--- /dev/null
+# Case 1: gst-launch based test cases (bash unit test)
+1. If you don't have a corresponding testcase group, yet (subdirectory in nnstreamer.git/tests/)
+ - Create subdirectory in nnstreamer.git/tests/
+ ```
+ $ cd tests
+ $ mkdir new_test_group
+ ```
+ - Create the shell script for the group. It should be named as ```runTest.sh```.
+ - Use the test API scripts located at ```tests/testAPI.sh```.
+ - The following is a template:
+ ```
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+ source ../testAPI.sh
+ gstTest "your gstreamer pipeline" $CASENUMBER1
+ # generating "$CASE1GOLDEN" and "$CASE1RESULT"
+ gstTest "your another pipeline" $CASENUMBER2
+ # generating "$CASE2GOLDEN" and "$CASE2RESULT"
+ report
+ ```
+ - Then the framework will do the rest for you.
+2. If you already have a corresponding test case group, add your cases in the corresponding "runTest.sh" in the group subdirectory.
+# Case 2: gtest test cases (C/C++ unit test)
+If your code is not supposed to be tested via gstreamer CLI pipeline, but with a C/C++ native calls, you are supposed to use gtest framework.
+Refer to ```nnstreamer.git/common/test/*``` to write your own gtest test cases.
+Then, add your gtest executable to packaging/nnstreamer.spec (refer to the lines with ```unittest_common```) so that we can run the unit test during gbs build.