Adjust amount of anti-aliased pixels dependent on the font pixel size.
This will only be accurate for text that is not scaled and not rotated
[Issue#] (N/A)
Change-Id: If83426348a970a93c250e31d7abbd5e7fb221a4c
Signed-off-by: Javon Prince <>
// release the vertex buffer to pass ownership to the scene-graph-text-attachment
SetTextVertexBufferMessage( eventToUpdate, attachment, *mVertexBuffer.Release() );
+ if( mFontChanged )
+ {
+ SetTextFontSizeMessage( eventToUpdate, attachment, mFont->GetPixelSize() );
+ }
#include <dali/public-api/actors/text-actor.h>
#include <dali/internal/common/text-parameters.h>
#include <dali/internal/common/text-vertex-2d.h>
+#include <dali/internal/event/text/font-impl.h>
#include <dali/internal/render/gl-resources/context.h>
#include <dali/internal/render/common/performance-monitor.h>
#include <dali/internal/render/shaders/program.h>
delete vertexData;
+void TextRenderer::SetFontSize( float pixelSize )
+ mPixelSize = pixelSize;
void TextRenderer::SetGradientColor( const Vector4& color )
program.SetUniform1i( samplerLoc, 0 );
+ const float SMOOTHING_ADJUSTMENT( 12.0f );
+ float smoothWidth = SMOOTHING_ADJUSTMENT / mPixelSize;
+ float smoothing = mSmoothing;
const int smoothingLoc = program.GetUniformLocation( Program::UNIFORM_SMOOTHING );
if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != smoothingLoc )
- program.SetUniform1f( smoothingLoc, mSmoothing );
+ smoothWidth = min( min(mSmoothing, 1.0f - mSmoothing), smoothWidth );
+ {
+ smoothing *= Lerp( mPixelSize / SMOOTHING_ADJUSTMENT_PIXEL_SIZE, 0.5f, 1.0f );
+ }
+ program.SetUniform2f( smoothingLoc, std::max(0.0f, smoothing - smoothWidth), std::min(1.0f, smoothing + smoothWidth) );
if( mTextParameters )
if( Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != outlineLoc && Program::UNIFORM_UNKNOWN != outlineColorLoc )
- program.SetUniform2f(outlineLoc, mTextParameters->mOutline[0], mTextParameters->mOutline[1]);
+ float outlineWidth = mTextParameters->mOutline[1] + smoothWidth;
+ float outlineStart = mTextParameters->mOutline[0];
+ float outlineEnd = min( 1.0f, mTextParameters->mOutline[0] + outlineWidth );
+ program.SetUniform2f(outlineLoc, outlineStart, outlineEnd);
program.SetUniform4f(outlineColorLoc, mTextParameters->mOutlineColor.r, mTextParameters->mOutlineColor.g, mTextParameters->mOutlineColor.b, mTextParameters->mOutlineColor.a);
// convert shadow offset from tile to atlas coordinates
const Vector2 offset( mTextParameters->mDropShadow / mTexture->GetWidth());
+ float shadowSmoothing = std::max(0.0f, smoothing - mTextParameters->mDropShadowSize );
program.SetUniform2f(shadowLoc, offset.x, offset.y);
program.SetUniform4f(shadowColorLoc, mTextParameters->mDropShadowColor.r, mTextParameters->mDropShadowColor.g, mTextParameters->mDropShadowColor.b, mTextParameters->mDropShadowColor.a);
- program.SetUniform1f( shadowSmoothingLoc, std::max(0.0f, mSmoothing - mTextParameters->mDropShadowSize ) );
+ program.SetUniform2f( shadowSmoothingLoc, std::max(0.0f, shadowSmoothing - smoothWidth), std::min(1.0f, shadowSmoothing + smoothWidth) );
mTextureId( 0 ),
mTexture( NULL ),
mTextColor( NULL ),
+ mSmoothing( Dali::TextStyle::DEFAULT_SMOOTH_EDGE_DISTANCE_FIELD ),
+ mPixelSize(0.0f)
void SetVertexData( TextVertexBuffer* vertexData );
+ /**
+ * Set the pixel size of the font, required by the shader
+ * @param pixelSize The pixel size
+ */
+ void SetFontSize( float pixelSize );
* @copydoc Dali::TextActor::SetGradientColor()
OwnerPointer< TextParameters > mTextParameters; ///< Optional text parameters
Vector4* mTextColor;
float mSmoothing;
+ float mPixelSize;
-#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
uniform mediump sampler2D sTexture;
uniform lowp vec4 uColor;
- uniform mediump float uSmoothing;
- uniform mediump float uGlow;
+ uniform highp vec2 uSmoothing;
+ uniform highp float uGlow;
uniform lowp vec4 uGlowColor;
varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord;
// sample distance field
mediump float distance = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord).a;
- mediump float smoothWidth = fwidth(distance) * 0.8;
- mediump float glowBlend = smoothstep(uSmoothing - smoothWidth, uSmoothing + smoothWidth, distance);
+ mediump float glowBlend = smoothstep(uSmoothing[0], uSmoothing[1], distance);
// blend fragment color between glow color and text color
lowp vec4 clampedColor = clamp( vColor, 0.0, 1.0 );
lowp vec4 color = mix(glowColor, clampedColor, glowBlend);
// fade out glow between uSmoothing and uGlow
- color.a *= smoothstep(uGlow, uSmoothing, distance);
+ color.a *= smoothstep(uGlow, uSmoothing[0], distance);
// final color multiplied by Actor color
gl_FragColor = uColor * color;
-#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
uniform mediump sampler2D sTexture;
uniform lowp vec4 uColor;
- uniform mediump float uSmoothing;
- uniform mediump vec2 uOutline;
+ uniform highp vec2 uSmoothing;
+ uniform highp vec2 uOutline;
uniform lowp vec4 uOutlineColor;
- uniform mediump float uGlow;
+ uniform highp float uGlow;
uniform lowp vec4 uGlowColor;
varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord;
// sample distance field
mediump float distance = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord).a;
- mediump float smoothWidth = fwidth(distance) * 0.8;
- mediump float outlineWidth = uOutline[1] + smoothWidth;
// blend fragment color between outline color and text color
- mediump float outlineBlend = smoothstep(uOutline[0] - outlineWidth, uOutline[0] + outlineWidth, distance);
+ mediump float outlineBlend = smoothstep(uOutline[0], uOutline[1], distance);
lowp vec4 clampedColor = clamp( vColor, 0.0, 1.0 );
lowp vec4 outlineColor = vec4( uOutlineColor.rgb, uOutlineColor.a * clampedColor.a );
lowp vec4 color = mix(outlineColor, clampedColor, outlineBlend);
- mediump float glowBlend = smoothstep(uSmoothing - smoothWidth, uSmoothing + smoothWidth, distance);
+ mediump float glowBlend = smoothstep(uSmoothing[0], uSmoothing[1], distance);
// blend fragment color between glow color and text color
lowp vec4 glowColor = vec4( uGlowColor.rgb, uGlowColor.a * clampedColor.a );
color = mix(glowColor, color, glowBlend);
// fade out glow between uSmoothing and uGlow
- color.a *= smoothstep(uGlow, uSmoothing, distance);
+ color.a *= smoothstep(uGlow, uSmoothing[0], distance);
// final color multiplied by Actor color
gl_FragColor = uColor * color;
-#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
uniform mediump sampler2D sTexture;
uniform lowp vec4 uColor;
- uniform mediump float uSmoothing;
+ uniform highp vec2 uSmoothing;
uniform mediump vec2 uOutline;
uniform lowp vec4 uOutlineColor;
- varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord;
- varying lowp vec4 vColor;
+ varying highp vec2 vTexCoord;
+ varying lowp vec4 vColor;
void main()
// sample distance field
- mediump float distance = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord).a;
- mediump float smoothWidth = fwidth(distance) * 0.8;
- mediump float outlineWidth = uOutline[1] + smoothWidth;
+ highp float distance = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord).a;
// blend fragment color between outline color and text color
- mediump float outlineBlend = smoothstep(uOutline[0] - outlineWidth, uOutline[0] + outlineWidth, distance);
+ highp float outlineBlend = smoothstep(uOutline[0], uOutline[1], distance);
lowp vec4 clampedColor = clamp( vColor, 0.0, 1.0 );
lowp vec4 outlineColor = vec4( uOutlineColor.rgb, uOutlineColor.a * clampedColor.a );
lowp vec4 color = mix(outlineColor, clampedColor, outlineBlend);
// adjust fragment alpha by sampled distance
- color.a *= smoothstep(uSmoothing - smoothWidth, uSmoothing + smoothWidth, distance);
+ color.a *= smoothstep(uSmoothing[0], uSmoothing[1], distance);
