-void CodeGenerator::VisitBinaryOperation(BinaryOperation* a) {
+void CodeGenerator::VisitBinaryOperation(BinaryOperation* node) {
+ // TODO(X64): This code was copied verbatim from codegen-ia32.
+ // Either find a reason to change it or move it to a shared location.
+ // Note that due to an optimization in comparison operations (typeof
+ // compared to a string literal), we can evaluate a binary expression such
+ // as AND or OR and not leave a value on the frame or in the cc register.
+ Comment cmnt(masm_, "[ BinaryOperation");
+ Token::Value op = node->op();
+ // According to ECMA-262 section 11.11, page 58, the binary logical
+ // operators must yield the result of one of the two expressions
+ // before any ToBoolean() conversions. This means that the value
+ // produced by a && or || operator is not necessarily a boolean.
+ // NOTE: If the left hand side produces a materialized value (not
+ // control flow), we force the right hand side to do the same. This
+ // is necessary because we assume that if we get control flow on the
+ // last path out of an expression we got it on all paths.
+ if (op == Token::AND) {
+ JumpTarget is_true;
+ ControlDestination dest(&is_true, destination()->false_target(), true);
+ LoadCondition(node->left(), NOT_INSIDE_TYPEOF, &dest, false);
+ if (dest.false_was_fall_through()) {
+ // The current false target was used as the fall-through. If
+ // there are no dangling jumps to is_true then the left
+ // subexpression was unconditionally false. Otherwise we have
+ // paths where we do have to evaluate the right subexpression.
+ if (is_true.is_linked()) {
+ // We need to compile the right subexpression. If the jump to
+ // the current false target was a forward jump then we have a
+ // valid frame, we have just bound the false target, and we
+ // have to jump around the code for the right subexpression.
+ if (has_valid_frame()) {
+ destination()->false_target()->Unuse();
+ destination()->false_target()->Jump();
+ }
+ is_true.Bind();
+ // The left subexpression compiled to control flow, so the
+ // right one is free to do so as well.
+ LoadCondition(node->right(), NOT_INSIDE_TYPEOF, destination(), false);
+ } else {
+ // We have actually just jumped to or bound the current false
+ // target but the current control destination is not marked as
+ // used.
+ destination()->Use(false);
+ }
+ } else if (dest.is_used()) {
+ // The left subexpression compiled to control flow (and is_true
+ // was just bound), so the right is free to do so as well.
+ LoadCondition(node->right(), NOT_INSIDE_TYPEOF, destination(), false);
+ } else {
+ // We have a materialized value on the frame, so we exit with
+ // one on all paths. There are possibly also jumps to is_true
+ // from nested subexpressions.
+ JumpTarget pop_and_continue;
+ JumpTarget exit;
+ // Avoid popping the result if it converts to 'false' using the
+ // standard ToBoolean() conversion as described in ECMA-262,
+ // section 9.2, page 30.
+ //
+ // Duplicate the TOS value. The duplicate will be popped by
+ // ToBoolean.
+ frame_->Dup();
+ ControlDestination dest(&pop_and_continue, &exit, true);
+ ToBoolean(&dest);
+ // Pop the result of evaluating the first part.
+ frame_->Drop();
+ // Compile right side expression.
+ is_true.Bind();
+ Load(node->right());
+ // Exit (always with a materialized value).
+ exit.Bind();
+ }
+ } else if (op == Token::OR) {
+ JumpTarget is_false;
+ ControlDestination dest(destination()->true_target(), &is_false, false);
+ LoadCondition(node->left(), NOT_INSIDE_TYPEOF, &dest, false);
+ if (dest.true_was_fall_through()) {
+ // The current true target was used as the fall-through. If
+ // there are no dangling jumps to is_false then the left
+ // subexpression was unconditionally true. Otherwise we have
+ // paths where we do have to evaluate the right subexpression.
+ if (is_false.is_linked()) {
+ // We need to compile the right subexpression. If the jump to
+ // the current true target was a forward jump then we have a
+ // valid frame, we have just bound the true target, and we
+ // have to jump around the code for the right subexpression.
+ if (has_valid_frame()) {
+ destination()->true_target()->Unuse();
+ destination()->true_target()->Jump();
+ }
+ is_false.Bind();
+ // The left subexpression compiled to control flow, so the
+ // right one is free to do so as well.
+ LoadCondition(node->right(), NOT_INSIDE_TYPEOF, destination(), false);
+ } else {
+ // We have just jumped to or bound the current true target but
+ // the current control destination is not marked as used.
+ destination()->Use(true);
+ }
+ } else if (dest.is_used()) {
+ // The left subexpression compiled to control flow (and is_false
+ // was just bound), so the right is free to do so as well.
+ LoadCondition(node->right(), NOT_INSIDE_TYPEOF, destination(), false);
+ } else {
+ // We have a materialized value on the frame, so we exit with
+ // one on all paths. There are possibly also jumps to is_false
+ // from nested subexpressions.
+ JumpTarget pop_and_continue;
+ JumpTarget exit;
+ // Avoid popping the result if it converts to 'true' using the
+ // standard ToBoolean() conversion as described in ECMA-262,
+ // section 9.2, page 30.
+ //
+ // Duplicate the TOS value. The duplicate will be popped by
+ // ToBoolean.
+ frame_->Dup();
+ ControlDestination dest(&exit, &pop_and_continue, false);
+ ToBoolean(&dest);
+ // Pop the result of evaluating the first part.
+ frame_->Drop();
+ // Compile right side expression.
+ is_false.Bind();
+ Load(node->right());
+ // Exit (always with a materialized value).
+ exit.Bind();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // NOTE: The code below assumes that the slow cases (calls to runtime)
+ // never return a constant/immutable object.
