-gbs (0.17.1-1) unstable; urgency=high
+gbs (0.17.2-1) unstable; urgency=high
* upgrade to gbs v0.17, which contains the following bug fixing & features:
* New gbs config refinements
- 'work_dir' support in [general] section
osc (>= 0.139.0),
- git-buildpackage-rpm (>= 0.6.0git20130530-tizen20130716),
+ git-buildpackage-rpm (>= 0.6.0git20130530-tizen20130719),
gbs-api (= ${binary:Version}),
gbs-export (= ${binary:Version}),
depanneur (>= 0.8),
+Release notes for gbs 0.17.2
+- Release Date: 2013-07-19
+- New feature added:
+ * ignore submodules during patch generation. Without this fix, patches
+ conains submodules info would fail to apply during rpmbuild
Release notes for gbs 0.17.1
module for gbs tool
-__version__ = "0.17.1"
+__version__ = "0.17.2"
Format: 1.0
Source: gbs
-Version: 0.17.1
+Version: 0.17.2
Binary: gbs, gbs-api, gbs-export
Maintainer: Jian-feng Ding <jian-feng.ding@intel.com>
Architecture: all
Standards-Version: 3.7.1
Build-Depends: debhelper, python-support
- 574996dfeeb001e70f20239a0e621daf 2457861 gbs_0.17.1.tar.gz
+ 574996dfeeb001e70f20239a0e621daf 2457861 gbs_0.17.2.tar.gz
%{!?python_version: %define python_version %(%{__python} -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.version[:3])")}
Name: gbs
Summary: The command line tools for Tizen package developers
-Version: 0.17.1
+Version: 0.17.2
Release: 1
Group: Development/Tools
License: GPLv2
Requires: python-pycurl
Requires: sudo
Requires: osc >= 0.139.0
-Requires: tizen-gbp-rpm >= 20130716
+Requires: tizen-gbp-rpm >= 20130719
Requires: depanneur >= 0.8
Requires: mic >= 0.20