--- /dev/null
+ERROR: 0:5: 'asdouble' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:6: 'CheckAccessFullyMapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:7: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:8: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:9: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:10: 'determinant' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:12: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:13: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:14: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:15: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:23: 'length' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:24: 'msad4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:25: 'normalize' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:26: 'reflect' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:27: 'refract' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:28: 'refract' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:29: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:30: 'transpose' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:39: 'GetRenderTargetSamplePosition' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:46: 'asdouble' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:47: 'CheckAccessFullyMapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:48: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:49: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:50: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:51: 'determinant' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:52: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:53: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:54: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:55: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:56: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:57: 'transpose' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:64: 'CheckAccessFullyMapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:65: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:66: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:67: 'determinant' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:68: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:69: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:70: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:71: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:72: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:73: 'transpose' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:81: 'CheckAccessFullyMapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:82: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:83: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:84: 'determinant' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:85: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:86: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:87: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:88: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:89: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:90: 'transpose' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'length' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'normalize' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'reflect' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'refract' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'length' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'normalize' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'reflect' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'refract' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'length' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'normalize' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'reflect' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'refract' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 93 compilation errors. No code generated.
+Shader version: 450
+gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
+ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
+0:35 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(f1;f1;f1;i1; (temp float)
+0:2 Function Parameters:
+0:2 'inF0' (temp float)
+0:2 'inF1' (temp float)
+0:2 'inF2' (temp float)
+0:2 'inI0' (temp int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:5 Constant:
+0:5 0.000000
+0:6 Constant:
+0:6 0.000000
+0:7 Constant:
+0:7 0.000000
+0:8 Constant:
+0:8 0.000000
+0:9 Constant:
+0:9 0.000000
+0:10 Constant:
+0:10 0.000000
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0.000000
+0:13 Constant:
+0:13 0.000000
+0:14 Constant:
+0:14 0.000000
+0:15 Constant:
+0:15 0.000000
+0:23 Constant:
+0:23 0.000000
+0:24 Constant:
+0:24 0.000000
+0:25 Constant:
+0:25 0.000000
+0:26 Constant:
+0:26 0.000000
+0:27 Constant:
+0:27 0.000000
+0:28 Constant:
+0:28 0.000000
+0:29 Constant:
+0:29 0.000000
+0:30 Constant:
+0:30 0.000000
+0:32 Branch: Return with expression
+0:32 Constant:
+0:32 0.000000
+0:44 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(vf1;vf1;vf1;i1; (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:36 Function Parameters:
+0:36 'inF0' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:36 'inF1' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:36 'inF2' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:36 'inI0' (temp int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:39 Constant:
+0:39 0.000000
+0:41 Branch: Return with expression
+0:41 Constant:
+0:41 0.000000
+0:62 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(vf2;vf2;vf2;vi2; (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:45 Function Parameters:
+0:45 'inF0' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:45 'inF1' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:45 'inF2' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:45 'inI0' (temp 2-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:46 Constant:
+0:46 0.000000
+0:47 Constant:
+0:47 0.000000
+0:48 Constant:
+0:48 0.000000
+0:49 Constant:
+0:49 0.000000
+0:50 Constant:
+0:50 0.000000
+0:51 Constant:
+0:51 0.000000
+0:52 Constant:
+0:52 0.000000
+0:53 Constant:
+0:53 0.000000
+0:54 Constant:
+0:54 0.000000
+0:55 Constant:
+0:55 0.000000
+0:56 Constant:
+0:56 0.000000
+0:57 Constant:
+0:57 0.000000
+0:59 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:79 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(vf3;vf3;vf3;vi3; (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:63 Function Parameters:
+0:63 'inF0' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:63 'inF1' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:63 'inF2' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:63 'inI0' (temp 3-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:64 Constant:
+0:64 0.000000
+0:65 Constant:
+0:65 0.000000
+0:66 Constant:
+0:66 0.000000
+0:67 Constant:
+0:67 0.000000
+0:68 Constant:
+0:68 0.000000
+0:69 Constant:
+0:69 0.000000
+0:70 Constant:
+0:70 0.000000
+0:71 Constant:
+0:71 0.000000
+0:72 Constant:
+0:72 0.000000
+0:73 Constant:
+0:73 0.000000
+0:76 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:115 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(vf4;vf4;vf4;vi4; (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:80 Function Parameters:
+0:80 'inF0' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:80 'inF1' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:80 'inF2' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:80 'inI0' (temp 4-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:81 Constant:
+0:81 0.000000
+0:82 Constant:
+0:82 0.000000
+0:83 Constant:
+0:83 0.000000
+0:84 Constant:
+0:84 0.000000
+0:85 Constant:
+0:85 0.000000
+0:86 Constant:
+0:86 0.000000
+0:87 Constant:
+0:87 0.000000
+0:88 Constant:
+0:88 0.000000
+0:89 Constant:
+0:89 0.000000
+0:90 Constant:
+0:90 0.000000
+0:92 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:123 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(mf22;mf22;mf22; (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:116 Function Parameters:
+0:116 'inF0' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:116 'inF1' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:116 'inF2' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:120 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:131 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(mf33;mf33;mf33; (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:124 Function Parameters:
+0:124 'inF0' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:124 'inF1' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:124 'inF2' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:128 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:138 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(mf44;mf44;mf44; (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:132 Function Parameters:
+0:132 'inF0' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:132 'inF1' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:132 'inF2' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:136 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? Linker Objects
+Linked fragment stage:
+Shader version: 450
+gl_FragCoord origin is upper left
+ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
+0:35 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(f1;f1;f1;i1; (temp float)
+0:2 Function Parameters:
+0:2 'inF0' (temp float)
+0:2 'inF1' (temp float)
+0:2 'inF2' (temp float)
+0:2 'inI0' (temp int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:5 Constant:
+0:5 0.000000
+0:6 Constant:
+0:6 0.000000
+0:7 Constant:
+0:7 0.000000
+0:8 Constant:
+0:8 0.000000
+0:9 Constant:
+0:9 0.000000
+0:10 Constant:
+0:10 0.000000
+0:12 Constant:
+0:12 0.000000
+0:13 Constant:
+0:13 0.000000
+0:14 Constant:
+0:14 0.000000
+0:15 Constant:
+0:15 0.000000
+0:23 Constant:
+0:23 0.000000
+0:24 Constant:
+0:24 0.000000
+0:25 Constant:
+0:25 0.000000
+0:26 Constant:
+0:26 0.000000
+0:27 Constant:
+0:27 0.000000
+0:28 Constant:
+0:28 0.000000
+0:29 Constant:
+0:29 0.000000
+0:30 Constant:
+0:30 0.000000
+0:32 Branch: Return with expression
+0:32 Constant:
+0:32 0.000000
+0:44 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(vf1;vf1;vf1;i1; (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:36 Function Parameters:
+0:36 'inF0' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:36 'inF1' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:36 'inF2' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:36 'inI0' (temp int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:39 Constant:
+0:39 0.000000
+0:41 Branch: Return with expression
+0:41 Constant:
+0:41 0.000000
+0:62 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(vf2;vf2;vf2;vi2; (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:45 Function Parameters:
+0:45 'inF0' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:45 'inF1' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:45 'inF2' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:45 'inI0' (temp 2-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:46 Constant:
+0:46 0.000000
+0:47 Constant:
+0:47 0.000000
+0:48 Constant:
+0:48 0.000000
+0:49 Constant:
+0:49 0.000000
+0:50 Constant:
+0:50 0.000000
+0:51 Constant:
+0:51 0.000000
+0:52 Constant:
+0:52 0.000000
+0:53 Constant:
+0:53 0.000000
+0:54 Constant:
+0:54 0.000000
+0:55 Constant:
+0:55 0.000000
+0:56 Constant:
+0:56 0.000000
+0:57 Constant:
+0:57 0.000000
+0:59 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:79 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(vf3;vf3;vf3;vi3; (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:63 Function Parameters:
+0:63 'inF0' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:63 'inF1' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:63 'inF2' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:63 'inI0' (temp 3-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:64 Constant:
+0:64 0.000000
+0:65 Constant:
+0:65 0.000000
+0:66 Constant:
+0:66 0.000000
+0:67 Constant:
+0:67 0.000000
+0:68 Constant:
+0:68 0.000000
+0:69 Constant:
+0:69 0.000000
+0:70 Constant:
+0:70 0.000000
+0:71 Constant:
+0:71 0.000000
+0:72 Constant:
+0:72 0.000000
+0:73 Constant:
+0:73 0.000000
+0:76 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:115 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(vf4;vf4;vf4;vi4; (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:80 Function Parameters:
+0:80 'inF0' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:80 'inF1' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:80 'inF2' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:80 'inI0' (temp 4-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:81 Constant:
+0:81 0.000000
+0:82 Constant:
+0:82 0.000000
+0:83 Constant:
+0:83 0.000000
+0:84 Constant:
+0:84 0.000000
+0:85 Constant:
+0:85 0.000000
+0:86 Constant:
+0:86 0.000000
+0:87 Constant:
+0:87 0.000000
+0:88 Constant:
+0:88 0.000000
+0:89 Constant:
+0:89 0.000000
+0:90 Constant:
+0:90 0.000000
+0:92 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:123 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(mf22;mf22;mf22; (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:116 Function Parameters:
+0:116 'inF0' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:116 'inF1' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:116 'inF2' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:120 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:131 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(mf33;mf33;mf33; (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:124 Function Parameters:
+0:124 'inF0' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:124 'inF1' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:124 'inF2' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:128 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:138 Function Definition: PixelShaderFunction(mf44;mf44;mf44; (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:132 Function Parameters:
+0:132 'inF0' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:132 'inF1' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:132 'inF2' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:136 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? Linker Objects
+SPIR-V is not generated for failed compile or link
--- /dev/null