+ OverwriteMode overwrite_mode = NO_OVERWRITE;
+ if (node->left()->AsBinaryOperation() != NULL &&
+ node->left()->AsBinaryOperation()->ResultOverwriteAllowed()) {
+ overwrite_mode = OVERWRITE_LEFT;
+ } else if (node->right()->AsBinaryOperation() != NULL &&
+ node->right()->AsBinaryOperation()->ResultOverwriteAllowed()) {
+ overwrite_mode = OVERWRITE_RIGHT;
+ }
+ Load(node->left());
+ Load(node->right());
+ GenericBinaryOperation(node->op(), node->type(), overwrite_mode);
+ }
void CodeGenerator::VisitCompareOperation(CompareOperation* a) {
+// Flag that indicates whether or not the code that handles smi arguments
+// should be placed in the stub, inlined, or omitted entirely.
+enum GenericBinaryFlags {
+class FloatingPointHelper : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ // Code pattern for loading a floating point value. Input value must
+ // be either a smi or a heap number object (fp value). Requirements:
+ // operand in src register. Returns operand as floating point number
+ // in XMM register
+ static void LoadFloatOperand(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register src,
+ XMMRegister dst);
+ // Code pattern for loading floating point values. Input values must
+ // be either smi or heap number objects (fp values). Requirements:
+ // operand_1 on TOS+1 , operand_2 on TOS+2; Returns operands as
+ // floating point numbers in XMM registers.
+ static void LoadFloatOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ XMMRegister dst1,
+ XMMRegister dst2);
+ // Code pattern for loading floating point values onto the fp stack.
+ // Input values must be either smi or heap number objects (fp values).
+ // Requirements:
+ // operand_1 on TOS+1 , operand_2 on TOS+2; Returns operands as
+ // floating point numbers on fp stack.
+ static void LoadFloatOperands(MacroAssembler* masm);
+ // Code pattern for loading a floating point value and converting it
+ // to a 32 bit integer. Input value must be either a smi or a heap number
+ // object.
+ // Returns operands as 32-bit sign extended integers in a general purpose
+ // registers.
+ static void LoadInt32Operand(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ const Operand& src,
+ Register dst);
+ // Test if operands are smi or number objects (fp). Requirements:
+ // operand_1 in eax, operand_2 in edx; falls through on float
+ // operands, jumps to the non_float label otherwise.
+ static void CheckFloatOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Label* non_float);
+ // Allocate a heap number in new space with undefined value.
+ // Returns tagged pointer in result, or jumps to need_gc if new space is full.
+ static void AllocateHeapNumber(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Label* need_gc,
+ Register scratch,
+ Register result);
+class GenericBinaryOpStub: public CodeStub {
+ public:
+ GenericBinaryOpStub(Token::Value op,
+ OverwriteMode mode,
+ GenericBinaryFlags flags)
+ : op_(op), mode_(mode), flags_(flags) {
+ ASSERT(OpBits::is_valid(Token::NUM_TOKENS));
+ }
+ void GenerateSmiCode(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* slow);
+ private:
+ Token::Value op_;
+ OverwriteMode mode_;
+ GenericBinaryFlags flags_;
+ const char* GetName();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ void Print() {
+ PrintF("GenericBinaryOpStub (op %s), (mode %d, flags %d)\n",
+ Token::String(op_),
+ static_cast<int>(mode_),
+ static_cast<int>(flags_));
+ }
+ // Minor key encoding in 16 bits FOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM.
+ class ModeBits: public BitField<OverwriteMode, 0, 2> {};
+ class OpBits: public BitField<Token::Value, 2, 13> {};
+ class FlagBits: public BitField<GenericBinaryFlags, 15, 1> {};
+ Major MajorKey() { return GenericBinaryOp; }
+ int MinorKey() {
+ // Encode the parameters in a unique 16 bit value.
+ return OpBits::encode(op_)
+ | ModeBits::encode(mode_)
+ | FlagBits::encode(flags_);
+ }
+ void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
+void CodeGenerator::GenericBinaryOperation(Token::Value op,
+ SmiAnalysis* type,
+ OverwriteMode overwrite_mode) {
+ Comment cmnt(masm_, "[ BinaryOperation");
+ Comment cmnt_token(masm_, Token::String(op));
+ if (op == Token::COMMA) {
+ // Simply discard left value.
+ frame_->Nip(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set the flags based on the operation, type and loop nesting level.
+ GenericBinaryFlags flags;
+ switch (op) {
+ case Token::BIT_OR:
+ case Token::BIT_AND:
+ case Token::BIT_XOR:
+ case Token::SHL:
+ case Token::SHR:
+ case Token::SAR:
+ // Bit operations always assume they likely operate on Smis. Still only
+ // generate the inline Smi check code if this operation is part of a loop.
+ flags = (loop_nesting() > 0)
+ break;
+ default:
+ // By default only inline the Smi check code for likely smis if this
+ // operation is part of a loop.
+ flags = ((loop_nesting() > 0) && type->IsLikelySmi())
+ break;
+ }
+ Result right = frame_->Pop();
+ Result left = frame_->Pop();
+ if (op == Token::ADD) {
+ bool left_is_string = left.static_type().is_jsstring();
+ bool right_is_string = right.static_type().is_jsstring();
+ if (left_is_string || right_is_string) {
+ frame_->Push(&left);
+ frame_->Push(&right);
+ Result answer;
+ if (left_is_string) {
+ if (right_is_string) {
+ // TODO(lrn): if (left.is_constant() && right.is_constant())
+ // -- do a compile time cons, if allocation during codegen is allowed.
