+ * There is a strange bug that occurs on Macs with NVIDIA GPUs. We don't
+ * fully understand it. When (element) array buffers are continually
+ * respecified using glBufferData at the same (or perhaps just a small) size
+ * performance can fall off of a cliff. The driver winds up performing many
+ * DMA mapping / unmappings and chews up ~50% of the core. However, it has been
+ * observed that respecifiying the buffer with a larger size and then writing
+ * the small amount of actual data using glBufferSubData prevents the bad
+ * behavior.
+ *
+ * There is a lot of uncertainty around this issue. In Chrome backgrounding
+ * the tab somehow initiates this behavior and we don't know what the connection
+ * is. Another observation is that Chrome's cmd buffer server will actually
+ * create a buffer full of zeros when it sees a NULL data param (for security
+ * reasons). If this is disabled and NULL is actually passed all the way to the
+ * driver then the workaround doesn't help.
+ *
+ * The issue is tracked at:
+ * http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=114865
+ *
+ * When GR_GL_USE_BUFFER_DATA_NULL_HINT is not set we encounter the bug
+ * if we keep uploading small vetex / index sizes. So, every 1K uploads we
+ * act as though GR_GL_USE_BUFFER_DATA_NULL_HINT was set: we specify the buffer
+ * at full size with a NULL data ptr and then do a partial update with
+ * glBufferSubData.
+ *
+ * Hopefully we will understand this better and have a cleaner fix or get a
+ * OS/driver level fix.
+ */
+ (GR_MAC_BUILD && \
GrGLenum usage = dynamic() ? GR_GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW : GR_GL_STATIC_DRAW;
- // Note that we're cheating on the size here. Currently no methods
- // allow a partial update that preserves contents of non-updated
- // portions of the buffer (and lock() does a glBufferData(..size, NULL..))
- GL_CALL(BufferData(GR_GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, srcSizeInBytes, src, usage));
- if (this->sizeInBytes() == srcSizeInBytes) {
- srcSizeInBytes, src, usage));
+ GrAssert(!doNullHint);
+ static int N = 0;
+ doNullHint = (0 == N % 1024);
+ ++N;
+ if (doNullHint) {
+ if (this->sizeInBytes() == srcSizeInBytes) {
+ srcSizeInBytes, src, usage));
+ } else {
+ // Before we call glBufferSubData we give the driver a hint using
+ // glBufferData with NULL. This makes the old buffer contents
+ // inaccessible to future draws. The GPU may still be processing
+ // draws that reference the old contents. With this hint it can
+ // assign a different allocation for the new contents to avoid
+ // flushing the gpu past draws consuming the old contents.
+ this->sizeInBytes(), NULL, usage));
+ 0, srcSizeInBytes, src));
+ }
} else {
- // Before we call glBufferSubData we give the driver a hint using
- // glBufferData with NULL. This makes the old buffer contents
- // inaccessible to future draws. The GPU may still be processing draws
- // that reference the old contents. With this hint it can assign a
- // different allocation for the new contents to avoid flushing the gpu
- // past draws consuming the old contents.
- this->sizeInBytes(), NULL, usage));
- 0, srcSizeInBytes, src));
+ // Note that we're cheating on the size here. Currently no methods
+ // allow a partial update that preserves contents of non-updated
+ // portions of the buffer (lock() does a glBufferData(..size, NULL..))
+ srcSizeInBytes, src, usage));
return true;
GrGLenum usage = dynamic() ? GR_GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW : GR_GL_STATIC_DRAW;
- // Note that we're cheating on the size here. Currently no methods
- // allow a partial update that preserves contents of non-updated
- // portions of the buffer (and lock() does a glBufferData(..size, NULL..))
- GL_CALL(BufferData(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, srcSizeInBytes, src, usage));
- if (this->sizeInBytes() == srcSizeInBytes) {
- GL_CALL(BufferData(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, srcSizeInBytes, src, usage));
+ GrAssert(!doNullHint);
+ static int N = 0;
+ doNullHint = (0 == N % 1024);
+ ++N;
+ if (doNullHint) {
+ if (this->sizeInBytes() == srcSizeInBytes) {
+ GL_CALL(BufferData(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, srcSizeInBytes, src, usage));
+ } else {
+ // Before we call glBufferSubData we give the driver a hint using
+ // glBufferData with NULL. This makes the old buffer contents
+ // inaccessible to future draws. The GPU may still be processing
+ // draws that reference the old contents. With this hint it can
+ // assign a different allocation for the new contents to avoid
+ // flushing the gpu past draws consuming the old contents.
+ this->sizeInBytes(), NULL, usage));
+ GL_CALL(BufferSubData(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, srcSizeInBytes, src));
+ }
} else {
- // Before we call glBufferSubData we give the driver a hint using
- // glBufferData with NULL. This makes the old buffer contents
- // inaccessible to future draws. The GPU may still be processing draws
- // that reference the old contents. With this hint it can assign a
- // different allocation for the new contents to avoid flushing the gpu
- // past draws consuming the old contents.
- this->sizeInBytes(), NULL, usage));
- GL_CALL(BufferSubData(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, srcSizeInBytes, src));
+ // Note that we're cheating on the size here. Currently no methods
+ // allow a partial update that preserves contents of non-updated
+ // portions of the buffer (lock() does a glBufferData(..size, NULL..))
+ GL_CALL(BufferData(GR_GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, srcSizeInBytes, src, usage));
return true;