#ifndef SkOnce_DEFINED
#define SkOnce_DEFINED
-#include "../private/SkSpinlock.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <utility>
+#include "SkTypes.h"
// SkOnce provides call-once guarantees for Skia, much like std::once_flag/std::call_once().
template <typename Fn, typename... Args>
void operator()(Fn&& fn, Args&&... args) {
- // Vanilla double-checked locking.
- if (!fDone.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
- fLock.acquire();
- if (!fDone.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
+ auto state = fState.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+ if (state == Done) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (state == NotStarted) {
+ // Try to claim the job of calling fn() by swapping from NotStarted to Calling.
+ // See [1] below for why we use std::memory_order_acquire instead of relaxed.
+ if (fState.compare_exchange_strong(state, Calling, std::memory_order_acquire)) {
+ // Claimed! Call fn(), then mark this SkOnce as Done.
- fDone.store(true, std::memory_order_release);
+ return fState.store(Done, std::memory_order_release);
- fLock.release();
+ while (state == Calling) {
+ // Some other thread is calling fn(). Wait for them to finish.
+ state = fState.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+ }
+ SkASSERT(state == Done);
- std::atomic<bool> fDone{false};
- SkSpinlock fLock;
+ enum State : uint8_t { NotStarted, Calling, Done};
+ std::atomic<uint8_t> fState{NotStarted};
+/* [1] Why do we compare_exchange_strong() with std::memory_order_acquire instead of relaxed?
+ *
+ * If we succeed, we really only need a relaxed compare_exchange_strong()... we're the ones
+ * who are about to do a release store, so there's certainly nothing yet for an acquire to
+ * synchronize with.
+ *
+ * If that compare_exchange_strong() fails, we're either in Calling or Done state.
+ * Again, if we're in Calling state, relaxed would have been fine: the spin loop will
+ * acquire up to the Calling thread's release store.
+ *
+ * But if that compare_exchange_strong() fails and we find ourselves in the Done state,
+ * we've never done an acquire load to sync up to the store of that Done state.
+ *
+ * So on failure we need an acquire load. Generally the failure memory order cannot be
+ * stronger than the success memory order, so we need acquire on success too. The single
+ * memory order version of compare_exchange_strong() uses the same acquire order for both.
+ */
#endif // SkOnce_DEFINED
if (state == 0) {
// It looks like no one has tried to create our pointer yet.
// We try to claim that task by atomically swapping our state from '0' to '1'.
+ // See SkOnce.h for why we use an acquire memory order here rather than relaxed.
if (sk_atomic_compare_exchange(
- &fState, &state, (uintptr_t)1, sk_memory_order_relaxed, sk_memory_order_relaxed)) {
+ &fState, &state, (uintptr_t)1, sk_memory_order_acquire, sk_memory_order_acquire)) {
// We've claimed it. Create our pointer and store it into fState.
state = (uintptr_t)f();
SkASSERT(state > 1);