# WARN2-NOHEADERS: warning: '[[FILE]]': PT_DYNAMIC segment offset (0x1119) + file size (0x10) exceeds the size of the file (0x1118)
-## Case C: test we report a warning when the offset + the file size of the PT_DYNAMIC is so large a
-## value that it overflows the platform address size type.
-# RUN: yaml2obj %s -DOFFSET=0xffffffffffffffff -o %t3
-# RUN: not llvm-readobj %t3 --dynamic-table 2>&1 | FileCheck -DFILE=%t3 %s --check-prefix=WARN3
-# RUN: not llvm-readelf %t3 --dynamic-table 2>&1 | FileCheck -DFILE=%t3 %s --check-prefix=WARN3
-# WARN3: warning: '[[FILE]]': PT_DYNAMIC segment offset (0xffffffffffffffff) + file size (0x10) exceeds the size of the file (0x1130)
-# WARN3: error: '[[FILE]]': Invalid data was encountered while parsing the file
-# RUN: yaml2obj %s -DNOHEADERS=true -DOFFSET=0xffffffffffffffff -o %t3.noheaders
-# RUN: llvm-readobj %t3.noheaders --dynamic-table 2>&1 | \
-# RUN: FileCheck -DFILE=%t3.noheaders %s --check-prefix=WARN3-NOHEADERS
-# RUN: llvm-readelf %t3.noheaders --dynamic-table 2>&1 | \
-# RUN: FileCheck -DFILE=%t3.noheaders %s --check-prefix=WARN3-NOHEADERS
-# WARN3-NOHEADERS: warning: '[[FILE]]': PT_DYNAMIC segment offset (0xffffffffffffffff) + file size (0x10) exceeds the size of the file (0x1118)
-# RUN: yaml2obj %s -DFILESIZE=0xffffffffffffffff -o %t4
-# RUN: llvm-readobj %t4 --dynamic-table 2>&1 | FileCheck -DFILE=%t4 %s --check-prefix=WARN4
-# RUN: llvm-readelf %t4 --dynamic-table 2>&1 | FileCheck -DFILE=%t4 %s --check-prefix=WARN4
-# WARN4: warning: '[[FILE]]': PT_DYNAMIC segment offset (0x1000) + file size (0xffffffffffffffff) exceeds the size of the file (0x1130)
-# RUN: yaml2obj %s -DNOHEADERS=true -DFILESIZE=0xffffffffffffffff -o %t4.noheaders
-# RUN: llvm-readobj %t4.noheaders --dynamic-table 2>&1 | \
-# RUN: FileCheck -DFILE=%t4.noheaders %s --check-prefix=WARN4-NOHEADERS
-# RUN: llvm-readelf %t4.noheaders --dynamic-table 2>&1 | \
-# RUN: FileCheck -DFILE=%t4.noheaders %s --check-prefix=WARN4-NOHEADERS
-# WARN4-NOHEADERS: warning: '[[FILE]]': PT_DYNAMIC segment offset (0x1000) + file size (0xffffffffffffffff) exceeds the size of the file (0x1118)
-## Case D: the same as "Case C", but for a 32-bit object.
-# RUN: yaml2obj %s -DBITS=32 -DOFFSET=0xffffffff -o %t5
-# RUN: not llvm-readobj %t5 --dynamic-table 2>&1 | FileCheck -DFILE=%t5 %s --check-prefix=WARN5
-# RUN: not llvm-readelf %t5 --dynamic-table 2>&1 | FileCheck -DFILE=%t5 %s --check-prefix=WARN5
-# WARN5: warning: '[[FILE]]': PT_DYNAMIC segment offset (0xffffffff) + file size (0x8) exceeds the size of the file (0x10c8)
-# WARN5: error: '[[FILE]]': Invalid data was encountered while parsing the file
-# RUN: yaml2obj %s -DNOHEADERS=true -DBITS=32 -DOFFSET=0xffffffff -o %t5.noheaders
-# RUN: llvm-readobj %t5.noheaders --dynamic-table 2>&1 | \
-# RUN: FileCheck -DFILE=%t5.noheaders %s --check-prefix=WARN5-NOHEADERS
-# RUN: llvm-readelf %t5.noheaders --dynamic-table 2>&1 | \
-# RUN: FileCheck -DFILE=%t5.noheaders %s --check-prefix=WARN5-NOHEADERS
-# WARN5-NOHEADERS: warning: '[[FILE]]': PT_DYNAMIC segment offset (0xffffffff) + file size (0x8) exceeds the size of the file (0x10ac)
-# RUN: yaml2obj %s -DBITS=32 -DFILESIZE=0xffffffff -o %t6
-# RUN: llvm-readobj %t6 --dynamic-table 2>&1 | FileCheck -DFILE=%t6 %s --check-prefix=WARN6
-# RUN: llvm-readelf %t6 --dynamic-table 2>&1 | FileCheck -DFILE=%t6 %s --check-prefix=WARN6
-# WARN6: warning: '[[FILE]]': PT_DYNAMIC segment offset (0x1000) + file size (0xffffffff) exceeds the size of the file (0x10c8)
-# RUN: yaml2obj %s -DNOHEADERS=true -DBITS=32 -DFILESIZE=0xffffffff -o %t6.noheaders
-# RUN: llvm-readobj %t6.noheaders --dynamic-table 2>&1 | \
-# RUN: FileCheck -DFILE=%t6.noheaders %s --check-prefix=WARN6-NOHEADERS
-# RUN: llvm-readelf %t6.noheaders --dynamic-table 2>&1 | \
-# RUN: FileCheck -DFILE=%t6.noheaders %s --check-prefix=WARN6-NOHEADERS
-# WARN6-NOHEADERS: warning: '[[FILE]]': PT_DYNAMIC segment offset (0x1000) + file size (0xffffffff) exceeds the size of the file (0x10ac)
--- !ELF
- Class: ELFCLASS[[BITS=64]]
- Type: ET_EXEC
+ Class: ELFCLASS64
+ Type: ET_EXEC
- Name: .dynamic