// final color multiplied by Actor color
gl_FragColor = uColor * color;
-#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
uniform mediump sampler2D sTexture;
uniform lowp vec4 uColor;
- uniform mediump float uSmoothing;
- uniform mediump float uShadowSmoothing;
+ uniform highp vec2 uSmoothing;
+ uniform highp vec2 uShadowSmoothing;
uniform lowp vec4 uShadowColor;
varying highp vec2 vTexCoord;
mediump float distance = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord).a;
mediump float shadow_distance = texture2D(sTexture, vShadowCoord).a;
- mediump float smoothWidth = fwidth(distance) * 0.8;
- mediump float shadow_smoothWidth = fwidth(shadow_distance) * 0.8;
- mediump float inText = smoothstep(uSmoothing - smoothWidth, uSmoothing + smoothWidth, distance);
- mediump float inShadow = smoothstep(uShadowSmoothing - shadow_smoothWidth, uShadowSmoothing + shadow_smoothWidth, shadow_distance);
+ mediump float inText = smoothstep(uSmoothing[0], uSmoothing[1], distance);
+ mediump float inShadow = smoothstep(uShadowSmoothing[0], uShadowSmoothing[1], shadow_distance);
lowp vec4 color;
-#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
uniform mediump sampler2D sTexture;
+ uniform highp vec4 sTextureRect;
uniform lowp vec4 uColor;
- uniform mediump float uSmoothing;
+ uniform highp vec2 uSmoothing;
- varying mediump vec2 vTexCoord;
+ varying highp vec2 vTexCoord;
varying lowp vec4 vColor;
void main()
// sample distance field
- mediump float distance = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord).a;
- mediump float smoothWidth = fwidth(distance) * 0.8;
+ highp float distance = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord).a;
lowp vec4 color = clamp(vColor, 0.0, 1.0);
// adjust fragment alpha by sampled distance
- color.a *= smoothstep(uSmoothing - smoothWidth, uSmoothing + smoothWidth, distance);
+ color.a *= smoothstep(uSmoothing[0], uSmoothing[1], distance );
// final color multiplied by Actor color
gl_FragColor = uColor * color;
+void TextAttachment::SetTextFontSize( BufferIndex updateBufferIndex, float pixelSize )
+ typedef MessageValue1< TextRenderer, float > DerivedType;
+ // Reserve some memory inside the render queue
+ unsigned int* slot = mSceneController->GetRenderQueue().ReserveMessageSlot( updateBufferIndex, sizeof( DerivedType ) );
+ // Construct message in the render queue memory; note that delete should not be called on the return value
+ new (slot) DerivedType( mTextRenderer, &TextRenderer::SetFontSize, pixelSize );
void TextAttachment::SetGradientColor( BufferIndex updateBufferIndex, const Vector4& color )
void SetTextVertexBuffer( BufferIndex updateBufferIndex, TextVertexBuffer* vertexBuffer );
+ /**
+ * Set the pixel size of the font, this is passed to the renderer
+ * @param updateBufferIndex The current update buffer index.
+ * @param pixelSize The new pixel size
+ */
+ void SetTextFontSize( BufferIndex updateBufferIndex, float pixelSize );
* Set the color associated with the gradient end point.
* @param[in] updateBufferIndex The current update buffer index.
new (slot) LocalType( &attachment, &TextAttachment::SetTextVertexBuffer, &buffer );
+inline void SetTextFontSizeMessage( EventToUpdate& eventToUpdate, const TextAttachment& attachment, float pixelSize )
+ typedef MessageDoubleBuffered1< TextAttachment, float > LocalType;
+ // Reserve some memory inside the message queue
+ unsigned int* slot = eventToUpdate.ReserveMessageSlot( sizeof( LocalType ) );
+ // Construct message in the message queue memory; note that delete should not be called on the return value
+ new (slot) LocalType( &attachment, &TextAttachment::SetTextFontSize, pixelSize );
inline void SetGradientColorMessage( EventToUpdate& eventToUpdate, const TextAttachment& attachment, const Vector4& color )
typedef MessageDoubleBuffered1< TextAttachment, Vector4 > LocalType;