if (!delegate)
- __block SQRLUpdate* update = nil;
- // Subscribe to events.
- [g_updater.updates subscribeNext:^(SQRLDownloadedUpdate* downloadedUpdate) {
- update = downloadedUpdate.update;
- } completed:^() {
- if (update) {
- // There is a new update that has been downloaded.
- delegate->OnUpdateDownloaded(
- base::SysNSStringToUTF8(update.releaseNotes),
- base::SysNSStringToUTF8(update.releaseName),
- base::Time::FromDoubleT(update.releaseDate.timeIntervalSince1970),
- base::SysNSStringToUTF8(update.updateURL.absoluteString),
- base::Bind(RelaunchToInstallUpdate));
- }
- else {
- // When the completed event is sent with no update, then we know there
- // is no update available.
- delegate->OnUpdateNotAvailable();
- }
- update = nil;
- }];
[[g_updater rac_valuesForKeyPath:@"state" observer:g_updater]
subscribeNext:^(NSNumber *stateNumber) {
int state = [stateNumber integerValue];
// static
void AutoUpdater::CheckForUpdates() {
- RACSignal* signal = [g_updater.checkForUpdatesCommand execute:nil];
AutoUpdaterDelegate* delegate = GetDelegate();
if (!delegate)
- [signal subscribeError:^(NSError* error) {
- // Something wrong happened.
- delegate->OnError(base::SysNSStringToUTF8(error.localizedDescription));
- }];
+ [[[[g_updater.checkForUpdatesCommand
+ execute:nil]
+ // Send a `nil` after everything...
+ concat:[RACSignal return:nil]]
+ // But only take the first value. If an update is sent, we'll get that.
+ // Otherwise, we'll get our inserted `nil` value.
+ take:1]
+ subscribeNext:^(SQRLDownloadedUpdate *downloadedUpdate) {
+ if (downloadedUpdate) {
+ SQRLUpdate* update = downloadedUpdate.update;
+ // There is a new update that has been downloaded.
+ delegate->OnUpdateDownloaded(
+ base::SysNSStringToUTF8(update.releaseNotes),
+ base::SysNSStringToUTF8(update.releaseName),
+ base::Time::FromDoubleT(update.releaseDate.timeIntervalSince1970),
+ base::SysNSStringToUTF8(update.updateURL.absoluteString),
+ base::Bind(RelaunchToInstallUpdate));
+ }
+ else {
+ // When the completed event is sent with no update, then we know there
+ // is no update available.
+ delegate->OnUpdateNotAvailable();
+ }
+ } error:^(NSError *error) {
+ delegate->OnError(base::SysNSStringToUTF8(error.localizedDescription));
+ }];
} // namespace auto_updater