* Set the date, version number, and release type [stable/alpha/beta] on
line 3 of NEWS, commit that, and tag the release by running e.g.,
- build-aux/do-release-commit-and-tag 8.1 beta
+ build-aux/do-release-commit-and-tag 8.x stable
* Run the following to create release tarballs. Your choice selects the
corresponding upload-to destination in the emitted gnupload command.
* Send the gpg-signed announcement mail, e.g.,
- To: info-gnu@gnu.org, coreutils-announce@gnu.org
- Cc: coordinator@translationproject.org, bug-coreutils@gnu.org
- Subject: coreutils-8.0 released [beta]
+ To: info-gnu@gnu.org
+ Cc: coordinator@translationproject.org, coreutils@gnu.org
+ Cc: coreutils-announce@gnu.org
+ Subject: coreutils-8.0 released [stable]
+ Reply-To: bug-coreutils@gnu.org
* Approve the announcement here:
the Main -> "Select Features" menu item, or via this link:
- Subject: coreutils-0.0 released [beta]
- The announcement is here:
- http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.core-utils.announce/54
+ Subject: coreutils-8.0 released [stable]
+ +verbatim+
+ ...paste the announcement here...
+ -verbatim-
Then go here to approve it: