\inqmlmodule QtQuick.LocalStorage 2
\since QtQuick 2.0
- \brief The LocalStorage module API provides the ability to access local offline storage in an SQL database.
+ \brief Provides a JavaScript module API for accessing a local SQLite database
These databases are user-specific and QML-specific, but accessible to all QML applications.
They are stored in the \c Databases subdirectory
\qmlclass SignalSpy SignalSpy
- \brief The SignalSpy item enables introspection of signal emission.
+ \brief Enables introspection of signal emission
\since 4.8
\ingroup qtest::qml
\qmlclass TestCase TestCase
- \brief The TestCase item represents a unit test case.
+ \brief Represents a unit test case
\since 4.8
\ingroup qtest::qml
\qmlclass XmlRole QQuickXmlListModelRole
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-working-with-data
- \brief The XmlRole element allows you to specify a role for an XmlListModel.
+ \brief For specifying a role to an XmlListModel
\sa {QtQml}
\qmlclass XmlListModel QQuickXmlListModel
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-working-with-data
- \brief The XmlListModel element is used to specify a read-only model using XPath expressions.
+ \brief For specifying a read-only model using XPath expressions
To use this element, you will need to import the module with the following line:
\qmlclass Age QQuickAgeAffector
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Affector
- \brief The Age affector allows you to prematurely age particles
+ \brief For altering particle ages
The Age affector allows you to alter where the particle is in its lifecycle. Common uses
are to expire particles prematurely, possibly giving them time to animate out.
\qmlclass AngleDirection QQuickAngleDirection
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Direction
- \brief The AngleDirection element allows you to specify a direction that varies in angle
+ \brief For specifying a direction that varies in angle
The AngledDirection element allows both the specification of a direction by angle and magnitude,
as well as varying the parameters by angle or magnitude.
\qmlclass CumulativeDirection QQuickCumulativeDirection
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Direction
- \brief The CumulativeDirection element allows you to specify a direction made of other directions
+ \brief For specifying a direction made of other directions
The CumulativeDirection element will act as a direction that sums the directions within it.
\qmlclass CustomParticle QQuickCustomParticle
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits ParticlePainter
- \brief The CustomParticle element allows you to specify your own shader to paint particles.
+ \brief For specifying shaders to paint particles
\qmlclass Direction QQuickDirection
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
- \brief The Direction elements allow you to specify a vector space.
+ \brief For specifying a vector space
\qmlclass EllipseShape QQuickEllipseExtruder
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Shape
- \brief The EllipseShape represents an ellipse to other particle system elements
+ \brief Represents an ellipse to other particle system elements
This shape can be used by Emitter subclasses and Affector subclasses to have
them act upon an ellipse shaped area.
\qmlclass Friction QQuickFrictionAffector
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Affector
- \brief The Friction affector slows down movement proportional to the particle's current speed.
+ \brief For applying friction proportional to the particle's current speed
\qmlclass Gravity QQuickGravityAffector
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Affector
- \brief The Gravity element allows you to set an accleration in an angle
+ \brief For applying accleration in an angle
This element will accelerate all affected particles to a vector of
the specified magnitude in the specified angle. If the angle and acceleration do
\qmlclass GroupGoal QQuickGroupGoalAffector
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Affector
- \brief The GroupGoal Affector allows you to change the state of a group of a particle.
+ \brief For changing the state of a group of a particle
\qmlclass ImageParticle QQuickImageParticle
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits ParticlePainter
- \brief The ImageParticle element visualizes logical particles using an image
+ \brief For visualizing logical particles using an image
This element renders a logical particle as an image. The image can be
\qmlclass ItemParticle QQuickItemParticle
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits ParticlePainter
- \brief The ItemParticle element allows you to specify your own delegate to paint particles.
+ \brief For specifying a delegate to paint particles
\qmlclass LineShape QQuickLineExtruder
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Shape
- \brief The LineShape represents a line to Affectors and Emitter
+ \brief Represents a line for affectors and emitters
\qmlclass MaskShape QQuickMaskExtruder
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Shape
- \brief The MaskShape element allows you to represent an image as a shape to affectors and emitters.
+ \brief For representing an image as a shape to affectors and emitters
\qmlclass Affector QQuickParticleAffector
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
- \brief Affector elements can alter the attributes of logical particles at any point in their lifetime.
+ \brief Applies alterations to the attributes of logical particles at any
+ point in their lifetime
The base Affector does not alter any attributes, but can be used to emit a signal
when a particle meets certain conditions.
\qmlclass Emitter QQuickParticleEmitter
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
- \brief The Emitter element allows you to emit logical particles.
+ \brief Emits logical particles
This element emits logical particles into the ParticleSystem, with the
given starting attributes.
\qmlclass Shape QQuickParticleExtruder
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
- \brief The Shape element allows you to specify an area for affectors and emitter.
+ \brief For specifying an area for affectors and emitters
The base class is just a rectangle.
\qmlclass ParticleGroup QQuickParticleGroup
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
- \brief ParticleGroup elements allow you to set attributes on a logical particle group.
+ \brief For setting attributes on a logical particle group
This element allows you to set timed transitions on particle groups.
\qmlclass ParticlePainter QQuickParticlePainter
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits ParticlePainter
- \brief ParticlePainter elements allow you to specify how to paint particles.
