+ security-manager
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/app_install_helper.cpp
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/sm_api.cpp
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/sm_label_monitor.cpp
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/sm_request.cpp
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/sm_sharing_request.cpp
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/sm_user_request.cpp
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/sm_policy_request.cpp
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/common/tzplatform.cpp
#system and local includes
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <security-manager-types.h>
+#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
+class Privilege {
+ enum Type {
+ };
+ Privilege(std::string systemPrivilege, Type type = UNSET, std::string license = std::string())
+ : m_name(std::move(systemPrivilege))
+ , m_type(type)
+ , m_license(std::move(license))
+ {}
+ Privilege(std::string licensedPrivilege, std::string license)
+ : m_name(std::move(licensedPrivilege))
+ , m_type(LICENSED)
+ , m_license(std::move(license))
+ {}
+ bool isUnset() const { return m_type == UNSET; }
+ bool isUntrusted() const { return m_type == UNTRUSTED; }
+ bool isLicensed() const { return m_type == LICENSED; }
+ int getType() const { return m_type; }
+ app_defined_privilege_type getSMType () const {
+ }
+ const std::string& getName() const { return m_name; }
+ const std::string& getLicense() const { return m_license; }
+ const char *getNameC() const { return m_name.c_str(); }
+ const char *getLicenseC() const { return m_license.c_str(); }
+ operator const char *() const { return m_name.c_str(); }
+ operator std::string() const { return m_name; }
+ std::string m_name;
+ Type m_type;
+ std::string m_license;
+typedef std::vector<Privilege> PrivilegeVector;
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/smack.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <security-manager-types.h>
+#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
+#include <tzplatform.h>
+#include <label_generator.h>
+#include "app_install_helper.h"
+AppInstallHelper::AppInstallHelper(AppInstallHelper &&other)
+ : m_appName(std::move(other.m_appName)), m_pkgName(std::move(other.m_pkgName)),
+ m_isLocal(other.m_isLocal), m_uidGid(other.m_uidGid),
+ m_version(std::move(other.m_version)), m_installType(other.m_installType),
+ m_isHybrid(other.m_isHybrid), m_installDir(std::move(other.m_installDir)),
+ m_dirTypeMap(std::move(other.m_dirTypeMap)),
+ m_fileTypeMap(std::move(other.m_fileTypeMap)),
+ m_privileges(std::move(other.m_privileges)),
+ m_appDefinedPrivileges(std::move(other.m_appDefinedPrivileges)),
+ m_author(std::move(other.m_author)),
+ m_creatorPid(other.m_creatorPid)
+ other.m_creatorPid = -1;
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getInstallDir() const {
+ return m_installDir + getPkgId();
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getTrustedDir(int i) const {
+ return getInstallDir() + "/trustedDir" + std::to_string(i);
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivateDir(int i) const {
+ return getInstallDir() + "/app_dir" + std::to_string(i) +"/";
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivateRODir(int i) const {
+ return getInstallDir() + "/app_dir_ro" + std::to_string(i) +"/";
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getPublicDir() const {
+ return getInstallDir() + "/app_public_ro/";
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivatePath(int i) const {
+ return getPrivateDir() + "shareme" + std::to_string(i);
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getSharedRODir(int i) const {
+ return getInstallDir() + "/app_dir_rw_others_ro" + std::to_string(i) +"/";
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getAppId() const {
+ return m_appName + "_app_id";
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getPkgId() const {
+ return m_pkgName + "_pkg_id";
+void AppInstallHelper::setVersion(const std::string &version) {
+ m_version = version;
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getVersion() const {
+ return m_version;
+int AppInstallHelper::getUID() const {
+ return m_uidGid;
+int AppInstallHelper::getGID() const {
+ return m_uidGid;
+void AppInstallHelper::createInstallDir() {
+ create(mkdir, getInstallDir());
+ m_isInstallDirCreated = true;
+void AppInstallHelper::createTrustedDir(int i) {
+ if (create(mkdir, getTrustedDir(i)))
+ m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_TRUSTED_RW].emplace_back(getTrustedDir(i));
+void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateDir(int i) {
+ if (create(mkdir, getPrivateDir(i)))
+ m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RW].emplace_back(getPrivateDir(i));
+void AppInstallHelper::createPublicDir() {
+ if (mkdir(getPublicDir().c_str(), 0777) == 0) {
+ m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_PUBLIC_RO].emplace_back(getPublicDir());
+ }
+void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateFile(int i) {
+ // This is intentional, let all private file be in one directory
+ createPrivateDir();
+ if (create(creat, getPrivatePath(i)))
+ m_fileTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RW].emplace_back(getPrivatePath(i));
+void AppInstallHelper::createSharedRODir(int i) {
+ if (create(mkdir, getSharedRODir(i)))
+ m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_OWNER_RW_OTHER_RO].emplace_back(getSharedRODir(i));
+void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateRODir(int i) {
+ if (create(mkdir, getPrivateRODir(i)))
+ m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RO].emplace_back(getPrivateRODir(i));
+void AppInstallHelper::setHybrid() {
+ m_isHybrid = true;
+bool AppInstallHelper::getIsHybrid() const {
+ return m_isHybrid;
+void AppInstallHelper::addPrivileges(const std::vector<std::string> &privileges) {
+ for (auto &p : privileges) {
+ addPrivilege(Privilege(p));
+ }
+std::vector<std::string> AppInstallHelper::getPrivilegesNames() const {
+ std::vector<std::string> privileges;
+ for (auto &p : m_privileges) {
+ privileges.push_back(p.getName());
+ }
+ return privileges;
+void AppInstallHelper::addPrivilege(Privilege privilege) {
+ m_privileges.push_back(std::move(privilege));
+void AppInstallHelper::addPrivileges(const PrivilegeVector &privileges) {
+ std::copy(privileges.begin(), privileges.end(), std::back_inserter(m_privileges));
+const PrivilegeVector& AppInstallHelper::getPrivileges() const {
+ return m_privileges;
+void AppInstallHelper::addAppDefinedPrivilege(Privilege privilege) {
+ m_appDefinedPrivileges.push_back(std::move(privilege));
+const PrivilegeVector& AppInstallHelper::getAppDefinedPrivileges() const {
+ return m_appDefinedPrivileges;
+void AppInstallHelper::revokeRules() const {
+ 0 == smack_revoke_subject(generateAppLabel().c_str()),
+ "Revoking smack subject failed");
+std::string AppInstallHelper::generateAppLabel() const {
+ return generateProcessLabel(getAppId(), getPkgId(), getIsHybrid());
+std::string AppInstallHelper::generatePkgLabel() const {
+ return generatePathRWLabel(getPkgId());
+const AppInstallHelper::TypePathsMap& AppInstallHelper::getDirsMap() const {
+ return m_dirTypeMap;
+const AppInstallHelper::TypePathsMap& AppInstallHelper::getFilesMap() const {
+ return m_fileTypeMap;
+void AppInstallHelper::removePaths() {
+ for (const auto &oneTypePaths : m_dirTypeMap)
+ for (const auto& path : oneTypePaths.second)
+ rmdir(path.c_str());
+ m_dirTypeMap.clear();
+ for (const auto &oneTypePaths : m_fileTypeMap)
+ for (const auto& path : oneTypePaths.second)
+ unlink(path.c_str());
+ m_fileTypeMap.clear();
+ rmdir(getInstallDir().c_str());
+ m_isInstallDirCreated = false;
+void AppInstallHelper::setInstallPath() {
+ if (m_isLocal)
+ m_installDir = TzPlatformConfig::appDirPath(getUID());
+ else
+ m_installDir = TzPlatformConfig::globalAppDir() + "/";
+bool AppInstallHelper::create(std::function<int(const char*, mode_t)> &&creatFun, const std::string &path) {
+ if (!m_isInstallDirCreated && path != getInstallDir())
+ createInstallDir();
+ if (creatFun(path.c_str(), 0751) == 0) {
+ // Local paths need user change
+ if (!m_isLocal || chown(path.c_str(), m_uidGid, m_uidGid) == 0)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void AppInstallHelper::setAuthor(const std::string &author) {
+ m_author = author;
+std::string AppInstallHelper::getAuthor() const {
+ return m_author;
+void AppInstallHelper::setInstallType(app_install_type type) {
+ m_installType = type;
+app_install_type AppInstallHelper::getInstallType() const {
+ return m_installType;
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <security-manager-types.h>
+#include <app_def_privilege.h>
+struct AppInstallHelper {
+ using TypePathsMap = std::map<app_install_path_type, std::vector<std::string>>;
+ AppInstallHelper(const std::string &appNamePrefix,
+ const std::string &pkgNamePrefix,
+ bool isLocal,
+ uid_t uid,
+ std::string version = std::string())
+ : m_appName(appNamePrefix), m_pkgName(pkgNamePrefix), m_isLocal(isLocal), m_uidGid(uid), m_version(version),
+ m_installType(SM_APP_INSTALL_NONE), m_isHybrid(false), m_isInstallDirCreated(false), m_creatorPid(getpid())
+ {
+ setInstallPath();
+ }
+ AppInstallHelper(const std::string &appNamePrefix,
+ const std::string &pkgNamePrefix,
+ uid_t uid)
+ : AppInstallHelper(appNamePrefix, pkgNamePrefix, false, uid)
+ {}
+ AppInstallHelper(const std::string &namePrefix)
+ : AppInstallHelper(namePrefix, namePrefix, false, geteuid())
+ {}
+ AppInstallHelper(const std::string &appNamePrefix, const std::string &pkgNamePrefix)
+ : AppInstallHelper(appNamePrefix, pkgNamePrefix, false, geteuid())
+ {}
+ AppInstallHelper(const std::string &namePrefix, uid_t uid)
+ : AppInstallHelper(namePrefix, namePrefix, true, uid)
+ {}
+ AppInstallHelper(const std::string &appNamePrefix, const std::string &pkgNamePrefix, uid_t uid,
+ const std::string &version)
+ : AppInstallHelper(appNamePrefix, pkgNamePrefix, true, uid, version)
+ {}
+ AppInstallHelper(const std::string &namePrefix, uid_t uid, const std::string &version)
+ : AppInstallHelper(namePrefix, namePrefix, true, uid, version)
+ {}
+ AppInstallHelper(const AppInstallHelper &other) = default;
+ AppInstallHelper& operator=(const AppInstallHelper &other) = delete;
+ AppInstallHelper(AppInstallHelper &&other);
+ // App info getters and setters
+ std::string getAppId() const;
+ std::string getPkgId() const;
+ int getUID() const;
+ int getGID() const;
+ void setVersion(const std::string &version);
+ std::string getVersion() const;
+ void setAuthor(const std::string &author);
+ std::string getAuthor() const;
+ void setInstallType(app_install_type type);
+ app_install_type getInstallType() const;
+ void setHybrid();
+ bool getIsHybrid() const;
+ // Path types creation and removal on file system
+ void createInstallDir();
+ void createTrustedDir(int i = 0);
+ void createPrivateDir(int i = 0);
+ void createPublicDir();
+ void createPrivateFile(int i = 0);
+ void createSharedRODir(int i = 0);
+ void createPrivateRODir(int i = 0);
+ void removePaths();
+ // Path getters
+ std::string getInstallDir() const;
+ std::string getTrustedDir(int i = 0) const;
+ std::string getPrivateDir(int i = 0) const;
+ std::string getPrivateRODir(int i = 0) const;
+ std::string getPublicDir() const;
+ std::string getPrivatePath(int i = 0) const;
+ std::string getSharedRODir(int i = 0) const;
+ const TypePathsMap& getDirsMap() const;
+ const TypePathsMap& getFilesMap() const;
+ // Privileges
+ std::vector<std::string> getPrivilegesNames() const; // deprecated
+ void addPrivileges(const std::vector<std::string> &privileges); // deprecated
+ void addPrivilege(Privilege privilege);
+ void addPrivileges(const PrivilegeVector &privileges);
+ const PrivilegeVector& getPrivileges() const;
+ void addAppDefinedPrivilege(Privilege privilege);
+ const PrivilegeVector& getAppDefinedPrivileges() const;
+ // Smack
+ std::string generateAppLabel() const;
+ std::string generatePkgLabel() const;
+ void revokeRules() const;
+ virtual ~AppInstallHelper() {
+ if (m_creatorPid == getpid())
+ removePaths();
+ }
+ void setInstallPath();
+ bool create(std::function<int(const char*, mode_t)> &&creatFun, const std::string &path);
+ std::string m_appName;
+ std::string m_pkgName;
+ bool m_isLocal;
+ int m_uidGid;
+ std::string m_version;
+ app_install_type m_installType;
+ bool m_isHybrid;
+ std::string m_installDir;
+ bool m_isInstallDirCreated;
+ TypePathsMap m_dirTypeMap;
+ TypePathsMap m_fileTypeMap;
+ PrivilegeVector m_privileges;
+ PrivilegeVector m_appDefinedPrivileges;
+ std::string m_author;
+ pid_t m_creatorPid;
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <sm_api.h>
+#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+namespace Api {
+void install(const InstallRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_install(request.get());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "installing app returned wrong value."
