+ prop_invlist
use Carp;
use Unicode::UCD 'prop_value_aliases';
my @gc_punct_names = prop_value_aliases("Gc", "Punct");
+ use Unicode::UCD 'prop_invlist';
+ my @puncts = prop_invlist("gc=punctuation");
use Unicode::UCD 'compexcl';
my $compexcl = compexcl($codepoint);
return ( $list_ref->[0], $list_ref->[0] );
+# All 1 bits is the largest possible UV.
+$Unicode::UCD::MAX_CP = ~0;
+=head2 B<prop_invlist()>
+C<prop_invlist> returns an inversion list (described below) that defines all the
+code points for the binary Unicode property (or "property=value" pair) given
+by the input parameter string:
+ use feature 'say';
+ use Unicode::UCD 'prop_invlist';
+ say join ", ", prop_invlist("Any");
+ prints:
+ 0, 1114112
+An empty list is returned if the input is unknown; the number of elements in
+the list is returned if called in scalar context.
+L<perluniprops|perluniprops/Properties accessible through \p{} and \P{}> gives
+the list of properties that this function accepts, as well as all the possible
+forms for them (including with the optional "Is_" prefixes). (Except this
+function doesn't accept any Perl-internal properties, some of which are listed
+there.) This function uses the same loose or tighter matching rules for
+resolving the input property's name as is done for regular expressions. These
+are also specified in L<perluniprops|perluniprops/Properties accessible
+through \p{} and \P{}>. Examples of using the "property=value" form are:
+ say join ", ", prop_invlist("Script=Shavian");
+ prints:
+ 66640, 66688
+ say join ", ", prop_invlist("ASCII_Hex_Digit=No");
+ prints:
+ 0, 48, 58, 65, 71, 97, 103
+ say join ", ", prop_invlist("ASCII_Hex_Digit=Yes");
+ prints:
+ 48, 58, 65, 71, 97, 103
+Inversion lists are a compact way of specifying Unicode property-value
+definitions. The 0th item in the list is the lowest code point that has the
+property-value. The next item (item [1]) is the lowest code point beyond that
+one that does NOT have the property-value. And the next item beyond that
+([2]) is the lowest code point beyond that one that does have the
+property-value, and so on. Put another way, each element in the list gives
+the beginning of a range that has the property-value (for even numbered
+elements), or doesn't have the property-value (for odd numbered elements).
+The name for this data structure stems from the fact that each element in the
+list toggles (or inverts) whether the corresponding range is or isn't on the
+In the final example above, the first ASCII Hex digit is code point 48, the
+character "0", and all code points from it through 57 (a "9") are ASCII hex
+digits. Code points 58 through 64 aren't, but 65 (an "A") through 70 (an "F")
+are, as are 97 ("a") through 102 ("f"). 103 starts a range of code points
+that aren't ASCII hex digits. That range extends to infinity, which on your
+computer can be found in the variable C<$Unicode::UCD::MAX_CP>. (This
+variable is as close to infinity as Perl can get on your platform, and may be
+too high for some operations to work; you may wish to use a smaller number for
+your purposes.)
+Note that the inversion lists returned by this function can possibly include
+non-Unicode code points, that is anything above 0x10FFFF. This is in
+contrast to Perl regular expression matches on those code points, in which a
+non-Unicode code point always fails to match. For example, both of these have
+the same result:
+ chr(0x110000) =~ \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=True} # Fails.
+ chr(0x110000) =~ \p{ASCII_Hex_Digit=False} # Fails!
+And both raise a warning that a Unicode property is being used on a
+non-Unicode code point. It is arguable as to which is the correct thing to do
+here. This function has chosen the way opposite to the Perl regular
+expression behavior. This allows you to easily flip to to the Perl regular
+expression way (for you to go in the other direction would be far harder).
+Simply add 0x110000 at the end of the non-empty returned list if it isn't
+already that value; and pop that value if it is; like:
+ my @list = prop_invlist("foo");
+ if (@list) {
+ if ($list[-1] == 0x110000) {
+ pop @list; # Defeat the turning on for above Unicode
+ }
+ else {
+ push @list, 0x110000; # Turn off for above Unicode
+ }
+ }
+It is a simple matter to expand out an inversion list to a full list of all
+code points that have the property-value:
+ my @invlist = prop_invlist($property_name);
+ die "empty" unless @invlist;
+ my @full_list;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @invlist; $i += 2) {
+ my $upper = ($i + 1) < @invlist
+ ? $invlist[$i+1] - 1 # In range
+ : $Unicode::UCD::MAX_CP; # To infinity. You may want
+ # to stop much much earlier;
+ # going this high may expose
+ # perl deficiencies with very
+ # large numbers.
