NativeHandle handle;
+ // Need to touch watchdog due to how long one iteration takes
+ context.getTestContext().touchWatchdog();
if (transference == TRANSFERENCE_COPY)
submitAtomicCalculationsAndGetSemaphoreNative(context, vkd, *device, alloc, queue, queueFamilyIndex, *semaphore, config.externalType, handle);
NativeHandle handle;
+ // Need to touch watchdog due to how long one iteration takes
+ context.getTestContext().touchWatchdog();
if (transference == TRANSFERENCE_COPY)
submitAtomicCalculationsAndGetFenceNative(context, vkd, *device, alloc, queue, queueFamilyIndex, *fence, config.externalType, handle, exportNdx == 0 /* expect fence to be signaled after first pass */);