+ << " InstallRequest: [ " << request << "];"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+void uninstall(const InstallRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_uninstall(request.get());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "uninstalling app returned wrong value."
+ << " InstallRequest: [ " << request << "];"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+std::string getPkgId(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ char *pkgId = nullptr;
+ int result = security_manager_get_app_pkgid(&pkgId, appId.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "getting pkg id from app id returned wrong value."
+ << " App id: " << appId << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ if (expectedResult != SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS)
+ return std::string();
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(pkgId != nullptr, "getting pkg id did not allocate memory");
+ std::string str(pkgId);
+ free(pkgId);
+ return str;
+void setProcessLabel(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_set_process_label_from_appid(appId.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting process label from app id returned wrong value."
+ << " App id: " << appId << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+void setProcessGroups(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_set_process_groups_from_appid(appId.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting process groups from app id returned wrong value."
+ << " App id: " << appId << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+void dropProcessPrivileges(lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_drop_process_privileges();
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "dropping process privileges returned wrong value."
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+void prepareApp(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_prepare_app(appId.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "preparing app returned wrong value."
+ << " App id: " << appId << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+void addUser(const UserRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_user_add(request.get());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "adding user returned wrong value."
+ << " UserRequest: [ " << request << "];"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+void deleteUser(const UserRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_user_delete(request.get());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "deleting user returned wrong value."
+ << " UserRequest: [ " << request << "];"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+void sendPolicy(const PolicyRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_policy_update_send(request.get());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "sending policy update for self returned wrong value."
+ << " PolicyRequest: [ " << request << "];"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+void getConfiguredPolicy(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult, bool forAdmin)
+ policy_entry **pp_privs_policy = NULL;
+ size_t policy_size = 0;
+ int result;
+ if (forAdmin) {
+ result = security_manager_get_configured_policy_for_admin(filter.get(), &pp_privs_policy, &policy_size);
+ } else {
+ result = security_manager_get_configured_policy_for_self(filter.get(), &pp_privs_policy, &policy_size);
+ };
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "Unexpected result for filter: " << filter << std::endl
+ << " Result: " << result << ";");
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < policy_size; ++i) {
+ PolicyEntry pe(*pp_privs_policy[i]);
+ policyEntries.push_back(pe);
+ };
+void getPolicy(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ policy_entry **pp_privs_policy = NULL;
+ size_t policy_size = 0;
+ int result;
+ result = security_manager_get_policy(filter.get(), &pp_privs_policy, &policy_size);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "Unexpected result" << std::endl
+ << " Result: " << result << ";");
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < policy_size; ++i) {
+ PolicyEntry pe(*pp_privs_policy[i]);
+ policyEntries.push_back(pe);
+ };
+void applySharing(const SharingRequest &req, lib_retcode expectedResult) {
+ int result = security_manager_private_sharing_apply(req.get());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "Unexpected result from security_manager_private_sharing_apply" << std::endl
+ << " Result: " << result << ";");
+void dropSharing(const SharingRequest &req, lib_retcode expectedResult) {
+ int result = security_manager_private_sharing_drop(req.get());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "Unexpected result from security_manager_private_sharing_drop" << std::endl
+ << " Result: " << result << ";");
+void getPolicyForSelf(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ getConfiguredPolicy(filter, policyEntries, expectedResult, false);
+void getPolicyForAdmin(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ getConfiguredPolicy(filter, policyEntries, expectedResult, true);
+void getPkgIdBySocket(int socketFd, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ char *pkg_Id = nullptr;
+ char *app_Id = nullptr;
+ int result = security_manager_identify_app_from_socket(socketFd,
+ pkgId == nullptr ? nullptr : &pkg_Id,
+ appId == nullptr ? nullptr : &app_Id);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "getting pkg id from socket returned wrong value."
+ << " socket: " << socketFd << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ if (pkg_Id) {
+ *pkgId = pkg_Id;
+ free(pkg_Id);
+ }
+ if (app_Id) {
+ *appId = app_Id;
+ free(app_Id);
+ }
+void getPkgIdByPid(pid_t pid, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ char *pkg_Id = nullptr;
+ char *app_Id = nullptr;
+ int result = security_manager_identify_app_from_pid(pid,
+ pkgId == nullptr ? nullptr : &pkg_Id,
+ appId == nullptr ? nullptr : &app_Id);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "getting pkg id from pid returned wrong value."
+ << " pid: " << pid << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ if (pkg_Id) {
+ *pkgId = pkg_Id;
+ free(pkg_Id);
+ }
+ if (app_Id) {
+ *appId = app_Id;
+ free(app_Id);
+ }
+void getPkgIdByCynaraClient(const std::string &client, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId,
+ lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ char *pkg_Id = nullptr;
+ char *app_Id = nullptr;
+ int result = security_manager_identify_app_from_cynara_client(client.c_str(),
+ pkgId == nullptr ? nullptr : &pkg_Id,
+ appId == nullptr ? nullptr : &app_Id);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "getting pkg id from pid returned wrong value."
+ << " client: " << client << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ if (pkg_Id) {
+ *pkgId = pkg_Id;
+ free(pkg_Id);
+ }
+ if (app_Id) {
+ *appId = app_Id;
+ free(app_Id);
+ }
+void appHasPrivilege(const std::string &appId, const std::string &privilege, uid_t user,
+ int &value, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_has_privilege(appId.c_str(), privilege.c_str(), user, &value);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "checking application privilege returned wrong result."
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+void getSecurityManagerGroups(gid_t **groups, size_t *groups_count, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_groups_get(groups, groups_count);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<lib_retcode>(result) == expectedResult,
+ "Unexpected result in security_manager_groups_get()" << std::endl
+ << " Result: " << result << " Expected: " << expectedResult);
+void registerPaths(const PathsRequest& req, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_paths_register(req.get());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<lib_retcode>(result) == expectedResult,
+ "Unexpected result in security_manager_paths_register()" << std::endl
+ << " Result: " << result << " Expected: " << expectedResult);
+void labelsMonitorGetFd(const LabelMonitor &monitor, int *fd, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_labels_monitor_get_fd(monitor.get(), fd);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<lib_retcode>(result) == expectedResult,
+ "Unexpected result in security_manager_app_labels_monitor_get_fd()"
+ << std::endl << " Result: " << result << " Expected: "
+ << expectedResult);
+void labelsProcess(const LabelMonitor &monitor, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_labels_monitor_process(monitor.get());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<lib_retcode>(result) == expectedResult,
+ "Unexpected result in security_manager_app_labels_monitor_process()"
+ << std::endl << " Result: " << result << " Expected: "
+ << expectedResult);
+} // namespace Api
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <sm_label_monitor.h>
+#include <sm_policy_request.h>
+#include <sm_request.h>
+#include <sm_sharing_request.h>
+#include <sm_user_request.h>
+#include <security-manager.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+namespace Api {
+void install(const InstallRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void uninstall(const InstallRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+std::string getPkgId(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void setProcessLabel(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void setProcessGroups(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void dropProcessPrivileges(lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void prepareApp(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void addUser(const UserRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void deleteUser(const UserRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void sendPolicy(const PolicyRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void getPolicy(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void getPolicyForSelf(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void getPolicyForAdmin(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void applySharing(const SharingRequest &req, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void dropSharing(const SharingRequest &req, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void getPkgIdBySocket(int socketFd, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void getPkgIdByPid(pid_t pid, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void getPkgIdByCynaraClient(const std::string &client, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void appHasPrivilege(const std::string &appId, const std::string &privilege, uid_t user, int &value, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void getSecurityManagerGroups(gid_t **groups, size_t *groups_count, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void registerPaths(const PathsRequest& req, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void labelsMonitorGetFd(const LabelMonitor &monitor, int *fd, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+void labelsProcess(const LabelMonitor &monitor, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+} // namespace Api
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "sm_label_monitor.h"
+#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+ : m_monitor(nullptr)
+ int result = security_manager_app_labels_monitor_init(&m_monitor);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<lib_retcode>(result) == SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS,
+ "security_manager_app_labels_monitor_init failed with " << result);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_monitor != nullptr,
+ "security_manager_app_labels_monitor_init didn't allocate memory");
+ security_manager_app_labels_monitor_finish(m_monitor);
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <security-manager.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+class LabelMonitor
+ LabelMonitor();
+ LabelMonitor(const LabelMonitor&) = delete;
+ LabelMonitor& operator=(const LabelMonitor&) = delete;
+ ~LabelMonitor();
+ app_labels_monitor *get() const { return m_monitor; }
+ app_labels_monitor *m_monitor;
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <sm_policy_request.h>
+#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+ : m_appId(true, std::string(SECURITY_MANAGER_ANY))
+ , m_user(true, std::string(SECURITY_MANAGER_ANY))
+ , m_privilege(true, std::string(SECURITY_MANAGER_ANY))
+ , m_currentLevel(false, std::string(""))
+ , m_maxLevel(false, std::string(""))
+ int result = security_manager_policy_entry_new(&m_entry);
+ "creation of new policy entry failed. Result: " << result);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_entry != nullptr, "creation of new policy entry did not allocate memory");
+ security_manager_policy_entry_set_application(m_entry, m_appId.second.c_str());
+ security_manager_policy_entry_set_user(m_entry, m_user.second.c_str());
+ security_manager_policy_entry_set_privilege(m_entry, m_privilege.second.c_str());
+PolicyEntry::PolicyEntry(const std::string &appId, const std::string &user,
+ const std::string &privilege)