+ answer = frame_->CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringAdd, 2);
+ } else {
+ answer =
+ frame_->InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::STRING_ADD_LEFT, CALL_FUNCTION, 2);
+ }
+ } else if (right_is_string) {
+ answer =
+ frame_->InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::STRING_ADD_RIGHT, CALL_FUNCTION, 2);
+ }
+ answer.set_static_type(StaticType::jsstring());
+ frame_->Push(&answer);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Neither operand is known to be a string.
+ }
+ bool left_is_smi = left.is_constant() && left.handle()->IsSmi();
+ bool left_is_non_smi = left.is_constant() && !left.handle()->IsSmi();
+ bool right_is_smi = right.is_constant() && right.handle()->IsSmi();
+ bool right_is_non_smi = right.is_constant() && !right.handle()->IsSmi();
+ bool generate_no_smi_code = false; // No smi code at all, inline or in stub.
+ if (left_is_smi && right_is_smi) {
+ // Compute the constant result at compile time, and leave it on the frame.
+ int left_int = Smi::cast(*left.handle())->value();
+ int right_int = Smi::cast(*right.handle())->value();
+ if (FoldConstantSmis(op, left_int, right_int)) return;
+ }
+ if (left_is_non_smi || right_is_non_smi) {
+ // Set flag so that we go straight to the slow case, with no smi code.
+ generate_no_smi_code = true;
+ } else if (right_is_smi) {
+ ConstantSmiBinaryOperation(op, &left, right.handle(),
+ type, false, overwrite_mode);
+ return;
+ } else if (left_is_smi) {
+ ConstantSmiBinaryOperation(op, &right, left.handle(),
+ type, true, overwrite_mode);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (flags == SMI_CODE_INLINED && !generate_no_smi_code) {
+ LikelySmiBinaryOperation(op, &left, &right, overwrite_mode);
+ } else {
+ frame_->Push(&left);
+ frame_->Push(&right);
+ // If we know the arguments aren't smis, use the binary operation stub
+ // that does not check for the fast smi case.
+ // The same stub is used for NO_SMI_CODE and SMI_CODE_INLINED.
+ if (generate_no_smi_code) {
+ }
+ GenericBinaryOpStub stub(op, overwrite_mode, flags);
+ Result answer = frame_->CallStub(&stub, 2);
+ frame_->Push(&answer);
+ }
// Emit a LoadIC call to get the value from receiver and leave it in
// dst. The receiver register is restored after the call.
class DeferredReferenceGetNamedValue: public DeferredCode {
+// The result of src + value is in dst. It either overflowed or was not
+// smi tagged. Undo the speculative addition and call the appropriate
+// specialized stub for add. The result is left in dst.
+class DeferredInlineSmiAdd: public DeferredCode {
+ public:
+ DeferredInlineSmiAdd(Register dst,
+ Smi* value,
+ OverwriteMode overwrite_mode)
+ : dst_(dst), value_(value), overwrite_mode_(overwrite_mode) {
+ set_comment("[ DeferredInlineSmiAdd");
+ }
+ virtual void Generate();
+ private:
+ Register dst_;
+ Smi* value_;
+ OverwriteMode overwrite_mode_;
+void DeferredInlineSmiAdd::Generate() {
+ // Undo the optimistic add operation and call the shared stub.
+ __ subq(dst_, Immediate(value_));
+ __ push(dst_);
+ __ push(Immediate(value_));
+ GenericBinaryOpStub igostub(Token::ADD, overwrite_mode_, SMI_CODE_INLINED);
+ __ CallStub(&igostub);
+ if (!dst_.is(rax)) __ movq(dst_, rax);
+// The result of value + src is in dst. It either overflowed or was not
+// smi tagged. Undo the speculative addition and call the appropriate
+// specialized stub for add. The result is left in dst.
+class DeferredInlineSmiAddReversed: public DeferredCode {
+ public:
+ DeferredInlineSmiAddReversed(Register dst,
+ Smi* value,
+ OverwriteMode overwrite_mode)
+ : dst_(dst), value_(value), overwrite_mode_(overwrite_mode) {
+ set_comment("[ DeferredInlineSmiAddReversed");
+ }
+ virtual void Generate();
+ private:
+ Register dst_;
+ Smi* value_;
+ OverwriteMode overwrite_mode_;
+void DeferredInlineSmiAddReversed::Generate() {
+ // Undo the optimistic add operation and call the shared stub.
+ __ subq(dst_, Immediate(value_));
+ __ push(Immediate(value_));
+ __ push(dst_);
+ GenericBinaryOpStub igostub(Token::ADD, overwrite_mode_, SMI_CODE_INLINED);
+ __ CallStub(&igostub);
+ if (!dst_.is(rax)) __ movq(dst_, rax);
+// The result of src - value is in dst. It either overflowed or was not
+// smi tagged. Undo the speculative subtraction and call the
+// appropriate specialized stub for subtract. The result is left in
+// dst.
+class DeferredInlineSmiSub: public DeferredCode {
+ public:
+ DeferredInlineSmiSub(Register dst,
+ Smi* value,
+ OverwriteMode overwrite_mode)
+ : dst_(dst), value_(value), overwrite_mode_(overwrite_mode) {
+ set_comment("[ DeferredInlineSmiSub");
+ }
+ virtual void Generate();
+ private:
+ Register dst_;
+ Smi* value_;
+ OverwriteMode overwrite_mode_;
+void DeferredInlineSmiSub::Generate() {
+ // Undo the optimistic sub operation and call the shared stub.