+ERROR: 0:5: 'asdouble' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:6: 'CheckAccessFullyMapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:7: 'CheckAccessFullyMapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:8: 'clip' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:9: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:10: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:11: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:14: 'ddx' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:15: 'ddx_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:16: 'ddx_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:17: 'ddy' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:18: 'ddy_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:19: 'ddy_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:20: 'determinant' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:21: 'EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:22: 'EvaluateAttributeAtSample' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:23: 'EvaluateAttributeSnapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:24: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:25: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:26: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:27: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:35: 'length' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:36: 'msad4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:37: 'normalize' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:38: 'reflect' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:39: 'refract' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:40: 'refract' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:41: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:42: 'transpose' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:53: 'GetRenderTargetSamplePosition' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:60: 'asdouble' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:61: 'CheckAccessFullyMapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:62: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:63: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:64: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:65: 'ddx' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:66: 'ddx_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:67: 'ddx_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:68: 'ddy' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:69: 'ddy_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:70: 'ddy_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:71: 'determinant' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:72: 'EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:73: 'EvaluateAttributeAtSample' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:74: 'EvaluateAttributeSnapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:75: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:76: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:77: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:78: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:79: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:80: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:81: 'transpose' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:90: 'CheckAccessFullyMapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:91: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:92: 'ddx' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:93: 'ddx_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:94: 'ddx_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:95: 'ddy' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:96: 'ddy_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:97: 'ddy_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:98: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:99: 'determinant' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:100: 'EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:101: 'EvaluateAttributeAtSample' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:102: 'EvaluateAttributeSnapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:103: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:104: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:105: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:106: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:107: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:108: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:109: 'transpose' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:118: 'CheckAccessFullyMapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:119: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:120: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:121: 'determinant' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:122: 'ddx' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:123: 'ddx_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:124: 'ddx_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:125: 'ddy' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:126: 'ddy_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:127: 'ddy_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:128: 'EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:129: 'EvaluateAttributeAtSample' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:130: 'EvaluateAttributeSnapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:131: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:132: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:133: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:134: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:135: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:136: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:137: 'transpose' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'ddx' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'ddx_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'ddx_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'ddy' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'ddy_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'ddy_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'EvaluateAttributeAtSample' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'EvaluateAttributeSnapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'length' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'normalize' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'reflect' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'refract' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:177: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'ddx' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'ddx_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'ddx_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'ddy' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'ddy_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'ddy_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'EvaluateAttributeAtSample' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'EvaluateAttributeSnapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'length' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'normalize' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'reflect' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'refract' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:185: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'countbits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'cross' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'ddx' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'ddx_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'ddx_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'ddy' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'ddy_coarse' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'ddy_fine' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'EvaluateAttributeAtSample' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'EvaluateAttributeSnapped' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'f16tof32' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'firstbithigh' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'firstbitlow' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'fma' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'length' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'noise' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'normalize' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'reflect' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'refract' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 0:193: 'reversebits' : no matching overloaded function found
+ERROR: 164 compilation errors. No code generated.
