// Other
- /// A general purpose mutex to lock access to parts of the context that do not
- /// have a more specific mutex, e.g. registry operations.
- llvm::sys::SmartRWMutex<true> contextMutex;
/// This is a list of dialects that are created referring to this context.
/// The MLIRContext owns the objects.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Dialect>> dialects;
/// Return information about all registered IR dialects.
std::vector<Dialect *> MLIRContext::getRegisteredDialects() {
- // Lock access to the context registry.
- ScopedReaderLock registryLock(impl->contextMutex, impl->threadingIsEnabled);
std::vector<Dialect *> result;
for (auto &dialect : impl->dialects)
/// Get a registered IR dialect with the given namespace. If none is found,
/// then return nullptr.
Dialect *MLIRContext::getRegisteredDialect(StringRef name) {
- // Lock access to the context registry.
- ScopedReaderLock registryLock(impl->contextMutex, impl->threadingIsEnabled);
// Dialects are sorted by name, so we can use binary search for lookup.
auto it = llvm::lower_bound(
impl->dialects, name,
auto &impl = context->getImpl();
std::unique_ptr<Dialect> dialect(this);
- // Lock access to the context registry.
- ScopedWriterLock registryLock(impl.contextMutex, impl.threadingIsEnabled);
// Get the correct insertion position sorted by namespace.
auto insertPt = llvm::lower_bound(
impl.dialects, dialect, [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
/// efficient, typically you should ask the operations about their properties
/// directly.
std::vector<AbstractOperation *> MLIRContext::getRegisteredOperations() {
- std::vector<std::pair<StringRef, AbstractOperation *>> opsToSort;
- { // Lock access to the context registry.
- ScopedReaderLock registryLock(impl->contextMutex, impl->threadingIsEnabled);
- // We just have the operations in a non-deterministic hash table order. Dump
- // into a temporary array, then sort it by operation name to get a stable
- // ordering.
- llvm::StringMap<AbstractOperation> ®isteredOps =
- impl->registeredOperations;
- opsToSort.reserve(registeredOps.size());
- for (auto &elt : registeredOps)
- opsToSort.push_back({elt.first(), &elt.second});
- }
- llvm::array_pod_sort(opsToSort.begin(), opsToSort.end());
+ // We just have the operations in a non-deterministic hash table order. Dump
+ // into a temporary array, then sort it by operation name to get a stable
+ // ordering.
+ llvm::StringMap<AbstractOperation> ®isteredOps =
+ impl->registeredOperations;
std::vector<AbstractOperation *> result;
- result.reserve(opsToSort.size());
- for (auto &elt : opsToSort)
- result.push_back(elt.second);
+ result.reserve(registeredOps.size());
+ for (auto &elt : registeredOps)
+ result.push_back(&elt.second);
+ llvm::array_pod_sort(
+ result.begin(), result.end(),
+ [](AbstractOperation *const *lhs, AbstractOperation *const *rhs) {
+ return (*lhs)->name.compare((*rhs)->name);
+ });
return result;
bool MLIRContext::isOperationRegistered(StringRef name) {
- // Lock access to the context registry.
- ScopedReaderLock registryLock(impl->contextMutex, impl->threadingIsEnabled);
return impl->registeredOperations.count(name);
"op name doesn't start with dialect namespace");
assert(&opInfo.dialect == this && "Dialect object mismatch");
auto &impl = context->getImpl();
- // Lock access to the context registry.
StringRef opName = opInfo.name;
- ScopedWriterLock registryLock(impl.contextMutex, impl.threadingIsEnabled);
if (!impl.registeredOperations.insert({opName, std::move(opInfo)}).second) {
- llvm::errs() << "error: operation named '" << opName
+ llvm::errs() << "error: operation named '" << opInfo.name
<< "' is already registered.\n";
void Dialect::addType(TypeID typeID, AbstractType &&typeInfo) {
auto &impl = context->getImpl();
- // Lock access to the context registry.
- ScopedWriterLock registryLock(impl.contextMutex, impl.threadingIsEnabled);
auto *newInfo =
new (impl.abstractDialectSymbolAllocator.Allocate<AbstractType>())
void Dialect::addAttribute(TypeID typeID, AbstractAttribute &&attrInfo) {
auto &impl = context->getImpl();
- // Lock access to the context registry.
- ScopedWriterLock registryLock(impl.contextMutex, impl.threadingIsEnabled);
auto *newInfo =
new (impl.abstractDialectSymbolAllocator.Allocate<AbstractAttribute>())
const AbstractOperation *AbstractOperation::lookup(StringRef opName,
MLIRContext *context) {
auto &impl = context->getImpl();
- // Lock access to the context registry.
- ScopedReaderLock registryLock(impl.contextMutex, impl.threadingIsEnabled);
auto it = impl.registeredOperations.find(opName);
if (it != impl.registeredOperations.end())
return &it->second;