-// Size of Dest Options field of Destinations Options Header
-// in bytes.
+ * Size of Dest Options field of Destinations Options Header
+ * in bytes.
+ */
-//typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
-//typedef unsigned short USHORT;
-//typedef unsigned long int ULONG;
typedef struct IPV6HeaderFormatTag
UCHAR ucVersionPrio;
UCHAR ucNumAddresses;
UCHAR ucNextAddress;
ULONG ulReserved;
- //UCHAR aucAddressList[0];
} IPV6RoutingHeader;
typedef struct IPV6FragmentHeaderFormatTag
UCHAR ucNextHeader;
UCHAR ucHdrExtLen;
UCHAR ucDestOptions[6];
- //UCHAR udExtDestOptions[0];
} IPV6DestOptionsHeader;
typedef struct IPV6HopByHopOptionsHeaderFormatTag
UCHAR ucLength;
USHORT usReserved;
ULONG ulSecurityParametersIndex;
- //UCHAR ucAuthenticationData[0];
} IPV6AuthenticationHeader;
typedef struct IPV6IcmpHeaderFormatTag
UCHAR ucType;
UCHAR ucCode;
USHORT usChecksum;
- //UCHAR ucIcmpMsg[0];
} IPV6IcmpHeader;
typedef enum _E_IPADDR_CONTEXT
-//Function Prototypes
+/* Function Prototypes */
-USHORT IpVersion6(struct bcm_mini_adapter *Adapter, /**< Pointer to the driver control structure */
- PVOID pcIpHeader, /**<Pointer to the IP Hdr of the packet*/
+USHORT IpVersion6(struct bcm_mini_adapter *Adapter, /* < Pointer to the driver control structure */
+ PVOID pcIpHeader, /* <Pointer to the IP Hdr of the packet */
struct bcm_classifier_rule *pstClassifierRule);
VOID DumpIpv6Address(ULONG *puIpv6Address);