+ \brief For specifying how to paint particles
The default implementation paints nothing. See the subclasses if you want to
paint something visible.
\qmlclass ParticleSystem QQuickParticleSystem
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
- \brief The ParticleSystem brings together ParticlePainter, Emitter and Affector elements.
+ \brief A system which includes particle painter, emitter, and affector types
\qmlclass Attractor QQuickAttractorAffector
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Affector
- \brief The Attractor allows you to attract particles towards a specific point.
+ \brief For attracting particles towards a specific point
Note that the size and position of this element affects which particles it affects.
The size of the point attracted to is always 0x0, and the location of that point
\qmlclass PointDirection QQuickPointDirection
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Direction
- \brief The PointDirection element allows you to specify a direction that varies in x and y components
+ \brief For specifying a direction that varies in x and y components
The PointDirection element allows both the specification of a direction by x and y components,
as well as varying the parameters by x or y component.
\qmlclass RectangleShape QQuickRectangleExtruder
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
- \brief The RectangleShape element allows you to specify an area for affectors and emitter.
+ \brief For specifying an area for affectors and emitter
Just a rectangle.
\qmlclass SpriteGoal QQuickSpriteGoalAffector
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Affector
- \brief The SpriteGoal Affector allows you to change the state of a sprite particle.
+ \brief For changing the the state of a sprite particle
\qmlclass TargetDirection QQuickTargetDirection
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Direction
- \brief The TargetDirection element allows you to specify a direction towards the target point
+ \brief For specifying a direction towards the target point
\qmlclass TrailEmitter QQuickTrailEmitter
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits QQuickParticleEmitter
- \brief The TrailEmitter element allows you to emit logical particles from other logical particles.
+ \brief Emits logical particles from other logical particles
This element emits logical particles into the ParticleSystem, with the
starting positions based on those of other logical particles.
\qmlclass Turbulence QQuickTurbulenceAffector
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Affector
- \brief Turbulence provides fluid like forces based on a noise image.
+ \brief Provides fluid-like forces from a noise image
The Turbulence Element scales the noise source over the area it affects,
and uses the curl of that source to generate force vectors.
\qmlclass Particle
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
- \brief Particle elements can be manipulated in custom emitters and affectors.
+ \brief Represents particles manipulated by emitters and affectors
Particle elements are always managed internally by the ParticleSystem and cannot be created in QML.
However, sometimes they are exposed via signals so as to allow arbitrary changes to the particle state
\qmlclass Wander QQuickWanderAffector
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\inherits Affector
- \brief The Wander affector allows particles to randomly vary their trajectory.
+ \brief For applying random particle trajectory
\qmlclass Date
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \brief The Date object provides date functions
+ \brief Provides date functions
The QML Date object extends the JS Date object with
locale aware functions.
\class QQmlComponent
\since 5.0
- \brief The QQmlComponent class encapsulates a QML component definition.
\inmodule QtQml
+ \brief The QQmlComponent class encapsulates a QML component definition
Components are reusable, encapsulated QML elements with well-defined interfaces.
They are often defined in \l {qdeclarativedocuments.html}{Component Files}.
\qmlclass Component QQmlComponent
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
\since 4.7
- \brief The Component element encapsulates a QML component definition.
+ \inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
+ \brief Encapsulates a QML component definition
Components are reusable, encapsulated QML elements with well-defined interfaces.
\qmlclass QtObject QObject
+ \inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
\since 4.7
- \brief The QtObject element is the most basic element in QML.
+ \brief A basic QML type
The QtObject element is a non-visual element which contains only the
objectName property.
\qmlclass Locale QQmlLocale
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \brief The Locale object provides locale specific properties and formatted data.
+ \brief Provides locale specific properties and formatted data
The Locale object may only be created via the \l{QML:Qt::locale()}{Qt.locale()} function.
It cannot be created directly.
\qmlclass ListModel QQuickListModel
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-working-with-data
- \brief The ListModel element defines a free-form list data source.
+ \brief Defines a free-form list data source
The ListModel is a simple container of ListElement definitions, each containing data roles.
The contents can be defined dynamically, or explicitly in QML.
\qmlclass ListElement QQuickListElement
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-working-with-data
- \brief The ListElement element defines a data item in a ListModel.
+ \brief Defines a data item in a ListModel
List elements are defined inside ListModel definitions, and represent items in a
list that will be displayed using ListView or \l Repeater items.
\qmlclass WorkerScript QQuickWorkerScript
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
- \brief The WorkerScript element enables the use of threads in QML.
+ \inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
+ \brief Enables the use of threads in QML
Use WorkerScript to run operations in a new thread.
This is useful for running operations in the background so
imagedirs += ../../qml
+#add particles sources
+headerdirs += ../../particles
+sourcedirs += ../../particles
\qmlmodule QtQuick.Particles 2
\title QML Module QtQuick.Particles 2
- \brief Elements for the Qt Quick particle system
+ \brief Contains types for particle effects
- This QML module contains a particle system for Qt Quick. To use these elements, you will need to import the module with the following line:
+ This QML module contains a particle system for Qt Quick. To use these types, import the module with the following line:
import QtQuick.Particles 2.0
- For a simple overview of how the system can be used, see \l{qml-particlesystem.html}{Using the Qt Quick Particle System}.
