- * @page luaref Edje Lua scripting
- *
- * @section intro Introduction
- *
- * Lua is intended for script-only objects at this point (with embryo left
- * for augmenting standard programs). Since script-only objects effectively
- * define objects entirely via Lua script (resize handling, event handling
- * etc. etc.) this places many more demands on them, and thus a more powerful
- * language is in order. Lua is that language.
- *
- * To get you started, here's an example:
- * @ref lua_script.edc
- *
- */
#ifndef _EDJE_H
#define _EDJE_H
# define FMT_SIZE_T "%zu"
+@page luaref Edje Lua scripting
+@section intro Introduction
+Lua is intended for script-only objects at this point (with embryo left
+for augmenting standard programs). Since script-only objects effectively
+define objects entirely via Lua script (resize handling, event handling
+etc. etc.) this places many more demands on them, and thus a more powerful
+language is in order. Lua is that language.
+To get you started, here's an example:
+@ref lua_script.edc
+@section args Lua function argument syntax
+Some of the lua functions can accept a table as well as separate arguments.
+ */
typedef struct _Edje_Lua_Alloc Edje_Lua_Alloc;
typedef struct _Edje_Lua_Obj Edje_Lua_Obj;
return isa;
* Cori: Assumes object to be saved on top of stack
static void
lua_pop(L, 1); // pop obj table
* Cori: Get an object from the object table
static void *
+@page luaref
+@section classes Lua classes.
+@subsection edje Basic edje class.
+The lua edje class includes functions for dealing with the lua script only group
+as an edje object, basic functions, and functions to create other objects.
+@page luaref
+@subsubsection echo edje:echo()
+Make lua a bit shelly.
+Param - a string to print to the console.
static int
_elua_echo(lua_State *L)
+@page luaref
+@subsubsection date edje:date()
+Gives us the current time and date.
+Returns a table with these members -
+year - Year.
+month - Month as an integer.
+day - Day of the month.
+yearday - Day of the year.
+weekday - Day of the week as an integer.
+hour -
+min -
+sec - Seconds as a number.
static int
_elua_date(lua_State *L)
+@page luaref
+@subsection evas Basic evas class.
+The lua evas class includes functions for dealing with evas objects.
static void
_elua_evas_obj_free(void *obj)
evas_object_data_set(elo->evas_obj, ELO, elo);
+@page luaref
+@subsection edje
+@subsubsection rect edje:rect()
+Create a rectangle.
+Returns an evas rectangle.
static int
_elua_rect(lua_State *L)
+@page luaref
+@subsection edje
+@subsubsection rect edje:rect()
+Create a rectangle.
+Returns an evas rectangle.
static int
_elua_hide(lua_State *L)