We learned a lot from the following projects when building TVM.
-- [Halide]( TVM uses [HalideIR]( as data structure for
- arithmetic simplification and low level lowering. We also learned and adapted some part of lowering pipeline from Halide.
+- [Halide]( Part of TVM's TIR and arithmetic simplification module
+ originates from Halide. We also learned and adapted some part of lowering pipeline from Halide.
- [Loopy]( use of integer set analysis and its loop transformation primitives.
- [Theano]( the design inspiration of symbolic scan operator for recurrence.
set -u
# cleanup old states
-rm -rf docs/_build/html
+rm -rf docs/_build
mkdir -p docs/_build/html
rm -rf docs/gen_modules
rm -rf docs/doxygen
PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/../python make html
cd ..
-rm -rf _docs
-mv docs/_build/html _docs
-rm -f _docs/.buildinfo
# C++ doc
make doc
rm -f docs/doxygen/html/*.map docs/doxygen/html/*.md5
-mv docs/doxygen/html _docs/doxygen
# JS doc
jsdoc -c web/.jsdoc_conf.json web/tvm_runtime.js web/
-mv out _docs/jsdoc
# Java doc
make javadoc
+# Prepare the doc dir
+rm -rf _docs
+mv docs/_build/html _docs
+rm -f _docs/.buildinfo
+mv docs/doxygen/html _docs/doxygen
+mv out _docs/jsdoc
mv jvm/core/target/site/apidocs _docs/javadoc
echo "Start creating the docs tarball.."
# make the tarball
-tar -C _docs -czvf docs.tgz .
+tar -C _docs -czf docs.tgz .
echo "Finish creating the docs tarball"
du -h docs.tgz