-// Returns zero for pages that have so little fragmentation that it is not
-// worth defragmenting them. Otherwise a positive integer that gives an
-// estimate of fragmentation on an arbitrary scale.
-static int FreeListFragmentation(PagedSpace* space, Page* p) {
- // If page was not swept then there are no free list items on it.
- if (!p->WasSwept()) {
- if (FLAG_trace_fragmentation_verbose) {
- PrintF("%p [%s]: %d bytes live (unswept)\n", reinterpret_cast<void*>(p),
- AllocationSpaceName(space->identity()), p->LiveBytes());
- }
- return FLAG_always_compact ? 1 : 0;
- }
- PagedSpace::SizeStats sizes;
- space->ObtainFreeListStatistics(p, &sizes);
- intptr_t ratio;
- intptr_t ratio_threshold;
- intptr_t area_size = space->AreaSize();
- if (space->identity() == CODE_SPACE) {
- ratio = (sizes.medium_size_ * 10 + sizes.large_size_ * 2) * 100 / area_size;
- ratio_threshold = 10;
- } else {
- ratio = (sizes.small_size_ * 5 + sizes.medium_size_) * 100 / area_size;
- ratio_threshold = 15;
- }
- if (FLAG_trace_fragmentation_verbose) {
- PrintF("%p [%s]: %d (%.2f%%) %d (%.2f%%) %d (%.2f%%) %d (%.2f%%) %s\n",
- reinterpret_cast<void*>(p), AllocationSpaceName(space->identity()),
- static_cast<int>(sizes.small_size_),
- static_cast<double>(sizes.small_size_ * 100) / area_size,
- static_cast<int>(sizes.medium_size_),
- static_cast<double>(sizes.medium_size_ * 100) / area_size,
- static_cast<int>(sizes.large_size_),
- static_cast<double>(sizes.large_size_ * 100) / area_size,
- static_cast<int>(sizes.huge_size_),
- static_cast<double>(sizes.huge_size_ * 100) / area_size,
- (ratio > ratio_threshold) ? "[fragmented]" : "");
- }
- if (FLAG_always_compact && sizes.Total() != area_size) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (ratio <= ratio_threshold) return 0; // Not fragmented.
- return static_cast<int>(ratio - ratio_threshold);
void MarkCompactCollector::CollectEvacuationCandidates(PagedSpace* space) {
DCHECK(space->identity() == OLD_SPACE || space->identity() == CODE_SPACE);
- static const int kMaxMaxEvacuationCandidates = 1000;
int number_of_pages = space->CountTotalPages();
- int max_evacuation_candidates =
- static_cast<int>(std::sqrt(number_of_pages / 2.0) + 1);
- if (FLAG_stress_compaction || FLAG_always_compact) {
- max_evacuation_candidates = kMaxMaxEvacuationCandidates;
- }
- class Candidate {
- public:
- Candidate() : fragmentation_(0), page_(NULL) {}
- Candidate(int f, Page* p) : fragmentation_(f), page_(p) {}
- int fragmentation() { return fragmentation_; }
- Page* page() { return page_; }
- private:
- int fragmentation_;
- Page* page_;
- };
- CompactionMode mode = COMPACT_FREE_LISTS;
- intptr_t reserved = number_of_pages * space->AreaSize();
- intptr_t over_reserved = reserved - space->SizeOfObjects();
- static const intptr_t kFreenessThreshold = 50;
- if (reduce_memory_footprint_ && over_reserved >= space->AreaSize()) {
- // If reduction of memory footprint was requested, we are aggressive
- // about choosing pages to free. We expect that half-empty pages
- // are easier to compact so slightly bump the limit.
- max_evacuation_candidates += 2;
- }
- if (over_reserved > reserved / 3 && over_reserved >= 2 * space->AreaSize()) {
- // If over-usage is very high (more than a third of the space), we
- // try to free all mostly empty pages. We expect that almost empty
- // pages are even easier to compact so bump the limit even more.
- max_evacuation_candidates *= 2;
- }
- if (FLAG_always_compact) {
- max_evacuation_candidates = kMaxMaxEvacuationCandidates;
- }
- if (FLAG_trace_fragmentation && mode == REDUCE_MEMORY_FOOTPRINT) {
- PrintF(
- "Estimated over reserved memory: %.1f / %.1f MB (threshold %d), "
- "evacuation candidate limit: %d\n",
- static_cast<double>(over_reserved) / MB,
- static_cast<double>(reserved) / MB,
- static_cast<int>(kFreenessThreshold), max_evacuation_candidates);
- }
- intptr_t estimated_release = 0;
- if (FLAG_trace_fragmentation &&
- max_evacuation_candidates >= kMaxMaxEvacuationCandidates) {
- PrintF("Hit max page compaction limit of %d pages\n",
- kMaxMaxEvacuationCandidates);
- }
- max_evacuation_candidates =
- Min(kMaxMaxEvacuationCandidates, max_evacuation_candidates);
+ int area_size = space->AreaSize();
- std::vector<Candidate> candidates(max_evacuation_candidates);
- int count = 0;
- int fragmentation = 0;
- int page_number = 0;
- int least_index = -1;
+ // Pairs of (live_bytes_in_page, page).
