if (build_pollfd(u) < 0)
goto fail;
+ u->write_count = 0;
+ pa_smoother_reset(u->smoother, pa_rtclock_now(), TRUE);
u->first = TRUE;
u->since_start = 0;
pa_log_info("Resumed successfully...");
return 0;
if (rewind_nbytes <= 0)
pa_log_info("Tried rewind, but was apparently not possible.");
else {
- u->write_count -= out_frames * u->frame_size;
+ u->write_count -= rewind_nbytes;
pa_log_debug("Rewound %lu bytes.", (unsigned long) rewind_nbytes);
pa_sink_process_rewind(u->sink, rewind_nbytes);
/* FIXME: We need to reload the volume somehow */
- pa_smoother_resume(u->smoother, pa_rtclock_now(), TRUE);
+ u->read_count = 0;
+ pa_smoother_reset(u->smoother, pa_rtclock_now(), TRUE);
pa_log_info("Resumed successfully...");
s->auto_timing_interval_usec = AUTO_TIMING_INTERVAL_START_USEC;
- s->auto_timing_update_event = pa_context_rttime_new(s->context, pa_rtclock_now() + s->auto_timing_interval_usec, &auto_timing_update_callback, s);
+ s->auto_timing_update_event = pa_context_rttime_new(s->context, pa_rtclock_now() + s->auto_timing_interval_usec, &auto_timing_update_callback, s);
request_auto_timing_update(s, TRUE);
s = pa_xnew(pa_smoother, 1);
s->adjust_time = adjust_time;
s->history_time = history_time;
- s->time_offset = 0;
+ s->min_history = min_history;
s->monotonic = monotonic;
- s->px = s->py = 0;
- s->dp = 1;
- s->ex = s->ey = s->ry = 0;
- s->de = 1;
- s->history_idx = 0;
- s->n_history = 0;
- s->last_y = s->last_x = 0;
- s->abc_valid = FALSE;
- s->paused = FALSE;
s->smoothing = smoothing;
- s->min_history = min_history;
- s->paused = paused;
- s->time_offset = s->pause_time = time_offset;
+ pa_smoother_reset(s, time_offset, paused);
return s;
return (pa_usec_t) llrint((double) y_delay / nde);
-void pa_smoother_reset(pa_smoother *s) {
+void pa_smoother_reset(pa_smoother *s, pa_usec_t time_offset, pa_bool_t paused) {
+ s->px = s->py = 0;
+ s->dp = 1;
+ s->ex = s->ey = s->ry = 0;
+ s->de = 1;
+ s->history_idx = 0;
s->n_history = 0;
+ s->last_y = s->last_x = 0;
s->abc_valid = FALSE;
+ s->paused = paused;
+ s->time_offset = s->pause_time = time_offset;
+ /* #ifdef DEBUG_DATA */
+ pa_log_debug("reset()");
+/* #endif */
void pa_smoother_pause(pa_smoother *s, pa_usec_t x);
void pa_smoother_resume(pa_smoother *s, pa_usec_t x, pa_bool_t abrupt);
-void pa_smoother_reset(pa_smoother *s);
+void pa_smoother_reset(pa_smoother *s, pa_usec_t time_offset, pa_bool_t paused);
void pa_smoother_fix_now(pa_smoother *s);