+ __ addq(dst_, Immediate(value_));
+ __ push(dst_);
+ __ push(Immediate(value_));
+ GenericBinaryOpStub igostub(Token::SUB, overwrite_mode_, SMI_CODE_INLINED);
+ __ CallStub(&igostub);
+ if (!dst_.is(rax)) __ movq(dst_, rax);
+void CodeGenerator::ConstantSmiBinaryOperation(Token::Value op,
+ Result* operand,
+ Handle<Object> value,
+ SmiAnalysis* type,
+ bool reversed,
+ OverwriteMode overwrite_mode) {
+ // NOTE: This is an attempt to inline (a bit) more of the code for
+ // some possible smi operations (like + and -) when (at least) one
+ // of the operands is a constant smi.
+ // Consumes the argument "operand".
+ // TODO(199): Optimize some special cases of operations involving a
+ // smi literal (multiply by 2, shift by 0, etc.).
+ if (IsUnsafeSmi(value)) {
+ Result unsafe_operand(value);
+ if (reversed) {
+ LikelySmiBinaryOperation(op, &unsafe_operand, operand,
+ overwrite_mode);
+ } else {
+ LikelySmiBinaryOperation(op, operand, &unsafe_operand,
+ overwrite_mode);
+ }
+ ASSERT(!operand->is_valid());
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the literal value.
+ Smi* smi_value = Smi::cast(*value);
+ switch (op) {
+ case Token::ADD: {
+ operand->ToRegister();
+ frame_->Spill(operand->reg());
+ // Optimistically add. Call the specialized add stub if the
+ // result is not a smi or overflows.
+ DeferredCode* deferred = NULL;
+ if (reversed) {
+ deferred = new DeferredInlineSmiAddReversed(operand->reg(),
+ smi_value,
+ overwrite_mode);
+ } else {
+ deferred = new DeferredInlineSmiAdd(operand->reg(),
+ smi_value,
+ overwrite_mode);
+ }
+ __ movq(kScratchRegister, value, RelocInfo::NONE);
+ __ addl(operand->reg(), kScratchRegister);
+ deferred->Branch(overflow);
+ __ testl(operand->reg(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
+ deferred->Branch(not_zero);
+ deferred->BindExit();
+ frame_->Push(operand);
+ break;
+ }
+ // TODO(X64): Move other implementations from ia32 to here.
+ default: {
+ Result constant_operand(value);
+ if (reversed) {
+ LikelySmiBinaryOperation(op, &constant_operand, operand,
+ overwrite_mode);
+ } else {
+ LikelySmiBinaryOperation(op, operand, &constant_operand,
+ overwrite_mode);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT(!operand->is_valid());
#undef __
#define __ ACCESS_MASM(masm)
-// Flag that indicates whether or not the code that handles smi arguments
-// should be placed in the stub, inlined, or omitted entirely.
-enum GenericBinaryFlags {
+bool CodeGenerator::FoldConstantSmis(Token::Value op, int left, int right) {
+ return false; // UNIMPLEMENTED.
+void CodeGenerator::LikelySmiBinaryOperation(Token::Value op,
+ Result* left,
+ Result* right,
+ OverwriteMode overwrite_mode) {
-class GenericBinaryOpStub: public CodeStub {
+// End of CodeGenerator implementation.
+void UnarySubStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+class CompareStub: public CodeStub {
- GenericBinaryOpStub(Token::Value op,
- OverwriteMode mode,
- GenericBinaryFlags flags)
- : op_(op), mode_(mode), flags_(flags) {
- ASSERT(OpBits::is_valid(Token::NUM_TOKENS));
- }
+ CompareStub(Condition cc, bool strict) : cc_(cc), strict_(strict) { }
- void GenerateSmiCode(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* slow);
+ void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
- Token::Value op_;
- OverwriteMode mode_;
- GenericBinaryFlags flags_;
+ Condition cc_;
+ bool strict_;
- const char* GetName();
+ Major MajorKey() { return Compare; }
+ int MinorKey() {
+ // Encode the three parameters in a unique 16 bit value.
+ ASSERT(static_cast<int>(cc_) < (1 << 15));
+ return (static_cast<int>(cc_) << 1) | (strict_ ? 1 : 0);
+ }
#ifdef DEBUG
void Print() {
- PrintF("GenericBinaryOpStub (op %s), (mode %d, flags %d)\n",
- Token::String(op_),
- static_cast<int>(mode_),
- static_cast<int>(flags_));
+ PrintF("CompareStub (cc %d), (strict %s)\n",
+ static_cast<int>(cc_),
+ strict_ ? "true" : "false");
- // Minor key encoding in 16 bits FOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM.
- class ModeBits: public BitField<OverwriteMode, 0, 2> {};
- class OpBits: public BitField<Token::Value, 2, 13> {};
- class FlagBits: public BitField<GenericBinaryFlags, 15, 1> {};
- Major MajorKey() { return GenericBinaryOp; }
- int MinorKey() {
- // Encode the parameters in a unique 16 bit value.
- return OpBits::encode(op_)
- | ModeBits::encode(mode_)
- | FlagBits::encode(flags_);
- }
- void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
-const char* GenericBinaryOpStub::GetName() {
- switch (op_) {
- case Token::ADD: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_ADD";
- case Token::SUB: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_SUB";
- case Token::MUL: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_MUL";
- case Token::DIV: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_DIV";
- case Token::BIT_OR: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_BIT_OR";
- case Token::BIT_AND: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_BIT_AND";
- case Token::BIT_XOR: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_BIT_XOR";
- case Token::SAR: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_SAR";
- case Token::SHL: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_SHL";
- case Token::SHR: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_SHR";
- default: return "GenericBinaryOpStub";
- }
-void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* slow) {
- // Perform fast-case smi code for the operation (rax <op> rbx) and
- // leave result in register rax.
- // Prepare the smi check of both operands by or'ing them together
- // before checking against the smi mask.
- __ movq(rcx, rbx);
- __ or_(rcx, rax);
- switch (op_) {
- case Token::ADD:
- __ addl(rax, rbx); // add optimistically
- __ j(overflow, slow);
- __ movsxlq(rax, rax); // Sign extend eax into rax.
