* Reproduce the issue with the kernel you just installed. If it doesn't show
- up there, head over to the instructions for issues only happening with
+ up there, scroll down to the instructions for issues only happening with
stable and longterm kernels.
* Optimize your notes: try to find and write the most straightforward way to
*Reproduce the issue with the kernel you just installed. If it doesn't show
- up there, head over to the instructions for issues only happening with
+ up there, scroll down to the instructions for issues only happening with
stable and longterm kernels.*
Check if the issue occurs with the fresh Linux kernel version you just
Linux kernel sources to test if it helps. In some cases it will be fine sending
a reply asking for instructions how to do that. But before going that route try
to find the answer own your own by searching the internet; alternatively
-consider asking in other places for advice. For example ask a fried or post
+consider asking in other places for advice. For example ask a friend or post
about it to a chatroom or forum you normally hang out.
**Be patient**: If you are really lucky you might get a reply to your report