+Shader version: 450
+ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
+0:49 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(f1;f1;f1;i1; (temp float)
+0:2 Function Parameters:
+0:2 'inF0' (temp float)
+0:2 'inF1' (temp float)
+0:2 'inF2' (temp float)
+0:2 'inI0' (temp int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:5 Constant:
+0:5 0.000000
+0:6 Constant:
+0:6 0.000000
+0:7 Constant:
+0:7 0.000000
+0:8 Constant:
+0:8 0.000000
+0:9 Constant:
+0:9 0.000000
+0:10 Constant:
+0:10 0.000000
+0:11 Constant:
+0:11 0.000000
+0:14 Constant:
+0:14 0.000000
+0:15 Constant:
+0:15 0.000000
+0:16 Constant:
+0:16 0.000000
+0:17 Constant:
+0:17 0.000000
+0:18 Constant:
+0:18 0.000000
+0:19 Constant:
+0:19 0.000000
+0:20 Constant:
+0:20 0.000000
+0:21 Constant:
+0:21 0.000000
+0:22 Constant:
+0:22 0.000000
+0:23 Constant:
+0:23 0.000000
+0:24 Constant:
+0:24 0.000000
+0:25 Constant:
+0:25 0.000000
+0:26 Constant:
+0:26 0.000000
+0:27 Constant:
+0:27 0.000000
+0:35 Constant:
+0:35 0.000000
+0:36 Constant:
+0:36 0.000000
+0:37 Constant:
+0:37 0.000000
+0:38 Constant:
+0:38 0.000000
+0:39 Constant:
+0:39 0.000000
+0:40 Constant:
+0:40 0.000000
+0:41 Constant:
+0:41 0.000000
+0:42 Constant:
+0:42 0.000000
+0:46 Branch: Return with expression
+0:46 Constant:
+0:46 0.000000
+0:58 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(vf1;vf1;vf1;i1; (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:50 Function Parameters:
+0:50 'inF0' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:50 'inF1' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:50 'inF2' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:50 'inI0' (temp int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:53 Constant:
+0:53 0.000000
+0:55 Branch: Return with expression
+0:55 Constant:
+0:55 0.000000
+0:88 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(vf2;vf2;vf2;vi2; (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:59 Function Parameters:
+0:59 'inF0' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:59 'inF1' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:59 'inF2' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:59 'inI0' (temp 2-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:60 Constant:
+0:60 0.000000
+0:61 Constant:
+0:61 0.000000
+0:62 Constant:
+0:62 0.000000
+0:63 Constant:
+0:63 0.000000
+0:64 Constant:
+0:64 0.000000
+0:65 Constant:
+0:65 0.000000
+0:66 Constant:
+0:66 0.000000
+0:67 Constant:
+0:67 0.000000
+0:68 Constant:
+0:68 0.000000
+0:69 Constant:
+0:69 0.000000
+0:70 Constant:
+0:70 0.000000
+0:71 Constant:
+0:71 0.000000
+0:72 Constant:
+0:72 0.000000
+0:73 Constant:
+0:73 0.000000
+0:74 Constant:
+0:74 0.000000
+0:75 Constant:
+0:75 0.000000
+0:76 Constant:
+0:76 0.000000
+0:77 Constant:
+0:77 0.000000
+0:78 Constant:
+0:78 0.000000
+0:79 Constant:
+0:79 0.000000
+0:80 Constant:
+0:80 0.000000
+0:81 Constant:
+0:81 0.000000
+0:85 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:116 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(vf3;vf3;vf3;vi3; (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:89 Function Parameters:
+0:89 'inF0' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:89 'inF1' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:89 'inF2' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:89 'inI0' (temp 3-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:90 Constant:
+0:90 0.000000
+0:91 Constant:
+0:91 0.000000
+0:92 Constant:
+0:92 0.000000
+0:93 Constant:
+0:93 0.000000
+0:94 Constant:
+0:94 0.000000
+0:95 Constant:
+0:95 0.000000
+0:96 Constant:
+0:96 0.000000
+0:97 Constant:
+0:97 0.000000
+0:98 Constant:
+0:98 0.000000
+0:99 Constant:
+0:99 0.000000
+0:100 Constant:
+0:100 0.000000
+0:101 Constant:
+0:101 0.000000
+0:102 Constant:
+0:102 0.000000
+0:103 Constant:
+0:103 0.000000
+0:104 Constant:
+0:104 0.000000
+0:105 Constant:
+0:105 0.000000
+0:106 Constant:
+0:106 0.000000
+0:107 Constant:
+0:107 0.000000
+0:108 Constant:
+0:108 0.000000
+0:109 Constant:
+0:109 0.000000
+0:113 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:174 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(vf4;vf4;vf4;vi4; (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:117 Function Parameters:
+0:117 'inF0' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:117 'inF1' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:117 'inF2' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:117 'inI0' (temp 4-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:119 Constant:
+0:119 0.000000
+0:120 Constant:
+0:120 0.000000
+0:121 Constant:
+0:121 0.000000
+0:122 Constant:
+0:122 0.000000
+0:123 Constant:
+0:123 0.000000
+0:124 Constant:
+0:124 0.000000
+0:125 Constant:
+0:125 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:127 Constant:
+0:127 0.000000
+0:128 Constant:
+0:128 0.000000
+0:129 Constant:
+0:129 0.000000
+0:130 Constant:
+0:130 0.000000
+0:131 Constant:
+0:131 0.000000
+0:132 Constant:
+0:132 0.000000
+0:133 Constant:
+0:133 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:135 Constant:
+0:135 0.000000
+0:136 Constant:
+0:136 0.000000
+0:137 Constant:
+0:137 0.000000
+0:141 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:182 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(mf22;mf22;mf22; (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:175 Function Parameters:
+0:175 'inF0' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:175 'inF1' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:175 'inF2' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:179 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:190 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(mf33;mf33;mf33; (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:183 Function Parameters:
+0:183 'inF0' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:183 'inF1' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:183 'inF2' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:187 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:197 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(mf44;mf44;mf44; (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:191 Function Parameters:
+0:191 'inF0' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:191 'inF1' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:191 'inF2' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:195 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? Linker Objects
+Linked vertex stage:
+Shader version: 450
+ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
+0:49 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(f1;f1;f1;i1; (temp float)
+0:2 Function Parameters:
+0:2 'inF0' (temp float)
+0:2 'inF1' (temp float)
+0:2 'inF2' (temp float)
+0:2 'inI0' (temp int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:5 Constant:
+0:5 0.000000
+0:6 Constant:
+0:6 0.000000
+0:7 Constant:
+0:7 0.000000
+0:8 Constant:
+0:8 0.000000
+0:9 Constant:
+0:9 0.000000
+0:10 Constant:
+0:10 0.000000
+0:11 Constant:
+0:11 0.000000
+0:14 Constant:
+0:14 0.000000
+0:15 Constant:
+0:15 0.000000
+0:16 Constant:
+0:16 0.000000
+0:17 Constant:
+0:17 0.000000
+0:18 Constant:
+0:18 0.000000
+0:19 Constant:
+0:19 0.000000
+0:20 Constant:
+0:20 0.000000
+0:21 Constant:
+0:21 0.000000
+0:22 Constant:
+0:22 0.000000
+0:23 Constant:
+0:23 0.000000
+0:24 Constant:
+0:24 0.000000
+0:25 Constant:
+0:25 0.000000
+0:26 Constant:
+0:26 0.000000
+0:27 Constant:
+0:27 0.000000
+0:35 Constant:
+0:35 0.000000
+0:36 Constant:
+0:36 0.000000
+0:37 Constant:
+0:37 0.000000
+0:38 Constant:
+0:38 0.000000
+0:39 Constant:
+0:39 0.000000
+0:40 Constant:
+0:40 0.000000
+0:41 Constant:
+0:41 0.000000
+0:42 Constant:
+0:42 0.000000
+0:46 Branch: Return with expression
+0:46 Constant:
+0:46 0.000000
+0:58 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(vf1;vf1;vf1;i1; (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:50 Function Parameters:
+0:50 'inF0' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:50 'inF1' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:50 'inF2' (temp 1-component vector of float)
+0:50 'inI0' (temp int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:53 Constant:
+0:53 0.000000
+0:55 Branch: Return with expression
+0:55 Constant:
+0:55 0.000000
+0:88 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(vf2;vf2;vf2;vi2; (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:59 Function Parameters:
+0:59 'inF0' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:59 'inF1' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:59 'inF2' (temp 2-component vector of float)
+0:59 'inI0' (temp 2-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:60 Constant:
+0:60 0.000000
+0:61 Constant:
+0:61 0.000000
+0:62 Constant:
+0:62 0.000000
+0:63 Constant:
+0:63 0.000000
+0:64 Constant:
+0:64 0.000000
+0:65 Constant:
+0:65 0.000000
+0:66 Constant:
+0:66 0.000000
+0:67 Constant:
+0:67 0.000000
+0:68 Constant:
+0:68 0.000000
+0:69 Constant:
+0:69 0.000000
+0:70 Constant:
+0:70 0.000000
+0:71 Constant:
+0:71 0.000000
+0:72 Constant:
+0:72 0.000000
+0:73 Constant:
+0:73 0.000000
+0:74 Constant:
+0:74 0.000000
+0:75 Constant:
+0:75 0.000000
+0:76 Constant:
+0:76 0.000000
+0:77 Constant:
+0:77 0.000000
+0:78 Constant:
+0:78 0.000000
+0:79 Constant:
+0:79 0.000000
+0:80 Constant:
+0:80 0.000000
+0:81 Constant:
+0:81 0.000000
+0:85 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:116 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(vf3;vf3;vf3;vi3; (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:89 Function Parameters:
+0:89 'inF0' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:89 'inF1' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:89 'inF2' (temp 3-component vector of float)
+0:89 'inI0' (temp 3-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:90 Constant:
+0:90 0.000000
+0:91 Constant:
+0:91 0.000000
+0:92 Constant:
+0:92 0.000000
+0:93 Constant:
+0:93 0.000000
+0:94 Constant:
+0:94 0.000000
+0:95 Constant:
+0:95 0.000000
+0:96 Constant:
+0:96 0.000000
+0:97 Constant:
+0:97 0.000000
+0:98 Constant:
+0:98 0.000000
+0:99 Constant:
+0:99 0.000000
+0:100 Constant:
+0:100 0.000000
+0:101 Constant:
+0:101 0.000000
+0:102 Constant:
+0:102 0.000000
+0:103 Constant:
+0:103 0.000000
+0:104 Constant:
+0:104 0.000000
+0:105 Constant:
+0:105 0.000000
+0:106 Constant:
+0:106 0.000000
+0:107 Constant:
+0:107 0.000000
+0:108 Constant:
+0:108 0.000000
+0:109 Constant:
+0:109 0.000000
+0:113 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:174 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(vf4;vf4;vf4;vi4; (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:117 Function Parameters:
+0:117 'inF0' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:117 'inF1' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:117 'inF2' (temp 4-component vector of float)
+0:117 'inI0' (temp 4-component vector of int)
+0:? Sequence
+0:118 Constant:
+0:118 0.000000
+0:119 Constant:
+0:119 0.000000
+0:120 Constant:
+0:120 0.000000
+0:121 Constant:
+0:121 0.000000
+0:122 Constant:
+0:122 0.000000
+0:123 Constant:
+0:123 0.000000
+0:124 Constant:
+0:124 0.000000
+0:125 Constant:
+0:125 0.000000
+0:126 Constant:
+0:126 0.000000
+0:127 Constant:
+0:127 0.000000
+0:128 Constant:
+0:128 0.000000
+0:129 Constant:
+0:129 0.000000