- break;
- case Token::SUB:
- __ subl(rax, rbx); // subtract optimistically
- __ j(overflow, slow);
- __ movsxlq(rax, rax); // Sign extend eax into rax.
- break;
- case Token::DIV:
- case Token::MOD:
- // Sign extend rax into rdx:rax
- // (also sign extends eax into edx if eax is Smi).
- __ cqo();
- // Check for 0 divisor.
- __ testq(rbx, rbx);
- __ j(zero, slow);
- break;
- default:
- // Fall-through to smi check.
- break;
- }
- // Perform the actual smi check.
- ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); // adjust zero check if not the case
- __ testl(rcx, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- __ j(not_zero, slow);
- switch (op_) {
- case Token::ADD:
- case Token::SUB:
- // Do nothing here.
- break;
- case Token::MUL:
- // If the smi tag is 0 we can just leave the tag on one operand.
- ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); // adjust code below if not the case
- // Remove tag from one of the operands (but keep sign).
- __ sar(rax, Immediate(kSmiTagSize));
- // Do multiplication.
- __ imull(rax, rbx); // multiplication of smis; result in eax
- // Go slow on overflows.
- __ j(overflow, slow);
- // Check for negative zero result.
- __ movsxlq(rax, rax); // Sign extend eax into rax.
- __ NegativeZeroTest(rax, rcx, slow); // use rcx = x | y
- break;
- case Token::DIV:
- // Divide rdx:rax by rbx (where rdx:rax is equivalent to the smi in eax).
- __ idiv(rbx);
- // Check that the remainder is zero.
- __ testq(rdx, rdx);
- __ j(not_zero, slow);
- // Check for the corner case of dividing the most negative smi
- // by -1. We cannot use the overflow flag, since it is not set
- // by idiv instruction.
- ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0 && kSmiTagSize == 1);
- // TODO(X64): TODO(Smi): Smi implementation dependent constant.
- // Value is Smi::fromInt(-(1<<31)) / Smi::fromInt(-1)
- __ cmpq(rax, Immediate(0x40000000));
- __ j(equal, slow);
- // Check for negative zero result.
- __ NegativeZeroTest(rax, rcx, slow); // use ecx = x | y
- // Tag the result and store it in register rax.
- ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == kTimes2); // adjust code if not the case
- __ lea(rax, Operand(rax, rax, kTimes1, kSmiTag));
- break;
- case Token::MOD:
- // Divide rdx:rax by rbx.
- __ idiv(rbx);
- // Check for negative zero result.
- __ NegativeZeroTest(rdx, rcx, slow); // use ecx = x | y
- // Move remainder to register rax.
- __ movq(rax, rdx);
- break;
- case Token::BIT_OR:
- __ or_(rax, rbx);
- break;
- case Token::BIT_AND:
- __ and_(rax, rbx);
- break;
- case Token::BIT_XOR:
- __ xor_(rax, rbx);
- break;
- case Token::SHL:
- case Token::SHR:
- case Token::SAR:
- // Move the second operand into register ecx.
- __ movq(rcx, rbx);
- // Remove tags from operands (but keep sign).
- __ sar(rax, Immediate(kSmiTagSize));
- __ sar(rcx, Immediate(kSmiTagSize));
- // Perform the operation.
- switch (op_) {
- case Token::SAR:
- __ sar(rax);
- // No checks of result necessary
- break;
- case Token::SHR:
- __ shrl(rax); // ecx is implicit shift register
- // Check that the *unsigned* result fits in a smi.
- // Neither of the two high-order bits can be set:
- // - 0x80000000: high bit would be lost when smi tagging.
- // - 0x40000000: this number would convert to negative when
- // Smi tagging these two cases can only happen with shifts
- // by 0 or 1 when handed a valid smi.
- __ testq(rax, Immediate(0xc0000000));
- __ j(not_zero, slow);
- break;
- case Token::SHL:
- __ shll(rax);
- // TODO(Smi): Significant change if Smi changes.
- // Check that the *signed* result fits in a smi.
- // It does, if the 30th and 31st bits are equal, since then
- // shifting the SmiTag in at the bottom doesn't change the sign.
- ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
- __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(0xc0000000));
- __ j(sign, slow);
- __ movsxlq(rax, rax); // Extend new sign of eax into rax.
- break;
- default:
- }
- // Tag the result and store it in register eax.
- ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == kTimes2); // adjust code if not the case
- __ lea(rax, Operand(rax, rax, kTimes1, kSmiTag));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
-void UnarySubStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
-class CompareStub: public CodeStub {
- public:
- CompareStub(Condition cc, bool strict) : cc_(cc), strict_(strict) { }
- void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
- private:
- Condition cc_;
- bool strict_;
- Major MajorKey() { return Compare; }
- int MinorKey() {
- // Encode the three parameters in a unique 16 bit value.
- ASSERT(static_cast<int>(cc_) < (1 << 15));
- return (static_cast<int>(cc_) << 1) | (strict_ ? 1 : 0);
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- void Print() {
- PrintF("CompareStub (cc %d), (strict %s)\n",
- static_cast<int>(cc_),
- strict_ ? "true" : "false");
- }
-void CompareStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+void CompareStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
void StackCheckStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ ret(0);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Implementation of stubs.
+// Stub classes have public member named masm, not masm_.
+void FloatingPointHelper::AllocateHeapNumber(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Label* need_gc,
+ Register scratch,
+ Register result) {
+ ExternalReference allocation_top =
+ ExternalReference::new_space_allocation_top_address();
+ ExternalReference allocation_limit =
+ ExternalReference::new_space_allocation_limit_address();
+ __ movq(scratch, allocation_top); // scratch: address of allocation top.
+ __ movq(result, Operand(scratch, 0));
+ __ addq(result, Immediate(HeapNumber::kSize)); // New top.
+ __ movq(kScratchRegister, allocation_limit);
+ __ cmpq(result, Operand(kScratchRegister, 0));
+ __ j(above, need_gc);
+ __ movq(Operand(scratch, 0), result); // store new top
+ __ addq(result, Immediate(kHeapObjectTag - HeapNumber::kSize));
+ __ movq(kScratchRegister,
+ Factory::heap_number_map(),
+ __ movq(FieldOperand(result, HeapObject::kMapOffset), kScratchRegister);
+ // Tag old top and use as result.
+void FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperand(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register src,
+ XMMRegister dst) {
+ Label load_smi, done;
+ __ testl(src, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
+ __ j(zero, &load_smi);
+ __ movsd(dst, FieldOperand(src, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ __ jmp(&done);
+ __ bind(&load_smi);
+ __ sar(src, Immediate(kSmiTagSize));
+ __ cvtlsi2sd(dst, src);
+ __ bind(&done);
+void FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ XMMRegister dst1,
+ XMMRegister dst2) {
+ __ movq(kScratchRegister, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));
+ LoadFloatOperand(masm, kScratchRegister, dst1);
+ __ movq(kScratchRegister, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
+ LoadFloatOperand(masm, kScratchRegister, dst2);
+void FloatingPointHelper::LoadInt32Operand(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ const Operand& src,
+ Register dst) {
+ // TODO(X64): Convert number operands to int32 values.
+ // Don't convert a Smi to a double first.
+void FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+ Label load_smi_1, load_smi_2, done_load_1, done;
+ __ movq(kScratchRegister, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));
+ __ testl(kScratchRegister, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
+ __ j(zero, &load_smi_1);
+ __ fld_d(FieldOperand(kScratchRegister, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ __ bind(&done_load_1);
+ __ movq(kScratchRegister, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
+ __ testl(kScratchRegister, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
+ __ j(zero, &load_smi_2);
+ __ fld_d(FieldOperand(kScratchRegister, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ __ jmp(&done);
+ __ bind(&load_smi_1);
+ __ sar(kScratchRegister, Immediate(kSmiTagSize));
+ __ push(kScratchRegister);
+ __ fild_s(Operand(rsp, 0));
+ __ pop(kScratchRegister);
+ __ jmp(&done_load_1);
+ __ bind(&load_smi_2);
+ __ sar(kScratchRegister, Immediate(kSmiTagSize));
+ __ push(kScratchRegister);
+ __ fild_s(Operand(rsp, 0));
+ __ pop(kScratchRegister);
+ __ bind(&done);
+void FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Label* non_float) {
+ Label test_other, done;
+ // Test if both operands are floats or smi -> scratch=k_is_float;
+ // Otherwise scratch = k_not_float.
+ __ testl(rdx, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
+ __ j(zero, &test_other); // argument in rdx is OK
+ __ movq(kScratchRegister,
+ Factory::heap_number_map(),
+ __ cmpq(kScratchRegister, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
+ __ j(not_equal, non_float); // argument in rdx is not a number -> NaN
+ __ bind(&test_other);
+ __ testl(rax, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
+ __ j(zero, &done); // argument in eax is OK
+ __ movq(kScratchRegister,
+ Factory::heap_number_map(),
+ __ cmpq(kScratchRegister, FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
+ __ j(not_equal, non_float); // argument in rax is not a number -> NaN
+ // Fall-through: Both operands are numbers.
+ __ bind(&done);
+const char* GenericBinaryOpStub::GetName() {
+ switch (op_) {
+ case Token::ADD: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_ADD";
+ case Token::SUB: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_SUB";
+ case Token::MUL: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_MUL";
+ case Token::DIV: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_DIV";
+ case Token::BIT_OR: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_BIT_OR";
+ case Token::BIT_AND: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_BIT_AND";
+ case Token::BIT_XOR: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_BIT_XOR";
+ case Token::SAR: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_SAR";
+ case Token::SHL: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_SHL";
+ case Token::SHR: return "GenericBinaryOpStub_SHR";
+ default: return "GenericBinaryOpStub";
+ }
+void GenericBinaryOpStub::GenerateSmiCode(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* slow) {
+ // Perform fast-case smi code for the operation (rax <op> rbx) and
+ // leave result in register rax.
+ // Prepare the smi check of both operands by or'ing them together
+ // before checking against the smi mask.
+ __ movq(rcx, rbx);
+ __ or_(rcx, rax);
+ switch (op_) {
+ case Token::ADD:
+ __ addl(rax, rbx); // add optimistically
+ __ j(overflow, slow);
+ __ movsxlq(rax, rax); // Sign extend eax into rax.
+ break;
+ case Token::SUB:
+ __ subl(rax, rbx); // subtract optimistically
+ __ j(overflow, slow);
+ __ movsxlq(rax, rax); // Sign extend eax into rax.
+ break;
+ case Token::DIV:
+ case Token::MOD:
+ // Sign extend rax into rdx:rax
+ // (also sign extends eax into edx if eax is Smi).
+ __ cqo();
+ // Check for 0 divisor.
+ __ testq(rbx, rbx);
+ __ j(zero, slow);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Fall-through to smi check.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Perform the actual smi check.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); // adjust zero check if not the case
+ __ testl(rcx, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
+ __ j(not_zero, slow);
+ switch (op_) {
+ case Token::ADD:
+ case Token::SUB:
+ // Do nothing here.
+ break;
+ case Token::MUL:
+ // If the smi tag is 0 we can just leave the tag on one operand.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); // adjust code below if not the case
+ // Remove tag from one of the operands (but keep sign).