+ For a simple overview of how the system can be used, see \l{Using the Qt Quick Particle System}.
For details on the performance characteristics see \l{qml-particlesystem-performance.html}{Qt Quick Particle System Performance}.
\qmlmodule QtQuick 2
\title QML Module QtQuick 2
- \brief The QML Elements
+ \brief Contains QML types for creating applications
- This QML module contains all the QML elements that are
+ This QML module contains all the QML types that are
instantiated as objects of C++ classes in the QtQml
- module. These elements work with the Scenegraph renderer and
+ module. These types work with the Scenegraph renderer and
their own canvas.
\qmlclass Canvas QQuickCanvasItem
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\since QtQuick 2.0
- \brief The Canvas item provides a 2D canvas element which enables drawing via Javascript.
+ \brief For specifying a 2D canvas element which enables drawing via Javascript
\inherits Item
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
\qmlclass Context2D QQuickContext2D
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\since QtQuick 2.0
- \brief The Context2D API allows you to draw 2d graphic shapes on the \c
- Canvas item.
+ \brief Provides 2D context for shapes on a Canvas item
The Context2D object can be created by \c Canvas item's \c getContext()
return args.This();
- \qmlclass QtQuick2::TextMetrics
+ \qmlclass TextMetrics
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\since QtQuick 2.0
- \brief The Context2D TextMetrics interface.
+ \brief Provides a Context2D TextMetrics interface
The TextMetrics object can be created by QtQuick2::Context2D::measureText method.
See {http://www.w3.org/TR/2dcontext/#textmetrics}{W3C 2d context TexMetrics} for more details.
// pixel manipulation
- \qmlclass QtQuick2::CanvasImageData
+ \qmlclass CanvasImageData
+ \inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
+ \brief Contains image pixel data in RGBA order
The \a QtQuick2::CanvasImageData object holds the image pixel data.
The \a QtQuick2::CanvasImageData object has the actual dimensions of the data stored in
- \qmlclass QtQuick2::CanvasPixelArray
+ \qmlclass CanvasPixelArray
+ \inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
+ \brief Provides ordered and indexed access to the components of each pixel in image data
The CanvasPixelArray object provides ordered, indexed access to the color components of each pixel of the image data.
The CanvasPixelArray can be accessed as normal Javascript array.
\sa QtQuick2::CanvasImageData
- \qmlclass QtQuick2::CanvasGradient
+ \qmlclass CanvasGradient
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\since QtQuick 2.0
- \brief The Context2D opaque CanvasGradient interface.
+ \brief Provides an opaque CanvasGradient interface
\qmlclass Accessible QQuickAccessibleAttached
- \brief Attached property to enable accessibility of QML items.
+ \brief Enables accessibility of QML items
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-interaction-elements
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\inherits Image
\ingroup basic-visual-elements
+ \brief Plays animations stored as a series of images
The AnimatedImage element extends the features of the \l Image element, providing
a way to play animations stored as images containing a series of frames,
\qmlclass AnimatedSprite QQuickAnimatedSprite
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\inherits Item
- \brief The AnimatedSprite element draws a sprite animation
+ \brief Draws a sprite animation
AnimatedSprite provides rendering and control over animations which are provided
as multiple frames in the same image file. You can play it at a fixed speed, at the
\qmlclass BorderImage QQuickBorderImage
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \brief The BorderImage element provides an image that can be used as a border.
+ \brief For specifying an image that can be used as a border
\inherits Item
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
\qmlclass Window QQuickCanvas
\inqmlmodule QtQuick.Window 2
- \brief The Window object creates a new top-level window.
+ \brief Creates a new top-level window
The Window object creates a new top-level window for a QtQuick scene. It automatically sets up the
window for use with QtQuick 2.0 graphical elements.
\qmlclass Drag QQuickDrag
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \brief The Drag attached property provides drag and drop events for moved Items.
+ \brief For specifying drag and drop events for moved Items
Using the Drag attached property any Item can made a source of drag and drop
events within a scene.
\qmlclass DropArea QQuickDropArea
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \brief The DropArea item provides drag and drop handling.
+ \brief For specifying drag and drop handling in an area
A DropArea is an invisible item which receives events when other items are
dragged over it.
\qmlclass DragEvent QQuickDragEvent
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \brief The DragEvent object provides information about a drag event.
+ \brief Provides information about a drag event
The position of the drag event can be obtained from the \l x and \l y
properties, and the \l keys property identifies the drag keys of the event
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-event-elements
- \brief The KeyEvent object provides information about a key event.
+ \brief Provides information about a key event
For example, the following changes the Item's state property when the Enter
key is pressed:
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-event-elements
- \brief The MouseEvent object provides information about a mouse event.
+ \brief Provides information about a mouse event
The position of the mouse can be found via the \l x and \l y properties.
The button that caused the event is available via the \l button property.
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-event-elements
- \brief The WheelEvent object provides information about a mouse wheel event.
+ \brief Provides information about a mouse wheel event
The position of the mouse can be found via the \l x and \l y properties.
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-interaction-elements
- \brief The Flickable item provides a surface that can be "flicked".