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, Page*> > pages;
+ pages.reserve(number_of_pages);
PageIterator it(space);
while (it.has_next()) {
// Invariant: Evacuation candidates are just created when marking is
// started. At the end of a GC all evacuation candidates are cleared and
// their slot buffers are released.
CHECK(p->slots_buffer() == NULL);
- if (FLAG_stress_compaction) {
- if (FLAG_manual_evacuation_candidates_selection) {
- fragmentation = 1;
- }
- } else {
- unsigned int counter = space->heap()->ms_count();
- if ((counter & 1) == (page_number & 1)) fragmentation = 1;
- page_number++;
- }
- } else if (mode == REDUCE_MEMORY_FOOTPRINT && !FLAG_always_compact) {
- // Don't try to release too many pages.
- if (estimated_release >= over_reserved) {
- continue;
+ DCHECK(p->area_size() == area_size);
+ int live_bytes =
+ p->WasSwept() ? p->LiveBytesFromFreeList() : p->LiveBytes();
+ pages.push_back(std::make_pair(live_bytes, p));
+ }
+ int candidate_count = 0;
+ int total_live_bytes = 0;
+ bool reduce_memory =
+ reduce_memory_footprint_ ||
+ heap()->HasLowAllocationRate(
+ heap()->tracer()->CurrentAllocationThroughputInBytesPerMillisecond());
+ if (FLAG_stress_compaction || FLAG_manual_evacuation_candidates_selection) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) {
+ Page* p = pages[i].second;
+ if (((i % 2 == 0) && FLAG_stress_compaction) ||
+ candidate_count++;
+ total_live_bytes += pages[i].first;
+ AddEvacuationCandidate(p);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const int kTargetFragmentationPercent = 50;
+ const int kMaxEvacuatedBytes = 4 * Page::kPageSize;
- intptr_t free_bytes = 0;
- if (!p->WasSwept()) {
- free_bytes = (p->area_size() - p->LiveBytes());
- } else {
- PagedSpace::SizeStats sizes;
- space->ObtainFreeListStatistics(p, &sizes);
- free_bytes = sizes.Total();
- }
+ const int kTargetFragmentationPercentForReduceMemory = 20;
+ const int kMaxEvacuatedBytesForReduceMemory = 12 * Page::kPageSize;
- int free_pct = static_cast<int>(free_bytes * 100) / p->area_size();
+ int max_evacuated_bytes;
+ int target_fragmentation_percent;
- if (free_pct >= kFreenessThreshold) {
- estimated_release += free_bytes;
- fragmentation = free_pct;
- } else {
- fragmentation = 0;
+ if (reduce_memory) {
+ target_fragmentation_percent = kTargetFragmentationPercentForReduceMemory;
+ max_evacuated_bytes = kMaxEvacuatedBytesForReduceMemory;
+ } else {
+ target_fragmentation_percent = kTargetFragmentationPercent;
+ max_evacuated_bytes = kMaxEvacuatedBytes;
+ }
+ intptr_t free_bytes_threshold =
+ target_fragmentation_percent * (area_size / 100);
+ // Sort pages from the most free to the least free, then select
+ // the first n pages for evacuation such that:
+ // - the total size of evacuated objects does not exceed the specified
+ // limit.
+ // - fragmentation of (n+1)-th page does not exceed the specified limit.
