#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
#include <tf_schema_generated.h>
using TfOpNodes = std::vector<TfOpNode>;
- * @brief tensorflow operation index map, this class manages operation index
- * mapping
+ * @brief Bidirectional Index map
+ * @tparam T type of a underlying value, please note that T will be copied, so
+ * please use this for pointers and primitive values that is okay to copy
-class TfOpIdxMap {
+template <typename T> class BidirectionalIndexMap {
- TfOpIdxMap(std::vector<TfOpNode> nodes){};
+ /**
+ * @brief addDatapoint to the map
+ *
+ * @param data data to be added if there is no occurrence, data will be
+ * copied.
+ */
+ void addDataWhenNotFound(T data) {
+ auto search = data2index.find(data);
+ if (search == data2index.end()) {
+ data2index[data] = index2data.size();
+ index2data.push_back(data);
+ }
+ }
- * @brief Bidirectional Index map
+ * @brief Get the Index of the data
- * @tparam T type of a underyling value
+ * @param key data that will be the key
+ * @return unsigned int index
- template <typename T> class BidirectionalIndexMap {
- std::unordered_map<T, unsigned int> data2index; /**< data -> index map */
- std::vector<T> index2data; /**< index -> data map */
- };
+ unsigned int getIndex(const T &key) const {
+ auto search = data2index.find(key);
+ NNTR_THROW_IF(search == data2index.end(), std::invalid_argument)
+ << FUNC_TAG << "Cannot find index for key: " << key;
+ return *search;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Get the Data object
+ *
+ * @param idx index to be searched
+ * @return T datapoint T
+ */
+ T getData(unsigned int index) const {
+ NNTR_THROW_IF(index >= index2data.size(), std::invalid_argument)
+ << FUNC_TAG << "Cannot find data for index: " << index;
+ return index2data[index];
+ }
+ std::unordered_map<T, unsigned int> data2index; /**< data -> index map */
+ std::vector<T> index2data; /**< index -> data map */
+ * @brief tensorflow operation index map, this class manages operation index
+ * mapping
+ *
+ */
+class TfOpIdxMap {
+ TfOpIdxMap(const TfOpNodes &nodes) {
+ auto &opcode_map = getIndexMap<tflite::BuiltinOperator>();
+ auto update_opcode = [&opcode_map](tflite::BuiltinOperator opcode) {
+ opcode_map.addDataWhenNotFound(opcode);
+ };
+ auto &buffer_map = getIndexMap<const float *>();
+ buffer_map.addDataWhenNotFound(empty_buffer); /// put empty buffer to first
+ auto update_buffers = [&buffer_map](const TfOpNode::Variables &variables) {
+ for (auto &variable : variables) {
+ const Tensor &t = variable->getVariableRef();
+ if (!t.uninitialized() && t.isAllocated()) {
+ buffer_map.addDataWhenNotFound(t.getData());
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ auto &variable_map = getIndexMap<const Var_Grad *>();
+ auto update_variables =
+ [&variable_map](const TfOpNode::Variables &variables) {
+ for (auto &variable : variables) {
+ variable_map.addDataWhenNotFound(variable);
+ }
+ };
+ for (auto &op_node : nodes) {
+ update_opcode(op_node.getOpType());
+ update_variables(op_node.getInputs());
+ update_variables(op_node.getOutputs());
+ update_variables(op_node.getWeights());
+ update_buffers(op_node.getWeights());
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T> BidirectionalIndexMap<T> &getIndexMap() {
+ return std::get<BidirectionalIndexMap<T>>(maps);
+ }
float empty_buffer[0]; /**< unintialized tensor points to this buffer */
- BidirectionalIndexMap<float *> buffer_map; /**< underlying buffer map */
- BidirectionalIndexMap<tflite::BuiltinOperator> opcode_map; /**< opcode map */
- BidirectionalIndexMap<Var_Grad *> variable_map; /**< tensor map */
+ std::tuple<BidirectionalIndexMap<const float *>, /**< underlying buffer map */
+ BidirectionalIndexMap<tflite::BuiltinOperator>, /**< opcode map */
+ BidirectionalIndexMap<const Var_Grad *>> /**< tensor map */
+ maps;
/// @todo, look ahead of layers to get nodes that can be fused
for (const auto &ln : representation->getSorted()) {
- std::cout << ln->getObject()->getName() << '\n';
return nodes;
return Sorted;
+int NetworkGraph::initialize(std::shared_ptr<Manager> manager) {
+ int status = ML_ERROR_NONE;
+ for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < Sorted.size(); ++idx) {
+ bool first = idx == 0;
+ auto &lnode = getSortedLayerNode(idx);
+ auto &lptr = lnode->getObject();
+ ml_logd("layer name : %s", lptr->getName().c_str());
+ std::string cur_type;
+ if (lptr->getType() == TimeDistLayer::type) {
+ cur_type =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<TimeDistLayer>(lptr)->getDistLayerType();
+ } else {
+ cur_type = lptr->getType();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set input dimension for all the layers.
+ * For input layer, as input dimension is known, set input tensor.