+ __ sar(rax, Immediate(kSmiTagSize));
+ // Do multiplication.
+ __ imull(rax, rbx); // multiplication of smis; result in eax
+ // Go slow on overflows.
+ __ j(overflow, slow);
+ // Check for negative zero result.
+ __ movsxlq(rax, rax); // Sign extend eax into rax.
+ __ NegativeZeroTest(rax, rcx, slow); // use rcx = x | y
+ break;
+ case Token::DIV:
+ // Divide rdx:rax by rbx (where rdx:rax is equivalent to the smi in eax).
+ __ idiv(rbx);
+ // Check that the remainder is zero.
+ __ testq(rdx, rdx);
+ __ j(not_zero, slow);
+ // Check for the corner case of dividing the most negative smi
+ // by -1. We cannot use the overflow flag, since it is not set
+ // by idiv instruction.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0 && kSmiTagSize == 1);
+ // TODO(X64): TODO(Smi): Smi implementation dependent constant.
+ // Value is Smi::fromInt(-(1<<31)) / Smi::fromInt(-1)
+ __ cmpq(rax, Immediate(0x40000000));
+ __ j(equal, slow);
+ // Check for negative zero result.
+ __ NegativeZeroTest(rax, rcx, slow); // use ecx = x | y
+ // Tag the result and store it in register rax.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == kTimes2); // adjust code if not the case
+ __ lea(rax, Operand(rax, rax, kTimes1, kSmiTag));
+ break;
+ case Token::MOD:
+ // Divide rdx:rax by rbx.
+ __ idiv(rbx);
+ // Check for negative zero result.
+ __ NegativeZeroTest(rdx, rcx, slow); // use ecx = x | y
+ // Move remainder to register rax.
+ __ movq(rax, rdx);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_OR:
+ __ or_(rax, rbx);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_AND:
+ __ and_(rax, rbx);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_XOR:
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, kSmiTag);
+ __ xor_(rax, rbx);
+ break;
+ case Token::SHL:
+ case Token::SHR:
+ case Token::SAR:
+ // Move the second operand into register ecx.
+ __ movq(rcx, rbx);
+ // Remove tags from operands (but keep sign).
+ __ sar(rax, Immediate(kSmiTagSize));
+ __ sar(rcx, Immediate(kSmiTagSize));
+ // Perform the operation.
+ switch (op_) {
+ case Token::SAR:
+ __ sar(rax);
+ // No checks of result necessary
+ break;
+ case Token::SHR:
+ __ shrl(rax); // rcx is implicit shift register
+ // Check that the *unsigned* result fits in a smi.
+ // Neither of the two high-order bits can be set:
+ // - 0x80000000: high bit would be lost when smi tagging.
+ // - 0x40000000: this number would convert to negative when
+ // Smi tagging these two cases can only happen with shifts
+ // by 0 or 1 when handed a valid smi.
+ __ testq(rax, Immediate(0xc0000000));
+ __ j(not_zero, slow);
+ break;
+ case Token::SHL:
+ __ shll(rax);
+ // TODO(Smi): Significant change if Smi changes.
+ // Check that the *signed* result fits in a smi.
+ // It does, if the 30th and 31st bits are equal, since then
+ // shifting the SmiTag in at the bottom doesn't change the sign.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
+ __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(0xc0000000));
+ __ j(sign, slow);
+ __ movsxlq(rax, rax); // Extend new sign of eax into rax.
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ // Tag the result and store it in register eax.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == kTimes2); // adjust code if not the case
+ __ lea(rax, Operand(rax, rax, kTimes1, kSmiTag));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void GenericBinaryOpStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
+ Label call_runtime;
+ if (flags_ == SMI_CODE_IN_STUB) {
+ // The fast case smi code wasn't inlined in the stub caller
+ // code. Generate it here to speed up common operations.
+ Label slow;
+ __ movq(rbx, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize)); // get y
+ __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize)); // get x
+ GenerateSmiCode(masm, &slow);
+ __ ret(2 * kPointerSize); // remove both operands
+ // Too bad. The fast case smi code didn't succeed.
+ __ bind(&slow);
+ }
+ // Setup registers.
+ __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize)); // get y
+ __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize)); // get x
+ // Floating point case.
+ switch (op_) {
+ case Token::ADD:
+ case Token::SUB:
+ case Token::MUL:
+ case Token::DIV: {
+ // rax: y
+ // rdx: x
+ FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(masm, &call_runtime);
+ // Fast-case: Both operands are numbers.
+ // Allocate a heap number, if needed.
+ Label skip_allocation;
+ switch (mode_) {
+ __ movq(rax, rdx);
+ // Fall through!
+ // If the argument in rax is already an object, we skip the
+ // allocation of a heap number.
+ __ testl(rax, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
+ __ j(not_zero, &skip_allocation);
+ // Fall through!
+ FloatingPointHelper::AllocateHeapNumber(masm,
+ &call_runtime,
+ rcx,
+ rax);
+ __ bind(&skip_allocation);
+ break;
+ default: UNREACHABLE();
+ }
+ // xmm4 and xmm5 are volatile XMM registers.
+ FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(masm, xmm4, xmm5);
+ switch (op_) {
+ case Token::ADD: __ addsd(xmm4, xmm5); break;
+ case Token::SUB: __ subsd(xmm4, xmm5); break;
+ case Token::MUL: __ mulsd(xmm4, xmm5); break;
+ case Token::DIV: __ divsd(xmm4, xmm5); break;
+ default: UNREACHABLE();
+ }
+ __ movsd(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), xmm4);
+ __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
+ }
+ case Token::MOD: {
+ // For MOD we go directly to runtime in the non-smi case.
