isOfficialBuild: ${{ and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notIn(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}
fullMatrix: ${{ notIn(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}
- # RedHat6 leg
- - template: /eng/pipelines/redhat6.yml
- parameters:
- isOfficialBuild: ${{ and(ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notIn(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}
- fullMatrix: ${{ notIn(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}
# FreeBSD leg is only for official builds
# - template: /eng/pipelines/freebsd.yml
# parameters:
- AllConfigurations
- LinuxTest
- MacOS
- - RedHat6
# - FreeBSD
displayName: Linux
+ # Run RedHat6 in release mode on CI to cover Release configuration differences
+ RedHat6_x64_Release:
+ _BuildConfig: Release
+ _architecture: x64
+ _framework: netcoreapp
+ _buildExtraArguments: /p:RuntimeOS=rhel.6 /p:PortableBuild=false
+ _dockerContainer: rhel6_container
+ _helixQueues: $(redhatHelixQueue)
+ _publishTests: ${{ parameters.fullMatrix }}
${{ if eq(parameters.fullMatrix, 'false') }}:
_BuildConfig: Debug
_buildScriptPrefix: ''
_buildExtraArguments: ''
- # Use a Release leg in PRs to validate both configurations
- musl_x64_Release:
- _BuildConfig: Release
+ musl_x64_Debug:
+ _BuildConfig: Debug
_architecture: x64
_framework: netcoreapp
_helixQueues: $(alpineQueues)
timeoutInMinutes: 180
+ - redhatHelixQueue: RedHat.6.Amd64.Open
- ${{ if eq(parameters.fullMatrix, 'false') }}:
- linuxDefaultQueues: Centos.7.Amd64.Open+RedHat.7.Amd64.Open+Debian.9.Amd64.Open+Ubuntu.1604.Amd64.Open+Ubuntu.1804.Amd64.Open+SLES.15.Amd64.Open+\(Fedora.29.Amd64.Open\)
+++ /dev/null
-# RedHat 6 leg
- # Required: value to specify if the job is comming from an official build to run extra steps and sign binaries
- # Default: false
- isOfficialBuild: false
- # Required: value to specify if the full test matrix should be tested
- # Default: false
- fullMatrix: false
- # Optional: value to scope the tests.
- # Default: empty
- testScope: ''
-- template: corefx-base.yml
- parameters:
- isOfficialBuild: ${{ parameters.isOfficialBuild }}
- testScope: ${{ parameters.testScope }}
- targetOS: Linux
- jobs:
- - job: RedHat6
- strategy:
- matrix:
- x64_Release:
- _BuildConfig: Release
- _architecture: x64
- _framework: netcoreapp
- _buildExtraArguments: /p:RuntimeOS=rhel.6 /p:PortableBuild=false
- _dockerContainer: rhel6_container
- _helixQueues: $(redhatHelixQueue)
- pool:
- name: Hosted Ubuntu 1604
- container: $[ variables['_dockerContainer'] ]
- buildExtraArguments: $(_buildExtraArguments)
- submitToHelix: true
- variables:
- - redhatHelixQueue: RedHat.6.Amd64.Open