+0:130 Constant:
+0:130 0.000000
+0:131 Constant:
+0:131 0.000000
+0:132 Constant:
+0:132 0.000000
+0:133 Constant:
+0:133 0.000000
+0:134 Constant:
+0:134 0.000000
+0:135 Constant:
+0:135 0.000000
+0:136 Constant:
+0:136 0.000000
+0:137 Constant:
+0:137 0.000000
+0:141 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 1.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:182 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(mf22;mf22;mf22; (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:175 Function Parameters:
+0:175 'inF0' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:175 'inF1' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:175 'inF2' (temp 2X2 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:177 Constant:
+0:177 0.000000
+0:179 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:? 2.000000
+0:190 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(mf33;mf33;mf33; (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:183 Function Parameters:
+0:183 'inF0' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:183 'inF1' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:183 'inF2' (temp 3X3 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:185 Constant:
+0:185 0.000000
+0:187 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:? 3.000000
+0:197 Function Definition: VertexShaderFunction(mf44;mf44;mf44; (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:191 Function Parameters:
+0:191 'inF0' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:191 'inF1' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:191 'inF2' (temp 4X4 matrix of float)
+0:? Sequence
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:193 Constant:
+0:193 0.000000
+0:195 Branch: Return with expression
+0:? Constant:
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? 4.000000
+0:? Linker Objects
+SPIR-V is not generated for failed compile or link
--- /dev/null
+float PixelShaderFunction(float inF0, float inF1, float inF2, int inI0)
+ // AllMemoryBarrier(); // TODO: expected error: invalid in fragment stage
+ // AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); // TODO: expected error: invalid in fragment stage
+ asdouble(inF0, inF1); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ CheckAccessFullyMapped(3.0); // expected error: only valid on integers
+ countbits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ cross(inF0, inF1); // expected error: only on float3 inputs
+ D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4(inF0); // expected error: only on float4 inputs
+ determinant(inF0); // expected error: only valid on mats
+ // DeviceMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); // TODO: expected error: only valid in compute stage
+ f16tof32(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbithigh(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbitlow(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ fma(inF0, inF1, inF2); // expected error: only double inputs
+ // InterlockedAdd(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out in proto generator
+ // InterlockedAnd(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out i // InterlockedMax(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out in proto generator
+ // InterlockedMin(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out in proto generator
+ // InterlockedOor(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out in proto generator
+ // InterlockedXor(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out in proto generator
+ // GroupMemoryBarrier(); // TODO: expected error: invalid in fragment stage
+ // GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); // TODO: expected error: invalid in fragment stage
+ length(inF0); // expected error: invalid on scalars
+ msad4(inF0, float2(0), float4(0)); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ normalize(inF0); // expected error: invalid on scalars
+ reflect(inF0, inF1); // expected error: invalid on scalars
+ refract(inF0, inF1, inF2); // expected error: invalid on scalars
+ refract(float2(0), float2(0), float2(0)); // expected error: last parameter only scalar
+ reversebits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ transpose(inF0); // expected error: only valid on mats
+ return 0.0;
+float1 PixelShaderFunction(float1 inF0, float1 inF1, float1 inF2, int1 inI0)
+ // TODO: ... add when float1 prototypes are generated
+ GetRenderTargetSamplePosition(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ return 0.0;
+float2 PixelShaderFunction(float2 inF0, float2 inF1, float2 inF2, int2 inI0)
+ asdouble(inF0, inF1); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ CheckAccessFullyMapped(inF0); // expected error: only valid on scalars
+ countbits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ cross(inF0, inF1); // expected error: only on float3 inputs
+ D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4(inF0); // expected error: only on float4 inputs
+ determinant(inF0); // expected error: only valid on mats
+ f16tof32(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbithigh(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbitlow(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ fma(inF0, inF1, inF2); // expected error: only double inputs
+ reversebits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ transpose(inF0); // expected error: only valid on mats
+ return float2(1,2);
+float3 PixelShaderFunction(float3 inF0, float3 inF1, float3 inF2, int3 inI0)
+ CheckAccessFullyMapped(inF0); // expected error: only valid on scalars
+ countbits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4(inF0); // expected error: only on float4 inputs
