unhandled_exception_hook (exc, unhandled_exception_hook_data);
} else {
ERROR_DECL (inner_error);
- MonoObject *other = NULL;
- MonoString *str = mono_object_try_to_string (exc, &other, inner_error);
char *msg = NULL;
- if (str && is_ok (inner_error)) {
- msg = mono_string_to_utf8_checked_internal (str, inner_error);
- if (!is_ok (inner_error)) {
- msg = g_strdup_printf ("Nested exception while formatting original exception");
- mono_error_cleanup (inner_error);
- }
- } else if (other) {
- char *original_backtrace = mono_exception_get_managed_backtrace ((MonoException*)exc);
- char *nested_backtrace = mono_exception_get_managed_backtrace ((MonoException*)other);
- msg = g_strdup_printf ("Nested exception detected.\nOriginal Exception: %s\nNested exception:%s\n",
- original_backtrace, nested_backtrace);
+ if (exc == (MonoObject*)mono_domain_get ()->stack_overflow_ex) {
+ // Build stack trace directly instead of calling ToString so we don't put
+ // additional pressure on the limited stack
+ char *backtrace = mono_exception_get_managed_backtrace ((MonoException*)exc);
- g_free (original_backtrace);
- g_free (nested_backtrace);
+ msg = g_strdup_printf ("System.StackOverflowException: The requested operation caused a stack overflow.\n%s\n",
+ backtrace);
} else {
- msg = g_strdup ("Nested exception trying to figure out what went wrong");
+ MonoObject *other = NULL;
+ MonoString *str = mono_object_try_to_string (exc, &other, inner_error);
+ if (str && is_ok (inner_error)) {
+ msg = mono_string_to_utf8_checked_internal (str, inner_error);
+ if (!is_ok (inner_error)) {
+ msg = g_strdup_printf ("Nested exception while formatting original exception");
+ mono_error_cleanup (inner_error);
+ }
+ } else if (other) {
+ char *original_backtrace = mono_exception_get_managed_backtrace ((MonoException*)exc);
+ char *nested_backtrace = mono_exception_get_managed_backtrace ((MonoException*)other);
+ msg = g_strdup_printf ("Nested exception detected.\nOriginal Exception: %s\nNested exception:%s\n",
+ original_backtrace, nested_backtrace);
+ g_free (original_backtrace);
+ g_free (nested_backtrace);
+ } else {
+ msg = g_strdup ("Nested exception trying to figure out what went wrong");
+ }
mono_runtime_printf_err ("[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: %s", msg);
g_free (msg);
while (1) {
MonoContext new_ctx;
- guint32 free_stack, clause_index_start = 0;
+ guint32 clause_index_start = 0;
gboolean unwind_res = TRUE;
StackFrameInfo frame;
if (method->dynamic)
dynamic_methods = g_slist_prepend (dynamic_methods, method);
- if (stack_overflow) {
- free_stack = (guint32)((guint8*)(MONO_CONTEXT_GET_SP (ctx)) - (guint8*)(MONO_CONTEXT_GET_SP (&initial_ctx)));
- } else {
- free_stack = 0xffffff;
- }
if (method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_NATIVE_TO_MANAGED && ftnptr_eh_callback) {
MonoJitExceptionInfo *ei = &ji->clauses [i];
gboolean filtered = FALSE;
- /*
- * During stack overflow, wait till the unwinding frees some stack
- * space before running handlers/finalizers.
- */
- if (free_stack <= (64 * 1024))
+ // StackOverflowException shouldn't be caught
+ if (stack_overflow)
if (is_address_protected (ji, ei, ip)) {
MonoLMF *lmf = mono_get_lmf ();
MonoException *mono_ex;
gboolean stack_overflow = FALSE;
- MonoContext initial_ctx;
MonoMethod *method;
// int frame_count = 0; // used for debugging
gint32 filter_idx, first_filter_idx = 0;
if (out_ji)
*out_ji = NULL;
filter_idx = 0;
- initial_ctx = *ctx;
unwinder_init (&unwinder);
while (1) {
MonoContext new_ctx;
- guint32 free_stack;
int clause_index_start = 0;
gboolean unwind_res = TRUE;
StackFrameInfo frame;
// frame_count ++;
// printf ("[%d] %s.\n", frame_count, mono_method_full_name (method, TRUE));
- if (stack_overflow) {
- free_stack = (guint32)((guint8*)(MONO_CONTEXT_GET_SP (ctx)) - (guint8*)(MONO_CONTEXT_GET_SP (&initial_ctx)));
- } else {
- free_stack = 0xffffff;
- }
if (method->wrapper_type == MONO_WRAPPER_NATIVE_TO_MANAGED && ftnptr_eh_callback) {
MonoGCHandle handle = mono_gchandle_new_internal (obj, FALSE);
MONO_STACKDATA (stackptr);
MonoJitExceptionInfo *ei = &ji->clauses [i];
gboolean filtered = FALSE;
- /*
- * During stack overflow, wait till the unwinding frees some stack
- * space before running handlers/finalizers.
- */
- if (free_stack <= (64 * 1024))
+ // StackOverflowException shouldn't be caught
+ if (stack_overflow)
if (is_address_protected (ji, ei, ip)) {