+ : m_appId(true, std::string(appId))
+ , m_user(true, std::string(user))
+ , m_privilege(true, std::string(privilege))
+ , m_currentLevel(false, std::string(""))
+ , m_maxLevel(false, std::string(""))
+ int result = security_manager_policy_entry_new(&m_entry);
+ "creation of new policy entry failed. Result: " << result);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_entry != nullptr, "creation of new policy entry did not allocate memory");
+ security_manager_policy_entry_set_user(m_entry, m_user.second.c_str());
+ security_manager_policy_entry_set_application(m_entry, m_appId.second.c_str());
+ security_manager_policy_entry_set_privilege(m_entry, m_privilege.second.c_str());
+PolicyEntry::PolicyEntry(policy_entry &entry): m_entry(&entry)
+ m_appId.first = true;
+ m_appId.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_application(m_entry));
+ m_user.first = true;
+ m_user.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_user(m_entry));
+ m_privilege.first = true;
+ m_privilege.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_privilege(m_entry));
+ m_currentLevel.first = true;
+ m_currentLevel.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_level(m_entry));
+ m_maxLevel.first = true;
+ m_maxLevel.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_max_level(m_entry));
+void PolicyEntry::setLevel(const std::string &level)
+ m_currentLevel.first = true;
+ m_currentLevel.second = level;
+ security_manager_policy_entry_set_level(m_entry, level.c_str());
+ m_maxLevel.first = true;
+ m_maxLevel.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_max_level(m_entry));
+void PolicyEntry::setMaxLevel(const std::string &level)
+ m_maxLevel.first = true;
+ m_maxLevel.second = level;
+ security_manager_policy_entry_admin_set_level(m_entry, level.c_str());
+ m_currentLevel.first = true;
+ m_currentLevel.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_level(m_entry));
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PolicyEntry &request)
+ if (request.m_appId.first)
+ os << "appId: " << request.m_appId.second << "; ";
+ if (request.m_user.first)
+ os << "user: " << request.m_user.second << "; ";
+ if (request.m_privilege.first)
+ os << "privilege: " << request.m_privilege.second << "; ";
+ if (request.m_currentLevel.first)
+ os << "current: " << request.m_currentLevel.second << "; ";
+ if (request.m_maxLevel.first)
+ os << "max: " << request.m_maxLevel.second << "; ";
+ return os;
+void PolicyEntry::free(void)
+ security_manager_policy_entry_free(m_entry);
+bool PolicyEntry::operator==(const PolicyEntry &other) const
+ auto cmp = [](const std::pair<bool, std::string> &a, const std::pair<bool, std::string> &b)->bool
+ {
+ return (a.first) ? (b.first && a.second == b.second) : !b.first;
+ };
+ return (
+ cmp(m_appId, other.m_appId) &&
+ cmp(m_user, other.m_user) &&
+ cmp(m_privilege, other.m_privilege) &&
+ cmp(m_currentLevel, other.m_currentLevel) &&
+ cmp(m_maxLevel, other.m_maxLevel));
+std::string PolicyEntry::toString() const
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ auto append = [&](const std::pair<bool, std::string> &x)
+ {
+ if (x.first)
+ ss << x.second;
+ ss << '\0';
+ };
+ append(m_appId);
+ append(m_user);
+ append(m_privilege);
+ append(m_currentLevel);
+ append(m_maxLevel);
+ return ss.str();
+ : m_req(nullptr),
+ m_entries()
+ int result = security_manager_policy_update_req_new(&m_req);
+ "creation of new policy request failed. Result: " << result);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_req != nullptr, "creation of new policy request did not allocate memory");
+ for(std::vector<PolicyEntry>::iterator it = m_entries.begin(); it != m_entries.end(); ++it) {
+ it->free();
+ }
+ security_manager_policy_update_req_free(m_req);
+void PolicyRequest::addEntry(PolicyEntry &entry,
+ lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = 0;
+ result = security_manager_policy_update_req_add_entry(m_req, entry.get());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "adding policy entry to request returned wrong value."
+ << " entry: " << entry << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_entries.push_back(entry);
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PolicyRequest &request)
+ if (request.m_entries.size() != 0)
+ {
+ os << "PolicyRequest m_entries size: " << request.m_entries.size() << "; ";
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i != request.m_entries.size(); i++) {
+ os << "entry " << i << ": " << request.m_entries[i] << "; ";
+ }
+ }
+ return os;
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <security-manager.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+class PolicyEntry
+ PolicyEntry();
+ PolicyEntry(const std::string &appId,
+ const std::string &user,
+ const std::string &privilege
+ );
+ ~PolicyEntry();
+ PolicyEntry(policy_entry &entry);
+ policy_entry *get() const { return m_entry; }
+ std::string getUser() const { return m_user.second; }
+ std::string getAppId() const { return m_appId.second; }
+ std::string getPrivilege() const { return m_privilege.second; }
+ std::string getCurrentLevel() const { return m_currentLevel.second; }
+ std::string getMaxLevel() const { return m_maxLevel.second; }
+ void setLevel(const std::string &level);
+ void setMaxLevel(const std::string &level);
+ void free(void);
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const PolicyEntry&);
+ bool operator==(const PolicyEntry &) const;
+ std::string toString() const;
+ policy_entry *m_entry;
+ std::pair<bool, std::string> m_appId;
+ std::pair<bool, std::string> m_user;
+ std::pair<bool, std::string> m_privilege;
+ std::pair<bool, std::string> m_currentLevel;
+ std::pair<bool, std::string> m_maxLevel;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::PolicyEntry &request);
+class PolicyRequest
+ PolicyRequest();
+ PolicyRequest(const PolicyRequest&) = delete;
+ PolicyRequest& operator=(const PolicyRequest&) = delete;
+ ~PolicyRequest();
+ void addEntry(PolicyEntry &entry, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ policy_update_req *get() const { return m_req; }
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const PolicyRequest&);
+ policy_update_req *m_req;
+ std::vector<PolicyEntry> m_entries;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::PolicyRequest &request);
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+namespace std {
+struct hash<SecurityManagerTest::PolicyEntry> {
+ size_t operator()(const SecurityManagerTest::PolicyEntry &x) const { return hash<string>()(x.toString()); }
+} // namespace std
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <sm_request.h>
+#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+void prepare_request(InstallRequest &request,
+ const std::string &app_id,
+ const std::string &pkg_id,
+ app_install_path_type pathType,
+ const std::string &path,
+ uid_t uid)
+ request.setAppId(app_id);
+ request.setPkgId(pkg_id);
+ request.addPath(path, pathType);
+ if (uid != 0)
+ request.setUid(uid);
+ : m_req(nullptr)
+ , m_tizenVer("3.0")
+ , m_uid(false, 0)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_new(&m_req);
+ "creation of new request failed. Result: " << result);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_req != nullptr, "creation of new request did not allocate memory");
+ security_manager_app_inst_req_free(m_req);
+void InstallRequest::setAppTizenVersion(std::string tizenVer, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_target_version(m_req, tizenVer.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting app id returned wrong value."
+ << " Tizen version: " << tizenVer << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_tizenVer = std::move(tizenVer);
+void InstallRequest::setAppId(std::string appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_app_id(m_req, appId.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting app id returned wrong value."
+ << " App id: " << appId << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_appId = std::move(appId);
+void InstallRequest::setPkgId(std::string pkgId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_pkg_id(m_req, pkgId.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting pkg id returned wrong value."
+ << " Pkg id: " << pkgId << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_pkgId = std::move(pkgId);
+void InstallRequest::addPrivilege(Privilege privilege, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_add_client_privilege(m_req,
+ privilege,
+ privilege.getLicenseC());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "adding privilege returned wrong value."
+ << " Privilege: " << privilege.getName() << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_privileges.push_back(std::move(privilege));
+void InstallRequest::addAppDefinedPrivilege(Privilege privilege, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_add_app_defined_privilege(
+ m_req,
+ privilege,
+ privilege.getSMType(),
+ privilege.getLicenseC());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "adding app defined privilege returned wrong value."
+ << " Privilege: " << privilege.getName() << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_appDefinedPrivileges.push_back(std::move(privilege));
+void InstallRequest::addPath(std::string path, app_install_path_type pathType, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_add_path(m_req, path.c_str(), pathType);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "adding path returned wrong value."
+ << " Path: " << path << ";"
+ << " Path type: " << pathType << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_paths.emplace_back(std::pair<std::string, app_install_path_type>(std::move(path), pathType));
+void InstallRequest::setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_uid(m_req, uid);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting uid returned wrong value."
+ << " Uid: " << uid << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_uid.first = true;
+ m_uid.second = uid;
+void InstallRequest::setAuthorId(std::string authorId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_author_id(m_req, authorId.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting author id returned wrong value."
+ << " Author id: " << m_authorId << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_authorId = std::move(authorId);
+void InstallRequest::setInstallType(const enum app_install_type &type, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_install_type(m_req, type);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting install type returned wrong value."
+ << " Install type: " << type << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+void InstallRequest::setHybrid(lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_hybrid(m_req);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting security_manager_app_inst_req_set_hybrid returned wrong value."
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const InstallRequest &request)
+ if (!request.m_appId.empty())
+ os << "app id: " << request.m_appId << "; ";
+ if (!request.m_pkgId.empty())
+ os << "pkg id: " << request.m_pkgId << "; ";
+ if (!request.m_privileges.empty()) {
+ os << "privileges: [ " << "< " << request.m_privileges[0].getName() << "; "
+ << request.m_privileges[0].getLicense() << " >";
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < request.m_privileges.size(); ++i) {
+ os << "; <" << request.m_privileges[i].getName() << "; "
+ << request.m_privileges[i].getLicense() << " >";
+ }
+ os << " ]";
+ }
+ if (!request.m_appDefinedPrivileges.empty()) {
+ os << "app defined privileges: [ " << "< "
+ << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[0].getName() << "; "
+ << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[0].getType() << "; "
+ << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[0].getLicense() << " >";
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < request.m_appDefinedPrivileges.size(); ++i) {
+ os << "; <" << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[i].getName() << "; "
+ << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[i].getType() << "; "
+ << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[i].getLicense() << " >";
+ }
+ os << " ]";
+ }
+ if (!request.m_paths.empty()) {
+ os << "paths: [ " << "< " << request.m_paths[0].first << "; "
+ << request.m_paths[0].second << " >";
+ for (size_t i=1; i < request.m_paths.size(); ++i) {
+ os << "; < " << request.m_paths[i].first << "; "
+ << request.m_paths[i].second << " >";
+ }
+ os << " ]";
+ }
+ if (request.m_uid.first)
+ os << "uid: " << request.m_uid.second << "; ";
+ if (!request.m_authorId.empty()) {
+ os << "author id: " << request.m_authorId << "; ";
+ }
+ return os;
+ : m_req(nullptr)
+ , m_uid(false, 0)
+ int result = security_manager_path_req_new(&m_req);
+ "creation of new request failed. Result: " << result);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_req != nullptr, "creation of new request did not allocate memory");
+ security_manager_path_req_free(m_req);
+void PathsRequest::setPkgId(std::string pkgId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_path_req_set_pkg_id(m_req, pkgId.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting pkg id returned wrong value."
