PlatformDarwin::CalculateTrapHandlerSymbolNames ()
m_trap_handlers.push_back (ConstString ("_sigtramp"));
+static const char *const sdk_strings[] = {
+ "MacOSX",
+ "iPhoneSimulator",
+ "iPhoneOS",
+static FileSpec
+GetXcodeContentsPath ()
+ const char substr[] = ".app/Contents/";
+ // First, try based on the current shlib's location
+ {
+ FileSpec fspec;
+ if (HostInfo::GetLLDBPath (lldb::ePathTypeLLDBShlibDir, fspec))
+ {
+ std::string path_to_shlib = fspec.GetPath();
+ size_t pos = path_to_shlib.rfind(substr);
+ if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ path_to_shlib.erase(pos + strlen(substr));
+ return FileSpec(path_to_shlib.c_str(), false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Fall back to using xcrun
+ {
+ int status = 0;
+ int signo = 0;
+ std::string output;
+ const char *command = "xcrun -sdk macosx --show-sdk-path";
+ lldb_private::Error error = Host::RunShellCommand (command, // shell command to run
+ NULL, // current working directory
+ &status, // Put the exit status of the process in here
+ &signo, // Put the signal that caused the process to exit in here
+ &output, // Get the output from the command and place it in this string
+ 3); // Timeout in seconds to wait for shell program to finish
+ if (status == 0 && !output.empty())
+ {
+ size_t first_non_newline = output.find_last_not_of("\r\n");
+ if (first_non_newline != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ output.erase(first_non_newline+1);
+ }
+ size_t pos = output.rfind(substr);
+ if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ output.erase(pos + strlen(substr));
+ return FileSpec(output.c_str(), false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FileSpec();
+PlatformDarwin::SDKSupportsModules (SDKType sdk_type, uint32_t major, uint32_t minor, uint32_t micro)
+ switch (sdk_type)
+ {
+ default:
+ return false;
+ case SDKType::MacOSX:
+ if (major > 10 || (major == 10 && minor >= 10))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case SDKType::iPhoneOS:
+ case SDKType::iPhoneSimulator:
+ if (major >= 8)
+ return true;
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+PlatformDarwin::SDKSupportsModules (SDKType desired_type, const FileSpec &sdk_path)
+ ConstString last_path_component = sdk_path.GetLastPathComponent();
+ if (last_path_component)
+ {
+ const llvm::StringRef sdk_name = last_path_component.GetStringRef();
+ llvm::StringRef version_part;
+ if (sdk_name.startswith(sdk_strings[(int)desired_type]))
+ {
+ version_part = sdk_name.drop_front(strlen(sdk_strings[(int)desired_type]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const size_t major_dot_offset = version_part.find('.');
+ if (major_dot_offset == llvm::StringRef::npos)
+ return false;
+ const llvm::StringRef major_version = version_part.slice(0, major_dot_offset);
+ const llvm::StringRef minor_part = version_part.drop_front(major_dot_offset + 1);
+ const size_t minor_dot_offset = minor_part.find('.');
+ if (minor_dot_offset == llvm::StringRef::npos)
+ return false;
+ const llvm::StringRef minor_version = minor_part.slice(0, minor_dot_offset);
+ unsigned int major = 0;
+ unsigned int minor = 0;
+ unsigned int micro = 0;
+ if (major_version.getAsInteger(10, major))
+ return false;
+ if (minor_version.getAsInteger(10, minor))
+ return false;
+ return SDKSupportsModules(desired_type, major, minor, micro);
+ }
+ return false;
+PlatformDarwin::DirectoryEnumerator(void *baton,
+ FileSpec::FileType file_type,
+ const FileSpec &spec)
+ SDKEnumeratorInfo *enumerator_info = static_cast<SDKEnumeratorInfo*>(baton);
+ if (SDKSupportsModules(enumerator_info->sdk_type, spec))
+ {
+ enumerator_info->found_path = spec;
