utils/pod2html Pod NAME already used 1
vms/ext/filespec.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 79 by 1
x2p/a2p.pod empty section in previous paragraph 2
-x2p/psed Spurious =cut command 1
lib/benchmark.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 79 by 4
lib/class/struct.pm Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 79 by 7
lib/config.pod ? Should you be using L<...> instead of -1
$ComTab{'y'}=[ 2, 'tra', \&Emit, '' ]; #ok
=item [2addr]B<y>B</>I<string1>B</>I<string2>B</>
In the pattern space, replace all characters occurring in I<string1> by the
$ComTab{':'}=[ 0, 'str', \&Label, '' ]; #ok
=item [0addr]B<:> [I<label>]
The command specifies the position of the I<label>. It has no other effect.