+ << " Pkg id: " << pkgId << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_pkgId = std::move(pkgId);
+void PathsRequest::addPath(std::string path, app_install_path_type pathType, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_path_req_add_path(m_req, path.c_str(), pathType);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "adding path returned wrong value."
+ << " Path: " << path << ";"
+ << " Path type: " << pathType << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_paths.emplace_back(std::pair<std::string, app_install_path_type>(std::move(path), pathType));
+void PathsRequest::setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_path_req_set_uid(m_req, uid);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting uid returned wrong value."
+ << " Uid: " << uid << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_uid.first = true;
+ m_uid.second = uid;
+void PathsRequest::setInstallType(const enum app_install_type &type, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_path_req_set_install_type(m_req, type);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting install type returned wrong value."
+ << " Install type: " << type << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PathsRequest &request)
+ if (!request.m_pkgId.empty())
+ os << "pkg id: " << request.m_pkgId << "; ";
+ if (!request.m_paths.empty()) {
+ os << "paths: [ " << "< " << request.m_paths[0].first << "; "
+ << request.m_paths[0].second << " >";
+ for (size_t i=1; i < request.m_paths.size(); ++i) {
+ os << "; < " << request.m_paths[i].first << "; "
+ << request.m_paths[i].second << " >";
+ }
+ os << " ]";
+ }
+ if (request.m_uid.first)
+ os << "uid: " << request.m_uid.second << "; ";
+ return os;
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <security-manager.h>
+#include <app_def_privilege.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+class InstallRequest;
+void prepare_request(InstallRequest &request,
+ const std::string &app_id,
+ const std::string &pkg_id,
+ app_install_path_type pathType,
+ const std::string &path,
+ uid_t uid);
+class InstallRequest
+ InstallRequest();
+ InstallRequest(const InstallRequest&) = delete;
+ InstallRequest& operator=(const InstallRequest&) = delete;
+ InstallRequest(InstallRequest &&other)
+ : m_req(std::move(other.m_req)),
+ m_appId(std::move(other.m_appId)),
+ m_pkgId(std::move(other.m_pkgId)),
+ m_authorId(std::move(other.m_authorId)),
+ m_privileges(std::move(other.m_privileges)),
+ m_paths(std::move(other.m_paths)),
+ m_uid(std::move(other.m_uid))
+ {
+ other.m_req = nullptr;
+ other.m_uid.first = false;
+ other.m_uid.second = 0;
+ }
+ ~InstallRequest();
+ void setAppTizenVersion(std::string tizenVer,
+ lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void setAppId(std::string appId, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void setPkgId(std::string pkgId, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void addPrivilege(Privilege privilege, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void addAppDefinedPrivilege(Privilege privilege, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void addPath(std::string path, app_install_path_type pathType,
+ lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void setAuthorId(std::string authorId, lib_retcode expectedResult= SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void setInstallType(const enum app_install_type &type, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void setHybrid(lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ std::string getAppTizenVersion() const { return m_tizenVer; }
+ app_inst_req *get() { return m_req; }
+ const app_inst_req *get() const { return m_req; }
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const InstallRequest&);
+ app_inst_req *m_req;
+ std::string m_tizenVer;
+ std::string m_appId;
+ std::string m_pkgId;
+ std::string m_authorId;
+ PrivilegeVector m_privileges;
+ PrivilegeVector m_appDefinedPrivileges;
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, app_install_path_type> > m_paths;
+ std::pair<bool, uid_t> m_uid;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::InstallRequest &request);
+class PathsRequest
+ PathsRequest();
+ PathsRequest(const PathsRequest&) = delete;
+ PathsRequest& operator=(const PathsRequest&) = delete;
+ ~PathsRequest();
+ void setPkgId(std::string pkgId, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void addPath(std::string path, app_install_path_type pathType,
+ lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void setInstallType(const enum app_install_type &type, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ //app_inst_req *get() { return m_req; }
+ const path_req *get() const { return m_req; }
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const PathsRequest&);
+ path_req *m_req;
+ std::string m_pkgId;
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, app_install_path_type> > m_paths;
+ std::pair<bool, uid_t> m_uid;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::PathsRequest &request);
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <sm_sharing_request.h>
+#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+ : m_req(nullptr)
+ int result = security_manager_private_sharing_req_new(&m_req);
+ "creation of new request failed. Result: " << result);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_req != nullptr, "creation of new request did not allocate memory");
+ security_manager_private_sharing_req_free(m_req);
+void SharingRequest::setOwnerAppId(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_private_sharing_req_set_owner_appid(m_req, appId.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting app id returned wrong value."
+ << " App id: " << appId << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_appId = appId;
+void SharingRequest::setTargetAppId(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_private_sharing_req_set_target_appid(m_req, appId.c_str());
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting app id returned wrong value."
+ << " App id: " << appId << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_appId = appId;
+void SharingRequest::addPaths(const char **paths, size_t pathCount, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_private_sharing_req_add_paths(m_req, paths, pathCount);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "adding path returned wrong value."
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pathCount; i++) {
+ m_paths.push_back(paths[i]);
+ }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SharingRequest &request)
+ os << "app id: " << request.m_appId << "; ";
+ os << "pkg id: " << request.m_pkgId << "; ";
+ if (!request.m_paths.empty()) {
+ os << "paths: [ " << "< " << request.m_paths[0] << ">";
+ for (size_t i=1; i < request.m_paths.size(); ++i) {
+ os << "; < " << request.m_paths[i] << ">";
+ }
+ os << " ]";
+ }
+ return os;
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <security-manager.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+class SharingRequest
+ SharingRequest();
+ SharingRequest(const SharingRequest&) = delete;
+ SharingRequest& operator=(const SharingRequest&) = delete;
+ ~SharingRequest();
+ void setOwnerAppId(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void setTargetAppId(const std::string &pkgId, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void addPaths(const char **paths, size_t path_count,
+ lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ const private_sharing_req *get() const { return m_req; }
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const SharingRequest&);
+ private_sharing_req *m_req;
+ std::string m_appId;
+ std::string m_pkgId;
+ std::vector<std::string> m_paths;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::SharingRequest &request);
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <sm_user_request.h>
+#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+ : m_req(nullptr)
+ , m_uid(false, 0)
+ , m_utype(false, static_cast<security_manager_user_type>(0))
+ int result = security_manager_user_req_new(&m_req);
+ "creation of new request failed. Result: " << result);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_req != nullptr, "creation of new request did not allocate memory");
+ security_manager_user_req_free(m_req);
+void UserRequest::setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_user_req_set_uid(m_req, uid);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting uid returned wrong value."
+ << " Uid: " << uid << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_uid.first = true;
+ m_uid.second = uid;
+void UserRequest::setUserType(const security_manager_user_type utype, lib_retcode expectedResult)
+ int result = security_manager_user_req_set_user_type(m_req, utype);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
+ "setting user type returned wrong value."
+ << " User type: " << utype << ";"
+ << " Result: " << result << ";"
+ << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
+ m_utype.first = true;
+ m_utype.second = utype;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const UserRequest &request)
+ if (request.m_uid.first)
+ os << "uid: " << request.m_uid.second << "; ";
+ if (request.m_utype.first)
+ os << "utype: " << request.m_utype.second << "; ";
+ return os;
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <security-manager.h>
+namespace SecurityManagerTest {
+class UserRequest
+ UserRequest();
+ UserRequest(const UserRequest&) = delete;
+ UserRequest& operator=(const UserRequest&) = delete;
+ ~UserRequest();
+ void setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ void setUserType(const security_manager_user_type utype,
+ lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
+ const user_req *get() const { return m_req; }
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const UserRequest&);
+ user_req *m_req;
+ std::pair<bool, uid_t> m_uid;
+ std::pair<bool, security_manager_user_type> m_utype;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::UserRequest &request);
+} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <temp_test_user.h>
+#include <tzplatform.h>
+namespace TzPlatformConfig {
+DEFINE_SMARTPTR(tzplatform_context_destroy, tzplatform_context, TzPlatformContextPtr);
+uid_t getGlobalUserId(void)
+ return tzplatform_getuid(TZ_SYS_GLOBALAPP_USER);
+uid_t getGlobalGroupId(void)
+ gid_t global_uid = getGlobalUserId();
+ errno = 0;
+ passwd* pw = getpwuid(global_uid);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_ERRNO_MSG(pw, "getpwuid() failed.");
+ return pw->pw_gid;
+const std::string appDirPath(const TemporaryTestUser &user, const std::string &appId,
+ const std::string &pkgId)
+ return appDirPath(user.getUid()) + pkgId + "/" + appId;
+const std::string appDirPath(uid_t uid)
+ struct tzplatform_context *tzCtxPtr = nullptr;
+ RUNNER_ASSERT(0 == tzplatform_context_create(&tzCtxPtr));
+ TzPlatformContextPtr tzCtxPtrSmart(tzCtxPtr);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(0 == tzplatform_context_set_user(tzCtxPtr, uid),
+ "Unable to set user with uid <" << uid << "> for tzplatform context");
+ const char *appDir = tzplatform_context_getenv(tzCtxPtr,
+ getGlobalUserId() == uid ? TZ_SYS_RW_APP : TZ_USER_APP);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(nullptr != appDir,
+ "tzplatform_context_getenv failed"
+ << "for getting sys rw app of user with uid<" << uid << ">");
+ return std::string(appDir) + "/";
+const std::string globalAppDir()
+ struct tzplatform_context *tzCtxPtr = nullptr;
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(0 == tzplatform_context_create(&tzCtxPtr), "Couldn't create tzplatform context");
+ TzPlatformContextPtr tzCtxPtrSmart(tzCtxPtr);
+ const char *appDir = tzplatform_context_getenv(tzCtxPtr, TZ_SYS_RW_APP);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(nullptr != appDir,
+ "tzplatform_context_getenv failed for getting sys rw app");
+ return appDir;
+const std::string getPath(enum tzplatform_variable id) {
+ struct tzplatform_context *tzCtxPtr = nullptr;
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(0 == tzplatform_context_create(&tzCtxPtr), "Couldn't create tzplatform context");
+ TzPlatformContextPtr tzCtxPtrSmart(tzCtxPtr);
+ const char *path = tzplatform_context_getenv(tzCtxPtr, id);
+ RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(nullptr != path,
+ "tzplatform_context_getenv failed for getting " << static_cast<int>(id));
+ return path;
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <tzplatform_config.h>
+#include <temp_test_user.h>
+namespace TzPlatformConfig {
+const std::string getPath(enum tzplatform_variable id);
+uid_t getGlobalUserId(void);
+uid_t getGlobalGroupId(void);
+const std::string appDirPath(const TemporaryTestUser &user, const std::string &appId,
+ const std::string &pkgId);
+const std::string globalAppDir();
+const std::string appDirPath(uid_t uid);
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/security-manager-tests/common/app_install_helper.cpp
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/security-manager-tests/common/sm_api.cpp