+ */
+ if (!first) {
+ std::string l_pre_type =
+ getSortedLayerNode(idx - 1)->getObject()->getType();
+ if (l_pre_type == TimeDistLayer::type) {
+ l_pre_type = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<TimeDistLayer>(
+ getSortedLayerNode(idx - 1)->getObject())
+ ->getDistLayerType();
+ }
+ if (istrequal(l_pre_type, ActivationLayer::type) &&
+ istrequal(cur_type, ActivationLayer::type)) {
+ ml_loge("double activation is not allowed");
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lptr->input_layers.size(); ++i) {
+ Layer &in_layer = *getLayerNode(lptr->input_layers[i])->getObject();
+ unsigned int location = 0;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < in_layer.output_layers.size(); ++j) {
+ if (in_layer.output_layers[j] == lptr->getName()) {
+ location = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ lptr->setInputDimension(in_layer.getOutputDimension()[location], i);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initialize all the layers, allocate output tensors for each layer
+ * and add optimizer related weights for the layer
+ */
+ status = lptr->initialize(*manager);
+ auto &in_out = manager->trackLayerOutputs(cur_type, lptr->getName(),
+ lptr->getOutputDimension(),
+ lptr->getInputDimension());
+ lptr->setOutputBuffers(in_out);
+ /** Connect the output of the previous layers with the input of the current
+ * layer */
+ if (!first) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lptr->input_layers.size(); ++i) {
+ Layer &in_layer = *getLayerNode(lptr->input_layers[i])->getObject();
+ unsigned int location = 0;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < in_layer.output_layers.size(); ++j) {
+ if (in_layer.output_layers[j] == lptr->getName()) {
+ location = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ lptr->net_input[i] = getLayerNode(lptr->input_layers[i])
+ ->getObject()
+ ->net_hidden[location];
+ }
+ } else {
+ auto &in_out = manager->trackLayerInputs(cur_type, lptr->getName(),
+ lptr->getInputDimension(),
+ lptr->getOutputDimension());
+ lptr->setInputBuffers(in_out);
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
} /* namespace nntrainer */
return *this;
+ /**
+ * @brief initialize network graph, with given manager
+ * @note this is taken from neuralnet, This might need some changes
+ *
+ * @param manager manager to allocate tensors
+ */
+ int initialize(std::shared_ptr<Manager> manager);
std::map<std::string, std::string> sub_in_out; /** This is map to identify
input and output layer name of subgraph */
- for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < n_layers; ++idx) {
- bool first = idx == 0;
- auto &lnode = model_graph.getSortedLayerNode(idx);
- auto &lptr = lnode->getObject();
- ml_logd("layer name : %s", lptr->getName().c_str());
- std::string cur_type;
- if (lptr->getType() == TimeDistLayer::type) {
- cur_type =
- std::dynamic_pointer_cast<TimeDistLayer>(lptr)->getDistLayerType();
- } else {
- cur_type = lptr->getType();
- }
- /**
- * Set input dimension for all the layers.
- * For input layer, as input dimension is known, set input tensor.
- */
- if (!first) {
- std::string l_pre_type =
- model_graph.getSortedLayerNode(idx - 1)->getObject()->getType();
- if (l_pre_type == TimeDistLayer::type) {
- l_pre_type = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<TimeDistLayer>(
- model_graph.getSortedLayerNode(idx - 1)->getObject())
- ->getDistLayerType();
- }
- if (istrequal(l_pre_type, ActivationLayer::type) &&
- istrequal(cur_type, ActivationLayer::type)) {
- ml_loge("double activation is not allowed");
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lptr->input_layers.size(); ++i) {
- Layer &in_layer =
- *model_graph.getLayerNode(lptr->input_layers[i])->getObject();
- unsigned int location = 0;
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < in_layer.output_layers.size(); ++j) {
- if (in_layer.output_layers[j] == lptr->getName()) {
- location = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- lptr->setInputDimension(in_layer.getOutputDimension()[location], i);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initialize all the layers, allocate output tensors for each layer
- * and add optimizer related weights for the layer
- */
- status = lptr->initialize(*manager);
- REGISTER_EVENT(lptr->getName(), lnode->event_key)
- auto &in_out = manager->trackLayerOutputs(cur_type, lptr->getName(),
- lptr->getOutputDimension(),
- lptr->getInputDimension());
- lptr->setOutputBuffers(in_out);
- /** Connect the output of the previous layers with the input of the current
- * layer */
- if (!first) {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lptr->input_layers.size(); ++i) {
- Layer &in_layer =
- *model_graph.getLayerNode(lptr->input_layers[i])->getObject();
- unsigned int location = 0;
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < in_layer.output_layers.size(); ++j) {
- if (in_layer.output_layers[j] == lptr->getName()) {
- location = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- lptr->net_input[i] = model_graph.getLayerNode(lptr->input_layers[i])
- ->getObject()
- ->net_hidden[location];
- }
- } else {
- auto &in_out = manager->trackLayerInputs(cur_type, lptr->getName(),
- lptr->getInputDimension(),
- lptr->getOutputDimension());
- lptr->setInputBuffers(in_out);
- }
- }
+ status = model_graph.initialize(manager);
// initialize optimizer and related variables
if (opt) {
auto fc0 = LayerReprentation("fully_connected",
- {"name=fc0", "unit=1", "input_shape=1:1:100"});
+ {"name=fc0", "unit=1", "input_shape=1:1:10"});
+auto fc1 = LayerReprentation("fully_connected",
+ {"name=fc1", "unit=1", "input_shape=1:1:10"});
auto flatten = LayerReprentation("flatten", {"name=flat"});
TEST(flatbuffer, playground) {
+ auto manager = std::make_shared<nntrainer::Manager>();
nntrainer::TfliteInterpreter interpreter;
- auto g = makeGraph({fc0});
- g->compile(nntrainer::LossType::LOSS_NONE);
+ auto g = makeGraph({fc0, fc1});
+ EXPECT_EQ(g->compile(nntrainer::LossType::LOSS_NONE), ML_ERROR_NONE);
+ EXPECT_EQ(g->initialize(manager), ML_ERROR_NONE);
+ manager->initializeWeights();
+ manager->allocateWeights();
interpreter.serialize(g, "test.tflite");
+ manager->deallocateWeights();