+ determinant(inF0); // expected error: only valid on mats
+ f16tof32(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbithigh(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbitlow(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ fma(inF0, inF1, inF2); // expected error: only double inputs
+ reversebits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ transpose(inF0); // expected error: only valid on mats
+ return float3(1,2,3);
+float4 PixelShaderFunction(float4 inF0, float4 inF1, float4 inF2, int4 inI0)
+ CheckAccessFullyMapped(inF0); // expected error: only valid on scalars
+ countbits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ cross(inF0, inF1); // expected error: only on float3 inputs
+ determinant(inF0); // expected error: only valid on mats
+ f16tof32(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbithigh(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbitlow(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ fma(inF0, inF1, inF2); // expected error: only double inputs
+ reversebits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ transpose(inF0); // expected error: only valid on mats
+ return float4(1,2,3,4);
+// TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+#define MATFNS() \
+ countbits(inF0); \
+ D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4(inF0); \
+ cross(inF0, inF1); \
+ f16tof32(inF0); \
+ firstbithigh(inF0); \
+ firstbitlow(inF0); \
+ fma(inF0, inF1, inF2); \
+ reversebits(inF0); \
+ length(inF0); \
+ noise(inF0); \
+ normalize(inF0); \
+ reflect(inF0, inF1); \
+ refract(inF0, inF1, 1.0); \
+ reversebits(inF0); \
+// TODO: turn on non-square matrix tests when protos are available.
+float2x2 PixelShaderFunction(float2x2 inF0, float2x2 inF1, float2x2 inF2)
+ // TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+ return float2x2(2,2,2,2);
+float3x3 PixelShaderFunction(float3x3 inF0, float3x3 inF1, float3x3 inF2)
+ // TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+ return float3x3(3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3);
+float4x4 PixelShaderFunction(float4x4 inF0, float4x4 inF1, float4x4 inF2)
+ // TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+ return float4x4(4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4);
--- /dev/null
+float VertexShaderFunction(float inF0, float inF1, float inF2, int inI0)
+ // AllMemoryBarrier(); // invalid in fragment stage TODO: parser currently crashes on empty arg list
+ // AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); // invalid in fragment stage TODO: parser currently crashes on empty arg list
+ asdouble(inF0, inF1); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ CheckAccessFullyMapped(3.0); // expected error: only valid on integers
+ CheckAccessFullyMapped(3); // expected error: only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ clip(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ countbits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ cross(inF0, inF1); // expected error: only on float3 inputs
+ D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4(inF0); // expected error: only on float4 inputs
+ // DeviceMemoryBarrier(); // TODO: expected error: only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ // DeviceMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); // TODO: expected error: only valid in compute stage
+ ddx(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddx_coarse(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddx_fine(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy_coarse(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy_fine(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ determinant(inF0); // expected error: only valid on mats
+ EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ EvaluateAttributeAtSample(inF0, 2); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ EvaluateAttributeSnapped(inF0, int2(2)); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ f16tof32(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbithigh(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbitlow(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ fma(inF0, inF1, inF2); // expected error: only double inputs
+ // InterlockedAdd(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out in proto generator
+ // InterlockedAnd(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out i // InterlockedMax(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out in proto generator
+ // InterlockedMin(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out in proto generator
+ // InterlockedOor(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out in proto generator
+ // InterlockedXor(inI0, inI0, 3); // expected error: last parameter is out TODO: accepted even though marked as out in proto generator
+ // GroupMemoryBarrier(); // TODO: expected error: only valid in compute stage
+ // GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync(); // TODO: expected error: only valid in compute stage
+ length(inF0); // expect error: invalid on scalars
+ msad4(inF0, float2(0), float4(0)); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ normalize(inF0); // expect error: invalid on scalars
+ reflect(inF0, inF1); // expect error: invalid on scalars
+ refract(inF0, inF1, inF2); // expect error: invalid on scalars
+ refract(float2(0), float2(0), float2(0)); // expected error: last parameter only scalar
+ reversebits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ transpose(inF0); // expect error: only valid on mats
+ // TODO: texture intrinsics, when we can declare samplers.
