return _efl_ui_layout_table_unpack(pd->obj, pd->sd, pd->part, subobj) == subobj;
+EOLIAN static Eina_Bool
+_efl_ui_layout_part_table_efl_pack_pack(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Layout_Table_Data *pd, Efl_Gfx_Entity *subobj)
+ int last_col, last_row;
+ int req_cols, req_rows;
+ Eina_Iterator *iter;
+ Eo *pack, *element;
+ pack = (Eo *) edje_object_part_object_get(pd->obj, pd->part);
+ //first lookup what the most lower / right element is
+ iter = evas_object_table_iterator_new(pack);
+ EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(iter, element)
+ {
+ unsigned short item_col, item_row;
+ evas_object_table_pack_get(pack, element, &item_col, &item_row, NULL, NULL);
+ if (item_row > last_row ||
+ (item_row == last_row && item_col > last_col))
+ {
+ last_col = item_col;
+ last_row = item_row;
+ }
+ }
+ eina_iterator_free(iter);
+ //now add the new element right to it, or do a linebreak and place
+ //that element in the next column on the first element
+ evas_object_table_col_row_size_get(pack, &req_cols, &req_rows);
+ last_col ++;
+ if (last_col > req_cols)
+ {
+ last_row ++;
+ last_col = 0;
+ }
+ return _efl_ui_layout_table_pack(obj, pd->sd, pd->part, subobj, last_col, last_row, 1, 1);
EOLIAN static Eina_Bool
_efl_ui_layout_part_table_efl_pack_table_pack_table(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Efl_Ui_Layout_Table_Data *pd, Efl_Gfx_Entity *subobj, int col, int row, int colspan, int rowspan)