The flag was introduced to support console debugger in Chrome. That debugger was replaced by DevTools long time ago and the flag is always true now.
Review URL:
* Generally when message arrives V8 may be in one of 3 states:
* 1. V8 is running script; V8 will automatically interrupt and process all
- * pending messages (however auto_break flag should be enabled);
+ * pending messages;
* 2. V8 is suspended on debug breakpoint; in this state V8 is dedicated
* to reading and processing debug messages;
* 3. V8 is not running at all or has called some long-working C++ function;
void StackGuard::DebugCommand() {
- if (FLAG_debugger_auto_break) {
- ExecutionAccess access(isolate_);
- thread_local_.interrupt_flags_ |= DEBUGCOMMAND;
- set_interrupt_limits(access);
- }
+ ExecutionAccess access(isolate_);
+ thread_local_.interrupt_flags_ |= DEBUGCOMMAND;
+ set_interrupt_limits(access);
"trace out-of-bounds accesses to all arrays")
DEFINE_implication(trace_array_abuse, trace_js_array_abuse)
DEFINE_implication(trace_array_abuse, trace_external_array_abuse)
-DEFINE_bool(debugger_auto_break, true,
- "automatically set the debug break flag when debugger commands are "
- "in the queue")
DEFINE_bool(enable_liveedit, true, "enable liveedit experimental feature")
DEFINE_bool(hard_abort, true, "abort by crashing")
void TestRecursiveBreakpointsGeneric(bool global_evaluate) {
- i::FLAG_debugger_auto_break = true;
BreakpointsDebuggerThread breakpoints_debugger_thread(global_evaluate);
BreakpointsV8Thread breakpoints_v8_thread;
TEST(DebuggerHostDispatch) {
HostDispatchDebuggerThread host_dispatch_debugger_thread;
HostDispatchV8Thread host_dispatch_v8_thread;
- i::FLAG_debugger_auto_break = true;
// Create a V8 environment
Barriers stack_allocated_host_dispatch_barriers;
DebugMessageDispatchDebuggerThread debug_message_dispatch_debugger_thread;
DebugMessageDispatchV8Thread debug_message_dispatch_v8_thread;
- i::FLAG_debugger_auto_break = true;
// Create a V8 environment
Barriers stack_allocated_debug_message_dispatch_barriers;
debug_message_dispatch_barriers =