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/security-manager-tests/common/sm_label_monitor.cpp
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/security-manager-tests/common/sm_request.cpp
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/security-manager-tests/common/sm_sharing_request.cpp
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/security-manager-tests/common/sm_user_request.cpp
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/security-manager-tests/common/sm_policy_request.cpp
- ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/security-manager-tests/common/tzplatform.cpp
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include <tuple>
-#include <security-manager-types.h>
-#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
-class Privilege {
- enum Type {
- };
- Privilege(std::string systemPrivilege, Type type = UNSET, std::string license = std::string())
- : m_name(std::move(systemPrivilege))
- , m_type(type)
- , m_license(std::move(license))
- {}
- Privilege(std::string licensedPrivilege, std::string license)
- : m_name(std::move(licensedPrivilege))
- , m_type(LICENSED)
- , m_license(std::move(license))
- {}
- bool isUnset() const { return m_type == UNSET; }
- bool isUntrusted() const { return m_type == UNTRUSTED; }
- bool isLicensed() const { return m_type == LICENSED; }
- int getType() const { return m_type; }
- app_defined_privilege_type getSMType () const {
- }
- const std::string& getName() const { return m_name; }
- const std::string& getLicense() const { return m_license; }
- const char *getNameC() const { return m_name.c_str(); }
- const char *getLicenseC() const { return m_license.c_str(); }
- operator const char *() const { return m_name.c_str(); }
- operator std::string() const { return m_name; }
- std::string m_name;
- Type m_type;
- std::string m_license;
-typedef std::vector<Privilege> PrivilegeVector;
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/smack.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include <security-manager-types.h>
-#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
-#include <tzplatform.h>
-#include <label_generator.h>
-#include "app_install_helper.h"
-AppInstallHelper::AppInstallHelper(AppInstallHelper &&other)
- : m_appName(std::move(other.m_appName)), m_pkgName(std::move(other.m_pkgName)),
- m_isLocal(other.m_isLocal), m_uidGid(other.m_uidGid),
- m_version(std::move(other.m_version)), m_installType(other.m_installType),
- m_isHybrid(other.m_isHybrid), m_installDir(std::move(other.m_installDir)),
- m_dirTypeMap(std::move(other.m_dirTypeMap)),
- m_fileTypeMap(std::move(other.m_fileTypeMap)),
- m_privileges(std::move(other.m_privileges)),
- m_appDefinedPrivileges(std::move(other.m_appDefinedPrivileges)),
- m_author(std::move(other.m_author)),
- m_creatorPid(other.m_creatorPid)
- other.m_creatorPid = -1;
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getInstallDir() const {
- return m_installDir + getPkgId();
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getTrustedDir(int i) const {
- return getInstallDir() + "/trustedDir" + std::to_string(i);
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivateDir(int i) const {
- return getInstallDir() + "/app_dir" + std::to_string(i) +"/";
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivateRODir(int i) const {
- return getInstallDir() + "/app_dir_ro" + std::to_string(i) +"/";
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getPublicDir() const {
- return getInstallDir() + "/app_public_ro/";
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getPrivatePath(int i) const {
- return getPrivateDir() + "shareme" + std::to_string(i);
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getSharedRODir(int i) const {
- return getInstallDir() + "/app_dir_rw_others_ro" + std::to_string(i) +"/";
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getAppId() const {
- return m_appName + "_app_id";
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getPkgId() const {
- return m_pkgName + "_pkg_id";
-void AppInstallHelper::setVersion(const std::string &version) {
- m_version = version;
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getVersion() const {
- return m_version;
-int AppInstallHelper::getUID() const {
- return m_uidGid;
-int AppInstallHelper::getGID() const {
- return m_uidGid;
-void AppInstallHelper::createInstallDir() {
- create(mkdir, getInstallDir());
- m_isInstallDirCreated = true;
-void AppInstallHelper::createTrustedDir(int i) {
- if (create(mkdir, getTrustedDir(i)))
- m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_TRUSTED_RW].emplace_back(getTrustedDir(i));
-void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateDir(int i) {
- if (create(mkdir, getPrivateDir(i)))
- m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RW].emplace_back(getPrivateDir(i));
-void AppInstallHelper::createPublicDir() {
- if (mkdir(getPublicDir().c_str(), 0777) == 0) {
- m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_PUBLIC_RO].emplace_back(getPublicDir());
- }
-void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateFile(int i) {
- // This is intentional, let all private file be in one directory
- createPrivateDir();
- if (create(creat, getPrivatePath(i)))
- m_fileTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RW].emplace_back(getPrivatePath(i));
-void AppInstallHelper::createSharedRODir(int i) {
- if (create(mkdir, getSharedRODir(i)))
- m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_OWNER_RW_OTHER_RO].emplace_back(getSharedRODir(i));
-void AppInstallHelper::createPrivateRODir(int i) {
- if (create(mkdir, getPrivateRODir(i)))
- m_dirTypeMap[SECURITY_MANAGER_PATH_RO].emplace_back(getPrivateRODir(i));
-void AppInstallHelper::setHybrid() {
- m_isHybrid = true;
-bool AppInstallHelper::getIsHybrid() const {
- return m_isHybrid;
-void AppInstallHelper::addPrivileges(const std::vector<std::string> &privileges) {
- for (auto &p : privileges) {
- addPrivilege(Privilege(p));
- }
-std::vector<std::string> AppInstallHelper::getPrivilegesNames() const {
- std::vector<std::string> privileges;
- for (auto &p : m_privileges) {
- privileges.push_back(p.getName());
- }
- return privileges;
-void AppInstallHelper::addPrivilege(Privilege privilege) {
- m_privileges.push_back(std::move(privilege));
-void AppInstallHelper::addPrivileges(const PrivilegeVector &privileges) {
- std::copy(privileges.begin(), privileges.end(), std::back_inserter(m_privileges));
-const PrivilegeVector& AppInstallHelper::getPrivileges() const {
- return m_privileges;
-void AppInstallHelper::addAppDefinedPrivilege(Privilege privilege) {
- m_appDefinedPrivileges.push_back(std::move(privilege));
-const PrivilegeVector& AppInstallHelper::getAppDefinedPrivileges() const {
- return m_appDefinedPrivileges;
-void AppInstallHelper::revokeRules() const {
- 0 == smack_revoke_subject(generateAppLabel().c_str()),
- "Revoking smack subject failed");
-std::string AppInstallHelper::generateAppLabel() const {
- return generateProcessLabel(getAppId(), getPkgId(), getIsHybrid());
-std::string AppInstallHelper::generatePkgLabel() const {
- return generatePathRWLabel(getPkgId());
-const AppInstallHelper::TypePathsMap& AppInstallHelper::getDirsMap() const {
- return m_dirTypeMap;
-const AppInstallHelper::TypePathsMap& AppInstallHelper::getFilesMap() const {
- return m_fileTypeMap;
-void AppInstallHelper::removePaths() {
- for (const auto &oneTypePaths : m_dirTypeMap)
- for (const auto& path : oneTypePaths.second)
- rmdir(path.c_str());
- m_dirTypeMap.clear();
- for (const auto &oneTypePaths : m_fileTypeMap)
- for (const auto& path : oneTypePaths.second)
- unlink(path.c_str());
- m_fileTypeMap.clear();
- rmdir(getInstallDir().c_str());
- m_isInstallDirCreated = false;
-void AppInstallHelper::setInstallPath() {
- if (m_isLocal)
- m_installDir = TzPlatformConfig::appDirPath(getUID());
- else
- m_installDir = TzPlatformConfig::globalAppDir() + "/";
-bool AppInstallHelper::create(std::function<int(const char*, mode_t)> &&creatFun, const std::string &path) {
- if (!m_isInstallDirCreated && path != getInstallDir())
- createInstallDir();
- if (creatFun(path.c_str(), 0751) == 0) {
- // Local paths need user change
- if (!m_isLocal || chown(path.c_str(), m_uidGid, m_uidGid) == 0)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void AppInstallHelper::setAuthor(const std::string &author) {
- m_author = author;
-std::string AppInstallHelper::getAuthor() const {
- return m_author;
-void AppInstallHelper::setInstallType(app_install_type type) {
- m_installType = type;
-app_install_type AppInstallHelper::getInstallType() const {
- return m_installType;
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <functional>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include <security-manager-types.h>
-#include <app_def_privilege.h>
-struct AppInstallHelper {
- using TypePathsMap = std::map<app_install_path_type, std::vector<std::string>>;
- AppInstallHelper(const std::string &appNamePrefix,
- const std::string &pkgNamePrefix,
- bool isLocal,
- uid_t uid,
- std::string version = std::string())
- : m_appName(appNamePrefix), m_pkgName(pkgNamePrefix), m_isLocal(isLocal), m_uidGid(uid), m_version(version),
- m_installType(SM_APP_INSTALL_NONE), m_isHybrid(false), m_isInstallDirCreated(false), m_creatorPid(getpid())
- {
- setInstallPath();
- }
- AppInstallHelper(const std::string &appNamePrefix,
- const std::string &pkgNamePrefix,
- uid_t uid)
- : AppInstallHelper(appNamePrefix, pkgNamePrefix, false, uid)
- {}
- AppInstallHelper(const std::string &namePrefix)
- : AppInstallHelper(namePrefix, namePrefix, false, geteuid())
- {}
- AppInstallHelper(const std::string &appNamePrefix, const std::string &pkgNamePrefix)
- : AppInstallHelper(appNamePrefix, pkgNamePrefix, false, geteuid())
- {}
- AppInstallHelper(const std::string &namePrefix, uid_t uid)
- : AppInstallHelper(namePrefix, namePrefix, true, uid)
- {}
- AppInstallHelper(const std::string &appNamePrefix, const std::string &pkgNamePrefix, uid_t uid,
- const std::string &version)
- : AppInstallHelper(appNamePrefix, pkgNamePrefix, true, uid, version)
- {}
- AppInstallHelper(const std::string &namePrefix, uid_t uid, const std::string &version)
- : AppInstallHelper(namePrefix, namePrefix, true, uid, version)
- {}
- AppInstallHelper(const AppInstallHelper &other) = default;
- AppInstallHelper& operator=(const AppInstallHelper &other) = delete;
- AppInstallHelper(AppInstallHelper &&other);
- // App info getters and setters
- std::string getAppId() const;
- std::string getPkgId() const;
- int getUID() const;
- int getGID() const;
- void setVersion(const std::string &version);
- std::string getVersion() const;
- void setAuthor(const std::string &author);
- std::string getAuthor() const;
- void setInstallType(app_install_type type);
- app_install_type getInstallType() const;
- void setHybrid();
- bool getIsHybrid() const;
- // Path types creation and removal on file system
- void createInstallDir();
- void createTrustedDir(int i = 0);
- void createPrivateDir(int i = 0);
- void createPublicDir();
- void createPrivateFile(int i = 0);
- void createSharedRODir(int i = 0);
- void createPrivateRODir(int i = 0);
- void removePaths();
- // Path getters
- std::string getInstallDir() const;
- std::string getTrustedDir(int i = 0) const;
- std::string getPrivateDir(int i = 0) const;
- std::string getPrivateRODir(int i = 0) const;
- std::string getPublicDir() const;
- std::string getPrivatePath(int i = 0) const;
- std::string getSharedRODir(int i = 0) const;
- const TypePathsMap& getDirsMap() const;
- const TypePathsMap& getFilesMap() const;
- // Privileges
- std::vector<std::string> getPrivilegesNames() const; // deprecated
- void addPrivileges(const std::vector<std::string> &privileges); // deprecated
- void addPrivilege(Privilege privilege);
- void addPrivileges(const PrivilegeVector &privileges);
- const PrivilegeVector& getPrivileges() const;
- void addAppDefinedPrivilege(Privilege privilege);
- const PrivilegeVector& getAppDefinedPrivileges() const;
- // Smack
- std::string generateAppLabel() const;
- std::string generatePkgLabel() const;
- void revokeRules() const;
- virtual ~AppInstallHelper() {
- if (m_creatorPid == getpid())
- removePaths();
- }
- void setInstallPath();
- bool create(std::function<int(const char*, mode_t)> &&creatFun, const std::string &path);
- std::string m_appName;
- std::string m_pkgName;
- bool m_isLocal;
- int m_uidGid;
- std::string m_version;
- app_install_type m_installType;
- bool m_isHybrid;
- std::string m_installDir;
- bool m_isInstallDirCreated;
- TypePathsMap m_dirTypeMap;
- TypePathsMap m_fileTypeMap;
- PrivilegeVector m_privileges;
- PrivilegeVector m_appDefinedPrivileges;
- std::string m_author;
- pid_t m_creatorPid;
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <sm_api.h>
-#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
-namespace Api {
-void install(const InstallRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_install(request.get());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "installing app returned wrong value."