+ for my $j ($invlist[$i] .. $upper) {
+ push @full_list, $j;
+ }
+ }
+C<prop_invlist> does not know about any user-defined nor Perl internal-only
+properties, and will return C<undef> if called with one of those.
+# User-defined properties could be handled with some changes to;
+# and implementing here of dealing with EXTRAS. If done, consideration should
+# be given to the fact that the user subroutine could return different results
+# with each call; security issues need to be thought about.
+# These are created by mktables for this routine and stored in unicore/
+# where their structures are described.
+our %loose_defaults;
+sub prop_invlist ($) {
+ my $prop = $_[0];
+ return if ! defined $prop;
+ require "";
+ # Warnings for these are only for regexes, so not applicable to us
+ no warnings 'deprecated';
+ # Get the swash definition of the property-value.
+ my $swash = utf8::SWASHNEW(__PACKAGE__, $prop, undef, 1, 0);
+ # Fail if not found, or isn't a boolean property-value, or is a
+ # user-defined property, or is internal-only.
+ return if ! $swash
+ || ref $swash eq ""
+ || $swash->{'BITS'} != 1
+ || $swash->{'USER_DEFINED'}
+ || $prop =~ /^\s*_/;
+ if ($swash->{'EXTRAS'}) {
+ carp __PACKAGE__, "::prop_invlist: swash returned for $prop unexpectedly has EXTRAS magic";
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($swash->{'SPECIALS'}) {
+ carp __PACKAGE__, "::prop_invlist: swash returned for $prop unexpectedly has SPECIALS magic";
+ return;
+ }
+ my @invlist;
+ # The input lines look like:
+ # 0041\t005A # [26]
+ # 005F
+ # Split into lines, stripped of trailing comments
+ foreach my $range (split "\n",
+ $swash->{'LIST'} =~ s/ \s* (?: \# .* )? $ //xmgr)
+ {
+ # And find the beginning and end of the range on the line
+ my ($hex_begin, $hex_end) = split "\t", $range;
+ my $begin = hex $hex_begin;
+ # Add the beginning of the range
+ push @invlist, $begin;
+ if (defined $hex_end) { # The next item starts with the code point 1
+ # beyond the end of the range.
+ push @invlist, hex($hex_end) + 1;
+ }
+ else { # No end of range, is a single code point.
+ push @invlist, $begin + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ require "unicore/";
+ # Could need to be inverted: add or subtract a 0 at the beginning of the
+ # list. And to keep it from matching non-Unicode, add or subtract the
+ # first non-unicode code point.
+ if ($swash->{'INVERT_IT'}) {
+ if (@invlist && $invlist[0] == 0) {
+ shift @invlist;
+ }
+ else {
+ unshift @invlist, 0;
+ }
+ if (@invlist && $invlist[-1] == $FIRST_NON_UNICODE) {
+ pop @invlist;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @invlist, $FIRST_NON_UNICODE;
+ }
+ }
+ # Here, the list is set up to include only Unicode code points. But, if
+ # the table is the default one for the property, it should contain all
+ # non-Unicode code points. First calculate the loose name for the
+ # property. This is done even for strict-name properties, as the data
+ # structure that mktables generates for us is set up so that we don't have
+ # to worry about that. The property-value needs to be split if compound,
+ # as the loose rules need to be independently calculated on each part. We
+ # know that it is syntactically valid, or SWASHNEW would have failed.
+ $prop = lc $prop;
+ my ($prop_only, $table) = split /\s*[:=]\s*/, $prop;
+ if ($table) {
+ # May have optional prefixed 'is'
+ $prop = utf8::_loose_name($prop_only) =~ s/^is//r;
+ $prop = $utf8::loose_property_name_of{$prop};
+ $prop .= "=" . utf8::_loose_name($table);
+ }
+ else {
+ $prop = utf8::_loose_name($prop);
+ }
+ if (exists $loose_defaults{$prop}) {
+ # Here, is the default table. If a range ended with 10ffff, instead
+ # continue that range to infinity, by popping the 110000; otherwise,
+ # add the range from 11000 to infinity
+ if (! @invlist || $invlist[-1] != $FIRST_NON_UNICODE) {
+ push @invlist, $FIRST_NON_UNICODE;
+ }
+ else {
+ pop @invlist;
+ }
+ }
+ return @invlist;
=head2 Unicode::UCD::UnicodeVersion
undef %pva_tested;
+no warnings 'once'; # We use some values once from 'required' modules.
