StringRef SegName, SecName;
+ std::string CustomSecName;
+ if ((SepPos == StringRef::npos && Sec->getName().size() <= 16)) {
+ // No embedded segment name, short section name.
+ SegName = "__JITLINK_CUSTOM";
+ SecName = Sec->getName();
+ } else if (SepPos < 16 && (Sec->getName().size() - (SepPos + 1) <= 16)) {
+ // Canonical embedded segment and section name.
+ SegName = Sec->getName().substr(0, SepPos);
+ SecName = Sec->getName().substr(SepPos + 1);
+ } else {
+ // Long section name that needs to be truncated.
+ assert(Sec->getName().size() > 16 &&
+ "Short section name should have been handled above");
+ SegName = "__JITLINK_CUSTOM";
+ auto IdxStr = std::to_string(++LongSectionNameIdx);
+ CustomSecName = Sec->getName().substr(0, 15 - IdxStr.size()).str();
+ CustomSecName += ".";
+ CustomSecName += IdxStr;
+ SecName = StringRef(CustomSecName.data(), 16);
+ }
+ SectionRange R(*Sec);
+ if (R.getFirstBlock()->getAlignmentOffset() != 0)
+ return make_error<StringError>(
+ "While building MachO debug object for " + G.getName() +
+ " first block has non-zero alignment offset",
+ inconvertibleErrorCode());
+ typename MachOTraits::Section SecCmd;
+ memset(&SecCmd, 0, sizeof(SecCmd));
+ memcpy(SecCmd.sectname, SecName.data(), SecName.size());
+ memcpy(SecCmd.segname, SegName.data(), SegName.size());
+ SecCmd.addr = R.getStart();
+ SecCmd.size = R.getSize();
+ SecCmd.offset = 0;
+ SecCmd.align = R.getFirstBlock()->getAlignment();
+ SecCmd.reloff = 0;
+ SecCmd.nreloc = 0;
+ SecCmd.flags = 0;
+ Writer.write(SecCmd);
+ }
+ SectionRange R(MachOContainerBlock->getSection());
+ G.allocActions().push_back(
+ {{RegisterActionAddr.getValue(), R.getStart(), R.getSize()}, {}});
+ return Error::success();
+ }
+ Block *MachOContainerBlock = nullptr;
+ SmallVector<Section *, 16> NonDebugSections;
+ size_t NonDebugSectionsStart = 0;
+} // end anonymous namespace
+namespace llvm {
+namespace orc {
+GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin::Create(ExecutionSession &ES,
+ JITDylib &ProcessJD,
+ const Triple &TT) {
+ auto RegisterActionAddr =
+ TT.isOSBinFormatMachO()
+ ? ES.intern("_llvm_orc_registerJITLoaderGDBAllocAction")
+ : ES.intern("llvm_orc_registerJITLoaderGDBAllocAction");
+ if (auto Addr = ES.lookup({&ProcessJD}, RegisterActionAddr))
+ return std::make_unique<GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin>(
+ ExecutorAddr(Addr->getAddress()));
+ else
+ return Addr.takeError();
+Error GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin::notifyFailed(
+ MaterializationResponsibility &MR) {
+ return Error::success();
+Error GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin::notifyRemovingResources(
+ ResourceKey K) {
+ return Error::success();
+void GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin::notifyTransferringResources(
+ ResourceKey DstKey, ResourceKey SrcKey) {}
+void GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin::modifyPassConfig(
+ MaterializationResponsibility &MR, LinkGraph &LG,
+ PassConfiguration &PassConfig) {
+ if (LG.getTargetTriple().getObjectFormat() == Triple::MachO)
+ modifyPassConfigForMachO(MR, LG, PassConfig);
+ else {
+ dbgs() << "GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin skipping unspported graph "
+ << LG.getName() << "(triple = " << LG.getTargetTriple().str()
+ << "\n";
+ });
+ }
+void GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin::modifyPassConfigForMachO(
+ MaterializationResponsibility &MR, jitlink::LinkGraph &LG,
+ jitlink::PassConfiguration &PassConfig) {
+ switch (LG.getTargetTriple().getArch()) {
+ case Triple::x86_64:
+ case Triple::aarch64:
+ // Supported, continue.
+ assert(LG.getPointerSize() == 8 && "Graph has incorrect pointer size");
+ assert(LG.getEndianness() == support::little &&
+ "Graph has incorrect endianness");
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Unsupported.
+ dbgs() << "GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin skipping unsupported "
+ << "MachO graph " << LG.getName()
+ << "(triple = " << LG.getTargetTriple().str()
+ << ", pointer size = " << LG.getPointerSize() << ", endianness = "
+ << (LG.getEndianness() == support::big ? "big" : "little")
+ << ")\n";
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ // Scan for debug sections. If we find one then install passes.
+ bool HasDebugSections = false;
+ for (auto &Sec : LG.sections())
+ if (MachODebugObjectSynthesizerBase::isDebugSection(Sec)) {
+ HasDebugSections = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (HasDebugSections) {
+ dbgs() << "GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin: Graph " << LG.getName()
+ << " contains debug info. Installing debugger support passes.\n";
+ });
+ auto MDOS = std::make_shared<MachODebugObjectSynthesizer<MachO64LE>>(
+ LG, RegisterActionAddr);
+ PassConfig.PrePrunePasses.push_back(
+ [=](LinkGraph &G) { return MDOS->preserveDebugSections(); });
+ PassConfig.PostPrunePasses.push_back(
+ [=](LinkGraph &G) { return MDOS->startSynthesis(); });
+ PassConfig.PreFixupPasses.push_back(
+ [=](LinkGraph &G) { return MDOS->completeSynthesisAndRegister(); });
+ } else {
+ dbgs() << "GDBJITDebugInfoRegistrationPlugin: Graph " << LG.getName()
+ << " contains no debug info. Skipping.\n";
+ });
+ }
+} // namespace orc
+} // namespace llvm