- << " InstallRequest: [ " << request << "];"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-void uninstall(const InstallRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_uninstall(request.get());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "uninstalling app returned wrong value."
- << " InstallRequest: [ " << request << "];"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-std::string getPkgId(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- char *pkgId = nullptr;
- int result = security_manager_get_app_pkgid(&pkgId, appId.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "getting pkg id from app id returned wrong value."
- << " App id: " << appId << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- if (expectedResult != SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS)
- return std::string();
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(pkgId != nullptr, "getting pkg id did not allocate memory");
- std::string str(pkgId);
- free(pkgId);
- return str;
-void setProcessLabel(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_set_process_label_from_appid(appId.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting process label from app id returned wrong value."
- << " App id: " << appId << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-void setProcessGroups(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_set_process_groups_from_appid(appId.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting process groups from app id returned wrong value."
- << " App id: " << appId << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-void dropProcessPrivileges(lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_drop_process_privileges();
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "dropping process privileges returned wrong value."
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-void prepareApp(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_prepare_app(appId.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "preparing app returned wrong value."
- << " App id: " << appId << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-void addUser(const UserRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_user_add(request.get());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "adding user returned wrong value."
- << " UserRequest: [ " << request << "];"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-void deleteUser(const UserRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_user_delete(request.get());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "deleting user returned wrong value."
- << " UserRequest: [ " << request << "];"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-void sendPolicy(const PolicyRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_policy_update_send(request.get());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "sending policy update for self returned wrong value."
- << " PolicyRequest: [ " << request << "];"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-void getConfiguredPolicy(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult, bool forAdmin)
- policy_entry **pp_privs_policy = NULL;
- size_t policy_size = 0;
- int result;
- if (forAdmin) {
- result = security_manager_get_configured_policy_for_admin(filter.get(), &pp_privs_policy, &policy_size);
- } else {
- result = security_manager_get_configured_policy_for_self(filter.get(), &pp_privs_policy, &policy_size);
- };
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "Unexpected result for filter: " << filter << std::endl
- << " Result: " << result << ";");
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < policy_size; ++i) {
- PolicyEntry pe(*pp_privs_policy[i]);
- policyEntries.push_back(pe);
- };
-void getPolicy(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- policy_entry **pp_privs_policy = NULL;
- size_t policy_size = 0;
- int result;
- result = security_manager_get_policy(filter.get(), &pp_privs_policy, &policy_size);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "Unexpected result" << std::endl
- << " Result: " << result << ";");
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < policy_size; ++i) {
- PolicyEntry pe(*pp_privs_policy[i]);
- policyEntries.push_back(pe);
- };
-void applySharing(const SharingRequest &req, lib_retcode expectedResult) {
- int result = security_manager_private_sharing_apply(req.get());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "Unexpected result from security_manager_private_sharing_apply" << std::endl
- << " Result: " << result << ";");
-void dropSharing(const SharingRequest &req, lib_retcode expectedResult) {
- int result = security_manager_private_sharing_drop(req.get());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "Unexpected result from security_manager_private_sharing_drop" << std::endl
- << " Result: " << result << ";");
-void getPolicyForSelf(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- getConfiguredPolicy(filter, policyEntries, expectedResult, false);
-void getPolicyForAdmin(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- getConfiguredPolicy(filter, policyEntries, expectedResult, true);
-void getPkgIdBySocket(int socketFd, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- char *pkg_Id = nullptr;
- char *app_Id = nullptr;
- int result = security_manager_identify_app_from_socket(socketFd,
- pkgId == nullptr ? nullptr : &pkg_Id,
- appId == nullptr ? nullptr : &app_Id);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "getting pkg id from socket returned wrong value."
- << " socket: " << socketFd << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- if (pkg_Id) {
- *pkgId = pkg_Id;
- free(pkg_Id);
- }
- if (app_Id) {
- *appId = app_Id;
- free(app_Id);
- }
-void getPkgIdByPid(pid_t pid, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- char *pkg_Id = nullptr;
- char *app_Id = nullptr;
- int result = security_manager_identify_app_from_pid(pid,
- pkgId == nullptr ? nullptr : &pkg_Id,
- appId == nullptr ? nullptr : &app_Id);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "getting pkg id from pid returned wrong value."
- << " pid: " << pid << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- if (pkg_Id) {
- *pkgId = pkg_Id;
- free(pkg_Id);
- }
- if (app_Id) {
- *appId = app_Id;
- free(app_Id);
- }
-void getPkgIdByCynaraClient(const std::string &client, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId,
- lib_retcode expectedResult)
- char *pkg_Id = nullptr;
- char *app_Id = nullptr;
- int result = security_manager_identify_app_from_cynara_client(client.c_str(),
- pkgId == nullptr ? nullptr : &pkg_Id,
- appId == nullptr ? nullptr : &app_Id);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "getting pkg id from pid returned wrong value."
- << " client: " << client << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- if (pkg_Id) {
- *pkgId = pkg_Id;
- free(pkg_Id);
- }
- if (app_Id) {
- *appId = app_Id;
- free(app_Id);
- }
-void appHasPrivilege(const std::string &appId, const std::string &privilege, uid_t user,
- int &value, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_has_privilege(appId.c_str(), privilege.c_str(), user, &value);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "checking application privilege returned wrong result."
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-void getSecurityManagerGroups(gid_t **groups, size_t *groups_count, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_groups_get(groups, groups_count);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<lib_retcode>(result) == expectedResult,
- "Unexpected result in security_manager_groups_get()" << std::endl
- << " Result: " << result << " Expected: " << expectedResult);
-void registerPaths(const PathsRequest& req, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_paths_register(req.get());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<lib_retcode>(result) == expectedResult,
- "Unexpected result in security_manager_paths_register()" << std::endl
- << " Result: " << result << " Expected: " << expectedResult);
-void labelsMonitorGetFd(const LabelMonitor &monitor, int *fd, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_labels_monitor_get_fd(monitor.get(), fd);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<lib_retcode>(result) == expectedResult,
- "Unexpected result in security_manager_app_labels_monitor_get_fd()"
- << std::endl << " Result: " << result << " Expected: "
- << expectedResult);
-void labelsProcess(const LabelMonitor &monitor, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_labels_monitor_process(monitor.get());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<lib_retcode>(result) == expectedResult,
- "Unexpected result in security_manager_app_labels_monitor_process()"
- << std::endl << " Result: " << result << " Expected: "
- << expectedResult);
-} // namespace Api
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <sm_label_monitor.h>
-#include <sm_policy_request.h>
-#include <sm_request.h>
-#include <sm_sharing_request.h>
-#include <sm_user_request.h>
-#include <security-manager.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
-namespace Api {
-void install(const InstallRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void uninstall(const InstallRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-std::string getPkgId(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void setProcessLabel(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void setProcessGroups(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void dropProcessPrivileges(lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void prepareApp(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void addUser(const UserRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void deleteUser(const UserRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void sendPolicy(const PolicyRequest &request, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void getPolicy(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void getPolicyForSelf(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void getPolicyForAdmin(const PolicyEntry &filter, std::vector<PolicyEntry> &policyEntries, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void applySharing(const SharingRequest &req, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void dropSharing(const SharingRequest &req, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void getPkgIdBySocket(int socketFd, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void getPkgIdByPid(pid_t pid, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void getPkgIdByCynaraClient(const std::string &client, std::string *pkgId, std::string *appId, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void appHasPrivilege(const std::string &appId, const std::string &privilege, uid_t user, int &value, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void getSecurityManagerGroups(gid_t **groups, size_t *groups_count, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void registerPaths(const PathsRequest& req, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void labelsMonitorGetFd(const LabelMonitor &monitor, int *fd, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-void labelsProcess(const LabelMonitor &monitor, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
-} // namespace Api
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "sm_label_monitor.h"
-#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
- : m_monitor(nullptr)
- int result = security_manager_app_labels_monitor_init(&m_monitor);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(static_cast<lib_retcode>(result) == SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS,
- "security_manager_app_labels_monitor_init failed with " << result);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_monitor != nullptr,
- "security_manager_app_labels_monitor_init didn't allocate memory");
- security_manager_app_labels_monitor_finish(m_monitor);
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <security-manager.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
-class LabelMonitor
- LabelMonitor();
- LabelMonitor(const LabelMonitor&) = delete;
- LabelMonitor& operator=(const LabelMonitor&) = delete;
- ~LabelMonitor();
- app_labels_monitor *get() const { return m_monitor; }
- app_labels_monitor *m_monitor;
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <sm_policy_request.h>
-#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
- : m_appId(true, std::string(SECURITY_MANAGER_ANY))
- , m_user(true, std::string(SECURITY_MANAGER_ANY))
- , m_privilege(true, std::string(SECURITY_MANAGER_ANY))
- , m_currentLevel(false, std::string(""))
- , m_maxLevel(false, std::string(""))
- int result = security_manager_policy_entry_new(&m_entry);
- "creation of new policy entry failed. Result: " << result);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_entry != nullptr, "creation of new policy entry did not allocate memory");
- security_manager_policy_entry_set_application(m_entry, m_appId.second.c_str());
- security_manager_policy_entry_set_user(m_entry, m_user.second.c_str());
- security_manager_policy_entry_set_privilege(m_entry, m_privilege.second.c_str());