+use Unicode::UCD qw(prop_invlist MAX_CP);
+is(prop_invlist("Unknown property"), undef, "prop_invlist(<Unknown property>) returns undef");
+is(prop_invlist(undef), undef, "prop_invlist(undef) returns undef");
+is(prop_invlist("Any"), 2, "prop_invlist('Any') returns the number of elements in scalar context");
+my @invlist = prop_invlist("Is_Any");
+is_deeply(\@invlist, [ 0, 0x110000 ], "prop_invlist works on 'Is_' prefixes");
+is(prop_invlist("Is_Is_Any"), undef, "prop_invlist('Is_Is_Any') returns <undef> since two is's");
+use Storable qw(dclone);
+is(prop_invlist("InKana"), undef, "prop_invlist(<user-defined property returns undef>)");
+# The way both the tests for invlist work is that they take the
+# lists returned by the functions and construct from them what the original
+# file should look like, which are then compared with the file. If they are
+# identical, the test passes. What this tests isn't that the results are
+# correct, but that invlist hasn't introduced errors beyond what
+# are there in the files. As a small hedge against that, test some
+# prop_invlist() tables fully with the known correct result. We choose
+# ASCII_Hex_Digit again, as it is stable.
+@invlist = prop_invlist("AHex");
+is_deeply(\@invlist, [ 0x0030, 0x003A, 0x0041,
+ 0x0047, 0x0061, 0x0067 ],
+ "prop_invlist('AHex') is exactly the expected set of points");
+@invlist = prop_invlist("AHex=f");
+is_deeply(\@invlist, [ 0x0000, 0x0030, 0x003A, 0x0041,
+ 0x0047, 0x0061, 0x0067 ],
+ "prop_invlist('AHex=f') is exactly the expected set of points");
+sub fail_with_diff ($$$$) {
+ # For use below to output better messages
+ my ($prop, $official, $constructed, $tested_function_name) = @_;
+ is($constructed, $official, "$tested_function_name('$prop')");
+ diag("Comment out lines " . (__LINE__ - 1) . " through " . (__LINE__ + 1) . " in '$0' on Un*x-like systems to see just the differences. Uses the 'diff' first in your \$PATH");
+ return;
+ fail("$tested_function_name('$prop')");
+ require File::Temp;
+ my $off = File::Temp->new();
+ chomp $official;
+ print $off $official, "\n";
+ close $off || die "Can't close official";
+ chomp $constructed;
+ my $gend = File::Temp->new();
+ print $gend $constructed, "\n";
+ close $gend || die "Can't close gend";
+ my $diff = File::Temp->new();
+ system("diff $off $gend > $diff");
+ open my $fh, "<", $diff || die "Can't open $diff";
+ my @diffs = <$fh>;
+ diag("In the diff output below '<' marks lines from the filesystem tables;\n'>' are from $tested_function_name()");
+ diag(@diffs);
+my %tested_invlist;
+# Look at everything we think that mktables tells us exists, both loose and
+# strict
+foreach my $set_of_tables (\%utf8::stricter_to_file_of, \%utf8::loose_to_file_of)
+ foreach my $table (keys %$set_of_tables) {
+ my $mod_table;
+ my ($prop_only, $value) = split "=", $table;
+ if (defined $value) {
+ # If this is to be loose matched, add in characters to test that.
+ if ($set_of_tables == \%utf8::loose_to_file_of) {
+ $value = "$extra_chars$value";
+ }
+ else { # Strict match
+ # Verify that loose matching fails when only strict is called
+ # for.
+ next unless is(prop_invlist("$prop_only=$extra_chars$value"), undef, "prop_invlist('$prop_only=$extra_chars$value') returns undef since should be strictly matched");
+ # Strict matching does allow for underscores between digits.
+ # Test for that.
+ while ($value =~ s/(\d)(\d)/$1_$2/g) {}
+ }
+ # The property portion in compound form specifications always
+ # matches loosely
+ $mod_table = "$extra_chars$prop_only = $value";
+ }
+ else { # Single-form.
+ # Like above, use looose if required, and insert underscores
+ # between digits if strict.
+ if ($set_of_tables == \%utf8::loose_to_file_of) {
+ $mod_table = "$extra_chars$table";
+ }
+ else {
+ $mod_table = $table;
+ while ($mod_table =~ s/(\d)(\d)/$1_$2/g) {}
+ }
+ }
+ my @tested = prop_invlist($mod_table);
+ if ($table =~ /^_/) {
+ is(@tested, 0, "prop_invlist('$mod_table') returns an empty list since is internal-only");
+ next;
+ }
+ # If we have already tested a property that uses the same file, this
+ # list should be identical to the one that was tested, and can bypass
+ # everything else.
+ my $file = $set_of_tables->{$table};
+ if (exists $tested_invlist{$file}) {
+ is_deeply(\@tested, $tested_invlist{$file}, "prop_invlist('$mod_table') gave same results as its name synonym");
+ next;
+ }
+ $tested_invlist{$file} = dclone \@tested;
+ # A leading '!' in the file name means that it is to be inverted.