+ \brief For specifying a surface that can be "flicked"
\inherits Item
The Flickable item places its children on a surface that can be dragged
\qmlclass Flipable QQuickFlipable
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-interaction-elements
- \brief The Flipable item provides a surface that can be flipped.
+ \brief For specifying a surface that can be flipped
\inherits Item
Flipable is an item that can be visibly "flipped" between its front and
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-interaction-elements
- \brief The FocusScope object explicitly creates a focus scope.
+ \brief Explicitly creates a focus scope
\inherits Item
Focus scopes assist in keyboard focus handling when building reusable QML
\ingroup qml-view-elements
\inherits Flickable
- \brief The GridView item provides a grid view of items provided by a model.
+ \brief For specifying a grid view of items provided by a model
A GridView displays data from models created from built-in QML elements like ListModel
and XmlListModel, or custom model classes defined in C++ that inherit from
\qmlclass Image QQuickImage
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
- \brief The Image element displays an image in a declarative user interface
+ \brief Displays an image in a declarative user interface
\inherits Item
The Image element is used to display images in a declarative user interface.
\qmlclass Transform QQuickTransform
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-transform-elements
- \brief The Transform elements provide a way of building advanced transformations on Items.
+ \brief For specifying advanced transformations on Items
The Transform element is a base type which cannot be instantiated directly.
The following concrete Transform types are available:
\qmlclass Translate QQuickTranslate
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-transform-elements
- \brief The Translate object provides a way to move an Item without changing its x or y properties.
+ \brief Provides a way to move an Item without changing its x or y properties
The Translate object provides independent control over position in addition to the Item's x and y properties.
\qmlclass Scale QQuickScale
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-transform-elements
- \brief The Scale element provides a way to scale an Item.
+ \brief Provides a way to scale an Item
The Scale element gives more control over scaling than using \l Item's \l{Item::scale}{scale} property. Specifically,
it allows a different scale for the x and y axes, and allows the scale to be relative to an
\qmlclass Rotation QQuickRotation
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-transform-elements
- \brief The Rotation object provides a way to rotate an Item.
+ \brief Provides a way to rotate an Item
The Rotation object gives more control over rotation than using \l Item's \l{Item::rotation}{rotation} property.
Specifically, it allows (z axis) rotation to be relative to an arbitrary point.
\qmlclass KeyNavigation QQuickKeyNavigationAttached
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-interaction-elements
- \brief The KeyNavigation attached property supports key navigation by arrow keys.
+ \brief Supports key navigation by arrow keys
Key-based user interfaces commonly allow the use of arrow keys to navigate between
focusable items. The KeyNavigation attached property enables this behavior by providing a
\qmlclass Keys QQuickKeysAttached
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-interaction-elements
- \brief The Keys attached property provides key handling to Items.
+ \brief Provides key handling to Items
All visual primitives support key handling via the Keys
attached property. Keys can be handled via the onPressed
\qmlclass LayoutMirroring QQuickLayoutMirroringAttached
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
- \brief The LayoutMirroring attached property is used to mirror layout behavior.
+ \brief Property used to mirror layout behavior
The LayoutMirroring attached property is used to horizontally mirror \l {anchor-layout}{Item anchors},
\l{Using QML Positioner and Repeater Items}{positioner} elements (such as \l Row and \l Grid)
\class QQuickItem
- \brief The QQuickItem class provides the most basic of all visual items in QML.
+ \brief Provides the most basic of all visual items in QML
\inmodule QtQuick
\inherits QtObject
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
- \brief The Item is the most basic of all visual items in QML.
+ \brief A basic visual QML type
All visual items in Qt Quick inherit from Item. Although Item
has no visual appearance, it defines all the properties that are
\property QQuickItem::childrenRect
- \brief The geometry of an item's children.
+ \brief Specifies the geometry of an item's children
This property holds the (collective) position and size of the item's children.
\property QQuickItem::baselineOffset
- \brief The position of the item's baseline in local coordinates.
+ \brief Speciifies the position of the item's baseline in local coordinates
The baseline of a \l Text item is the imaginary line on which the text
sits. Controls containing text usually set their baseline to the
\property QQuickItem::smooth
- \brief whether the item is smoothed or not.
+ \brief Specifies whether the item is smoothed or not
Primarily used in image based elements to decide if the item should use smooth
sampling or not. Smooth sampling is performed using linear interpolation, while
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\since QtQuick 2.0
\inherits Animation
- \brief The ParentAnimation element animates changes in parent values.
+ \brief Animates changes in parent values
ParentAnimation is used to animate a parent change for an \l Item.
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits Animation
- \brief The AnchorAnimation element animates changes in anchor values.
+ \brief Animates changes in anchor values
AnchorAnimation is used to animate an anchor change.
\qmlproperty real QtQuick2::AnchorAnimation::easing.amplitude
\qmlproperty real QtQuick2::AnchorAnimation::easing.overshoot
\qmlproperty real QtQuick2::AnchorAnimation::easing.period
- \brief the easing curve used for the animation.
+ \brief Specifies the easing curve used for the animation
To specify an easing curve you need to specify at least the type. For some curves you can also specify
amplitude, period and/or overshoot. The default easing curve is
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits Animation
\since QtQuick 2.0
- \brief The PathAnimation element animates an item along a path.
