A format string like "{}" is quite common. In this case avoid parsing
the format-spec when it's not present. Before the parsing was always
called, therefore some refactoring is done to make sure the formatters
work properly when their parse member isn't called.
From the wording it's not entirely clear whether this optimization is
and the range [pc.begin(), pc.end()) from the last call to f.parse(pc).
Implies there's always a call to `f.parse` even when the format-spec
isn't present. Therefore this optimization isn't done for handle
classes; it's unclear whether that would break user defined formatters.
The improvements give a small reduciton is code size:
719408 12472 488 732368 b2cd0 before
718824 12472 488 731784 b2a88 after
The performance benefits when not using a format-spec are:
Comparing ./formatter_int.libcxx.out-baseline to ./formatter_int.libcxx.out
Benchmark Time CPU Time Old Time New CPU Old CPU New
BM_Basic<uint32_t> -0.0688 -0.0687 67 62 67 62
BM_Basic<int32_t> -0.1105 -0.1107 73 65 73 65
BM_Basic<uint64_t> -0.1053 -0.1049 95 85 95 85
BM_Basic<int64_t> -0.0889 -0.0888 93 85 93 85
BM_BasicLow<__uint128_t> -0.0655 -0.0655 96 90 96 90
BM_BasicLow<__int128_t> -0.0693 -0.0694 97 90 97 90
BM_Basic<__uint128_t> -0.0359 -0.0359 256 247 256 247
BM_Basic<__int128_t> -0.0414 -0.0414 239 229 239 229
For the cases where a format-spec is used the results remain similar,
some are faster some are slower, differing per run.
Reviewed By: ldionne, #libc
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI auto format(bool __value, auto& __ctx) const -> decltype(__ctx.out()) {
switch (__parser_.__type_) {
+ case __format_spec::__type::__default:
case __format_spec::__type::__string:
return __formatter::__format_bool(__value, __ctx, __parser_.__get_parsed_std_specifications(__ctx));
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI auto format(_CharT __value, auto& __ctx) const -> decltype(__ctx.out()) {
- if (__parser_.__type_ == __format_spec::__type::__char)
+ if (__parser_.__type_ == __format_spec::__type::__default || __parser_.__type_ == __format_spec::__type::__char)
return __formatter::__format_char(__value, __ctx.out(), __parser_.__get_parsed_std_specifications(__ctx));
if constexpr (sizeof(_CharT) <= sizeof(int))
char* __end,
const char* __prefix,
int __base) -> decltype(__ctx.out()) {
- __specs.__alignment_ != __format_spec::__alignment::__default,
- "the caller should adjust the default to the value required by the type");
char* __first = __formatter::__insert_sign(__begin, __negative, __specs.__std_.__sign_);
if (__specs.__std_.__alternate_form_ && __prefix)
while (*__prefix)
return __formatter::__format_integer(
__value, __ctx, __specs, __negative, __array.begin(), __array.end(), __value != 0 ? "0" : nullptr, 8);
+ case __format_spec::__type::__default:
case __format_spec::__type::__decimal: {
array<char, __formatter::__buffer_size<decltype(__value), 10>()> __array;
return __formatter::__format_integer(
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr __padding_size_result
__padding_size(size_t __size, size_t __width, __format_spec::__alignment __align) {
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__width > __size, "don't call this function when no padding is required");
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(__align != __format_spec::__alignment::__default,
- "the caller should adjust the default to the value required by the type");
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__align != __format_spec::__alignment::__zero_padding,
"the caller should have handled the zero-padding");
size_t __fill = __width - __size;
switch (__align) {
- case __format_spec::__alignment::__default:
case __format_spec::__alignment::__zero_padding:
size_t __after = __fill - __before;
return {__before, __after};
+ case __format_spec::__alignment::__default:
case __format_spec::__alignment::__right:
return {__fill, 0};
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI _OutIt __write_using_decimal_separators(_OutIt __out_it, const char* __begin, const char* __first,
const char* __last, string&& __grouping, _CharT __sep,
__format_spec::__parsed_specifications<_CharT> __specs) {
- _LIBCPP_ASSERT(__specs.__alignment_ != __format_spec::__alignment::__default,
- "the caller should adjust the default to the value required by the type");
int __size = (__first - __begin) + // [sign][prefix]
(__last - __first) + // data
(__grouping.size() - 1); // number of separator characters
-template <class _CharT>
-_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr void __process_display_type_integer(__parser<_CharT>& __parser) {
- if (__parser.__alignment_ == __alignment::__default)
- __parser.__alignment_ = __alignment::__right;
template <class _CharT>
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr void __process_parsed_bool(__parser<_CharT>& __parser) {
switch (__parser.__type_) {
case __format_spec::__type::__default:
- __parser.__type_ = __format_spec::__type::__string;
- [[fallthrough]];
case __format_spec::__type::__string:
case __format_spec::__type::__decimal:
case __format_spec::__type::__hexadecimal_lower_case:
case __format_spec::__type::__hexadecimal_upper_case:
- __process_display_type_integer(__parser);
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr void __process_parsed_char(__parser<_CharT>& __parser) {
switch (__parser.__type_) {
case __format_spec::__type::__default:
- __parser.__type_ = __format_spec::__type::__char;
- [[fallthrough]];
case __format_spec::__type::__char:
case __format_spec::__type::__decimal:
case __format_spec::__type::__hexadecimal_lower_case:
case __format_spec::__type::__hexadecimal_upper_case:
- __format_spec::__process_display_type_integer(__parser);
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr void __process_parsed_integer(__parser<_CharT>& __parser) {
switch (__parser.__type_) {
case __format_spec::__type::__default:
- __parser.__type_ = __format_spec::__type::__decimal;
- [[fallthrough]];
case __format_spec::__type::__binary_lower_case:
case __format_spec::__type::__binary_upper_case:
case __format_spec::__type::__octal:
case __format_spec::__type::__decimal:
case __format_spec::__type::__hexadecimal_lower_case:
case __format_spec::__type::__hexadecimal_upper_case:
- __format_spec::__process_display_type_integer(__parser);
case __format_spec::__type::__char:
template <class _CharT>
_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr void __process_parsed_floating_point(__parser<_CharT>& __parser) {
- __format_spec::__process_display_type_integer(__parser);
switch (__parser.__type_) {
case __format_spec::__type::__default:
// When no precision specified then it keeps default since that
__format::__parse_number_result __r =
__format::__parse_arg_id(__begin, __end, __parse_ctx);
+ bool __parse = *__r.__ptr == _CharT(':');
switch (*__r.__ptr) {
case _CharT(':'):
// The arg-id has a format-specifier, advance the input to the format-spec.
if (__type == __arg_t::__handle)
- __format::__compile_time_visit_format_arg(__parse_ctx, __ctx, __type);
+ __format::__compile_time_visit_format_arg(__parse_ctx, __ctx, __type);
} else
[&](auto __arg) {
__arg.format(__parse_ctx, __ctx);
else {
formatter<decltype(__arg), _CharT> __formatter;
- __parse_ctx.advance_to(__formatter.parse(__parse_ctx));
+ if (__parse)
+ __parse_ctx.advance_to(__formatter.parse(__parse_ctx));
__ctx.advance_to(__formatter.format(__arg, __ctx));