+ return 0.0;
+float1 VertexShaderFunction(float1 inF0, float1 inF1, float1 inF2, int1 inI0)
+ // TODO: ... add when float1 prototypes are generated
+ GetRenderTargetSamplePosition(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ return 0.0;
+float2 VertexShaderFunction(float2 inF0, float2 inF1, float2 inF2, int2 inI0)
+ asdouble(inF0, inF1); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ CheckAccessFullyMapped(inF0); // expect error: only valid on scalars
+ countbits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ cross(inF0, inF1); // expected error: only on float3 inputs
+ D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4(inF0); // expected error: only on float4 inputs
+ ddx(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddx_coarse(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddx_fine(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy_coarse(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy_fine(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ determinant(inF0); // expect error: only valid on mats
+ EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ EvaluateAttributeAtSample(inF0, 2); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ EvaluateAttributeSnapped(inF0, int2(2)); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ f16tof32(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbithigh(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbitlow(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ fma(inF0, inF1, inF2); // expected error: only double inputs
+ noise(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ reversebits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ transpose(inF0); // expect error: only valid on mats
+ // TODO: texture intrinsics, when we can declare samplers.
+ return float2(1,2);
+float3 VertexShaderFunction(float3 inF0, float3 inF1, float3 inF2, int3 inI0)
+ CheckAccessFullyMapped(inF0); // expect error: only valid on scalars
+ countbits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ ddx(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddx_coarse(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddx_fine(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy_coarse(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy_fine(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4(inF0); // expected error: only on float4 inputs
+ determinant(inF0); // expect error: only valid on mats
+ EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ EvaluateAttributeAtSample(inF0, 2); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ EvaluateAttributeSnapped(inF0, int2(2)); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ f16tof32(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbithigh(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbitlow(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ fma(inF0, inF1, inF2); // expected error: only double inputs
+ noise(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ reversebits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ transpose(inF0); // expect error: only valid on mats
+ // TODO: texture intrinsics, when we can declare samplers.
+ return float3(1,2,3);
+float4 VertexShaderFunction(float4 inF0, float4 inF1, float4 inF2, int4 inI0)
+ CheckAccessFullyMapped(inF0); // expect error: only valid on scalars
+ countbits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ cross(inF0, inF1); // expected error: only on float3 inputs
+ determinant(inF0); // expect error: only valid on mats
+ ddx(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddx_coarse(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddx_fine(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy_coarse(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ ddy_fine(inF0); // only valid in pixel & compute stages
+ EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ EvaluateAttributeAtSample(inF0, 2); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ EvaluateAttributeSnapped(inF0, int2(2)); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ f16tof32(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbithigh(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ firstbitlow(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ fma(inF0, inF1, inF2); // expected error: only double inputs
+ noise(inF0); // expected error: only valid in pixel stage
+ reversebits(inF0); // expected error: only integer inputs
+ transpose(inF0); // expect error: only valid on mats
+ // TODO: texture intrinsics, when we can declare samplers.
+ return float4(1,2,3,4);
+// TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+#define MATFNS() \
+ countbits(inF0); \
+ cross(inF0, inF1); \
+ D3DCOLORtoUBYTE4(inF0); \
+ ddx(inF0); \
+ ddx_coarse(inF0); \
+ ddx_fine(inF0); \
+ ddy(inF0); \
+ ddy_coarse(inF0); \
+ ddy_fine(inF0); \
+ EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid(inF0); \
+ EvaluateAttributeAtSample(inF0, 2); \
+ EvaluateAttributeSnapped(inF0, int2(2)); \
+ f16tof32(inF0); \
+ firstbithigh(inF0); \
+ firstbitlow(inF0); \
+ fma(inF0, inF1, inF2); \
+ noise(inF0); \
+ reversebits(inF0); \
+ length(inF0); \
+ noise(inF0); \
+ normalize(inF0); \
+ reflect(inF0, inF1); \
+ refract(inF0, inF1, 1.0); \
+ reversebits(inF0); \
+// TODO: turn on non-square matrix tests when protos are available.
+float2x2 VertexShaderFunction(float2x2 inF0, float2x2 inF1, float2x2 inF2)
+ // TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+ return float2x2(2,2,2,2);
+float3x3 VertexShaderFunction(float3x3 inF0, float3x3 inF1, float3x3 inF2)
+ // TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+ return float3x3(3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3);
+float4x4 VertexShaderFunction(float4x4 inF0, float4x4 inF1, float4x4 inF2)
+ // TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+ return float4x4(4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4);
{"hlsl.assoc.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.float1.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.float4.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
+ {"hlsl.intrinsics.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
+ {"hlsl.intrinsics.negative.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
+ {"hlsl.intrinsics.negative.vert", "VertexShaderFunction"},
+ {"hlsl.intrinsics.vert", "VertexShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.matType.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.max.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.precedence.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.precedence2.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
{"hlsl.sin.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
- {"hlsl.intrinsics.frag", "PixelShaderFunction"},
- {"hlsl.intrinsics.vert", "VertexShaderFunction"},