+ \brief Animates an item along a path
When used in a transition, the path can be specified without start
or end points, for example:
\qmlclass ViewTransition QQuickViewTransitionAttached
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief The ViewTransition attached property provides details on items under transition in a view.
+ \brief Specifies items under transition in a view
With ListView and GridView, it is possible to specify transitions that should be applied whenever
the items in the view change as a result of modifications to the view's model. They both have the
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
\inherits Flickable
- \brief The ListView item provides a list view of items provided by a model.
+ \brief Provides a list view of items provided by a model
A ListView displays data from models created from built-in QML elements like ListModel
and XmlListModel, or custom model classes defined in C++ that inherit from
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
\inherits Item
- \brief The Loader item allows dynamically loading an Item-based
- subtree from a URL or Component.
+ \brief Allows dynamical loading of an item-based subtree from a URL or Component
Loader is used to dynamically load visual QML components. For loading non-visual
components, see \l {Dynamic Object Management in QML}.
\qmlclass MouseArea QQuickMouseArea
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-interaction-elements
- \brief The MouseArea item enables simple mouse handling.
+ \brief Enables simple mouse handling
\inherits Item
A MouseArea is an invisible item that is typically used in conjunction with
\qmlclass TouchPoint QQuickTouchPoint
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-event-elements
- \brief The TouchPoint element describes a touch point in a MultiPointTouchArea.
+ \brief Describes a touch point in a MultiPointTouchArea
The TouchPoint element contains information about a touch point, such as the current
position, pressure, and area.
\qmlclass MultiPointTouchArea QQuickMultiPointTouchArea
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \brief The MultiPointTouchArea item enables handling of multiple touch points.
+ \brief Enables handling of multiple touch points
\inherits Item
A MultiPointTouchArea is an invisible item that is used to track multiple touch points.
\qmlclass PathView QQuickPathView
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief The PathView element lays out model-provided items on a path.
+ \brief Lays out model-provided items on a path
\inherits Item
A PathView displays data from models created from built-in QML elements like ListModel
\qmlclass PinchEvent QQuickPinchEvent
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-event-elements
- \brief The PinchEvent object provides information about a pinch event.
+ \brief For specifying information about a pinch event
\b {The PinchEvent element was added in QtQuick 1.1}
\qmlclass PinchArea QQuickPinchArea
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \brief The PinchArea item enables simple pinch gesture handling.
+ \brief Enables simple pinch gesture handling
\inherits Item
\b {The PinchArea element was added in QtQuick 1.1}
\class QQuickBasePositioner
- \brief The QQuickBasePositioner class provides a base for QQuickGraphics layouts.
+ \brief For specifying a base for QQuickGraphics layouts
To create a QQuickGraphics Positioner, simply subclass QQuickBasePositioner and implement
doLayout(), which is automatically called when the layout might need
\qmlclass Positioner QQuickPositionerAttached
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-positioning-elements
- \brief The Positioner type provides attached properties that contain details on where an item exists in a positioner.
+ \brief Provides attached properties that contain details on where an item exists in a positioner
Positioner is an attached property that is attached to the top-level child item within a
Column, Row, Flow or Grid. It provides properties that allow a child item to determine
\qmlclass Column QQuickColumn
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-positioning-elements
- \brief The Column element positions its children in a column.
+ \brief Positions its children in a column
\inherits Item
Column is an element that positions its child items along a single column.
\qmlclass Row QQuickRow
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-positioning-elements
- \brief The Row element positions its children in a row.
+ \brief Positions its children in a row
\inherits Item
Row is an element that positions its child items along a single row.
\qmlclass Grid QQuickGrid
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-positioning-elements
- \brief The Grid element positions its children in grid formation.
+ \brief Positions its children in grid formation
\inherits Item
Grid is an element that positions its child items in grid formation.
\qmlclass Flow QQuickFlow
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-positioning-elements
- \brief The Flow element positions its children side by side, wrapping as necessary.
+ \brief Positions its children side by side, wrapping as necessary
\inherits Item
The Flow item positions its child items like words on a page, wrapping them
\class QQuickPen
- \brief The QQuickPen class provides a pen used for drawing rectangle borders on a QQuickView.
+ \brief For specifying a pen used for drawing rectangle borders on a QQuickView
By default, the pen is invalid and nothing is drawn. You must either set a color (then the default
width is 1) or a width (then the default color is black).
\qmlclass GradientStop QQuickGradientStop
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
- \brief The GradientStop item defines the color at a position in a Gradient.
+ \brief Defines the color at a position in a Gradient
\sa Gradient
\qmlclass Gradient QQuickGradient
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
- \brief The Gradient item defines a gradient fill.
+ \brief Defines a gradient fill
A gradient is defined by two or more colors, which will be blended seamlessly.
\qmlclass Rectangle QQuickRectangle
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
- \brief The Rectangle item provides a filled rectangle with an optional border.
+ \brief Describes a filled rectangle with an optional border
\inherits Item
Rectangle items are used to fill areas with solid color or gradients, and are
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
\inherits Item
- \brief The Repeater element allows you to repeat an Item-based component using a model.
+ \brief Specifies how to repeately create an Item-based component using a model
The Repeater element is used to create a large number of
similar items. Like other view elements, a Repeater has a \l model and a \l delegate:
\qmlclass ShaderEffect QQuickShaderEffect
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
- \brief The ShaderEffect element applies custom shaders to a rectangle.
