=head1 Building Perl for WinCE
+=head2 WARNING
+B<< Much of this document has become very out of date and needs updating,
+rewriting or deleting. The build process was overhauled during the 5.19
+development track and the current instructions as of that time are given
+in L</CURRENT BUILD INSTRUCTIONS>; the previous build instructions, which
+are largely superseded but may still contain some useful information, are
+left in L</OLD BUILD INSTRUCTIONS> but really need removing after anything
+of use has been extracted from them. >>
This file gives the instructions for building Perl5.8 and above for
-=head2 BUILD
+(These instructions assume the host is 32-bit Windows. If you're on 64-bit
+Windows then change "C:\Program Files" to "C:\Program Files (x86)" throughout.)
+1. Install EVC4 from
+ http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/3/f/c3f8b58b-9753-4c2e-8b96-2dfe3476a2f7/eVC4.exe
+Use the key mentioned at
+ http://download.cnet.com/Microsoft-eMbedded-Visual-C/3000-2212_4-10108490.html?tag=bc
+The installer is ancient and has a few bugs on the paths it uses. You
+will have to fix them later. Basically, some things go into "C:/Program
+Files/Windows CE Tools", others go into "C:/Windows CE Tools" regardless
+of the path you gave to the installer (the default will be "C:/Windows
+CE Tools"). Reboots will be required for the installer to proceed. Also
+.c and .h associations with Visual Studio might get overridden when
+installing EVC4. You have been warned.
+2. Download celib from GitHub (using "Download ZIP") at
+ https://github.com/bulk88/celib
+Extract it to a spaceless path but not into the perl build source.
+I call this directory "celib-palm-3.0" but in the GitHub
+snapshot it will be called "celib-master". Make a copy of the
+"wince-arm-pocket-wce300-release" folder and rename the copy to
+"wince-arm-pocket-wce400". This is a hack so we can build a CE 4.0
+binary by linking in CE 3.0 ARM asm; the linker doesn't care. Windows
+Mobile/WinCE are backwards compatible with machine code like Desktop Windows.
+3. Download console-1.3-src.tar.gz from
+ http://sourceforge.net/projects/perlce/files/PerlCE%20support%20files/console/
+Extract it to a spaceless path but not into the perl build source.
+Don't extract it into the same directory as celib. Make a copy of the
+"wince-arm-pocket-wce300" folder and rename the copy to
+"wince-arm-pocket-wce400". This is a hack so we can build a CE 4.0
+binary by linking in CE 3.0 ARM asm; the linker doesn't care. Windows
+Mobile/WinCE are backwards compatible with machine code like Desktop Windows.
+4. Open a command prompt, run your regular batch file to set the environment
+for desktop Visual C building, goto the perl source directory, cd into win32/,
+fill out Makefile, and do a "nmake all" to build a Desktop Perl.
+5. Open win32/Makefile.ce in a text editor and do something similar to the
+following patch.
+ -CELIBDLLDIR = h:\src\wince\celib-palm-3.0
+ -CECONSOLEDIR = h:\src\wince\w32console
+ +CELIBDLLDIR = C:\sources\celib-palm-3.0
+ +CECONSOLEDIR = C:\sources\w32console
+Also change
+ !if "$(MACHINE)" == ""
+ MACHINE=wince-arm-hpc-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-arm-hpc-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-sh3-hpc-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-mips-hpc-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-sh3-hpc-wce200
+ #MACHINE=wince-mips-hpc-wce200
+ #MACHINE=wince-arm-pocket-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-mips-pocket-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-sh3-pocket-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-x86em-pocket-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-mips-palm-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-sh3-palm-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-x86em-palm-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-x86-hpc-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-arm-pocket-wce400
+ !endif
+ !if "$(MACHINE)" == ""
+ #MACHINE=wince-arm-hpc-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-arm-hpc-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-sh3-hpc-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-mips-hpc-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-sh3-hpc-wce200
+ #MACHINE=wince-mips-hpc-wce200
+ #MACHINE=wince-arm-pocket-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-mips-pocket-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-sh3-pocket-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-x86em-pocket-wce300
+ #MACHINE=wince-mips-palm-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-sh3-palm-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-x86em-palm-wce211
+ #MACHINE=wince-x86-hpc-wce300
+ MACHINE=wince-arm-pocket-wce400
+ !endif
+so wince-arm-pocket-wce400 is the MACHINE type.
+6. Use a text editor to open "C:\Program Files\Microsoft eMbedded C++
+4.0\EVC\WCE400\BIN\WCEARMV4.BAT". Look for
+ if "%SDKROOT%"=="" set SDKROOT=...
+On a new install it is "C:\Windows CE Tools". Goto
+"C:\Windows CE Tools" in a file manager and see if "C:\Windows CE
+Tools\wce400\STANDARDSDK\Include\Armv4" exists on your disk. If not
+the SDKROOT need to be changed to "C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools".
+Goto celib-palm-3.0\inc\cewin32.h, search for
+ typedef struct _ABC {
+and uncomment the struct.
+7. Open another command prompt, ensure PLATFORM is not set to anything
+already unless you know what you're doing (so that the correct default
+value is set by the next command), and run "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
+eMbedded C++ 4.0\EVC\WCE400\BIN\WCEARMV4.BAT"
+8. In the WinCE command prompt you made with WCEARMV4.BAT, goto the perl
+source directory, cd into win32/ and run "nmake -f Makefile.ce".
+9. The ARM perl interpreter (perl519.dll and perl.exe) will be in something
+like "C:\perl519\src\win32\wince-arm-pocket-wce400", with the XS DLLs in
+To prove success on the host machine, run
+"dumpbin /headers wince-arm-pocket-wce400\perl.exe" from the win32/ folder
+and look for "machine (ARM)" in the FILE HEADER VALUES and
+"subsystem (Windows CE GUI)" in the OPTIONAL HEADER VALUES.
This section describes the steps to be performed to build PerlCE.
You may find additional information about building perl for WinCE
made further support of WinCE port.
+=item Daniel Dragan
+updated the build process during the 5.19 development track.