static $DESCRIPTOR(dscepoch,"01-JAN-1970 00:00:00.00");
+#ifdef __VAX
+static long base_adjust=0L;
static __int64 base_adjust=0;
gettimeofday (struct timeval *tp, void *tpz)
long ret;
+#ifdef __VAX
+ long quad;
+ div_t ans1,ans2;
__int64 quad;
__qdiv_t ans1,ans2;
In case of error, tv_usec = 0 and tv_sec = VMS condition code.
The return from function is also set to -1.
ret=sys$gettim(&quad); /* Get VMS system time */
if ((1 && ret) == 1) {
quad -= base_adjust; /* convert to epoch offset */
+#ifdef __VAX
+ ans1=div(quad,DIV_100NS_TO_SECS);
+ ans2=div(ans1.rem,DIV_100NS_TO_USECS);
tp->tv_sec = ans1.quot; /* Whole seconds */
tp->tv_usec = ans2.quot; /* Micro-seconds */
} else {