#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
template<class _Tp, _Tp... _Ip>
-struct integer_sequence
+struct _LIBCPP_TYPE_VIS integer_sequence
typedef _Tp value_type;
static_assert( is_integral<_Tp>::value,
template<size_t... _Ip>
using index_sequence = integer_sequence<size_t, _Ip...>;
-template <class _Tp, _Tp _Sp, _Tp _Ep, class _IntSequence>
-struct __make_integer_sequence_unchecked;
-template <class _Tp, _Tp _Sp, _Tp _Ep, _Tp ..._Indices>
-struct __make_integer_sequence_unchecked<_Tp, _Sp, _Ep,
- integer_sequence<_Tp, _Indices...>>
- typedef typename __make_integer_sequence_unchecked
- <
- _Tp, _Sp+1, _Ep,
- integer_sequence<_Tp, _Indices..., _Sp>
- >::type type;
+namespace __detail {
+template<typename _Tp, size_t ..._Extra> struct __repeat;
+template<typename _Tp, _Tp ..._Np, size_t ..._Extra> struct __repeat<integer_sequence<_Tp, _Np...>, _Extra...> {
+ typedef integer_sequence<_Tp,
+ _Np...,
+ sizeof...(_Np) + _Np...,
+ 2 * sizeof...(_Np) + _Np...,
+ 3 * sizeof...(_Np) + _Np...,
+ 4 * sizeof...(_Np) + _Np...,
+ 5 * sizeof...(_Np) + _Np...,
+ 6 * sizeof...(_Np) + _Np...,
+ 7 * sizeof...(_Np) + _Np...,
+ _Extra...> type;
-template <class _Tp, _Tp _Ep, _Tp ..._Indices>
-struct __make_integer_sequence_unchecked<_Tp, _Ep, _Ep,
- integer_sequence<_Tp, _Indices...>>
- typedef integer_sequence<_Tp, _Indices...> type;
+template<size_t _Np> struct __parity;
+template<size_t _Np> struct __make : __parity<_Np % 8>::template __pmake<_Np> {};
+template<> struct __make<0> { typedef integer_sequence<size_t> type; };
+template<> struct __make<1> { typedef integer_sequence<size_t, 0> type; };
+template<> struct __make<2> { typedef integer_sequence<size_t, 0, 1> type; };
+template<> struct __make<3> { typedef integer_sequence<size_t, 0, 1, 2> type; };
+template<> struct __make<4> { typedef integer_sequence<size_t, 0, 1, 2, 3> type; };
+template<> struct __make<5> { typedef integer_sequence<size_t, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4> type; };
+template<> struct __make<6> { typedef integer_sequence<size_t, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5> type; };
+template<> struct __make<7> { typedef integer_sequence<size_t, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6> type; };
+template<> struct __parity<0> { template<size_t _Np> struct __pmake : __repeat<typename __make<_Np / 8>::type> {}; };
+template<> struct __parity<1> { template<size_t _Np> struct __pmake : __repeat<typename __make<_Np / 8>::type, _Np - 1> {}; };
+template<> struct __parity<2> { template<size_t _Np> struct __pmake : __repeat<typename __make<_Np / 8>::type, _Np - 2, _Np - 1> {}; };
+template<> struct __parity<3> { template<size_t _Np> struct __pmake : __repeat<typename __make<_Np / 8>::type, _Np - 3, _Np - 2, _Np - 1> {}; };
+template<> struct __parity<4> { template<size_t _Np> struct __pmake : __repeat<typename __make<_Np / 8>::type, _Np - 4, _Np - 3, _Np - 2, _Np - 1> {}; };
+template<> struct __parity<5> { template<size_t _Np> struct __pmake : __repeat<typename __make<_Np / 8>::type, _Np - 5, _Np - 4, _Np - 3, _Np - 2, _Np - 1> {}; };
+template<> struct __parity<6> { template<size_t _Np> struct __pmake : __repeat<typename __make<_Np / 8>::type, _Np - 6, _Np - 5, _Np - 4, _Np - 3, _Np - 2, _Np - 1> {}; };
+template<> struct __parity<7> { template<size_t _Np> struct __pmake : __repeat<typename __make<_Np / 8>::type, _Np - 7, _Np - 6, _Np - 5, _Np - 4, _Np - 3, _Np - 2, _Np - 1> {}; };
+template<typename _Tp, typename _Up> struct __convert {
+ template<typename> struct __result;
+ template<_Tp ..._Np> struct __result<integer_sequence<_Tp, _Np...> > { typedef integer_sequence<_Up, _Np...> type; };
+template<typename _Tp> struct __convert<_Tp, _Tp> { template<typename _Up> struct __result { typedef _Up type; }; };
+template<typename _Tp, _Tp _Np> using __make_integer_sequence_unchecked =
+ typename __detail::__convert<size_t, _Tp>::template __result<typename __detail::__make<_Np>::type>::type;
template <class _Tp, _Tp _Ep>
struct __make_integer_sequence
"std::make_integer_sequence can only be instantiated with an integral type" );
static_assert(0 <= _Ep, "std::make_integer_sequence input shall not be negative");
- typedef typename __make_integer_sequence_unchecked
- <
- _Tp, 0, _Ep, integer_sequence<_Tp>
- >::type type;
+ typedef __make_integer_sequence_unchecked<_Tp, _Ep> type;
template<class _Tp, _Tp _Np>