+ \brief Applies custom shaders to a rectangle
\inherits Item
The ShaderEffect element applies a custom OpenGL
\qmlclass GridMesh QQuickGridMesh
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
- \brief GridMesh defines a mesh with vertices arranged in a grid.
+ \brief Defines a mesh with vertices arranged in a grid
GridMesh defines a rectangular mesh consisting of vertices arranged in an
evenly spaced grid. It is used to generate \l{QSGGeometry}{geometry}.
\qmlclass ShaderEffectSource QQuickShaderEffectSource
\since 5.0
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
- \brief The ShaderEffectSource element renders a QML element into a texture
- and displays it.
+ \brief Renders a QML element into a texture and displays it
\inherits Item
The ShaderEffectSource element renders \l sourceItem into a texture and
\qmlclass Sprite QQuickSprite
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \brief The Sprite element represents a sprite animation
+ \brief Specifies sprite animations
QQuickSprite renders sprites of one or more frames and animates them. The sprites
can be in the middle of an image file, or split along multiple rows, as long as they form
\qmlclass SpriteSequence QQuickSpriteSequence
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\inherits Item
- \brief The SpriteSequence element draws a sprite animation
+ \brief Draws a sprite animation
SpriteSequence renders and controls a list of animations defined
by \l Sprite elements.
\qmlclass ParentChange QQuickParentChange
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-state-elements
- \brief The ParentChange element allows you to reparent an Item in a state change.
+ \brief Specifies how to reparent an Item in a state change
ParentChange reparents an item while preserving its visual appearance (position, size,
rotation, and scale) on screen. You can then specify a transition to move/resize/rotate/scale
\qmlclass AnchorChanges QQuickAnchorChanges
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-state-elements
- \brief The AnchorChanges element allows you to change the anchors of an item in a state.
+ \brief Specifies how to change the anchors of an item in a state
The AnchorChanges element is used to modify the anchors of an item in a \l State.
\qmlclass Text QQuickText
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
- \brief The Text item allows you to add formatted text to a scene.
+ \brief Specifies how to add formatted text to a scene
\inherits Item
Text items can display both plain and rich text. For example, red text with
\qmlclass TextEdit QQuickTextEdit
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
- \brief The TextEdit item displays multiple lines of editable formatted text.
+ \brief Displays multiple lines of editable formatted text
\inherits Item
The TextEdit item displays a block of editable, formatted text.
\qmlclass TextInput QQuickTextInput
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
- \brief The TextInput item displays an editable line of text.
\inherits Item
+ \brief Displays an editable line of text
The TextInput element displays a single line of editable plain text.
\qmlclass IntValidator QIntValidator
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
+ \brief Defines a validator for integer values
This element provides a validator for integer values.
\qmlclass DoubleValidator QDoubleValidator
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
+ \brief Defines a validator for non-integer numbers
This element provides a validator for non-integer numbers.
\qmlclass RegExpValidator QRegExpValidator
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-basic-visual-elements
+ \brief Provides a string validator
This element provides a validator, which counts as valid any string which
matches a specified regular expression.
\qmlclass VisualDataModel QQuickVisualDataModel
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-working-with-data
- \brief The VisualDataModel encapsulates a model and delegate
+ \brief Encapsulates a model and delegate
A VisualDataModel encapsulates a model and the delegate that will
be instantiated for items in the model.
\qmlclass VisualDataGroup QQuickVisualDataGroup
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-working-with-data
- \brief The VisualDataGroup encapsulates a filtered set of visual data items.
+ \brief Encapsulates a filtered set of visual data items
\qmlclass VisualItemModel QQuickVisualItemModel
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-working-with-data
- \brief The VisualItemModel allows items to be provided to a view.
+ \brief Defines items to be used added to a view
A VisualItemModel contains the visual items to be used in a view.
When a VisualItemModel is used in a view, the view does not require
\qmlclass Animation QQuickAbstractAnimation
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
- \brief The Animation element is the base of all QML animations.
+ \brief Is the base of all QML animations
The Animation element cannot be used directly in a QML file. It exists
to provide a set of common properties and methods, available across all the
\qmlmethod QtQuick2::Animation::start()
- \brief Starts the animation.
+ \brief Starts the animation
If the animation is already running, calling this method has no effect. The
\c running property will be true following a call to \c start().
\qmlmethod QtQuick2::Animation::pause()
- \brief Pauses the animation.
+ \brief Pauses the animation
If the animation is already paused or not \c running, calling this method has no effect.
The \c paused property will be true following a call to \c pause().
\qmlmethod QtQuick2::Animation::resume()
- \brief Resumes a paused animation.
+ \brief Resumes a paused animation
If the animation is not paused or not \c running, calling this method has no effect.
The \c paused property will be false following a call to \c resume().
\qmlmethod QtQuick2::Animation::stop()
- \brief Stops the animation.
+ \brief Stops the animation
If the animation is not running, calling this method has no effect. Both the
\c running and \c paused properties will be false following a call to \c stop().
\qmlmethod QtQuick2::Animation::restart()
- \brief Restarts the animation.
+ \brief Restarts the animation
This is a convenience method, and is equivalent to calling \c stop() and
then \c start().