+ return FileSpec::EnumerateDirectoryResult::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
+ }
+ return FileSpec::EnumerateDirectoryResult::eEnumerateDirectoryResultNext;
+PlatformDarwin::FindSDKInXcodeForModules (SDKType sdk_type,
+ const FileSpec &sdks_spec)
+ // Look inside Xcode for the required installed iOS SDK version
+ if (!sdks_spec.IsDirectory())
+ return FileSpec();
+ const bool find_directories = true;
+ const bool find_files = false;
+ const bool find_other = true; // include symlinks
+ SDKEnumeratorInfo enumerator_info;
+ enumerator_info.sdk_type = sdk_type;
+ FileSpec::EnumerateDirectory(sdks_spec.GetPath().c_str(),
+ find_directories,
+ find_files,
+ find_other,
+ DirectoryEnumerator,
+ &enumerator_info);
+ if (enumerator_info.found_path.IsDirectory())
+ return enumerator_info.found_path;
+ else
+ return FileSpec();
+PlatformDarwin::GetSDKDirectoryForModules (SDKType sdk_type)
+ switch (sdk_type)
+ {
+ default:
+ return FileSpec();
+ case SDKType::MacOSX:
+ case SDKType::iPhoneSimulator:
+ case SDKType::iPhoneOS:
+ break;
+ }
+ FileSpec sdks_spec = GetXcodeContentsPath();
+ sdks_spec.AppendPathComponent("Developer");
+ sdks_spec.AppendPathComponent("Platforms");
+ switch (sdk_type)
+ {
+ default:
+ return FileSpec();
+ case SDKType::MacOSX:
+ sdks_spec.AppendPathComponent("MacOSX.platform");
+ break;
+ case SDKType::iPhoneSimulator:
+ sdks_spec.AppendPathComponent("iPhoneSimulator.platform");
+ break;
+ case SDKType::iPhoneOS:
+ sdks_spec.AppendPathComponent("iPhoneOS.platform");
+ break;
+ }
+ sdks_spec.AppendPathComponent("Developer");
+ sdks_spec.AppendPathComponent("SDKs");
+ if (sdk_type == SDKType::MacOSX)
+ {
+ uint32_t major = 0;
+ uint32_t minor = 0;
+ uint32_t micro = 0;
+ if (HostInfo::GetOSVersion(major, minor, micro))
+ {
+ if (SDKSupportsModules(SDKType::MacOSX, major, minor, micro))
+ {
+ // We slightly prefer the exact SDK for this machine. See if it is there.
+ FileSpec native_sdk_spec = sdks_spec;
+ StreamString native_sdk_name;
+ native_sdk_name.Printf("MacOSX%u.%u.sdk", major, minor);
+ native_sdk_spec.AppendPathComponent(native_sdk_name.GetString().c_str());
+ if (native_sdk_spec.Exists())
+ {
+ return native_sdk_spec;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FindSDKInXcodeForModules(sdk_type, sdks_spec);
+PlatformDarwin::AddClangModuleCompilationOptionsForSDKType (std::vector<std::string> &options, SDKType sdk_type)
+ const std::vector<std::string> apple_arguments =
+ {
+ "-x", "objective-c++",
+ "-fobjc-arc",
+ "-fblocks",
+ "-D_ISO646_H",
+ "-D__ISO646_H"
+ };
+ options.insert(options.end(),
+ apple_arguments.begin(),
+ apple_arguments.end());
+ StreamString minimum_version_option;
+ unsigned int major = 0, minor = 0, micro = 0;
+ GetOSVersion(major, minor, micro);
+ if (micro == UINT32_MAX)
+ micro = 0; // FIXME who actually likes this behavior?
+ switch (sdk_type)
+ {
+ case SDKType::iPhoneOS:
+ minimum_version_option.PutCString("-mios-version-min=");
+ minimum_version_option.PutCString(clang::VersionTuple(major, minor, micro).getAsString().c_str());
+ break;
+ case SDKType::iPhoneSimulator:
+ minimum_version_option.PutCString("-mios-simulator-version-min=");
+ minimum_version_option.PutCString(clang::VersionTuple(major, minor, micro).getAsString().c_str());
+ break;
+ case SDKType::MacOSX:
+ minimum_version_option.PutCString("-mmacosx-version-min=");
+ minimum_version_option.PutCString(clang::VersionTuple(major, minor, micro).getAsString().c_str());
+ }
+ options.push_back(minimum_version_option.GetString());
+ FileSpec sysroot_spec = GetSDKDirectoryForModules(sdk_type);
+ if (sysroot_spec.IsDirectory())
+ {
+ options.push_back("-isysroot");
+ options.push_back(sysroot_spec.GetPath());
+ }