-PolicyEntry::PolicyEntry(const std::string &appId, const std::string &user,
- const std::string &privilege)
- : m_appId(true, std::string(appId))
- , m_user(true, std::string(user))
- , m_privilege(true, std::string(privilege))
- , m_currentLevel(false, std::string(""))
- , m_maxLevel(false, std::string(""))
- int result = security_manager_policy_entry_new(&m_entry);
- "creation of new policy entry failed. Result: " << result);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_entry != nullptr, "creation of new policy entry did not allocate memory");
- security_manager_policy_entry_set_user(m_entry, m_user.second.c_str());
- security_manager_policy_entry_set_application(m_entry, m_appId.second.c_str());
- security_manager_policy_entry_set_privilege(m_entry, m_privilege.second.c_str());
-PolicyEntry::PolicyEntry(policy_entry &entry): m_entry(&entry)
- m_appId.first = true;
- m_appId.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_application(m_entry));
- m_user.first = true;
- m_user.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_user(m_entry));
- m_privilege.first = true;
- m_privilege.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_privilege(m_entry));
- m_currentLevel.first = true;
- m_currentLevel.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_level(m_entry));
- m_maxLevel.first = true;
- m_maxLevel.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_max_level(m_entry));
-void PolicyEntry::setLevel(const std::string &level)
- m_currentLevel.first = true;
- m_currentLevel.second = level;
- security_manager_policy_entry_set_level(m_entry, level.c_str());
- m_maxLevel.first = true;
- m_maxLevel.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_max_level(m_entry));
-void PolicyEntry::setMaxLevel(const std::string &level)
- m_maxLevel.first = true;
- m_maxLevel.second = level;
- security_manager_policy_entry_admin_set_level(m_entry, level.c_str());
- m_currentLevel.first = true;
- m_currentLevel.second = std::string(security_manager_policy_entry_get_level(m_entry));
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PolicyEntry &request)
- if (request.m_appId.first)
- os << "appId: " << request.m_appId.second << "; ";
- if (request.m_user.first)
- os << "user: " << request.m_user.second << "; ";
- if (request.m_privilege.first)
- os << "privilege: " << request.m_privilege.second << "; ";
- if (request.m_currentLevel.first)
- os << "current: " << request.m_currentLevel.second << "; ";
- if (request.m_maxLevel.first)
- os << "max: " << request.m_maxLevel.second << "; ";
- return os;
-void PolicyEntry::free(void)
- security_manager_policy_entry_free(m_entry);
-bool PolicyEntry::operator==(const PolicyEntry &other) const
- auto cmp = [](const std::pair<bool, std::string> &a, const std::pair<bool, std::string> &b)->bool
- {
- return (a.first) ? (b.first && a.second == b.second) : !b.first;
- };
- return (
- cmp(m_appId, other.m_appId) &&
- cmp(m_user, other.m_user) &&
- cmp(m_privilege, other.m_privilege) &&
- cmp(m_currentLevel, other.m_currentLevel) &&
- cmp(m_maxLevel, other.m_maxLevel));
-std::string PolicyEntry::toString() const
- std::stringstream ss;
- auto append = [&](const std::pair<bool, std::string> &x)
- {
- if (x.first)
- ss << x.second;
- ss << '\0';
- };
- append(m_appId);
- append(m_user);
- append(m_privilege);
- append(m_currentLevel);
- append(m_maxLevel);
- return ss.str();
- : m_req(nullptr),
- m_entries()
- int result = security_manager_policy_update_req_new(&m_req);
- "creation of new policy request failed. Result: " << result);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_req != nullptr, "creation of new policy request did not allocate memory");
- for(std::vector<PolicyEntry>::iterator it = m_entries.begin(); it != m_entries.end(); ++it) {
- it->free();
- }
- security_manager_policy_update_req_free(m_req);
-void PolicyRequest::addEntry(PolicyEntry &entry,
- lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = 0;
- result = security_manager_policy_update_req_add_entry(m_req, entry.get());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "adding policy entry to request returned wrong value."
- << " entry: " << entry << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_entries.push_back(entry);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PolicyRequest &request)
- if (request.m_entries.size() != 0)
- {
- os << "PolicyRequest m_entries size: " << request.m_entries.size() << "; ";
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i != request.m_entries.size(); i++) {
- os << "entry " << i << ": " << request.m_entries[i] << "; ";
- }
- }
- return os;
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include <security-manager.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
-class PolicyEntry
- PolicyEntry();
- PolicyEntry(const std::string &appId,
- const std::string &user,
- const std::string &privilege
- );
- ~PolicyEntry();
- PolicyEntry(policy_entry &entry);
- policy_entry *get() const { return m_entry; }
- std::string getUser() const { return m_user.second; }
- std::string getAppId() const { return m_appId.second; }
- std::string getPrivilege() const { return m_privilege.second; }
- std::string getCurrentLevel() const { return m_currentLevel.second; }
- std::string getMaxLevel() const { return m_maxLevel.second; }
- void setLevel(const std::string &level);
- void setMaxLevel(const std::string &level);
- void free(void);
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const PolicyEntry&);
- bool operator==(const PolicyEntry &) const;
- std::string toString() const;
- policy_entry *m_entry;
- std::pair<bool, std::string> m_appId;
- std::pair<bool, std::string> m_user;
- std::pair<bool, std::string> m_privilege;
- std::pair<bool, std::string> m_currentLevel;
- std::pair<bool, std::string> m_maxLevel;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::PolicyEntry &request);
-class PolicyRequest
- PolicyRequest();
- PolicyRequest(const PolicyRequest&) = delete;
- PolicyRequest& operator=(const PolicyRequest&) = delete;
- ~PolicyRequest();
- void addEntry(PolicyEntry &entry, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- policy_update_req *get() const { return m_req; }
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const PolicyRequest&);
- policy_update_req *m_req;
- std::vector<PolicyEntry> m_entries;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::PolicyRequest &request);
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
-namespace std {
-struct hash<SecurityManagerTest::PolicyEntry> {
- size_t operator()(const SecurityManagerTest::PolicyEntry &x) const { return hash<string>()(x.toString()); }
-} // namespace std
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <sm_request.h>
-#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
-void prepare_request(InstallRequest &request,
- const std::string &app_id,
- const std::string &pkg_id,
- app_install_path_type pathType,
- const std::string &path,
- uid_t uid)
- request.setAppId(app_id);
- request.setPkgId(pkg_id);
- request.addPath(path, pathType);
- if (uid != 0)
- request.setUid(uid);
- : m_req(nullptr)
- , m_tizenVer("3.0")
- , m_uid(false, 0)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_new(&m_req);
- "creation of new request failed. Result: " << result);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_req != nullptr, "creation of new request did not allocate memory");
- security_manager_app_inst_req_free(m_req);
-void InstallRequest::setAppTizenVersion(std::string tizenVer, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_target_version(m_req, tizenVer.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting app id returned wrong value."
- << " Tizen version: " << tizenVer << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_tizenVer = std::move(tizenVer);
-void InstallRequest::setAppId(std::string appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_app_id(m_req, appId.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting app id returned wrong value."
- << " App id: " << appId << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_appId = std::move(appId);
-void InstallRequest::setPkgId(std::string pkgId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_pkg_id(m_req, pkgId.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting pkg id returned wrong value."
- << " Pkg id: " << pkgId << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_pkgId = std::move(pkgId);
-void InstallRequest::addPrivilege(Privilege privilege, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_add_client_privilege(m_req,
- privilege,
- privilege.getLicenseC());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "adding privilege returned wrong value."
- << " Privilege: " << privilege.getName() << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_privileges.push_back(std::move(privilege));
-void InstallRequest::addAppDefinedPrivilege(Privilege privilege, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_add_app_defined_privilege(
- m_req,
- privilege,
- privilege.getSMType(),
- privilege.getLicenseC());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "adding app defined privilege returned wrong value."
- << " Privilege: " << privilege.getName() << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_appDefinedPrivileges.push_back(std::move(privilege));
-void InstallRequest::addPath(std::string path, app_install_path_type pathType, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_add_path(m_req, path.c_str(), pathType);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "adding path returned wrong value."
- << " Path: " << path << ";"
- << " Path type: " << pathType << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_paths.emplace_back(std::pair<std::string, app_install_path_type>(std::move(path), pathType));
-void InstallRequest::setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_uid(m_req, uid);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting uid returned wrong value."
- << " Uid: " << uid << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_uid.first = true;
- m_uid.second = uid;
-void InstallRequest::setAuthorId(std::string authorId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_author_id(m_req, authorId.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting author id returned wrong value."
- << " Author id: " << m_authorId << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_authorId = std::move(authorId);
-void InstallRequest::setInstallType(const enum app_install_type &type, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_install_type(m_req, type);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting install type returned wrong value."
- << " Install type: " << type << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-void InstallRequest::setHybrid(lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_app_inst_req_set_hybrid(m_req);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting security_manager_app_inst_req_set_hybrid returned wrong value."
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const InstallRequest &request)
- if (!request.m_appId.empty())
- os << "app id: " << request.m_appId << "; ";
- if (!request.m_pkgId.empty())
- os << "pkg id: " << request.m_pkgId << "; ";
- if (!request.m_privileges.empty()) {
- os << "privileges: [ " << "< " << request.m_privileges[0].getName() << "; "
- << request.m_privileges[0].getLicense() << " >";
- for (size_t i = 1; i < request.m_privileges.size(); ++i) {
- os << "; <" << request.m_privileges[i].getName() << "; "
- << request.m_privileges[i].getLicense() << " >";
- }
- os << " ]";
- }
- if (!request.m_appDefinedPrivileges.empty()) {
- os << "app defined privileges: [ " << "< "
- << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[0].getName() << "; "
- << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[0].getType() << "; "
- << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[0].getLicense() << " >";
- for (size_t i = 1; i < request.m_appDefinedPrivileges.size(); ++i) {
- os << "; <" << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[i].getName() << "; "
- << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[i].getType() << "; "
- << request.m_appDefinedPrivileges[i].getLicense() << " >";
- }
- os << " ]";
- }
- if (!request.m_paths.empty()) {
- os << "paths: [ " << "< " << request.m_paths[0].first << "; "
- << request.m_paths[0].second << " >";
- for (size_t i=1; i < request.m_paths.size(); ++i) {
- os << "; < " << request.m_paths[i].first << "; "
- << request.m_paths[i].second << " >";
- }
- os << " ]";
- }
- if (request.m_uid.first)
- os << "uid: " << request.m_uid.second << "; ";
- if (!request.m_authorId.empty()) {
- os << "author id: " << request.m_authorId << "; ";
- }
- return os;
- : m_req(nullptr)
- , m_uid(false, 0)
- int result = security_manager_path_req_new(&m_req);
- "creation of new request failed. Result: " << result);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_req != nullptr, "creation of new request did not allocate memory");
- security_manager_path_req_free(m_req);
-void PathsRequest::setPkgId(std::string pkgId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_path_req_set_pkg_id(m_req, pkgId.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting pkg id returned wrong value."