\qmlmethod QtQuick2::Animation::complete()
- \brief Stops the animation, jumping to the final property values.
+ \brief Stops the animation, jumping to the final property values
If the animation is not running, calling this method has no effect. The
\c running property will be false following a call to \c complete().
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits Animation
- \brief The PauseAnimation element provides a pause for an animation.
+ \brief Provides a pause for an animation
When used in a SequentialAnimation, PauseAnimation is a step when
nothing happens, for a specified duration.
\qmlclass ColorAnimation QQuickColorAnimation
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \ingroup qml-animation-transition
+ \ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits PropertyAnimation
- \brief The ColorAnimation element animates changes in color values.
+ \brief Animates changes in color values
ColorAnimation is a specialized PropertyAnimation that defines an
animation to be applied when a color value changes.
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits Animation
- \brief The ScriptAction element allows scripts to be run during an animation.
+ \brief Defines scripts to be run during an animation
ScriptAction can be used to run a script at a specific point in an animation.
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits Animation
- \brief The PropertyAction element allows immediate property changes during animation.
+ \brief Specifies immediate property changes during animation
PropertyAction is used to specify an immediate property change during an
animation. The property change is not animated.
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits PropertyAnimation
- \brief The NumberAnimation element animates changes in qreal-type values.
+ \brief Animates changes in qreal-type values
NumberAnimation is a specialized PropertyAnimation that defines an
animation to be applied when a numerical value changes.
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits PropertyAnimation
- \brief The Vector3dAnimation element animates changes in QVector3d values.
+ \brief Animates changes in QVector3d values
Vector3dAnimation is a specialized PropertyAnimation that defines an
animation to be applied when a Vector3d value changes.
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits PropertyAnimation
- \brief The RotationAnimation element animates changes in rotation values.
+ \brief Animates changes in rotation values
RotationAnimation is a specialized PropertyAnimation that gives control
over the direction of rotation during an animation.
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits Animation
- \brief The SequentialAnimation element allows animations to be run sequentially.
+ \brief Allows animations to be run sequentially
The SequentialAnimation and ParallelAnimation elements allow multiple
animations to be run together. Animations defined in a SequentialAnimation
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits Animation
- \brief The ParallelAnimation element allows animations to be run in parallel.
+ \brief Enables animations to be run in parallel
The SequentialAnimation and ParallelAnimation elements allow multiple
animations to be run together. Animations defined in a SequentialAnimation
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits Animation
- \brief The PropertyAnimation element animates changes in property values.
+ \brief Animates changes in property values
PropertyAnimation provides a way to animate changes to a property's value.
\qmlproperty real QtQuick2::PropertyAnimation::easing.overshoot
\qmlproperty real QtQuick2::PropertyAnimation::easing.period
\qmlproperty list<real> QtQuick2::PropertyAnimation::easing.bezierCurve
- \brief the easing curve used for the animation.
+ \brief Specifies the easing curve used for the animation
To specify an easing curve you need to specify at least the type. For some curves you can also specify
amplitude, period and/or overshoot (more details provided after the table). The default easing curve is
\qmlclass AnimationController QQuickAnimationController
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
- \brief The AnimationController element allows you to control animations manually.
+ \brief Enables manual control of animations
Normally animations are driven by an internal timer, but the AnimationController
allows the given \a animation to be driven by a \a progress value explicitly.
\qmlmethod QtQuick2::AnimationController::reload()
- \brief Reloads the animation properties.
+ \brief Reloads the animation properties
If the animation properties changed, calling this method to reload the animation definations.
\qmlclass Behavior QQuickBehavior
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
- \brief The Behavior element allows you to specify a default animation for a property change.
+ \brief Defines a default animation for a property change
A Behavior defines the default animation to be applied whenever a
particular property value changes.
\qmlclass Binding QQuickBind
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-working-with-data
- \brief The Binding element allows arbitrary property bindings to be created.
+ \brief Enables the arbitrary creation of property bindings
\section1 Binding to an inaccessible property
\qmlclass Connections QQuickConnections
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
- \brief A Connections element describes generalized connections to signals.
+ \brief Describes generalized connections to signals
A Connections object creates a connection to a QML signal.
\qmlclass FontLoader QQuickFontLoader
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
- \brief The FontLoader element allows fonts to be loaded by name or URL.
+ \brief Allows fonts to be loaded by name or URL
The FontLoader element is used to load fonts by name or URL.
\qmlclass Package QQuickPackage
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-working-with-data
- \brief Package provides a collection of named items.
+ \brief Specifies a collection of named items
The Package class is used in conjunction with
VisualDataModel to enable delegates with a shared context
\qmlclass PathElement QQuickPathElement
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief PathElement is the base path type.
+ \brief PathElement is the base path type
This type is the base for all path types. It cannot
be instantiated.
\qmlclass Path QQuickPath
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief A Path object defines a path for use by \l PathView.
+ \brief Defines a path for use by \l PathView
A Path is composed of one or more path segments - PathLine, PathQuad,
PathCubic, PathArc, PathCurve, PathSvg.
\qmlclass PathAttribute QQuickPathAttribute
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief The PathAttribute allows setting an attribute at a given position in a Path.