+ break;
+ }
+ case Token::BIT_OR:
+ case Token::BIT_AND:
+ case Token::BIT_XOR:
+ case Token::SAR:
+ case Token::SHL:
+ case Token::SHR: {
+ FloatingPointHelper::CheckFloatOperands(masm, &call_runtime);
+ // TODO(X64): Don't convert a Smi to float and then back to int32
+ // afterwards.
+ FloatingPointHelper::LoadFloatOperands(masm);
+ Label skip_allocation, non_smi_result, operand_conversion_failure;
+ // Reserve space for converted numbers.
+ __ subq(rsp, Immediate(2 * kPointerSize));
+ bool use_sse3 = CpuFeatures::IsSupported(CpuFeatures::SSE3);
+ if (use_sse3) {
+ // Truncate the operands to 32-bit integers and check for
+ // exceptions in doing so.
+ CpuFeatures::Scope scope(CpuFeatures::SSE3);
+ __ fisttp_s(Operand(rsp, 0 * kPointerSize));
+ __ fisttp_s(Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
+ __ fnstsw_ax();
+ __ testl(rax, Immediate(1));
+ __ j(not_zero, &operand_conversion_failure);
+ } else {
+ // Check if right operand is int32.
+ __ fist_s(Operand(rsp, 0 * kPointerSize));
+ __ fild_s(Operand(rsp, 0 * kPointerSize));
+ __ fucompp();
+ __ fnstsw_ax();
+ __ sahf(); // TODO(X64): Not available.
+ __ j(not_zero, &operand_conversion_failure);
+ __ j(parity_even, &operand_conversion_failure);
+ // Check if left operand is int32.
+ __ fist_s(Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
+ __ fild_s(Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
+ __ fucompp();
+ __ fnstsw_ax();
+ __ sahf(); // TODO(X64): Not available. Test bits in ax directly
+ __ j(not_zero, &operand_conversion_failure);
+ __ j(parity_even, &operand_conversion_failure);
+ }
+ // Get int32 operands and perform bitop.
+ __ pop(rcx);
+ __ pop(rax);
+ switch (op_) {
+ case Token::BIT_OR: __ or_(rax, rcx); break;
+ case Token::BIT_AND: __ and_(rax, rcx); break;
+ case Token::BIT_XOR: __ xor_(rax, rcx); break;
+ case Token::SAR: __ sar(rax); break;
+ case Token::SHL: __ shl(rax); break;
+ case Token::SHR: __ shr(rax); break;
+ default: UNREACHABLE();
+ }
+ if (op_ == Token::SHR) {
+ // Check if result is non-negative and fits in a smi.
+ __ testl(rax, Immediate(0xc0000000));
+ __ j(not_zero, &non_smi_result);
+ } else {
+ // Check if result fits in a smi.
+ __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(0xc0000000));
+ __ j(negative, &non_smi_result);
+ }
+ // Tag smi result and return.
+ ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == kTimes2); // adjust code if not the case
+ __ lea(rax, Operand(rax, rax, kTimes1, kSmiTag));
+ __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
+ // All ops except SHR return a signed int32 that we load in a HeapNumber.
+ if (op_ != Token::SHR) {
+ __ bind(&non_smi_result);
+ // Allocate a heap number if needed.
+ __ movsxlq(rbx, rax); // rbx: sign extended 32-bit result
+ switch (mode_) {
+ // If the operand was an object, we skip the
+ // allocation of a heap number.
+ __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, mode_ == OVERWRITE_RIGHT ?
+ 1 * kPointerSize : 2 * kPointerSize));
+ __ testl(rax, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
+ __ j(not_zero, &skip_allocation);
+ // Fall through!
+ FloatingPointHelper::AllocateHeapNumber(masm, &call_runtime,
+ rcx, rax);
+ __ bind(&skip_allocation);
+ break;
+ default: UNREACHABLE();
+ }
+ // Store the result in the HeapNumber and return.
+ __ movq(Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize), rbx);
+ __ fild_s(Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
+ __ fstp_d(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
+ __ ret(2 * kPointerSize);
+ }
+ // Clear the FPU exception flag and reset the stack before calling
+ // the runtime system.
+ __ bind(&operand_conversion_failure);
+ __ addq(rsp, Immediate(2 * kPointerSize));
+ if (use_sse3) {
+ // If we've used the SSE3 instructions for truncating the
+ // floating point values to integers and it failed, we have a
+ // pending #IA exception. Clear it.
+ __ fnclex();
+ } else {
+ // The non-SSE3 variant does early bailout if the right
+ // operand isn't a 32-bit integer, so we may have a single
+ // value on the FPU stack we need to get rid of.
+ __ ffree(0);
+ }
+ // SHR should return uint32 - go to runtime for non-smi/negative result.
+ if (op_ == Token::SHR) {
+ __ bind(&non_smi_result);
+ }
+ __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 1 * kPointerSize));
+ __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 2 * kPointerSize));
+ break;
+ }
+ default: UNREACHABLE(); break;
+ }
+ // If all else fails, use the runtime system to get the correct
+ // result.
+ __ bind(&call_runtime);
+ // Disable builtin-calls until JS builtins can compile and run.
+ __ Abort("Disabled until builtins compile and run.");
+ switch (op_) {
+ case Token::ADD:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::ADD, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ case Token::SUB:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::SUB, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ case Token::MUL:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::MUL, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ case Token::DIV:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::DIV, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ case Token::MOD:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::MOD, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_OR:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::BIT_OR, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_AND:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::BIT_AND, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ case Token::BIT_XOR:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::BIT_XOR, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ case Token::SAR:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::SAR, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ case Token::SHL:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::SHL, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ case Token::SHR:
+ __ InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::SHR, JUMP_FUNCTION);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
#undef __
} } // namespace v8::internal