The syntax for Global Variables in LangRef is missing the initializer.
This syntax section was added in r199218 along with changes to the
dllexport/dllimport handling, and I guess it was just an oversight to omit the
initializer values. I’ve marked the initializer as optional because this syntax
is used for both declarations and definitions.
llvm-svn: 210808
[@<GlobalVarName> =] [Linkage] [Visibility] [DLLStorageClass] [ThreadLocal]
[unnamed_addr] [AddrSpace] [ExternallyInitialized]
- <global | constant> <Type>
- [, section "name"] [, align <Alignment>]
+ <global | constant> <Type> [<InitializerConstant>
+ [, section "name"] [, align <Alignment>]]
For example, the following defines a global in a numbered address space
with an initializer, section, and alignment: