to make gtk-doc happy.
* @domain: error domain
* @code: error code
* @format: printf()-style format for error message
- * @Varargs: parameters for message format
+ * @...: parameters for message format
* Creates a new #GError with the given @domain and @code,
* and a message formatted with @format.
* @domain: error domain
* @code: error code
* @format: printf()-style format
- * @Varargs: args for @format
+ * @...: args for @format
* Does nothing if @err is %NULL; if @err is non-%NULL, then *@err
* must be %NULL. A new #GError is created and assigned to *@err.
* g_build_path:
* @separator: a string used to separator the elements of the path.
* @first_element: the first element in the path
- * @Varargs: remaining elements in path, terminated by %NULL
+ * @...: remaining elements in path, terminated by %NULL
* Creates a path from a series of elements using @separator as the
* separator between elements. At the boundary between two elements,
* g_build_filename:
* @first_element: the first element in the path
- * @Varargs: remaining elements in path, terminated by %NULL
+ * @...: remaining elements in path, terminated by %NULL
* Creates a filename from a series of elements using the correct
* separator for filenames.
* g_markup_printf_escaped:
* @format: printf() style format string
- * @Varargs: the arguments to insert in the format string
+ * @...: the arguments to insert in the format string
* Formats arguments according to @format, escaping
* all string and character arguments in the fashion
* g_print:
* @format: the message format. See the printf() documentation
- * @Varargs: the parameters to insert into the format string
+ * @...: the parameters to insert into the format string
* Outputs a formatted message via the print handler.
* The default print handler simply outputs the message to stdout.
* g_printerr:
* @format: the message format. See the printf() documentation
- * @Varargs: the parameters to insert into the format string
+ * @...: the parameters to insert into the format string
* Outputs a formatted message via the error message handler.
* The default handler simply outputs the message to stderr.
* g_printf:
* @format: a standard printf() format string, but notice
* <link linkend="string-precision">string precision pitfalls</link>.
- * @Varargs: the arguments to insert in the output.
+ * @...: the arguments to insert in the output.
* An implementation of the standard printf() function which supports
* positional parameters, as specified in the Single Unix Specification.
* @file: the stream to write to.
* @format: a standard printf() format string, but notice
* <link linkend="string-precision">string precision pitfalls</link>.
- * @Varargs: the arguments to insert in the output.
+ * @...: the arguments to insert in the output.
* An implementation of the standard fprintf() function which supports
* positional parameters, as specified in the Single Unix Specification.
* enough to hold the formatted result
* @format: a standard printf() format string, but notice
* <link linkend="string-precision">string precision pitfalls</link>.
- * @Varargs: the arguments to insert in the output.
+ * @...: the arguments to insert in the output.
* An implementation of the standard sprintf() function which supports
* positional parameters, as specified in the Single Unix Specification.
* terminating nul character).
* @format: a standard printf() format string, but notice
* <link linkend="string-precision">string precision pitfalls</link>.
- * @Varargs: the arguments to insert in the output.
+ * @...: the arguments to insert in the output.
* A safer form of the standard sprintf() function. The output is guaranteed
* to not exceed @n characters (including the terminating nul character), so
* g_relation_insert:
* @relation: a #GRelation.
- * @Varargs: the fields of the record to add. These must match the
- * number of fields in the #GRelation, and of type #gpointer
- * or #gconstpointer.
+ * @...: the fields of the record to add. These must match the
+ * number of fields in the #GRelation, and of type #gpointer
+ * or #gconstpointer.
* Inserts a record into a #GRelation.
* g_relation_exists:
* @relation: a #GRelation.
- * @Varargs: the fields of the record to compare. The number must match
- * the number of fields in the #GRelation.
+ * @...: the fields of the record to compare. The number must match
+ * the number of fields in the #GRelation.
* @Returns: %TRUE if a record matches.
* Returns %TRUE if a record with the given values exists in a
* g_strdup_printf:
* @format: a standard printf() format string, but notice
* <link linkend="string-precision">string precision pitfalls</link>
- * @Varargs: the parameters to insert into the format string
+ * @...: the parameters to insert into the format string
* Similar to the standard C sprintf() function but safer, since it
* calculates the maximum space required and allocates memory to hold
* g_strconcat:
* @string1: the first string to add, which must not be %NULL
- * @Varargs: a %NULL-terminated list of strings to append to the string
+ * @...: a %NULL-terminated list of strings to append to the string
* Concatenates all of the given strings into one long string.
* The returned string should be freed with g_free() when no longer needed.
* g_strjoin:
* @separator: a string to insert between each of the strings, or %NULL
- * @Varargs: a %NULL-terminated list of strings to join
+ * @...: a %NULL-terminated list of strings to join
* Joins a number of strings together to form one long string, with the
* optional @separator inserted between each of them. The returned string
* g_string_sprintf:
* @string: a #GString
* @format: the string format. See the sprintf() documentation
- * @Varargs: the parameters to insert into the format string
+ * @...: the parameters to insert into the format string
* Writes a formatted string into a #GString.
* This is similar to the standard sprintf() function,
* g_string_printf:
* @string: a #GString
* @format: the string format. See the printf() documentation
- * @Varargs: the parameters to insert into the format string
+ * @...: the parameters to insert into the format string
* Writes a formatted string into a #GString.
* This is similar to the standard sprintf() function,
* g_string_sprintfa:
* @string: a #GString
* @format: the string format. See the sprintf() documentation
- * @Varargs: the parameters to insert into the format string
+ * @...: the parameters to insert into the format string
* Appends a formatted string onto the end of a #GString.
* This function is similar to g_string_sprintf() except that
* g_string_append_printf:
* @string: a #GString
* @format: the string format. See the printf() documentation
- * @Varargs: the parameters to insert into the format string
+ * @...: the parameters to insert into the format string
* Appends a formatted string onto the end of a #GString.
* This function is similar to g_string_printf() except
* Changed if any arguments were handled.
* @argv: Address of the @argv parameter of main().
* Any parameters understood by g_test_init() stripped before return.
- * @Varargs: Reserved for future extension. Currently, you must pass %NULL.
+ * @...: Reserved for future extension. Currently, you must pass %NULL.
* Initialize the GLib testing framework, e.g. by seeding the
* test random number generator, the name for g_get_prgname()
* g_test_minimized_result:
* @minimized_quantity: the reported value
* @format: the format string of the report message
- * @Varargs: arguments to pass to the printf() function
+ * @...: arguments to pass to the printf() function
* Report the result of a performance or measurement test.
* The test should generally strive to minimize the reported
* g_test_maximized_result:
* @maximized_quantity: the reported value
* @format: the format string of the report message
- * @Varargs: arguments to pass to the printf() function
+ * @...: arguments to pass to the printf() function
* Report the result of a performance or measurement test.
* The test should generally strive to maximize the reported