+ \brief Specifies how to set an attribute at a given position in a Path
The PathAttribute object allows attributes consisting of a name and
a value to be specified for various points along a path. The
\qmlclass PathLine QQuickPathLine
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief The PathLine defines a straight line.
+ \brief Defines a straight line
The example below creates a path consisting of a straight line from
0,100 to 200,100:
\qmlclass PathQuad QQuickPathQuad
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief The PathQuad defines a quadratic Bezier curve with a control point.
+ \brief Defines a quadratic Bezier curve with a control point
The following QML produces the path shown below:
\qmlclass PathCubic QQuickPathCubic
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief The PathCubic defines a cubic Bezier curve with two control points.
+ \brief Defines a cubic Bezier curve with two control points
The following QML produces the path shown below:
\qmlclass PathCurve QQuickPathCurve
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief The PathCurve defines a point on a Catmull-Rom curve.
+ \brief Defines a point on a Catmull-Rom curve
PathCurve provides an easy way to specify a curve passing directly through a set of points.
Typically multiple PathCurves are used in a series, as the following example demonstrates:
\qmlclass PathArc QQuickPathArc
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief The PathArc defines an arc with the given radius.
+ \brief Defines an arc with the given radius
PathArc provides a simple way of specifying an arc that ends at a given position
and uses the specified radius. It is modeled after the SVG elliptical arc command.
\qmlclass PathSvg QQuickPathSvg
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief The PathSvg defines a path using an SVG path data string.
+ \brief Defines a path using an SVG path data string
The following QML produces the path shown below:
\qmlclass PathPercent QQuickPathPercent
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-view-elements
- \brief The PathPercent manipulates the way a path is interpreted.
+ \brief Manipulates the way a path is interpreted
PathPercent allows you to manipulate the spacing between items on a
PathView's path. You can use it to bunch together items on part of
\qmlclass PathInterpolator QQuickPathInterpolator
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
- \brief The PathInterpolator element provides a way to manually animate along a path.
+ \brief Specifies how to manually animate along a path
PathInterpolator provides \c x, \c y, and \c angle information for a particular \c progress
along a path.
\qmlclass PropertyChanges QQuickPropertyChanges
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-state-elements
- \brief The PropertyChanges element describes new property bindings or values for a state.
+ \brief Describes new property bindings or values for a state
PropertyChanges is used to define the property values or bindings in a
\l State. This enables an item's property values to be changed when it
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits NumberAnimation
- \brief The SmoothedAnimation element allows a property to smoothly track a value.
+ \brief Allows a property to smoothly track a value
A SmoothedAnimation animates a property's value to a set target value
using an ease in/out quad easing curve. When the target value changes,
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
\inherits NumberAnimation
- \brief The SpringAnimation element allows a property to track a value in a spring-like motion.
+ \brief Allows a property to track a value in a spring-like motion
SpringAnimation mimics the oscillatory behavior of a spring, with the appropriate \l spring constant to
control the acceleration and the \l damping to control how quickly the effect dies away.
\qmlclass State QQuickState
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-state-elements
- \brief The State element defines configurations of objects and properties.
+ \brief Defines configurations of objects and properties
A \e state is a set of batched changes from the default configuration.
\qmlclass StateChangeScript QQuickStateChangeScript
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-state-elements
- \brief The StateChangeScript element allows you to run a script in a state.
+ \brief Specifies how to run a script in a state
A StateChangeScript is run upon entering a state. You can optionally use
ScriptAction to specify the point in the transition at which
\qmlclass StateGroup QQuickStateGroup
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-state-elements
- \brief The StateGroup element provides state support for non-Item elements.
+ \brief Provides built-in state support for non-Item elements
Item (and all derived elements) provides built in support for states and transitions
via its \l{Item::state}{state}, \l{Item::states}{states} and \l{Item::transitions}{transitions} properties. StateGroup provides an easy way to
\qmlclass SystemPalette QQuickSystemPalette
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
- \brief The SystemPalette element provides access to the Qt palettes.
+ \brief Provides access to the Qt palettes
The SystemPalette element provides access to the Qt application
palettes. This provides information about the standard colors used
\qmlclass Timer QQuickTimer
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-utility-elements
- \brief The Timer item triggers a handler at a specified interval.
+ \brief Triggers a handler at a specified interval
A Timer can be used to trigger an action either once, or repeatedly
at a given interval.
\qmlmethod QtQuick2::Timer::start()
- \brief Starts the timer.
+ \brief Starts the timer
If the timer is already running, calling this method has no effect. The
\c running property will be true following a call to \c start().
\qmlmethod QtQuick2::Timer::stop()
- \brief Stops the timer.
+ \brief Stops the timer
If the timer is not running, calling this method has no effect. The
\c running property will be false following a call to \c stop().
\qmlmethod QtQuick2::Timer::restart()
- \brief Restarts the timer.
+ \brief Restarts the timer
If the Timer is not running it will be started, otherwise it will be
stopped, reset to initial state and started. The \c running property
\qmlclass Transition QQuickTransition
\inqmlmodule QtQuick 2
\ingroup qml-animation-transition
- \brief The Transition element defines animated transitions that occur on state changes.
+ \brief Defines animated transitions that occur on state changes
A Transition defines the animations to be applied when a \l State change occurs.