+ std::sort(pages.begin(), pages.end());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) {
+ int live_bytes = pages[i].first;
+ int free_bytes = area_size - live_bytes;
+ if (FLAG_always_compact ||
+ (free_bytes >= free_bytes_threshold &&
+ total_live_bytes + live_bytes <= max_evacuated_bytes)) {
+ candidate_count++;
+ total_live_bytes += live_bytes;
if (FLAG_trace_fragmentation_verbose) {
- PrintF("%p [%s]: %d (%.2f%%) free %s\n", reinterpret_cast<void*>(p),
- AllocationSpaceName(space->identity()),
- static_cast<int>(free_bytes),
- static_cast<double>(free_bytes * 100) / p->area_size(),
- (fragmentation > 0) ? "[fragmented]" : "");
+ PrintF(
+ "Page in %s: %d KB free [fragmented if this >= %d KB], "
+ "sum of live bytes in fragmented pages %d KB [max is %d KB]\n",
+ AllocationSpaceName(space->identity()),
+ static_cast<int>(free_bytes / KB),
+ static_cast<int>(free_bytes_threshold / KB),
+ static_cast<int>(total_live_bytes / KB),
+ static_cast<int>(max_evacuated_bytes / KB));
- } else {
- fragmentation = FreeListFragmentation(space, p);
- if (fragmentation != 0) {
- if (count < max_evacuation_candidates) {
- candidates[count++] = Candidate(fragmentation, p);
- } else {
- if (least_index == -1) {
- for (int i = 0; i < max_evacuation_candidates; i++) {
- if (least_index == -1 ||
- candidates[i].fragmentation() <
- candidates[least_index].fragmentation()) {
- least_index = i;
- }
- }
- }
- if (candidates[least_index].fragmentation() < fragmentation) {
- candidates[least_index] = Candidate(fragmentation, p);
- least_index = -1;
- }
- }
+ // How many pages we will allocated for the evacuated objects
+ // in the worst case: ceil(total_live_bytes / area_size)
+ int estimated_new_pages = (total_live_bytes + area_size - 1) / area_size;
+ DCHECK_LE(estimated_new_pages, candidate_count);
+ int estimated_released_pages = candidate_count - estimated_new_pages;
+ // Avoid (compact -> expand) cycles.
+ if (estimated_released_pages == 0 && !FLAG_always_compact)
+ candidate_count = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < candidate_count; i++) {
+ AddEvacuationCandidate(pages[i].second);
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- AddEvacuationCandidate(candidates[i].page());
- }
- if (count > 0 && FLAG_trace_fragmentation) {
- PrintF("Collected %d evacuation candidates for space %s\n", count,
- AllocationSpaceName(space->identity()));
+ if (FLAG_trace_fragmentation) {
+ PrintF(
+ "Collected %d evacuation candidates [%d KB live] for space %s "
+ "[mode %s]\n",
+ candidate_count, static_cast<int>(total_live_bytes / KB),
+ AllocationSpaceName(space->identity()),
+ (reduce_memory ? "reduce memory footprint" : "normal"));
base::AtomicWord parallel_sweeping_;
// PagedSpace free-list statistics.
- intptr_t available_in_small_free_list_;
- intptr_t available_in_medium_free_list_;
- intptr_t available_in_large_free_list_;
- intptr_t available_in_huge_free_list_;
- intptr_t non_available_small_blocks_;
+ int available_in_small_free_list_;
+ int available_in_medium_free_list_;
+ int available_in_large_free_list_;
+ int available_in_huge_free_list_;
+ int non_available_small_blocks_;
static MemoryChunk* Initialize(Heap* heap, Address base, size_t size,
Address area_start, Address area_end,
void ResetFreeListStatistics();
+ int LiveBytesFromFreeList() {
+ return area_size() - non_available_small_blocks_ -
+ available_in_small_free_list_ - available_in_medium_free_list_ -
+ available_in_large_free_list_ - available_in_huge_free_list_;
+ }
type name() { return name##_; } \
void set_##name(type name) { name##_ = name; } \
void add_##name(type name) { name##_ += name; }
- FRAGMENTATION_STATS_ACCESSORS(intptr_t, non_available_small_blocks)
- FRAGMENTATION_STATS_ACCESSORS(intptr_t, available_in_small_free_list)
- FRAGMENTATION_STATS_ACCESSORS(intptr_t, available_in_medium_free_list)
- FRAGMENTATION_STATS_ACCESSORS(intptr_t, available_in_large_free_list)
- FRAGMENTATION_STATS_ACCESSORS(intptr_t, available_in_huge_free_list)
+ FRAGMENTATION_STATS_ACCESSORS(int, non_available_small_blocks)
+ FRAGMENTATION_STATS_ACCESSORS(int, available_in_small_free_list)
+ FRAGMENTATION_STATS_ACCESSORS(int, available_in_medium_free_list)
+ FRAGMENTATION_STATS_ACCESSORS(int, available_in_large_free_list)
+ FRAGMENTATION_STATS_ACCESSORS(int, available_in_huge_free_list)
// Approximate amount of physical memory committed for this space.
size_t CommittedPhysicalMemory() override;
- struct SizeStats {
- intptr_t Total() {
- return small_size_ + medium_size_ + large_size_ + huge_size_;
- }
- intptr_t small_size_;
- intptr_t medium_size_;
- intptr_t large_size_;
- intptr_t huge_size_;
- };
- void ObtainFreeListStatistics(Page* p, SizeStats* sizes);
void ResetFreeListStatistics();
// Sets the capacity, the available space and the wasted space to zero.