+++ /dev/null
-import os,re
-node_version_h = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'src',
- 'node_version.h')
-f = open(node_version_h)
-for line in f:
- if re.match('#define NODE_MAJOR_VERSION', line):
- major = line.split()[2]
- if re.match('#define NODE_MINOR_VERSION', line):
- minor = line.split()[2]
- if re.match('#define NODE_PATCH_VERSION', line):
- patch = int(line.split()[2]) + 1
-print '%(major)s.%(minor)s.%(patch)s'% locals()
+++ /dev/null
-import os,re
-node_version_h = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'src',
- 'node_version.h')
-f = open(node_version_h)
-for line in f:
- if re.match('#define NODE_MAJOR_VERSION', line):
- major = line.split()[2]
- if re.match('#define NODE_MINOR_VERSION', line):
- minor = line.split()[2]
- if re.match('#define NODE_PATCH_VERSION', line):
- patch = int(line.split()[2]) - 1
-print '%(major)s.%(minor)s.%(patch)s'% locals()
+++ /dev/null
-import os,re
-node_version_h = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'src',
- 'node_version.h')
-f = open(node_version_h)
-for line in f:
- if re.match('#define NODE_MAJOR_VERSION', line):
- major = line.split()[2]
- if re.match('#define NODE_MINOR_VERSION', line):
- minor = line.split()[2]
- if re.match('#define NODE_PATCH_VERSION', line):
- patch = line.split()[2]
-if int(minor) % 2 == 0:
- print 'stable'
- print 'unstable'
+++ /dev/null
-## This is to be used once jenkins has finished building the release
-set -e
-if [[ ! -e ../node-website/Makefile ]];
- echo "node-website must be checked out one level up"
- exit 1
-stability="$(python tools/getstability.py)"
-NODE_STABC="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${stability:0:1})${stability:1}"
-echo "Building for $stability"
-scp tj@nodejs.org:archive/node/tmp/v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)/SHASUM* .
-for i in $FILES ; do gpg -s $i.txt; gpg --clearsign $i.txt; done
-scp SHASUM* tj@nodejs.org:archive/node/tmp/v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)/
-ssh nodejs.org mkdir -p "dist/v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)/{x64,docs}"
-ssh nodejs.org ln -s ../dist/v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)/docs docs/v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)
-ssh root@nodejs.org mv /home/tj/archive/node/tmp/v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)/* /home/node/dist/v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)/
-ssh root@nodejs.org chown -R node:other /home/node/dist/v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)
-# tag the release
-# should be the same key used to sign the shasums
-git tag -sm "$(bash tools/changelog-head.sh)" v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)
-# push to github
-git push git@github.com:joyent/node v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)-release --tags
-# blog post and email
-make email.md
-( echo ""
- echo "Shasums:"
- echo '```'
- cat SHASUMS.txt.asc
- echo '```' ) >> email.md
-( echo -n "date: "
- date
- echo -n "version: "
- python tools/getnodeversion.py
- echo "category: release"
- echo "title: Node v"$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)" ($NODE_STABC)"
- echo "slug: node-v"$(python tools/getnodeversion.py | sed 's|\.|-|g')"-$NODE_STABL"
- echo ""
- cat email.md ) > ../node-website/doc/blog/release/v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py).md
-if [ "$stability" = "stable" ];
- ## this needs to happen here because the website depends on the current node
- ## node version
- ## this will get the api docs in the right place
- make website-upload
- BRANCH="v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py | sed -E 's#\.[0-9]+$##')"
- echo $(python tools/getnodeversion.py) > ../node-website/STABLE
- BRANCH="master"
-echo "Merging back into $BRANCH"
-# merge back into mainline stable branch
-git checkout $BRANCH
-git merge --no-ff v$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)-release
-# change the version number, set isrelease = 0
-## TODO automagic.
-vim src/node_version.h
-git commit -am "Now working on "$(python tools/getnodeversion.py)
-git push git@github.com:joyent/node $BRANCH
-echo "Now go do the website stuff"