+ my $invert = $file =~ s/^!//;
+ my $official = do "unicore/lib/$";
+ # Get rid of any trailing space and comments in the file.
+ $official =~ s/\s*(#.*)?$//mg;
+ chomp $official;
+ # If we are to test against an inverted file, it is easier to invert
+ # our array than the file.
+ # The file only is valid for Unicode code points, while the inversion
+ # list is valid for all possible code points. Therefore, we must test
+ # just the Unicode part against the file. Later we will test for
+ # the non-Unicode part.
+ my $before_invert; # Saves the pre-inverted table.
+ if ($invert) {
+ $before_invert = dclone \@tested;
+ if (@tested && $tested[0] == 0) {
+ shift @tested;
+ } else {
+ unshift @tested, 0;
+ }
+ if (@tested && $tested[-1] == 0x110000) {
+ pop @tested;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @tested, 0x110000;
+ }
+ }
+ # Now construct a string from the list that should match the file.
+ # The file gives ranges of code points with starting and ending values
+ # in hex, like this:
+ # 0041\t005A
+ # 0061\t007A
+ # 00AA
+ # Our list has even numbered elements start ranges that are in the
+ # list, and odd ones that aren't in the list. Therefore the odd
+ # numbered ones are one beyond the end of the previous range, but
+ # otherwise don't get reflected in the file.
+ my $tested = "";
+ my $i = 0;
+ for (; $i < @tested - 1; $i += 2) {
+ my $start = $tested[$i];
+ my $end = $tested[$i+1] - 1;
+ if ($start == $end) {
+ $tested .= sprintf("%04X\n", $start);
+ }
+ else {
+ $tested .= sprintf "%04X\t%04X\n", $start, $end;
+ }
+ }
+ # As mentioned earlier, the disk files only go up through Unicode,
+ # whereas the prop_invlist() ones go as high as necessary. The
+ # comparison is only valid through max Unicode.
+ if ($i == @tested - 1 && $tested[$i] <= 0x10FFFF) {
+ $tested .= sprintf("%04X\t10FFFF\n", $tested[$i]);
+ }
+ chomp $tested;
+ if ($tested ne $official) {
+ fail_with_diff($mod_table, $official, $tested, "prop_invlist");
+ next;
+ }
+ # Here, it matched the table. Now need to check for if it is correct
+ # for beyond Unicode. First, calculate if is the default table or
+ # not. This is the same algorithm as used internally in
+ # prop_invlist(), so if it is wrong there, this test won't catch it.
+ my $prop = lc $table;
+ ($prop_only, $table) = split /\s*[:=]\s*/, $prop;
+ if (defined $table) {
+ # May have optional prefixed 'is'
+ $prop = utf8::_loose_name($prop_only) =~ s/^is//r;
+ $prop = $utf8::loose_property_name_of{$prop};
+ $prop .= "=" . utf8::_loose_name($table);
+ }
+ else {
+ $prop = utf8::_loose_name($prop);
+ }
+ my $is_default = exists $Unicode::UCD::loose_defaults{$prop};
+ @tested = @$before_invert if $invert; # Use the original
+ if (@tested % 2 == 0) {
+ # If there are an even number of elements, the final one starts a
+ # range (going to infinity) of code points that are not in the
+ # list.
+ if ($is_default) {
+ fail("prop_invlist('$mod_table')");
+ diag("default table doesn't goto infinity");
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ diag Dumper \@tested;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # An odd number of elements means the final one starts a range
+ # (going to infinity of code points that are in the list.
+ if (! $is_default) {
+ fail("prop_invlist('$mod_table')");
+ diag("non-default table needs to stop in the Unicode range");
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ diag Dumper \@tested;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ pass("prop_invlist('$mod_table')");
+ }
## regexec.c:regclass_swash -- for /[]/, \p, and \P
## utf8.c:is_utf8_common -- for common Unicode properties
## utf8.c:to_utf8_case -- for lc, uc, ucfirst, etc. and //i
+ ## Unicode::UCD::prop_invlist
## Given a $type, our goal is to fill $list with the set of codepoint
## ranges. If $type is false, $list passed is used.
=item *
L<Unicode::UCD> has been upgraded from version 0.36 to version 0.37.
-This adds two new functions, C<prop_aliases()>, and
+This adds three new functions: C<prop_aliases()>, and
C<prop_value_aliases()> which are used to find all the Unicode-approved
-synonyms for property names, or to convert from one name to another.
+synonyms for property names, or to convert from one name to another;
+and C<prop_invlist> which returns all the code points matching a given
+Unicode binary property.