- << " Pkg id: " << pkgId << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_pkgId = std::move(pkgId);
-void PathsRequest::addPath(std::string path, app_install_path_type pathType, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_path_req_add_path(m_req, path.c_str(), pathType);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "adding path returned wrong value."
- << " Path: " << path << ";"
- << " Path type: " << pathType << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_paths.emplace_back(std::pair<std::string, app_install_path_type>(std::move(path), pathType));
-void PathsRequest::setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_path_req_set_uid(m_req, uid);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting uid returned wrong value."
- << " Uid: " << uid << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_uid.first = true;
- m_uid.second = uid;
-void PathsRequest::setInstallType(const enum app_install_type &type, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_path_req_set_install_type(m_req, type);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting install type returned wrong value."
- << " Install type: " << type << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const PathsRequest &request)
- if (!request.m_pkgId.empty())
- os << "pkg id: " << request.m_pkgId << "; ";
- if (!request.m_paths.empty()) {
- os << "paths: [ " << "< " << request.m_paths[0].first << "; "
- << request.m_paths[0].second << " >";
- for (size_t i=1; i < request.m_paths.size(); ++i) {
- os << "; < " << request.m_paths[i].first << "; "
- << request.m_paths[i].second << " >";
- }
- os << " ]";
- }
- if (request.m_uid.first)
- os << "uid: " << request.m_uid.second << "; ";
- return os;
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include <security-manager.h>
-#include <app_def_privilege.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
-class InstallRequest;
-void prepare_request(InstallRequest &request,
- const std::string &app_id,
- const std::string &pkg_id,
- app_install_path_type pathType,
- const std::string &path,
- uid_t uid);
-class InstallRequest
- InstallRequest();
- InstallRequest(const InstallRequest&) = delete;
- InstallRequest& operator=(const InstallRequest&) = delete;
- InstallRequest(InstallRequest &&other)
- : m_req(std::move(other.m_req)),
- m_appId(std::move(other.m_appId)),
- m_pkgId(std::move(other.m_pkgId)),
- m_authorId(std::move(other.m_authorId)),
- m_privileges(std::move(other.m_privileges)),
- m_paths(std::move(other.m_paths)),
- m_uid(std::move(other.m_uid))
- {
- other.m_req = nullptr;
- other.m_uid.first = false;
- other.m_uid.second = 0;
- }
- ~InstallRequest();
- void setAppTizenVersion(std::string tizenVer,
- lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void setAppId(std::string appId, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void setPkgId(std::string pkgId, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void addPrivilege(Privilege privilege, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void addAppDefinedPrivilege(Privilege privilege, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void addPath(std::string path, app_install_path_type pathType,
- lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void setAuthorId(std::string authorId, lib_retcode expectedResult= SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void setInstallType(const enum app_install_type &type, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void setHybrid(lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- std::string getAppTizenVersion() const { return m_tizenVer; }
- app_inst_req *get() { return m_req; }
- const app_inst_req *get() const { return m_req; }
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const InstallRequest&);
- app_inst_req *m_req;
- std::string m_tizenVer;
- std::string m_appId;
- std::string m_pkgId;
- std::string m_authorId;
- PrivilegeVector m_privileges;
- PrivilegeVector m_appDefinedPrivileges;
- std::vector<std::pair<std::string, app_install_path_type> > m_paths;
- std::pair<bool, uid_t> m_uid;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::InstallRequest &request);
-class PathsRequest
- PathsRequest();
- PathsRequest(const PathsRequest&) = delete;
- PathsRequest& operator=(const PathsRequest&) = delete;
- ~PathsRequest();
- void setPkgId(std::string pkgId, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void addPath(std::string path, app_install_path_type pathType,
- lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void setInstallType(const enum app_install_type &type, lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- //app_inst_req *get() { return m_req; }
- const path_req *get() const { return m_req; }
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const PathsRequest&);
- path_req *m_req;
- std::string m_pkgId;
- std::vector<std::pair<std::string, app_install_path_type> > m_paths;
- std::pair<bool, uid_t> m_uid;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::PathsRequest &request);
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <sm_sharing_request.h>
-#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
- : m_req(nullptr)
- int result = security_manager_private_sharing_req_new(&m_req);
- "creation of new request failed. Result: " << result);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_req != nullptr, "creation of new request did not allocate memory");
- security_manager_private_sharing_req_free(m_req);
-void SharingRequest::setOwnerAppId(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_private_sharing_req_set_owner_appid(m_req, appId.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting app id returned wrong value."
- << " App id: " << appId << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_appId = appId;
-void SharingRequest::setTargetAppId(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_private_sharing_req_set_target_appid(m_req, appId.c_str());
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting app id returned wrong value."
- << " App id: " << appId << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_appId = appId;
-void SharingRequest::addPaths(const char **paths, size_t pathCount, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_private_sharing_req_add_paths(m_req, paths, pathCount);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "adding path returned wrong value."
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < pathCount; i++) {
- m_paths.push_back(paths[i]);
- }
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SharingRequest &request)
- os << "app id: " << request.m_appId << "; ";
- os << "pkg id: " << request.m_pkgId << "; ";
- if (!request.m_paths.empty()) {
- os << "paths: [ " << "< " << request.m_paths[0] << ">";
- for (size_t i=1; i < request.m_paths.size(); ++i) {
- os << "; < " << request.m_paths[i] << ">";
- }
- os << " ]";
- }
- return os;
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include <security-manager.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
-class SharingRequest
- SharingRequest();
- SharingRequest(const SharingRequest&) = delete;
- SharingRequest& operator=(const SharingRequest&) = delete;
- ~SharingRequest();
- void setOwnerAppId(const std::string &appId, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void setTargetAppId(const std::string &pkgId, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void addPaths(const char **paths, size_t path_count,
- lib_retcode expectedResult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- const private_sharing_req *get() const { return m_req; }
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const SharingRequest&);
- private_sharing_req *m_req;
- std::string m_appId;
- std::string m_pkgId;
- std::vector<std::string> m_paths;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::SharingRequest &request);
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <sm_user_request.h>
-#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
- : m_req(nullptr)
- , m_uid(false, 0)
- , m_utype(false, static_cast<security_manager_user_type>(0))
- int result = security_manager_user_req_new(&m_req);
- "creation of new request failed. Result: " << result);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(m_req != nullptr, "creation of new request did not allocate memory");
- security_manager_user_req_free(m_req);
-void UserRequest::setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_user_req_set_uid(m_req, uid);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting uid returned wrong value."
- << " Uid: " << uid << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_uid.first = true;
- m_uid.second = uid;
-void UserRequest::setUserType(const security_manager_user_type utype, lib_retcode expectedResult)
- int result = security_manager_user_req_set_user_type(m_req, utype);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG((lib_retcode)result == expectedResult,
- "setting user type returned wrong value."
- << " User type: " << utype << ";"
- << " Result: " << result << ";"
- << " Expected result: " << expectedResult);
- m_utype.first = true;
- m_utype.second = utype;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const UserRequest &request)
- if (request.m_uid.first)
- os << "uid: " << request.m_uid.second << "; ";
- if (request.m_utype.first)
- os << "utype: " << request.m_utype.second << "; ";
- return os;
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include <security-manager.h>
-namespace SecurityManagerTest {
-class UserRequest
- UserRequest();
- UserRequest(const UserRequest&) = delete;
- UserRequest& operator=(const UserRequest&) = delete;
- ~UserRequest();
- void setUid(const uid_t uid, lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- void setUserType(const security_manager_user_type utype,
- lib_retcode expectedresult = SECURITY_MANAGER_SUCCESS);
- const user_req *get() const { return m_req; }
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &, const UserRequest&);
- user_req *m_req;
- std::pair<bool, uid_t> m_uid;
- std::pair<bool, security_manager_user_type> m_utype;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SecurityManagerTest::UserRequest &request);
-} // namespace SecurityManagerTest
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dpl/test/test_runner.h>
-#include <memory.h>
-#include <temp_test_user.h>
-#include <tzplatform.h>
-namespace TzPlatformConfig {
-DEFINE_SMARTPTR(tzplatform_context_destroy, tzplatform_context, TzPlatformContextPtr);
-uid_t getGlobalUserId(void)
- return tzplatform_getuid(TZ_SYS_GLOBALAPP_USER);
-uid_t getGlobalGroupId(void)
- gid_t global_uid = getGlobalUserId();
- errno = 0;
- passwd* pw = getpwuid(global_uid);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_ERRNO_MSG(pw, "getpwuid() failed.");
- return pw->pw_gid;
-const std::string appDirPath(const TemporaryTestUser &user, const std::string &appId,
- const std::string &pkgId)
- return appDirPath(user.getUid()) + pkgId + "/" + appId;
-const std::string appDirPath(uid_t uid)
- struct tzplatform_context *tzCtxPtr = nullptr;
- RUNNER_ASSERT(0 == tzplatform_context_create(&tzCtxPtr));
- TzPlatformContextPtr tzCtxPtrSmart(tzCtxPtr);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(0 == tzplatform_context_set_user(tzCtxPtr, uid),
- "Unable to set user with uid <" << uid << "> for tzplatform context");
- const char *appDir = tzplatform_context_getenv(tzCtxPtr,
- getGlobalUserId() == uid ? TZ_SYS_RW_APP : TZ_USER_APP);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(nullptr != appDir,
- "tzplatform_context_getenv failed"
- << "for getting sys rw app of user with uid<" << uid << ">");
- return std::string(appDir) + "/";
-const std::string globalAppDir()
- struct tzplatform_context *tzCtxPtr = nullptr;
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(0 == tzplatform_context_create(&tzCtxPtr), "Couldn't create tzplatform context");
- TzPlatformContextPtr tzCtxPtrSmart(tzCtxPtr);
- const char *appDir = tzplatform_context_getenv(tzCtxPtr, TZ_SYS_RW_APP);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(nullptr != appDir,
- "tzplatform_context_getenv failed for getting sys rw app");
- return appDir;
-const std::string getPath(enum tzplatform_variable id) {
- struct tzplatform_context *tzCtxPtr = nullptr;
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(0 == tzplatform_context_create(&tzCtxPtr), "Couldn't create tzplatform context");
- TzPlatformContextPtr tzCtxPtrSmart(tzCtxPtr);
- const char *path = tzplatform_context_getenv(tzCtxPtr, id);
- RUNNER_ASSERT_MSG(nullptr != path,
- "tzplatform_context_getenv failed for getting " << static_cast<int>(id));
- return path;
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <string>
-#include <tzplatform_config.h>
-#include <temp_test_user.h>
-namespace TzPlatformConfig {
-const std::string getPath(enum tzplatform_variable id);
-uid_t getGlobalUserId(void);
-uid_t getGlobalGroupId(void);
-const std::string appDirPath(const TemporaryTestUser &user, const std::string &appId,
- const std::string &pkgId);
-const std::string globalAppDir();
-const std::string appDirPath(uid_t uid);